MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 3 Full-time newspaper host

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It turned out that the truth of the year turned out to be like this.

Qin Mo's mother, Yue Niang, is a unique physique that is rare in the world. It is a good tonic for the moxibusker.

Lu Jiuyuan discovered her secrets, scolded her body and forced her with despicable means. However, this kind of physique is unexpected for Lu Jiuyuan. It can only be used once. After breaking it, there is no effect of improving the skill. It is like a flash in the pan, and the color of the world is lost every other day.

Lu Jiuyuan is not a person who loves love. He is bent on seeking magic and pursuing the ultimate strength. Even if the moon girl has a face, she did not let him have the slightest temptation.

He just regrets that Yue Niang’s cultivation is not high. Although it is beneficial to his realm breakthrough after using it once, it is also a waste. If there is another chance, he will definitely let Yue Niang improve it. For that, and then enjoy, then you can really play this *maximum value.

Unfortunately, there is no regret in this world.

Lu Jiuyuan was quite sorry. He thought that he would never meet this opportunity again, but he did not expect that Niangniang was pregnant.

Only once, the only time, there is a child.

Yue Niang wanted to take the scorpion out, but Lu Jiuyuan felt the special part of the child. He actually inherited the physique lost by Yue Niang.

Lu Jiuyuan was excited. This is simply the supreme tonic that God has given him to improve his skill.

He has a very extensive experience and has the last experience, so this time he is carefully planning. The child is carrying his blood, and he injects his own elements. If he can grow up healthily, it will definitely be very fast. If he can't use it for decades, he can enjoy it with peace of mind.

So...there is today's Qin desert.

In comparison, it’s not awkward to be squatted in the back. This relative is really beautiful.

Knowing the truth of the Qin desert, the face is expressionless, but a heart has completely swayed to the bottom of the valley, soaked in the rich darkness, blending into one.

The power of Lu Jiuyuan is also the top general existence in the entire Lingyun continent. Even if the Qin desert has reached the stage of the quintessence, there is still no force for him.

However, the person of Qin Mo himself has reached the extreme, and he is embarrassed to others.

In the face of Lu Jiuyuan, he personally smashed his own baby, and he was able to completely abolish the entire Lingyun continent, and once again became a complete waste.

Then he hooked his lips and asked with a calm, hazy voice: "I ruined what you want most, is it uncomfortable?"

Lu Jiuyuan was angry, how much effort he had paid, and he had worked hard for so long, even at the last moment, he had to give up and destroy it once!

He stunned the neck of Qin Mo, his eyes exposed the redness of the devil, and he could not kill him with force.

In the face of his fury and anger, Qin Mo still does not change his color, a handsome face that inherits the eternal appearance of Yue Niang. At this moment, it is full of sarcasm and ridicule.

Lu Jiuyuan did not kill him. He threw the Qin desert on the ground and screamed: "I can raise you once and grow thousands of times."

Indeed, Qin Mo has been abolished since it was abolished, but he has been abandoned by his hard work, but it doesn't matter, as long as his physique is still there, he will be able to grow again! What Lu Jiuyuan wanted, never got it!

All the memories here are abruptly stopped.

Because everything has gone from the past to the present...

Yes, Shiqing’s classmates appeared in such a timely manner. It was so appropriate that they were not repaired in Qin Mo and appeared when Lu Jiuyuan was imprisoned.

Shi Qing has passed these memories in his mind. From a rational point of view, he is increasingly thinking that it may be a good choice for five hundred years, such as the manual monarch.

Judging from this series of experiences, Qin Mo is definitely a pure snake disease. Even if it was a positive and sincere heart and good intentions, but after such a series of pitfalls, can still be invariable? That is not the Virgin Mary, but the brain is mentally retarded.

Look at Qin Mo, you know that there is still a long way to go from mental retardation, so he is absolutely abnormal.

A long-term cooperation with a pervert, Shiqing small citizens said that there is pressure, first Sen.

Shi Qing was not a hesitant person, but he really hesitated at the moment. He didn't want to sign a contract with Qin Mo in his selfishness, but he really didn't want to wait five hundred years. Five hundred years! Only he himself, no food, no drink, no entertainment, no one to talk... After five hundred years, he himself became a snake.

What's more, who knows that after five hundred years, he is greeted by a tall and honest Tang Yan or another deep deep ice?

According to the taste of the first choice of the host, Shiqing did not have good hopes for this.

Moreover, in the depths of Shi Qing’s heart, there is still a little bit of tangles.

If he does not appear and does not sign a contract with Qin Mo, what will life be like after Qin Mo? Was Lu Jiuyuan’s **** all the way to death? Or is it that he successfully defeated Lu Jiuyuan and then completely blackened and began to retaliate against society?

Shi Qing used his limited brain cells to yy several possibilities. The final result is that more and more tragic and increasingly tragic...

Although this does not have much to do with him, he has already seen it. Do you really pretend not to know?

Shi Qing took a conscience and stunned, and finally got a decision.

He can't wait for five hundred years. If he sees him, he will never forget. If he drops the Qin desert at the moment, then he will be entangled in the next five hundred years.

With the decision, Shiqing no longer hesitated. He finally faced the manual and chose to accept the host.

Then there is how to sign the contract. In this regard, Shiqing has a lot of ideas. In response to this special group of Qin Mo, he must have a bright and bright appearance. It is bound to overwhelm him with his mouth gun for the first time, showing his arrogant side. After working together, he can get twice the result with half the effort, and the efficiency is wonderful. .

Going around, he already had several plans in his heart. He carefully said the words in his mind and prepared himself. He appeared in front of Qin Mo.

Shi Qing did not know that he was a form, but at the moment he appeared, Qin Mo’s eyes locked him tightly, and it was not bad, so that his unintentional wandering soul trembled a little.

The Qin desert leaned against the wall, and the black clothes on his body were almost integrated with the night, and the broken hairs of the forehead were sprinkled down, forming a sharp contrast with the white forehead, and also set off the pair of deep black scorpions.

Shi Qing was somewhat uncomfortable with his staring, but he took his own task and quickly shocked the scene. He raised his posture first. As a new high-end system, he had to put the elite.

With such a condescending gaze for a while, Shi Qing’s words that have been brewing for a long time finally blurted out:

"Do you want to live? Sign a contract with me."

After finishing this sentence, Shi Qing could not help but feel a little smug, oh, this opening remark, how cool and cool, the domineering factors around are boiling boiled...

Excessive brain replacement was interrupted by a low, hoarse voice: "Good."

Ale... Shi Qing did not respond to it. He just seemed to hear someone say "good"?

Wait, the script is wrong, big brother, your line should not be: "Who are you?" "What purpose do you have?" "Do you have any intentions?" I am so unaccustomed to accepting such a crisp and neat, I have prepared a lot of unspeakable lines! Don't break my playful scenes at once!

Shi Qing wanted to pretend that he didn't hear it and then continued to play the 13 tricks, but that would not be too much, which is not in line with his tall character setting. He weighed again and again, after all, it was the level of the mental war, and the nerves of the second goods were pressed under the body.

"Then...the contract is established." Hey, hey, hey, there is no sense, and the scene of the second, the historical moment, only three sentences are over... I am so unwilling...

Qin Mo looked up, and a pair of black shackles tightly locked this faint black light group. There was no extra expression on the delicate face, but the eyes were firm and persistent.

No matter who it is, God or the devil, as long as he can survive, he will end the root of this sin. 2k novel reading network

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