MTL - Reborn in Brazil As a Plutocrat-Chapter 413 common topic

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  Chapter 413 Common topics

   Fang Lang never expected that Marshall would say such a thing.

  Although I have never thought of keeping my actions in my hometown secret, but as a retired American general, I know this matter, isn't it a bit too exaggerated.

  And as the other party, Fang Lang didn't believe that he would say such things for no reason. Could it be that the purpose of the other party's coming this time is because of this?

  This is different from what I expected.

  However, Fang Lang quickly denied his conjecture. After all, Lao Jiang is still in charge of his hometown in name. The relationship between Lao Jiang and the U.S. government is quite good. It makes no sense to raise objections to his immigration actions at this time!

  Besides, my immigration actions should not have much to do with the United States! Could it be that the other party can still make trouble for him? Fang Lang thought of this and stopped thinking about it. He smiled at General Marshall and said:

   "I didn't expect that Mr. Marshall would pay attention to such a small matter, hehe. I don't need to help. I mainly see that there are continuous wars in my hometown, and many innocent people have been displaced.

   And my industry in Brazil urgently needs enough cheap labor, so I recruit labor from my hometown to fill the vacancy. This should be no problem! "

  Hearing Fang Lang's words, General Marshall waved his hand, and quickly explained with a smile:

   "Fang, don't misunderstand me! I don't have any objections to your recruitment of labor from your hometown. On the contrary, I am very supportive. This has indeed found a new way out for the people who are suffering from the war.

  Speaking of which, your hometown and I are also very close. As early as 1924, I was sent to work in Jinmen. During the three years of working in Jinmen, I not only learned Chinese, but also made many friends.

  Even Ni, who was born in Brazil, may not have stayed in your hometown for as long as I have, so it is not only your hometown, but also one of my hometowns.

  As long as it is beneficial to your hometown, I will do it with all my hands. "

   To say that General Marshall really regarded his hometown as his own, Fang Lang didn't believe it. After all, the other party was stationed in Jinmen as a garrison in the concession.

  In their eyes, the Jinmen American Concession at that time should be the same as the American colony, which is a shame to all Chinese.

On the contrary, for Americans, it is a very proud thing. If you say that Marshall will have a sense of belonging to Jinmen because he was stationed in Jinmen as a garrison in the concession, he will regard Jinmen as his hometown. One, Fang Lang wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

   But from what he said, Fang Lang could also hear that the other party was looking for a common topic with himself, and obviously wanted to show favor to him.

  In this case, Fang Lang certainly couldn't refuse the other party's overtures. He smiled as if he had never known Marshall's experience:

   "Oh! Mr. Marshall has been stationed in his hometown for three years, no wonder you speak Chinese so well!

   I am ashamed to say that although I am a Chinese, I have never lived in my hometown. If I hadn’t joined the Pacific War, I wouldn’t even know the exact location of my hometown.

   It was also during the Pacific War that I learned about the situation in my hometown, and I began to wonder if I could make good use of such a huge population resource in my hometown. That's how we started our business of recruiting labor from our hometown.

  At first I didn't intend to recruit so many people, but I didn't expect that the local manpower was too cheap, and we recruited a large number of capable labor force at almost no cost.

  Now our company’s personnel gap in Brazil has actually been filled, but the hard-working, hard-working character of the Chinese has also begun to be welcomed by some local Brazilian companies.

  So, our current labor dispatch business can create a lot of performance for the company every year.

Now that the war broke out again, more and more people want to come to Brazil to work. Even, many rich people heard that Brazil is sparsely populated and fertile, and they all want to immigrate to Brazil, so we also started Started some immigration business. "

  No matter what purpose Marshall mentioned labor and immigration, Fang Lang explained his purpose briefly. Whether the other party believes it or not, he must explain these situations.

  Actually, what Fang Lang said is basically close to the facts. Although his purpose is to increase the proportion of Brazilian Chinese population, this business has indeed generated a certain amount of profit as he said.

  Especially in the current immigration business, a lot of oil and water has been squeezed out of the rich people in their hometown. Even if Marshall goes to investigate, he will never find anything abnormal.

