MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 51 Exclusive space (9)

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Exclusive space (9)

Is Qi Zimo injured? Yes, he was indeed injured, and the injury was not light. There was a **** mouth on his arm, and he was bleeding. The Qiri, next to him, was surprised. The fruit knife in his hand was dripping blood.

Jin Lei saw this scene and had already screamed.

What is going on, I have to go back and rewind.

Qi Rui took the second brother and the three sisters and two sons to come to the house. The idea was to take advantage of the law, to slap the prestige, and to abuse the golden buds and the three generations.

There are ready-made excuses, the magic stone is mature, they come to take away their own one, Qi Rui has a quarter, the remaining four brothers and sisters account for a quarter, they together account for the Qijia Magic Stone Half of the output!

Although they don't see the law, they don't want the magic stone, but every time the magic stone matures, they will come to ‘lively and lively’.

Qi Li is not at home all the year round, Jin Lei is not favored, Qi Zimo is only a 10-year-old doll, Qi Zixuan is still a small baby, if it is not because they can not enter the house on weekdays, they do not mind making trouble every day.

Qi family knows that children before the age of 11 want to be qualified in the activation of the space, stable mind, good habits, and care, which are all very critical conditions.

Mrs. Qi’s body is so bad now, not because she had been able to protect her in the early years, so that even if there is a tiger in front of the wolf, she will grow up healthily!

Now Qi Rui wants to give a way to his sons. Naturally, he thinks that he can toss the Qizi Mo brothers, but he can't afford to come every day. Otherwise, he must report every day, every day.

But even if it can't come every day, when the magic stone is mature, no one dares to stop him. He comes to take things that belong to him. It is protected by the government. No one can do anything about it.

The motives for their coming are so impure, and naturally they will not do anything good.

Qi Zixuan is too small to make a fuss, so I have to make a fuss.

Jin Lei is also self-sufficient. For her own son, she also wants to have a problem with her. But she has no short-sighted eyes. She also knows that the key moments must be consistent.

So she is standing on the side of Qi Zimo for the time being.

Qi Zimo is also used to it. The magic stone is mature three seasons a year. They come back three times a year. It is difficult to get used to it.

Qi Zimo's education from a small age is to calm down and maintain his heart. So even if Qi Rui comes to pick things up and toss, he will see one side based on etiquette, but he will see one side. Others, even his eyes are too lazy to deliver.

Qi Rui ate a few dumb losses, half a hundred years old, and more and more hate the ten-year-old child, it is not too shameful to do this. Today, I also brought the two sons to the house. I thought about the young people and the number of tricks. I am sure that I can kill Qizimo’s little bad guy!

At the beginning, it was only a routine routine, and it was ironic and ridiculous to take turns. These routines are also old routines, and Qi Zimo is very annoying.

Who knows that Qi Rui’s eldest son Qi Zihui’s brain is faint, and he has a sigh of relief: “Hey! Qi Zimo, you are not curious about how your mother died?”

He said that even Qi Rui was stunned. Qi Zimo’s mother was sick and dead. Everyone knows that they used to stimulate Qi Zimo, such as 'You are your mother’s debt, put your mother. Give gram to death ''Your father and your mother have deep feelings, he does not come to see you every day, just because you killed your mother! 'Wait, this kind of thing has changed a lot.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing, said to a child, it is estimated that mad and crying. However, Qizi Mo is not an ordinary child. He is too precocious. These things have been used in the small brain several times, even he himself thinks so, so listening to others, he is just the default. The impact is far less than imagined.

Qi Zihui mentioned this matter today, Qi Rui thinks that his son’s road is too low, this trick does not work!

But who wants Qi Zihui to be awkward, and the new one listened to a gossip. At this moment, it was a full-mouth train, a slap in the face: "Hey, do you think she broke his body because he was born? I told you It’s not it! Your mother, she stole someone! Others found it! It’s a crime of suicide...”

This sentence, let Qizi ink suddenly stand, and looked up at him.

Qi Zihui was somewhat stunned by him, but he thought that he had finally made a big move, and he must continue to work harder!

"What is your mother's virginity? Do you really think that your parents have a good relationship? Dreaming!"

Qi Zihui’s younger brother, Zi Zirui, saw his brother’s strength. He turned his head and remembered what he heard yesterday. He also rushed to death: “You just followed your mother! Only when I was eleven, I was hooking people outside. Still sleeping together! Little age is a small **** stick that is not taboo! I heard that it is still a school student, what is it called? Called Shano?"

