MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 603 new year

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  Chapter 603 New Year

   Walking and stopping all the way, the two finally returned home.

   Far away, they saw a figure.

  Under the orange light, Sayuri Sawamura was quietly waiting at the door.

   Seeing the two of them, the woman could not help lowering the corners of her eyes softly, her gaze was very gentle.

   "Welcome back ~ you two."


  Ying Lili let out an exclamation: "Why are you here?"

   "I want to say that it's almost time for you to come back, so I greet you at the door, but Ying Lili..."

  Sawamura Sayuri said slightly reproachfully: "You are a real kid, how can you ask Kato-kun to carry you behind your back? You can't bully others like this?"

   "Well, that's what he has to recite by himself, and I didn't force him..." Ying Lili blushed and muttered in a low voice, refusing to look directly at her mother's face.

   "Ah, is that so? Kato-kun."

  Sayuri Sawamura, who heard her words, tilted her head and cast her questioning eyes aside.

   "Aunt Sayuri..."

   Kato Yusuke bowed his head lightly in greeting, and when he was about to explain Eriri's foot injury, the other party spoke before him.

   "Mom, where are Xintiao and the others?"

   "Those two children have gone to take a bath."

   "That's it, then I'll go find them."

  The person concerned jumped off Kato Yusuke's back as he spoke, hurriedly walked into the house, and after two steps, he suddenly froze in place.

   After two or three seconds.

   She dragged her left foot, which seemed inconvenient, limped inside, and quickly slipped into the house.


  Seeing this scene, Yusuke Kato twitched the corners of his mouth angrily and amusedly, and finally dropped his shoulders weakly.

   Obviously, he was completely deceived by the other party.

   Not to mention that the swift-footed appearance is completely different from before, even the master seems to have forgotten that he should have twisted his right foot.

   As for whether this series of things was a temporary intention or a deliberate plan... He can't say for the time being.

  Suddenly, the smell of elegant perfume rushed into his nose.

   "Sorry, Kato-kun."

  Sayuri Sawamura stood on tiptoe slightly, reaching out to help him sweep some of the falling snow off his head and shoulders.

   "Thank you for your hard work. I will talk about that child in the future, so that she will not trouble you like this."

   Facing the other party's speech and intimate behavior, Kato Yusuke felt very uncomfortable, so he stepped back half a step without any trace to avoid it.

   "...You are serious, I don't think Ying Lili has caused me any trouble."

   "Huh~ She told you to carry her on her back?"

   "That was an unexpected situation..."

   "Is that so~ My daughter is very light?"


   "Speaking of which~ It seems that this is not the first time you have memorized Ying Lili, and before that, you hugged her princess..."

  Sayuri Sawamura put her chin on one hand pretending to be distressed.

   "Ah, this is a bit troublesome, you will take responsibility~~?"

   “…Are you kidding me?”

   Kato Yusuke asked uncertainly, trying to determine how much truth there was in her words, but the other party just smiled and said nothing.


  He pursed his lips unconsciously, ready to say something, but...

   "So, Kato-kun."

  The person in front of him suddenly asked again: "Did something happen to that child? Her state seems to be different from before you went out~"


  Although he didn't understand why the other party suddenly changed the subject, Kato Yusuke answered truthfully.

   "If you insist...we just went to the elementary school below, I think it should be related to this."

   "The elementary school—?"

  Sayuri Sawamura was startled for a moment, and then immediately asked: "Are you talking about Shimamura Elementary School?"


   "Is Ying Lili taking you there??"


   "Is that so... that kid took you there..."

  Sayuri Sawamura blinked in surprise, lowered her face and whispered.

   Before Kato Yusuke could think carefully about the deep meaning behind this abnormal reaction...

   "I say, Kato-kun."

   Without warning, the other party suddenly stepped forward and walked up to him, looking up at him with a pair of radiant purple pupils.

   "Sure enough, you can call me mom from today, just treat it as practice in advance~~~"

   "—What exercises are you talking about?!?!"

  Yusuke Kato couldn't help being a little mad, and wanted to back up again, but the other party tightly grabbed the skirt of his clothes and wouldn't let go.

   In the habit of pulling people's clothes, the mother and daughter are almost the same.

   "Be good, be good, you don't need to be embarrassed. I will also say hello to Mina-san, anyway, I will leave everything to my mother~~~!"

   "If this is a joke, can I ask you to stop—??"

   "Oh, oh, what's the matter~~~"

  Sayuri Sawamura smiled and said: "Mom also wants to get closer to Kato-kun. Like cooking delicious food for you, preparing bento, rubbing your back for you... all kinds of things~"

   "I'm really sorry! But I really don't understand what you're saying—!"

   While the two of them were chatting...

   "Mom, what are you doing—?"

  Ying Lili went back and forth for some reason, and looked at them blankly.

  The air suddenly became quiet.

  Sayuri Sawamura first looked back at her daughter in the back, then at the boy in front of her, and then tilted her head slightly as if she was cute.

   "Hey ~ Kato-kun, something is wrong, we seem to be caught by Eriri."


  The corners of Kato Yusuke's mouth twitched, and he didn't even want to say a word.

  Sayuri Sawamura frowned and thought hard for a while, and finally she seemed to have made up her mind, and said resolutely:

   "Okay~ Before Leonard comes here, anyway, Kato-kun, run away, and leave the rest to Mom..."

   "—What the **** are you talking about!"

  Ying Lili walked up quickly, standing between them.

   "Mom, what strange things did you say to Yusuke?"

