MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 20 Same parent

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Qin Yue is the brother of the same mother of Qin Mo, the son of Qin Zhengjun and Yue Niang.

Qin Yue was born very late. He was an adult in the Qin desert. When he arrived in the Jindan period, he was just born.

This is the benefit of the self-cultivating person, long life, strong body, and how old can live. Not to mention that Qin Mo and Qin Yue are only 20 years old, and there are still 80-year-old brothers who are worse off.

Of course, the comprehensible person will not give birth too much. If you really want to step into the heavens, you still have to be clear-minded and want to break the dust. The double repair is just a convenient process. When you finally come to the end, there is still only one person.

And having children, for the monks, is very detrimental. Especially for the woman, in October, it is necessary to have its own natural gas to nourish the fetus. When the child is born, the repairs that have been painstakingly accumulated will be broken by half. The price is very heavy.

Therefore, the entire comprehension community, 80% of the couples who have double-educated Dacheng have no children, and the remaining 20%, and nearly 80% are only one child.

There are two sons like Qin Zhengjun and Yue Niang. It is a strange existence.

At the beginning, Qin Mo also had some problems, and I don’t understand why parents still need to regenerate a child. But at that time he was already an adult and naturally would not interfere with his parents' decision. He was only struggling, challenged the secret of Thoreau, and found the Solo Red Fruit, which was the fruit of the millennium for a thousand years, to help him as soon as possible to improve the loss of cultivation due to pregnancy and childbirth.

This was also a sensation at the time. After all, Qin Mo was too young, twenty-four years old, in the realm of cultivation, it was simply a child, but he jumped to the Golden Age, where ordinary people practiced for hundreds of years, and Challenged the ferocious Thoreau mystery and returned home.

Others only saw his glory and glory, and Shi Qing almost browsed through all his experiences, naturally seeing the hardships he did not know behind his back.

Even if the qualification is excellent and the intelligence is abnormal, but after all, young and vigorous, lack of experience, he alone challenges the secret, and is in danger, if not for him with a different heart and strong resilience and resolutely disappointing. I’m arrogant, I’m already dead, I don’t know how many times.

The soro red fruit that can be obtained in such a desperate life is only a cold voice of "Yu."

In the twenty-four years when Qin Yue was not born, Qin Zhengjun and Yue Niang treated the Qin desert just as his name was, and he was completely indifferent.

However, the monks were emotionally restrained. Qin Mo was treated by his parents since he was born. There is no comparison without thinking. He only thinks that the parents and children of the world are like this.

However, the birth of Qin Yue has subverted his cognition.

Qin Zhengjun has always been a serious and stereotyped attitude, but Qin Yue is full of loving fathers smile; Yue Niang's cold and alienated eyebrows, on the Qin Yue Yue became warm and harmonious, soft and soft like water.

If you are as smart as Qin, how can you not see the difference?

Perhaps from that time, the seeds of darkness have been buried in his heart.

Qin Yue is a child who was truly loved by thousands of love. He is also a child of Yue Niang, but because Yue Niang has long lost his special physique, Qin Yue did not inherit it, so it did not cause Lu Jiuyuan. note.

But at the same time, Qin Yue's qualifications are also worse than the Qin desert, and he was spoiled from childhood, the whole Ling Xiao faction is holding, the temper is raised very strong, self-identified talent Excellence, and never put this long-lost brother in the eye.

But when he grows up, he walks out of the Lingxiao School, and all that is passed to his ears is the excellence of Qin Mo, the glory of Qin Mo, and he Qin Yue, only one code name - Qin Mo's younger brother.

Everything was crushed, and everything was not as good as people. Many of these words were heard. Qin Yue’s feelings about Qin Mo were only awkward and disgusting.

He did not know the life of Qin Mo, Qin Zhengjun and Yue Niang could not tell him.

However, when Lu Jiuyuan died, Qin Zhengjun turned his face into a person, and Qin Yue was completely excited when he fell into the prohibition of Qin Desert’s practice against Tianliang.

He completely believed in the words of Qin Zhengjun, rushing to the forefront, and bringing the words "Dayi and Defeat" to the extreme.

Looking at the high-ranking, unreachable brother fell into the mud, and went to hell, his heart can not be described in words.

In fact, Qin Mo treated the only younger brother very well, but he twisted his brother's goodwill into a malicious show, which grew the demons and made him more resentful and disgusted.

If Qin Zhengjun’s injury to Qin Mo is still rooted, then Qin’s behavior is completely morbid.

However, his retribution came very quickly. He had problems in his heart. After his brother was resurrected, he was really mad.

It should be fortunate that Qin Yue was old and light, and there were not many means. What was imposed on Qin Mo was nothing but abuse and humiliation. Therefore, Qin Mo will only pay ten times to him. After he can't bear it, he is still refreshing and let himself break.

