MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 86 The world of Qin desert (5)

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The world of Qin desert (5)

The gray mirror surface is suddenly bright, and the ink eye is also suddenly brightened! He succeeded!

Successfully locked the man!

For thousands of years, he has never been so excited as it is now, it is really amazing.

He is about to get this powerful power over the world!

The next moment, he saw the appearance of the person in the mirror.

The mirror is like a lake. It was sparkling at first, then slowly calmed down, and a young boy with a good face slowly appeared.

The juvenile's body is tall but slender, the skin is very white, a pair of black eyes are round and bright, the small nose, the rosy lips, very beautiful. The most striking thing is that his soft black short hair reveals two furry semi-circular black ears, shaking slightly, so that the people who watched can't help but feel the heart.

But at this moment, the heart of the ink shovel swayed to the bottom of the valley, falling straight into the hail.

No... not Qin Mo!

This... Who is this?

Why are you making mistakes? impossible! He clearly pointed to the Qin desert, accurate, how could it lock others?

Look at this look, this is obviously a demon repair, but there is no one here!

But in the next second, Mo Yan smashed his pupil. He saw the person who was leaning against the Qin desert, but he was the little demon locked by him!

It really failed. Mo Yan’s heart was hard to disappoint, but he quickly calmed down. He had missed the best time. He was not a person who could not tell the situation. He had to evacuate immediately. Otherwise, he would find him in Qin’s desert and the consequences would be disastrous. .

Ink did not stop at all, immediately applied the technique, but between this electric light and flint, a sharp black blade shot straight toward him.

Ink's face changed greatly, he knew he was discovered!

However, he was also the hegemon of the party. He immediately responded and resisted the attack, but Mo Yan did not dare to fight, just thinking about leaving quickly.

Obviously, the other party did not give him the opportunity to leave.

The huge power gap has made Mo Zhen feel embarrassed in an instant. He really realized the tremendous pressure that Lu Jiuyuan had just suffered. This gap is really disheartening.

Even if he didn't want to fight with him at the moment, he couldn't get out and escape.

The tolerance of Qin Mo is not good enough to play with him for a while.

After a few tricks of understatement, the pressure suddenly increased, and the majestic aura that turned into a giant sword collided with an unstoppable power.

The cold sweat between the ink smudges slid down like a bead. He was very clear and realized that death was near his eyes.

He is going to die, like Lu Jiuyuan, unclear or even ridiculous, dead!

... not reconciled! Really not reconciled!

He can't die, how can he die? !

Correct! He has the last chance! He can also fight for one!

Ink slammed the lock mirror and ordered the boy in the mirror to guard me!

Lock the soul, drive for me.

Although I don't know who you are, now you belong to me!

Mo Yan did not have much hope for a demon repair attached to Qin Mo, but the next scene, let him know that he gambled!

This inconspicuous demon repair actually surpassed the extremely rapid attack of the Qin desert, and blinked in front of him.

Putting on your own life, you have to stop this fatal blow.

Because he received instructions from the depths of the soul: guard him, guard him in desperation.

Ink does not expect this little demon to take the shot. He only hopes that he can have a chance to escape even if he is caught in a life.

But everything that follows, completely subverts his thoughts.

The original Thunder strike was rushing to the moment when it was about to reach the demon, and the majestic aura that disappeared like a sky disappeared without a trace.

Just a thrilling scene of death is like an illusion.

Momo lived, but in the next moment, ecstasy spread in his chest.

He thought it was already a dead end, and he didn't expect to have a chance to live!

The joy is too late to rise, the huge pressure is reappearing, and the ink-squeezed face is pale, but he still looks up and sees the man who is finally looking at him.

The black scorpion was filled with an ink-colored flame, and the thin lips were slightly open, and the low-pitched voice implied the anger of the sky: "What have you done?"

Mo Zhen shocked, but he was not afraid, he pinched his weakness, he took his heart.

Ink licked the young demon and grinned: "It turns out."

He touched the face of a teenager, and succeeded in seeing the darkness of the man in the opposite face. He was excited and nervous, and then cruelly ordered: "Kill him and kill Qin."

Upon receiving the order, the juvenile rushed to the Qin desert like a rush, without hesitation, without a pause, the sacred sword in the hand was squirted, and the thick aura had a venting vent, with an emerald arc straight to the opposite side. the man.

He taught him the tricks, used his weapons to send him, and used his favorite hands to stab the ruthless coldness to his heart.

Mo Yan looked at the side, the smile of the corner of his mouth was getting deeper and deeper. He didn't think that this little demon could kill Qin Mo. He ordered this order, just wanted to see it. This little demon came to Qin desert. How important it is to say.

