MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 58 Exclusive space (sixteen)

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Exclusive space (sixteen)

When Qing Qing couldn't make a sound, he could only look at the teenager in front of him with his eyes wide open.

The scope of the mad explosion just now is much broader than expected, and the body of Shano is only a personal class, even if Qizi ink protects him, but it is still heavily damaged.

The whole body was scattered like a frame, and the painful people were gnashing their teeth. When Qing knew that the body was not working, he really didn't want to be 'dead' at this time. Qi Zimo has been greatly stimulated. If he dies, he can't imagine what he will become!

Carrying such amazing power, but hating the whole world, there is no trace of light in my heart. This is simply the adult version of Qin Desert.

No... more serious than Qin Mo, at least in the world of Qin Mo, he is still alive, but in the world of Qi Zimo, he is going to die!

No! No! Resolutely can't die!

When Shi Qing’s death squinted, even the painful soul was mourning, but it was still hard. But even so, it can't stop the loss of this body life.

And the soul of his system is gradually getting out of this body, unable to make a sound, watching, and once again savoring the taste of death, only a deep remorse in my heart.

After all, I couldn't hold it anymore. I was completely expelled by the body. When the Qing fluttered into the sky, the soul was light, but my heart was too heavy to breathe.

He... is still dead...

Looking down on the state of the soul, I can only see the young child holding a body far larger than his body, gently and meticulous caressing, like finally finding the nestling bird, 10,000 points of satisfaction.

When Shi Qing’s look, he only thought that this picture was like a sharp blade, and his heart was cut open, and the pain could not be added.

This is not the ending he wants... it shouldn't be like this...

and many more! He suddenly woke up!

Not over yet! Save it! There is also a save!

He saved it when he first met Qi Zimo, he can read the file, he can come back! Can make everything change! Xia Nuo will not die, Qi Zimo will not become like this, they will have a better ending! He will support each other, will make up for each other, and will live together for a lifetime!

Shi Qing rushed back to the system space, but the scene in front of him was like a basin of cold water, and he turned his head back to him...

He couldn't get in and couldn't get into the space shared by the Qin desert. He appeared in the space of the 'system'. It was the original place, a white, and the only manual in the center.

How is this going? Can not enter the system space of the Qin desert, you can not operate the reading file, time will not backtrack!

Shi Qing was very anxious, but there was no way to rush. He quickly went to the system manual and did not reach out. The manual automatically opened.

"The mission is still going on and I can't get back to the host space."

When Qing’s heart was cold, he suddenly remembered that the mission was not over! Although he is dead, Qin Mo is still in that world. As long as the host is still there, the mission will continue until it is completed or fails.

Can you read the file no matter whether it is completed or failed? So, can you only do that?

Xia Nuo is dead, Qi Zimo is crazy, can only be such an ending?

Shi Qing did not have a body, but still felt the bitter chill.

Xia Nuo... Xia Nuo can't die!

Countless memories collide in his consciousness, Xiafu Xiamu, and friends Huang Mao... Xia Nuo has his own peaceful life, but now, all of them have been ruined by him.

And Qin Mo... How can he stay with him alone in that world?

Qin Mo has no memory of his own. He doesn't even know what the mission goal is, and he can't issue a system prompt because he can't enter the host space!

Qin Mo could not complete the task, or he said that he did not think about finding the mission goal. In this way, when Qi Zimo died naturally, Qin Mo will disappear.

This thought completely made him panic!

Certainly... there must be other ways!

Shi Qing rushed back to God and looked at the system manual. He could find a way, and he would!

The heavy manual of the Kangxi Dictionary, after he quickly flipped through it, really found something feasible.

Because of the particularity of the system, his role in the small world of death, you can choose to repair, but at a certain price, you must first pay 3000 pounds, and then need a lot of time.

Shi Qing quickly browsed, if you pay 3,000 yuan, it will take 20 years to completely resurrect...

A dizzy look, Shiqing almost did not go back, twenty years, this time is too long!

Continue to look down, there are other ways, there are two ways to shorten the repair time, one is to continue to pay a large number of coins, the other is the system into the character body, repair inside.

When Shi Qing gritted his teeth, both were chosen!

He used all the remaining coins to shorten the time to ten years, and then went into the body of Shanno for internal repairs, which shortened the time to five years.

This is the limit, it can't be less...

Five years, yes, when Xia Nuo comes alive, he can reconnect with Qin Mo!

Shi Qing no longer thinks more. According to the method taught by the manual, he will pay all the coins first, and then enter the body of Shanuo.

Repairing the body inside is different from crossing the past. He can't feel the pain of Xia Nuo, and he can't understand the surrounding things through the body of Shanuo, but fortunately, in his body, the body of Shanuo is There is still a trace of anger, not completely dead, but just can't wake up.