  After listening to Fang Lang's words, Marshall sighed softly, shook his head with a wry smile at Fang Lang and said:

   "Ah! To say that this war broke out again, I am also partly responsible."

   Fang Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, what's going on? How did the war in my hometown have something to do with this old guy! It seems that I have never heard of it in the history I studied!

  Although I know that the Americans are standing behind Chiang Kai-shek, I have never heard that the Americans participated in this war! What's the secret here?

   "Oh! How do you say that?"

  Since General Marshall took the initiative to speak, Fang Lang didn't continue to think, but asked directly.

  Seeing Fang Lang's brows furrowed and his expression puzzled, Marshall sighed, shook his head and said:

   "It was a coincidence that I was able to attend your party this time. If your party had been held a few days earlier, I would not have had the chance to attend."

   Before Fang Lang could ask a question, General Marshall continued:

   "Because I just came back from Huaguo. This time I went to Huaguo because I was assigned by President Truman to mediate the relationship between the two parties in Huaguo and prevent Huaguo from falling into war.

   But obviously my mission failed, and Huaguo fell into war again. "

   Hearing this, Fang Lang understood what was going on. What he didn't expect was that Marshall was the one in charge of mediation. He really didn't know this. After all, he asked people to collect Marshall's information until he retired.

   Unexpectedly, this guy was not idle after retiring, and was still working for the United States. Fang Lang didn't care if the mediation failed. After all, from the standpoint of a Yankee, he must fully support the pro-American Chiang's government.

  The so-called mediation is more like a platform for Lao Jiang, and with the support of the Yankees, Lao Jiang will definitely launch a war without hesitation.

   Don't say that Marshall should intervene, even if the dead Roosevelt himself would not have any effect.

   No wonder he would say that he was partly responsible for the war in his hometown. In this way, it really has something to do with him. But it is obviously wrong to say that all the responsibility is placed on him.

  Of course, these Fang Lang don't care, because he knows very well what the inevitable outcome of history will be. But he will definitely not say his own opinion foolishly, after all, his status now requires him to stand clearly on the side of the United States.

  So, he sighed regretfully and said:

   "Oh! What a pity! Although the war has made my business better, it is really heavy to watch my hometown fall into chaos.

  However, this cannot be blamed on you, after all, you are only in charge of mediation and have no right to make decisions. I just hope that the war can end as soon as possible and people's lives can return to peace as soon as possible. "

   In Fang Lang's heart, he didn't want to continue gossiping with Marshall. After all, his purpose of holding the banquet this time was to gain more benefits in the European recovery plan.

  His main guests today are the Rockefeller and Morgan families. Inviting Rockefeller to this banquet is to add some pressure to the ongoing negotiations with the Morgan family.

  Although Marshall will be the leader of this plan in the future, he is not yet the future Secretary of State, and Fang Lang doesn't know whether he is currently involved in this plan.

  If he participated in it, then there must be a certain purpose for appearing here today, which will bring some uncertain factors to Fang Lang's banquet today.

  Actually, Fang Lang hopes that Marshall has not participated in it yet. If the other party learns about the plan through his own relationship, it will definitely be very beneficial to him.

   You must know that this is the future Secretary of State of the United States, and at the same time has unparalleled influence in the U.S. military. If you get the opportunity to lead such a great plan because of your own reasons.

  He owed himself a lot of favors, and by then, it would be very convenient for him to do many things in the United States or Brazil.

  However, Fang Lang knew very well in his heart that he must have known about the plan, otherwise why would the other party suddenly appear at his banquet uninvited?

   While Fang Lang was still thinking about the other party's purpose, Marshall also sighed:

   "Yes! I only hope that the war will end soon and people's lives will return to normal soon."

   Hearing Marshall, a retired five-star general from the United States, and himself, a Brazilian rear admiral, discussing the hope that the war in countries as far away as Asia would end soon, Fang Lang suddenly felt a little absurd.

  So, Fang Lang took the initiative to end this topic, and then tentatively said:

   "So, the purpose of Mr. Marshall's coming here today is to let the life of the people after the war return to normal as soon as possible, isn't it?"

  This time Marshall didn't go around the topic again, but looked at Fang Lang with an expression of interest, and said with a half-smile:

   "What! I can't just be tired, come and relax with your drink."