He just wants to know how much his own cards are.

The result is so satisfying.

Although the juvenile's moves are fierce but green, the weapons are wonderful but they lack the running-in. This is a newcomer who has no experience but no practical experience.

To this extent, even Mo Yan can easily kill him, but the powerful man can only dodge.

This man, who is ruthless and ruthless, is fearless, but he is not willing to hurt this boy.

Mo Yan was extremely surprised and happy at the same time.


The young man stopped.

"come back!"

The teenager quickly returned to Mo Yan.

Qin desert looked cold and cold, nails deep into the palm of his hand, filled with a strong **** smell.

It turned out to be a lock mirror.

Locking people, driving for people. No matter who you are, you belong to me at the moment.

His time Qing, who belonged to him alone, was taken away. From his arms, from his side, he was snatched away from his palm.

The sense of emptiness that came from the palm of his hand spread quickly, and suddenly the whole heart was tightened. There was no endless silence, dark and dull abyss, and now there was a strong flame that was enough to burn everything.

Unforgivable, unforgivable!

Slightly looking up, black and dry like a dead water, Qin Mo looked at him, the voice on the edge of reason and madness: "What do you want?"

Mo Yan raised his chin: "You, I want you, I want you to be repaired!"

"Good." Qin Mo did not hesitate to promise, "Give you."

The ink eyes suddenly brightened, but in the next moment, his pupils will be magnified infinitely.

The Qin desert is flying at a very fast speed like a sharp blade! Ink has only had time to quickly order: "protect me!"

The boy appeared immediately and faced the Qinqin!

The sword in the hands of the young man with a smothering gas, accurate and unmistakable stab to the man who is flying quickly, Mo Yan just wants to be proud, but see Qin Mo did not stop!

The long sword instantly penetrated his shoulders, blood and sputum, but his momentum has not been reduced! A pair of black cockroaches locked the prey, and it is bound to die!

Ink was once again shocked by the strong pressure, unable to move, and the man in front of him was approaching, and the red blood was dyed but the brows were not wrinkled. Only one of the persistent ones caught the throat of the ink.

Strongly fastened, ink smudge's face instantly rose red, but he will not give up, he does not want to die, hoarse and scorpion ordered: "kill ... ... he killed ... ... ... he."

The expressionless teenager quickly launched an offensive, recruiting deadly swords and swords.

The Qin desert did not dodge, the back was torn, and the intense pain mixed with the smell of blood stimulated his brain, making his eyes more scarlet.

The anger flame burned in it, the palm of the hand violently exerted force, the sharp barbed buckled into the throat of the ink, the blood spurt, the throat was broken, and the ink smacked his eyes because of the intense pain, and his face was terrible.

He couldn't make a sound, and he couldn't make an order. He can no longer control the juvenile, but the teenager can't stop.

As long as you kill the ink, the effect of the lock mirror will disappear.

And Qin Mo smiled strangely: "He won't kill me, and I won't let you die too fast."

Until this moment, Mo Yan knows that he has provoked a terrible devil.

He couldn't speak, couldn't talk about the conditions, and he couldn't even lift the spell that was applied to the boy.

The Qin desert has been attacked, and the pain of thousands of times is added to the ink.

Endless torture, can not see the end of the abuse, Mo Yan felt that this man is crazy, he is a madman, a real crazy.

He wants to die, and he is so eager to die, because only death can end this infinitely desperate torture.

When it collapsed, the spirit of Mo Yan completely collapsed, but the slaughter continued.

Until ... the demon young boy's breathing disorder, and gradually fatigue, Qin Mo only slightly frown.

Locking the soul mirror locks the soul, it will not consider any physical factors, even if it is exhausted, even if it is involved, even if it is stunned, or even loses its ability to act, as long as there is an order, he will carry it on, even if it is a walking dead, it can not be broken. This chain imposed on the soul.

Therefore, even if the time is tired, it will still be waving a long sword and cannot stop.

In the end, Shiqing will exhaust and die.

This thought was crossed in the mind, and Qin Mo finally recovered a sense of reason. He looked at the inklessness that had no life, and finally completely wiped him out.

When the torture is over, the spell is lifted.

In the next second, Shi Qing was completely comatose.

Qin Moi caught him. The black robes were all blood, and the high blood loss made him look strange, but a pair of black cockroaches was especially bright, slightly bowed, and kissed gently between the teenager's neck. The hoarse voice is a sick obsession: "Qing Qing, my Qingqing, you are mine."

The author has something to say: Hey, when you write, you feel that you can swollen, host, you sick, and you can't do anything about it! The whole world is estimated to be only two o'clock this stupid white sweet is still in the brain to save the host has saved orz...

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