MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 26 Beast World (5)

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Beast World (5)

Moya is the chief veterinarian of the Yasin tribe. He is highly skilled in medicine and is especially good at various post-war wounds and wound healing. And because it is a beast, he also has a certain spiritual comfort ability, able to calm some males without sub-beasts. Therefore, Moya is still very popular in the tribe.

Especially in the recent non-war period, in addition to the fact that several single males are called to see a doctor in the daily life, he is very busy.

It was too early to sleep at night. He just climbed into the bed after washing and brushing, and saw a stupid dog coming in.

Moya's face sinks: "Two ha, you are getting fatter, and you dare to come in at night? Itchy skin is it!"

The comers are the huskies who want to be crazy about the beasts. He is also a frequent visitor here. After all, Moya is not only beautiful but also smart and capable, and the most important thing is to be single! How can students in Erha not brush their feelings?

Therefore, it is a daily report that is sick and ill.

Moya didn't bother him very much. Compared with other males who like to play cool and handsome, they have nothing to do with the skin and muscles. Erha is more lively and lovely.

Only Moya is absolutely not allowed to enter the male at night.

You must know that night is the most dangerous, especially after the beast is asleep, you can't control your mental strength, and the resulting scent is a fatal temptation for the male.

If one can't hold it, it will be a big disaster!

However, due to the accident of Moya, Erha changed the stupidity of the past, and his brow was wrinkled. He was very serious: "Moya, come, the chief has an accident!"

When Moya heard it, she was shocked!

I couldn’t take care of it at all, and I took the cloak and took the medicine box and took it out.

But after all, he is only a small beast, his physical quality is not good. Although it is not too far from the clinic to the chieftain, it is time-consuming to run.

Erha did not say anything, rushed forward and put him on the back, rushing forward.

Although Moya’s character was calm and restrained in the past, he never had such close contact with other males. For a time, he was somewhat panicked.

"Hurry up, I want to speed up."

Hearing Halso (the full name of Erha) said that Moya did not dare to think too much. He could only hold his neck tightly, lower his body and match his pace.

Although Halso is not a male with a good speed, his overall quality is high. Even if he is squatting at the moment, the speed is not reduced. In about two or three minutes, he has arrived at the chief's earth bag.

Moya rolled over and rushed in with the medicine box.

He also heard about the daytime incidents. There were foreign males who sneaked into the tribe, but at the time they did not hear anyone being hurt, but at the end of the night, what happened to the chiefs? Was it intentional to hide the injury in order to cover up?

If this is the case, then dragging this whole day, I don’t know what to worsen!

In particular, Yier could not calm Alec, and it would be too much trouble to treat. If there is anything wrong with the chieftain, the whole tribe will not be in a big mess, but it will not be the enemy's trick!

Moya wanted to be more and more anxious, and even he pushed in and saw that the whole person was stunned when he saw the healthy and healthy Kang Li.

But then he reacted and saw the beast held in the arms of Alec.

Silver-white fluffy short hair, furry black little ears, this iconic look surprised Moya's heart, it is Il!

What happened to Il?

Moya and Yi Er grew up together, and their parents died early, and they have been living together. Although they are not grievances in the tribe, they are tempered by their temper, and their feelings are very deep.

At this moment, I think that Ill may be injured. Moya’s face is white. How vulnerable the underage of the beast is, he knows better than anyone else. Slightly injured, the treatment is late and the possibility is not guaranteed!

Moya almost rushed forward with a medicine box and saw that Alec still held Il, he couldn't help but say: "The chieftain, please drop him down, I will check."

Alec didn't move, his voice was cold: "That's it, I won't hinder you."

Moya groaned, and couldn’t help but feel awkward: What did you do early, and now began to play affectionately!

However, he did not dare to delay, and took out the instrument and began to check the body for Il.

The more the more inquisitive, the more Moya stunned, and changed the angle to continue to check. As time went on, Qin Mo's face became more and more unsightly, and the surrounding temperature dropped to below zero.

The next two haha ​​couldn't help but shake, but Moya did not feel it. His nervousness and worries gradually faded, replaced by surprises and suspicions.

He simply put all the instruments up, put his hand directly on the heart of Il, and then closed his eyes. After about a minute, his doubts in his eyebrows disappeared.

He smiled a little and said to Alex: "The chieftain, don't worry, Il is entering the developmental period!"

Qin Mo slightly frowns: "Development period? Why is it coma?" He has the memory of Alec, knowing how the development period of the sub-beast is going, but there is no coma in memory.

Moya has always been the face of the Gaoling flower. At this moment, there is little excitement: "Under normal circumstances, the development period of the beast will have three fluctuations, but the general response is not large, and it occurs mostly at night, at most Sleeping is not practical. Il's situation is very special and extremely rare, but it is not without precedent."

He paused and said more excitedly: "The coma occurred during the development period. This shows that Il's mental strength is extremely strong, the body is overloaded, and this is the case when self-protection is initiated."

In the end, he concluded: "Adult! This is a good thing! This means that Il is the beast of the gods that inherits the ‘Prophet’ lineage!”

When Shi Qing was awake, he heard the words of Moya.

He responded with a closed eyes for a long time. Who Moya is, he knows it, it is a good buddy of Il, and he also knows that Moya is a famous tribal veterinarian.