   Seeing the other party's expression, Fang Lang understood the other party's intention before answering his own question.

   He was not surprised by this, but at this moment he relaxed, turned his head and said to his housekeeper:

   "Bring me that box of Victory cigars, I want to have a good chat with Mr. Marshall.

  By the way, after you get the cigar, go down! After the guests from the Rockefeller family and the Morgan family arrive, lead them in directly. "

  As the housekeeper, Zolph Henry understood Fang Lang's meaning. Obviously, the topic they were going to discuss now was relatively secret, and it was definitely not suitable for him to listen to.

   After all, I am just a servant who has been with the new master for less than a week.

   It must be a very important thing for a retired five-star general in the United States to discuss with the Morgan family and the Rockefeller family.

   It may be a major event that may affect national politics. He must take it seriously and ensure that this meeting can be kept in a state of absolute secrecy.

  After understanding this, Zolph Henry nodded respectfully, turned around and took out a box of cigars from the cabinet behind him, and put them on the low table by Fang Lang's hand.

   Said softly to Fang Lang:

   "Then I'll wait outside the door first, and call me if you need anything."

  After seeing Fang Lang nodding, he raised his head and nodded at Marshall before turning and leaving.

  Fang Lang opened the cigar box next to him casually, took out two and handed one to Marshall before slowly opening his mouth and saying:

   "It seems that Mr. Marshall was invited by Mr. Morgan, right?"

   "Hehe. Why did Mr. Fang say that?"

  After hearing Fang Lang's words, Marshall didn't answer, but smiled and asked back.

   Needless to say? Those who can recruit such a big man as Marshall are obviously not ordinary people, so 90% of the people can be ruled out.

  Only people from the Morgan and Rockefeller families, and the person who entertained the Rockefeller family himself did not disclose his purpose, so the only insider must be the Morgan family.

  Now that I know that the other party is invited, but the person who invited him has not yet arrived, obviously, the other party will not talk to me too much at this time, so I have been talking about him all the time.

   Fang Lang, who understood all this, smiled and said:

   "Hehe. I guessed too!"

   Then, as if he suddenly thought of something, he arched his hands at Marshall and said:

   "Then I'll be here first, congratulations Mr. Marshall!"

   This turn was obviously turning a little fast, and Marshall, who was about to listen to him explain the reason, was obviously taken aback for a moment. She was very familiar with Fang Lang's gestures, but he was taken aback for a moment when the other party suddenly congratulated him.

   asked with a puzzled look:

   "Congratulations? Congratulations on what?"

  Fang Lang smiled and said:

   "Of course, congratulations to Mr. Marshall, who is about to get promoted and make a fortune!"

   These words made Marshall suddenly realize, and he laughed dumbly and said:

   "Why does Mr. Fang think I can get promoted and get rich?"

   Seeing the other party pretending to be stupid, Fang Lang didn't say much, but smiled at the other party with a face full of control:

   "After the plan is officially implemented, I ask Mr. Marshall to take care of me!"

   This sentence made everything clear, and Marshall could only smile and shook his head, and said to Fang Lang:

   "Mr. Fang, I am really surprised, no wonder you can achieve such a great achievement today in such a short period of time.

  Before today, I thought everything was luck, but now it seems that I am still too superficial. "

  For Marshall's compliment, Fang Lang just smiled, didn't care, and bowed to Marshall:

   "Mr. Marshall won the award, I am indeed lucky. Unlike Mr. Marshall, you have accumulated so much that you have accumulated so much.

  Your achievements today are enough for me to look up to all my life! "

  The business exchanges between the two obviously made them both relax. Marshall no longer deliberately avoided Fang Lang's identity, but said to Fang Lang:

   "I think Mr. Fang's ability to serve as the commander of an aircraft carrier battle group is really a bit of a big talent. At least he should be the Minister of the Navy!"

   Fang Lang was taken aback by this statement. He would not believe that General Marshall said this casually. Could it be that the other party wanted to compensate his loss on the issue of food exports by improving his status in the military.

   If this is the case, Fang Lang would not be willing. Speaking of his current status, he is also very popular in the Brazilian military circle, and he is a well-established real power faction.

  (end of this chapter)

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