Qi Zimo had already known that Xia Nuo was Shi Qing. At this moment, when he heard this sentence, a pair of black cockroaches burned completely.

Qi Zihui Qi Zirui is still proud, Mom, finally let this little **** face change, it is best to be half-dead, hurt the heart and lungs, return to the space to assess a garbage! This is good!

Qi Zimo looked at them, but suddenly turned his head and whispered to Yan Qiyi. Yan Qi’s face changed and he turned to run out. The little master asked him to call the police! Although Yan Qi did not understand his heart, he always said that he was a slave. He asked him what he was doing. He did what he did, so he ran.

Yan Qi left, Qi Zimo came to Qi Zirui and Qi Zihui.

The two brothers are still working hard to see who is dead faster than the game.

But at this moment, I saw Qi Zimo coming over. The two brothers didn’t know why they were fighting, but when they thought about it, they were a little doll. How can they? Can you still hurt them?

So you have a word, and I am talking about it.

Unexpectedly, Qi Zimo slammed close to Qi Zihui. As soon as he grasped his arm, Qi Zihui wanted to open it, but he blinked wide, and a sharp pain hit him. His arm suddenly lost consciousness!

A scream broke into the air, Qi Zihui was in his thirties, and when he fell up and fell a dog to eat, his face was just on the corner of the sharp coffee table, and his teeth were shattered and his face was bloody.

Everyone present was shocked! It’s too late to react.

Qi Zimo cleaned up one, and quickly walked toward Qi Zirui. He didn't give him a chance. He kicked his knees to the knees. It was the sound of broken bones! Turning around again, rubbing his arms, squatting, his arms are broken! This is not a problem. He followed his heart and slammed his foot. He shook it out three meters away, and squatted on the wall against the wall. It was also the precise face landing first, the mouth squatting on the corner of the solid wood, four The big front teeth came out and bite into the tongue, and it was a mouthful of blood!

However, in just a few tens of seconds, it is a mess and mourning.

Jin Lei has long been stunned with her son.

Qi Rui is also stupid.

However, Qi Zimo did not stop, took a step and walked toward Qi Rui.

Seeing the miserables of the sons, Qi Rui has been scared. At this moment, when he looks at Qi Zimo, he is almost like a demon, and his legs are smashed!

However, Qi Rui is old and has many experiences. He has some preparations. He saw the fruit knife on the coffee table at a glance. He took it up without thinking about it. While he stepped back, he said, " don’t want to come!"

Qi Zimo hooked his mouth and sneered, still slowly walked over.

Qi Rui kept going backwards, until he reached the wall, and he had no choice but to retreat!

He is holding a fruit knife, but he is scared by a ten-year-old child! Seeing that the devil is approaching, Qi Rui is wielding a dagger with his eyes closed.

Qi Zimo approached him and grabbed his wrist, and even took his arm forward, followed by a **** smell.

Qi Rui opened his eyes and saw the wounds on the arm of Qi Zimo's arm and the blood left by his own knife.

At this time, the door of the living room was pushed open, and a group of police officers wearing black uniforms quickly rushed in.

The scene I saw was... Qi Rui took a fruit knife and stabbed a child who was only ten years old.

"Stop!" With the screaming, Qi Rui was quickly arrested, and Qi Zimo was also guarded.

The scene was controlled, the original luxury and luxurious hall was a mess at this time, Qi Zihui and Qi Zirui were unconscious, Qi Lao Er had already stayed away, Qi Rui was controlled, Jin Lei holding his son stupidly standing there.

There are a lot of people on the scene, but everyone has a mess of porridge in their minds...

The two injured were taken away, and Qi Zimo was also urgently stopped and bandaged by the doctor. He kept his head down, only in a remote corner, silently glanced at Qi Rui. The slightly-eyed corner of the eye, the corner of the pressed mouth, full of sarcasm and ridicule.

Qi Rui's whole person is like being frozen. After an instant reaction, he quickly argued: "No! It's not me! It's not me! It's him, it's him! It's Qizi Mo!"

He screamed, but only exchanged a contemptuous sight. Is this uncle's brain broken? Is it better to rely on Qi’s ten-year-old doll?

瞅瞅 Qi Zihui and Qi Zirui are the injuries, can a 10-year-old child cause such a big injury? Just kidding!

Yan Qi, who came in with the police, did not know the truth. He only saw that his own little master was injured. He felt distressed and regretted for a time. Qi Zimo looked at him and said, "I am fine, I will pick up Shi Qing."

Yan Qi is still hesitating. Under such circumstances, how can he leave with confidence.