He recalled his own experience, and he guessed that he was not separated from ten, and that 80% of the students were slow to develop.

This did not actually bring him a big impact. What really made him dizzy was the words behind Moya.

Moya: "The chieftain, Il is now in development and needs good protection. He can't do any intimacy against him! This will stimulate his heart and exacerbate the pain!"

The Qin desert is very calm: "Well."

Moya is more serious about it: "You can't even kiss."

The Qin desert became calmer and calmer: "Good." He looked down at the boy in his arms and asked him very seriously: "Touching?"

Moya thought for a moment, considering that Alec’s attitude was very correct, he reluctantly promised: “This can, but not too much, can’t touch sensitive points, can’t make him emotional...”

Shi Qing couldn't handle it anymore. He slammed his eyes and coughed, and successfully interrupted Moya's unfinished words.

Big guys! You are talking about God, don't challenge my three views! Take your temperament and lower limit optimistically, they all take off their clothes and come out naked | rush!

Moya’s words were interrupted, but he was not angry, but instead watched Shiqing seriously.

The young boy in front of his eyes is cheeky red, pink lips are slightly open, tender like peeled peaches, and even more terrible, the big eyes flickering and full of water vapor...

Moya is deep, he is very skeptical, even if Alec can hold it, but Xiaoyil can hold it himself?

Look at this spring look!

As everyone knows, the beast has a deadly appeal to the male, but why does the male bet attract the beast all the time?

Little Yier loves Alike, no one knows more than Moya, let these two people be alone, no matter what happens! It is also a juvenile period, and it is also a developmental period. If the gun is fired, the loss will never be recovered!

Moya left to think, and finally looked at Alec and asked him for his opinion: "For the sake of Il, I suggest temporarily turning him into a beast, which is good for you and him."

Qin Mo slightly frowned, he knew the meaning of Moya, although he did not agree with Moya's concerns, but considering the unknownness of the world, he did not directly refuse.

Searching for Alex's memory, there is no such thing as the animal type of Il, which proves that Alex has not paid much attention to Il.

Moya also thought of this. He was a bit uncomfortable, but he still explained: "Ill is a very rare beast. The animal is very small and more convenient to protect."

The body is very small... These four words make Qin Mo quite satisfied. He thinks about it and finally says, "Okay."

Shi Qing suddenly changed color. He knew that Il was awkward and immediately resisted. Moya did not allow him to refuse. He opened his mouth and put in a pill, and then smiled and said: "Little Il, hey, we are for you."

For me, a good p!

Unfortunately, the pill slammed, and then, Qingqing felt that the body had shrunk and shrunk, and it was still in the arms of Qin Mo. In a short while, he became a hand in the Qin Mo.

When the wood has become a boat, Shiqing broke the jar and broke it. The claws were smashed and the air was generally stumbled.

Il, you are not good, it is a national treasure panda!

The pandas will stop. It is reasonable to say that the adult pandas have strong attacking power and are very overbearing. You can be a shrinking version! Only the size of the palm!

Slap-sized panda... In addition to selling Meng, can you do something else?

Shi Qing: Tired or not.

Compared with his frustration, Qin Mo was obviously happy. He looked at the black and white rounded little guy in his hand, and the corner of his mouth evoked a pleasant arc.

Although it is a little bigger than Yupei, it is much better than Yupei.

Moya quietly glanced at Alec. Although the usual Alec didn't sneer, but there is no such power that people can't look at today. It just made a slight smile because of Il's animal shape. It’s popular.

Moya looked at the two men and even gave birth to a feeling that should have been so long ago.

Il’s unconscious relatives to Alec, Alec’s exclusive desire for Ilna.

Although it is very different from usual, but... Moya thought about it, in fact, it should be like this. After all, they belong to each other and are the partners who are blessed by the beasts.

Seeing nothing, Moya packed up the good things, and then turned and left.

Shi Qing became a panda. Although he was slightly uncomfortable at first, he later wanted to open it. Anyway, this effect can only be adhered to tomorrow morning. When it dawns, he can become a human figure, and it does not hinder it.

The sky is dark, coupled with this series of changes, now the comfort of the squatting in the warm palm, Shi Qing feels inexplicable peace of mind, at the same time, sleepiness is also blowing.

The white furry little head smashed in the palm of his hand, the short four-legged big words flattened, the belly stuck to the palm of his hand, and the small mouth yawned exaggeratedly.

Qin Mo gently stroked him, this very rhythmic movement actually sent him into a dream, early and Zhou Gong went to date.

The little guy in his hand fell asleep, and Qin Mo put him on his chest, then got up and slammed the door out of the night.

The dungeons of the Yasin tribe are cold and horrible, and there is no sun shining. Only a secluded spar emits a faint light, which barely brings light.

The clothes of Amia were broken, although they were not seriously injured, but the beasts were weaker and they were already in ruin. But even then, he is weak and pitiful.

‘咔哒’, the sound of the opening of the dungeon, he jerked his head and saw the man who walked slowly from the top down.

Tall figure, elegant steps, handsome face is not clear because of the light.

Amelia sneered in her heart, and the voice was very weak: "Alik, you are like this to me, I don't think I will say anything!"

The man walked down, under the brilliance of the spar, the handsome face was covered with a layer of ice, cold and elusive: "No need."

Read The Duke's Passion