MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 43 Exclusive space (1)

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Exclusive space (1)

Shi Qing looked at the past in the sight of Qin Mo and saw this sentence.

It is really difficult to ignore, the content of the above large films are all black characters, but the bottom line is only red, which is conspicuous.

When he glanced at it, he frowned slightly and closed his memory. Is it to let Qin Mo completely block the existing memory into the world?

But nothing is remembered, how can we complete the task?

Immediately, he dropped his sight to the second half of the sentence. If it can be completed, the task reward will turn ten times!

Not doubled, not twice or even tripled, but ten times the amount of copper in the eyes of the population!

Full of mind is a bit of money flying, when Qing stunned for a while, he shook his head decisively and threw out ‘greedy’.

Although the rewards are considerable, the risks are too great.

He thought of his system responsibilities, and quickly went to the system quick manual, and found a detailed explanation of such tasks.

First, I looked through it very seriously, and then tried to figure it out. Finally, I solemnly said to Qin Mo: "Closed memory refers to the temporary blockade of all your existing memories and experiences while accepting the corresponding characters. But the mission goal will remain in memory, as long as the task is completed, it will restore memory."

After that, he explained: "The closed memory will not have any side effects. The main purpose is to increase the difficulty of the task. It is reasonable to say that this type of task will be triggered when the host level is raised to about 30, and you only have five levels. ... cough... Probably because the task acceptance rate and success rate are too high, so it is triggered in advance."

After finishing all the contents of the manual, Shiqing seriously said his thoughts: "I don't agree with closed memory, although the reward is very rich, but the risk is too great. If it fails, you may always return. not coming."

Qin Mo looked at him and asked calmly: "You don't want the money?"

This sentence gave Shi Qing a question, but at this time he was still very clear, the coin is very attractive, but the price of life is higher, he would rather earn a steady and steady money, do not want to stand up Risk to gamble.

So he continued to analyze the pros and cons of bitterness.

He said a lot, he was very patient to listen to, until he finished speaking, he gently "hmm".

When Shi Qing said that the mouth was dry, see Qin Qin should be, and could not help but sigh.

But then another sentence, almost let him go back.

"Then close the memory."

... He said ten minutes, Qin Mo also listened carefully for ten minutes, did you come to such a conclusion? What are you listening to? No, no, are you listening to me?

Seeing that Shi Qing was a sullen look, Qin Mo reached out and touched his delicate neck. He also whispered in his ear and said, "Reassured, I have never lost."

In a word, Jean Shiqing was completely paralyzed.

How can he forget...

Shi Qing is a coward, but Qin Mo is an out-and-out gambler.

A crazy and extremely intelligent gambler who, even if he does everything, will reverse the situation at all costs.

When Qin Mo has already decided, it is impossible to change. Shi Qing is still very self-aware, and he has not said much.

However, he immediately got up and took a closer look at the world background and plot background of the mission.

The Qin Desert will block the memory, but he does not have to be the system.

He now writes down all the things, and at the same time he can help Qin Mo and let him complete the task smoothly!

The overall background of this world is not ancient and not very advanced. The overall level is similar to that of the Earth. Maybe some aspects can be extraordinary, but some places are weaker.

The external environment of this world is very difficult. Almost the whole world is a wasteland. It can't grow any crops, and there is no resource to collect. The conditions are not suitable for living.

And human beings can survive here, relying on their innate ability, the exclusive space that everyone will have.

Therefore, even if there is no land planted here, it does not matter. There are many people who have space for planting. It doesn't matter if there is no resources to mine, and there are a lot of exclusive resources with a large number of mineral resources that can be slowly cycled.

People rework with the things planted in each other's space, or open trade.

Your space can grow vegetables. There is wheat in my space. We can't just eat and not eat, or just eat and not eat, so... exchange it!

With the continuous development, there have been more trading platforms. Everyone is not only changing things, but becoming a unified currency circulation, what to sell and what to sell, what to buy if there is nothing.

Slowly, with the establishment of the government, the state's control, the ability to use space more effectively, a complete society is perfectly formed under the support of this alternative energy, and works well.

The role of space is divided into categories, planting, resource, storage, collection, and so on.

Everyone in this world, at the age of eleven, is faced with a spatial assessment that affects a lifetime.

After the assessment, the space was activated and was also recorded by the government.

Having an excellent space means almost a lifetime of food and clothing, and it can contribute a lot to society.

However, even if the space is a little worse, you don't have to be discouraged. As long as the attributes are good, you can upgrade the space through hard work and struggle. The level will be improved, and the ability of the space will double. You can still achieve a career by then.

After all, there are still very few people who have excellent space when they are activated. Most children have only one meter of space, but as long as the environment is suitable for growing crops, you don't have to worry.