Qi Zimo looked at him again, and then coveted: "I didn't listen to what I said?"

Yan Qiyi shook, and quickly stood up and said: "You can rest assured, I will take over Mr.!"

Then he rushed to the door of the school, and when he saw Shiqing, he caught him in the car.

When I got on the bus, I felt a bit of trouble in my heart. When I heard that Qin Mo was injured, he couldn’t panic. He heard Yan’s narrative and learned that there was no danger to his life, and he barely calmed down.

It takes only about ten minutes from the school to the house. Yan Qikai is flying fast, but Shi Qing still feels unusually slow and too slow. He just can't wait to use his gods to fly all the way!

Hastily rushed to the house, the scene has been cleaned up, carried away, carried away, tied up, and even Jin Lei was called to other houses for enquiries.

Qi Zimo was also sent back to the bedroom.

When Shi Qing rushed in, he saw the big bed, the quilt covered his legs, and the young boy sitting there quietly.

Qi Zimo looked up and saw him and smiled lightly: "You are here."

Shi Qing did not care a lot, quickly rushed over, first carefully looked at the wound, although it has been bandaged, but the Qizi is small, the arm is thin, the whole arm is tied by a bandage, can imagine Know how big the wound is and how dangerous it is.

When I think about the dangerous situation, Shiqing feels that the heart is stunned, and then she is afraid of it.

Then I was afraid that after the anger that rose up, Shi Qing couldn’t go to the top of the Qirui’s bastard. Madan! What is this special uncle? It is a beast! How can he get down with such a small child! How much hatred is there? As for this?

Qi Rui is right! blacklist! This hatred is not a non-gentleman! Huge ing!

He couldn't breathe, he turned his head and looked at the pale face of Qi Zimo, and he was so distressed.

This natural care and concern made Qi Zimo’s mood gradually clear. He looked up at Shi Qing and said, “I am thirsty.”

Shi Qing hurriedly acted and carefully gave him a good quilt. He was overheated and sent to his mouth. He said softly: "Not hot, just, drink slowly."

Qi Zimo nodded, slowly drank the water, and then looked up, a pair of black scorpions stared at him again: "Shiqing, I am hungry."

Shi Qing now has a heart that is watery, and his brain is almost dying. He will hear this tender voice, not to mention being hungry. It is the moon in the sky. He will also try to pick it. .

So, he quickly brought the dinner to the end. He fed Qizi to eat, Qizimo also fed him to eat, and one meal and two people ate and ate for an hour.

After the meal, Qi Zimo said that he wanted to read a book, but one arm was inconvenient, so Shi Qing gave him a book.

The two men smashed to more than nine o'clock, and Qi Zimo said that he wanted to sleep.

When Qing Qing hesitated, he said, "I will go to sleep next door. I am afraid that I will be accidentally pressed at night..."

If the words have not been finished, they will be denied: "No!"

Then, Zizimo licked his hand: "I can't sleep."

A pair of big eyes looked at him, the eyelashes flickered and flashed, and the tender face was also transparent because of blood loss and white, plus this is almost a spoiled voice! Shi Qing is still a fart! Ma slipped and went to bed after washing.

When the two of them stayed close together, Shi Qing’s heart was slowly steadily stabilized. This was a little relieved, and he finally added a value to the IQ of the arrears.

Wrong... Qin Mo has strengthened the body, not to mention physical strength and strength, is it a high degree of agility?

Although Qi Rui is an adult, even if the special police want to hurt Qin Xiaomo, it is very difficult?

He was braving a bad idea in his heart, but Qi Zimo slid into his neck and whispered: "Shi Qing, you are so good."

In a word, let Shiqing be a little dizzy, cough... 咱 would have been good.

"Shi Qing, don't leave me, okay?"

Shi Qing was a little happy, and he couldn’t help but say in his heart, I don’t want to leave you, we signed the contract!

"Shi Qing, when I grow up, how are you?"

The author has something to say: Khan, there is a sister who said that the last two chapters are slightly watery. I looked back and looked a bit. Hey, it’s actually not good for me. It’s too high to write too much. It’s too much to write. Long story! However, I am very hesitant. This setting is a pity, but it is a pity, but it is a long story. After all, it is a piece of Chinese. It can't be written long! So I took a serious look and tried to write something interesting. The world can have a small*! I have been looking forward to it, hehe!

Because the first two chapters are not very good, so add a chapter, this chapter is tomorrow's part, I released it in advance, tomorrow may be updated later, but it will definitely be more! muah! 2k novel reading network

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