Shi Qing couldn't see the Qin desert, and he couldn't talk to him. In the confined space, he could only use all his strength and bury his head to repair his body.

Qi Rui is dead, Qi Li is dead, Qi Zimo is a monster!

His ability to release space has caused a huge explosion that almost completely destroyed a city!

Such an uproar has shocked the entire continent.

The voices of the condemnations have come and gone, killing Qi Zimo, removing this monster, revenge for the dead people!

The government organized a powerful force to conquer him. The major families joined forces. All the regions were sensational and mobilized all the forces, just to arrest the 11-year-old monster.

But... not at all.

The most powerful weapon, the most brave team, the power of the whole people, can not hurt him.

The power of Qi Zimo seems to be endless. His attacking power and defensive power are strong enough to be against the sky. It is not like the person who should exist in this world.

Yes... He is not a human. In just one year, he withstood the attack on the whole world and quickly formed a unit of his own.

All of them are made up of abandoned space carriers to the incompetent team.

They were abandoned, abandoned, abandoned by the whole society, their lives were full of darkness and injustice, but Qi Zimo appeared, he guided them and taught them how to use their power to light up in the endless night. Twilight, pulling them out of the mud, standing in the clouds!

Abandoned space is not obsolete.

They have more power than anyone else, they release these energies, control this ability, and step on those arrogant, rude, self-righteous guys! Let them taste this innocent and endless pain that falls to the bottom and lies in hell!

The battle swept the whole world, and the abandoned space carriers rose. They were the most powerful fighters. They subverted everything they had and established their own regime. They finally mastered the power to fight against fate!

Qi Zimo is their only belief, the only god!

This is a chaotic world, the darkest era in history, but this is only the beginning of a nightmare, the beginning of tragedy.

Sixteen years old, the best age.

The original sleek face of Qi Zimo retreats tenderly, and the micro-round eyes are fully grown, narrow and sharp. His appearance is still perfect and exquisite, but because of his age, he has a few more beautiful and passionate.

He still lives in the house, still the house, there is no change, he will come back every day, will hold his time, sleep and sleep.

Today's weather is very good. The sun shines through the window and projects from the cracks in the curtains. Like a naughty elf, I jumped onto the bed and landed on the peaceful young man who was sleeping, showing off his white skin. Warm blood color.

Qi Zimo looked quietly, then smiled slightly, and dropped a very light kiss in his forehead, then whispered: "Shi Qing, get up."

The person on the bed didn't respond at all, but Qi Zimo didn't get angry at all. He bent over and picked him up, carefully dressed for him. The black scorpion was full of intoxicating tenderness from beginning to end, like being inclusive. Awkward lover.

Dressed in clothes, Qi Zimo picked him up, and then the two sat together at the window. He held him and let him lean in his arms. He gently held his hand and looked out the window: Qing, the flowers outside are open."

The person in the arms did not respond.

Qi Zimo smiled and whispered in his ear: "But, the beautiful flowers are not as good as you."

After saying this love story, Qi Zimo had some itch in his heart, couldn't help but kiss him on the white neck, and then hugged him with satisfaction, and looked at the window calmly.

It was not until the door came that the door knocked.

Qi Zimo frowned slightly, then said: "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and the young man with short hair came in. After five years of baptism, the younger ones were also taller. The shoulders were wide, the back was thick, and the perennial battle made him more stable.

Yan Qi hung his head and whispered the front line.

Qi Zimo should have said: "Know it."

If it is normal, Yan Qi will leave at this time, but he is definitely standing there.

Qi Zimo frowned and looked up at him: "Is there something else?"

Yan Qi stood still and looked down at the ground. Five years, five years, there have been too many things, the whole world has been earth-shaking, but only Qi Zimo’s feelings for Shiqing have not faded at all, but they have become more and more fierce.

At the beginning, Yan Qi also looked forward to the time when Qing could wake up. When the rebels were separated, Shi Qing saved the little master. He knew how important this man was to the little master.

But a year, two years and three years... until now, it has been five years! Shi Qing woke up!

However, the little master has completely sunk into this dream of knitting himself. In this way, he is afraid that the little master will never come out and will be deeply immersed in it forever, completely unable to extricate himself!

Yan Qi clasped his palm and fell to the ground, taking out the courage of death and fearlessness. His difficult opening: "Master, please let Mr. Shi into the earth!"

The voice just fell, a fierce black man suddenly shot, Yan Qi's left arm instantly came a sharp pain, followed by blood.

Qi Zimo holds Shiqing, stands up, black and cold like Xuanbing, the sound is like the ice lake cracking: "Roll! Get out of me!"

The author has something to say: Emma, ​​finally wrote here, so cool! Star eyes~

The task is completed soon, not afraid of ha ~ 2k novel reading network