With professional learning and self-growth, the space will continue to grow. As for how big it is, it depends on its potential and whether it is hard.

And these are all acquired, and they can be changed even more.

In order to cultivate excellent space, the government has free public institutions. All the assessed children must enter the school to learn their abilities through systematic training. At the same time, they learn various ways to improve the spatial level and some basic knowledge. .

The world background is not too much, but the content is very rich. Shiqing looks serious and almost every word is printed in his mind, but these are also good to say, after all, he will receive a part of the character's memory after crossing. So I can adapt quickly.

The most important thing is the plot background.

The background of the story is generally related to the task, including a lot of details, careful deliberation, and good use, in order to complete the task more quickly.

When Shi Qing got up, he couldn’t bear a word and a word, but after reading it carefully, he couldn’t help but feel a little dazed.

Content... too little!

Different from the long arguments before the previous traversal, the world's plot background is simple and can't be ignored.

Qi Zimo, Qi parents, mother died early, the father is another, there is a half-brother.


Then there is no more!

I am rubbing it... I can't be more concise!

As a system, Shiqing’s classmates are ashamed, and the guy who is at the door is getting more and more unreliable.

However, there is no way. It seems that it is necessary to collect the data in detail after crossing. Shi Qing remembered this sentence in his heart, especially the name. He knew that this could basically be determined as the role of the host after crossing.

After reading all the background introductions, the mission objectives are also revealed.

The same as the plot introduction is not reliable, the task goal is also confusing.

"Collect tears of life."

Six words, each word is known, and together, it is very inexplicable.

However, I can barely understand that I am looking for something called tears of life. This can only be waited until I have crossed and explored slowly.

Everything is ready, Shiqing has a sense of responsibility in the body, very serious look at Qin Mo: "I am ready!"

The sight of Qin Mo was placed in the system store.

When Shi Qing followed the look, he was wondering, did the host still want to buy something?

Just thinking about it, he saw the foothold of Qin’s sight.

Special items that are opened because of the perfect customs of the orc world: the young panda body...

The icon is a furry black and white little guy, lazily stretched out, wet little eyes full of water vapor, small claws, round body, sprouting personal.

Shi Qing has a bad feeling.

But immediately he saw the price of this thing, he was greatly relieved, to 100,000 points! Fortunately, fortunately! He can't afford to kill him!

Of course, he never thought about buying, who would want to become that little guy? He is a man, a man, a masculine blast!

But... why do you think so focused?

Qaq, don't make a bad idea, please!

Qin Mo carefully looked at the price, and then looked at Shi Qing, whispered: "Can my coin be used for you?"

When Shi Qing slammed, he immediately said: "No, our currency is separate and cannot be interoperable."

"Oh, what can I buy for you?"

Shi Qing just wanted to resolutely deny, but then Qin Mo asked himself: "I remember you bought clothes for me last time."

The meaning of the words, you can buy me, I can naturally buy you...

With such strong evidence, Shi Qing couldn’t stand it. He could only answer: "...Yes."

Qin Mo hooked the corner of the mouth and was in a good mood: "Start the mission."

Then he took the initiative to hold the hand of the time, and did not allow him to refuse to press the button to start the task.

Shi Qing is full of brains, 'I don’t want to be a little panda again'. Host your strange hobby, don’t add it to me. 'You like Mao, but I don’t want to become a hair group.' The hair group is cute but I am not cute. The route's 'infinite roaring loop.

Until the success passed, the force that clung to his hand disappeared, and he came back to God.

There was a little bit of embarrassment, because the familiar atmosphere was not around... but then, the overwhelming memory came, he couldn’t care much.

Shi Qingjing slowly calmed down his mind, first extracting the most critical memories, and viewing all about Qi Zimo.

He was still worried that only a person name was not easy to find, but after seeing these memories, he realized that Qi Zimo was still a celebrity.

But what most valued him was not the identity of Qi Zimo, but his age.


Qi Zimo, the so-called Qi parents, this year is only ten years and ten months!

A ten-year-old Xiao Zhengtai.

His cold and mad savage snake sperm host actually wore a ten-year-old Zhengtai!

Shi Qing completely can't take care of the character's memory, and the whole brain is the Qin desert after shrinking and shrinking...

Emma... so cute... (").

The author has something to say: this world will be relatively large.

Thanks: I threw a mine.

The end of the world smoked a mine

Love is cherished, but there is no talent to throw a mine.

13714970 threw a mine

It’s a waste! ! muah!

* Can't boast, just boasted the day before yesterday, yesterday he directly put the chapters blank! ! kneel.

But today seems to be good [small voice, don't scare * small subject 2k novel reading network

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