Yes, Qin Yue is dead.

But now, he is alive!

In this rare aura-filled cave, the thirties of the souls of the thirteen golden monks are gradually waking up!

The Lingxiao faction has been completely destroyed. Qin Zhengjun and Yue Niang are both dead. Qin Yue has no longer relied on it. Even if he did not die at that time, no one would spend so much effort to save him.

In Lingyun, there are very few people who can launch such a method at one time. Who is it? Qin Yue is resurrected, what is the use?

Qin Mo licked his eyes.

Shi Qing was also puzzled, but he thought more practically. There were thirteen Jin Dan's superior monks outside, and Qin Mo's self-cultivation was restored to the early stage of Jin Dan.

Fortunately, they were busy with spellcasting, and they were concentrated in the knowledge of the Qin Desert.

If they are discovered, then they will forcefully drop all the work in their hands, fill up the red medicine and the blue medicine, and regard the Qin desert as the ultimate **oss all the way!

At that time, Qin Mo, who has already fallen to the novice village, must not die thousands of times...

Then...he became a solitary system without a host...

shake! When Shi Qing was eager to return to God, he went to check the opening time of the system space. In this case, it is more reliable to hurry!

This look is really a surprise, three hours has finally passed, the space has been opened!

In this case, Qing did not dare to make a sound. He reluctantly spent 50 points to issue a system prompt: "The system space is open, you can enter at any time!"

Qin Mo saw the hint, habitually touched Yu Pei, but did not rush into it.

Shi Qing is very anxious, Big Brother, you are still thinking about it, it’s very dangerous, it’s good to make a profit, come in and do a task to brush the level and challenge the danger!

Seeing Qin Mo is still pondering, Shi Qing is reluctant to spend another 50 points, so he can only operate the body of Yu Pei to do some of the power to remind...

Then Qin Mo silently looked at the jade in his hand and shook three times, turned two laps, and finally shook. When he was ready to jump and twist, Qin Mo finally closed his eyes and entered the system space.

- My system is really alive (stupid) splash (meng) can (stay) love (2).

Qin Mo finally came in, and Shi Qing dared to let go of the volume. He first floated in the air, and he slammed Qin Yue to the squad, blaming his wolf heart and lungs, screaming at his enemies, and then analyzing his in-depth analysis. Wretched mental and neurotic behavior.

His voice is crisp and sweet, and the words are very clear. When you say a lot of words, it doesn't bother you. It's like a jade drop, and the spring water is so refreshing and sultry.

Finally, Shi Qing also made a concluding remark: "Oh, after all, you are too good, he is jealous of you!"

This sentence, the success of the Qin desert hooked the corners of the mouth, revealing a shallow smile, although the black scorpion is still as deep as the night, but at the moment it is like a beautiful fireworks in the night sky, so that the cold night added a few points warm color.

He looked at the swaying black fog, his voice slowly and dumbly: "Shi Qing, come over."

Shi Qing took a nap, and then saw the jade in his hand, the instinctive drilled in, and said: "When we accumulate some coins, redeem a rocket launcher, take it out and give it to those people. Boom!"

Qin Mo touched the angry jade, felt the familiar warmth of the palm, and said with satisfaction: "Good."

Then... Qin Mo opened the system store and searched for rockets, which was studied very seriously.

I didn't expect to say it by myself, Qin Mo actually put it in my heart... When Shi Qing maintained his face, he succumbed to a group of self-cultivators who ordered a row of wax...

Abnormality is not terrible, I am afraid that metamorphosis knows technology, and I am more blessed, half a fairy!

When Qin Mo was browsing the store, Shi Qing was not idle, and he finally had time to find his body.

Now he still has 3588 coins. For the novices, the number is not too small, but it is not worth mentioning compared to the high-end goods in the store.

But at least there is a lot more room for choice.

There are five female bodies and three male bodies to choose from.

Shi Qing looked at the female body's qualifications that were obviously superior to the male body. It was not too panty-salt. It was a society where men and women were equal, and it was special for Mao! It’s not fair!

He was so sad that he ignored the female body and hesitated on the three male bodies.

The three bodies have their own strengths. For a time, it is difficult to choose.

Shi Qing is tangled, Qin Mo looked over and said casually: "Buy the body?"

When Shi Qing nodded, his brain was tangled, and he couldn't make up his mind. He simply asked Qin Mo's opinion: "Which one is more suitable for me?"

Qin Mo glanced at it, calmly pointing to one of them: "This."

When Shi Qing looked at it, the slender fingers of Qin Mobai were pointing at a big wave of beautiful women...

When Qing Qing immediately frowned, roaring: "This is a woman!"

The host raised an eyebrow: "You are not a woman?"