   "Hey, I just asked him if he wants to stop chasing his daughter and chasing me instead~"

   "Oh my god! This kind of remark is not only not funny but also difficult to respond to. Please stop making trouble!"

   "Too much!? Do you have to be so serious!" Sayuri Sawamura showed a hurt expression.

   "It's so embarrassing, who is causing trouble now? Hurry up and go in~"

   "Why is this, Kato-kun and I still have a lot to talk about."


  Ying Lili categorically refused, and hugged someone's left arm angrily.

   "And Yusuke, you too, if you don't want to be entangled, just refuse it! Why force yourself to accompany others."

   Kato Yusuke stared forward with both eyes, and answered the question with a slightly soft voice: "You are talking about..."

  When Sayuri Sawamura heard his answer, she frowned slightly unhappily, and hugged his right arm in a similar way, and almost her whole body was close to him.

   "It's too bad. You just chatted so happily with him, but now you change your mind?"

  Through the kimono, the warm body temperature of the chest came faintly.

   Kato Yusuke's body shook slightly, and his whole body became stiff all of a sudden.

   "Mom, don't get so close to Yusuke—!"

  Ying Lili shouted, and hugged his left arm vigorously.

   "Look! Yusuke is struggling with his brain. He is very gentle and doesn't know how to refuse you. Don't ask him too much."

   "Ahh~ Obviously we had the right atmosphere just now, you were the one who came to disturb me?"

  Sayuri Sawamura teased: "Besides, even if Kato-kun is troublesome, this is also a worry of happiness~?"

   Yusuke Kato was squeezed between the mother and daughter, feeling mixed emotions.

  As for the so-called "happiness troubles", it is purely non-existent.

   After all, the two are not only very similar in appearance, but also almost identical in figure.

  Question: Do you have any thoughts when you are squeezed between a pair of washboards?

  Answer: There was no fluctuation in his heart, and he was even a little flustered.

  Besides the complaint of "I'm sorry for A", Kato Yusuke couldn't think of any other description.

   "Brother Yu, what are you doing?"

  Just as Kato Yusuke was caught between a pair of rub... two people and couldn't move, the voice of saving him came from inside the room.

  —Serizawa Yu was looking at them in astonishment.

  It looked like he had just taken a shower, the subject had a natural blush on his face, and a creamy yellow towel was hanging around his neck. The slightly tight home clothes have a rounded chest, exuding a sexiness that is different from her personality.

  Serizawa Yuki walked over happily stepping on her slippers, and her graceful bowl-shaped D-cup swayed gently, attracting attention.

   "As well as Sawamura-san and Aunt Sawamura, thank you for lending us the bathroom and clothes, I feel so comfortable~~~!"


  Yusuke Kato heard faint muffled hums coming from the left and right, but had no way of knowing what it meant.

   And with Serizawa Yu's arrival, another soft and waxy voice sounded slowly.

   "Wow, it's so cold in here! Why did you open the door? Xiao Xi."

  Xinjoxiang was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, clasped her arms tightly with her hands as if she was afraid of the cold, and walked over pattering.

   Every time she takes a step, a certain part of her body will make a beautiful sound of "puyo~", which is full of weight.

   "Ah, Xiaoxiang, you've finished washing too. By the way, why did you come out wearing only short sleeves? Be careful of catching a cold."

  "...I can't help it, the clothes are a little too tight for me, so I can only-huh? The president, Sawamura-san, and Aunt Sawamura...?"


   To the extent that only Yusuke Kato could hear, a certain mother and daughter were shaken even more strongly.

  The arrival of Xintiaoxiang brought Ying Lili back to her senses, and she quickly let go of someone and responded to him.

   "Sorry, Xintiao, the three of us are actually talking about something, so we're closing the door now."

  Sayuri Sawamura also let go of her hand, her eyes glanced at Xinjoxiang's chest calmly, and said:

   "I'm sorry, Xintiao, please wait a moment, I'll find a suitable dress for you."

  After speaking, she turned her head again.

   "And Kato-kun too, don't stand here and blow the air, hurry up and take a hot bath to warm your body."

  Looking at it like that, it looks like Kato Yusuke was blowing outside voluntarily.

   "Well, you're saying...I'm going now."

  Kato Yusuke didn't want to say anything, and fled this place of right and wrong in a hurry.

  Following his departure, the four girls also shifted positions one after another.

  Sayuri Sawamura took Xinjoxiang to find clothes.

  Eriri brought Serizawa Yui to the living room.

  The latter is like walking into the Grand View Garden, looking around curiously while asking various questions from time to time.

  Ying Lili also took the trouble to answer her one by one.

  The two chatted here for a while, and Xintiao Xiang, who had changed into a brand new home clothes, also came to join them.

  The three women were watching TV programs while eating snacks bought from a convenience store. The atmosphere was very lively.

  Suddenly, Xinjoxiang received a message to congratulate the New Year on her mobile phone.

  Her expression changed slightly as a result. After apologizing to the two of them, she sat alone on the sofa beside her and concentrated on replying to the news.

   Yingli Li and Serizawa Yu saw that she was busy with something, so it was not easy to ask for details.

  But soon, even Ying Lili had to pick up her mobile phone and began to reply to the blessing messages from her friends.

   Serizawa Yu looked left and right, couldn't help but drooped her shoulders in frustration, and finally couldn't help but ran to Xinjoxiang.

   "Xiao Xiang, who are you messaging?"

   As she spoke, she secretly glanced at the screen, and then the other party pinched her cheek with two fingers.

"it hurts…!"

   "Say ~ why are you peeking at my phone?"

  Xinjoxiang pinched her face with a smile, and there was a faint threat in her tone that only she could hear.

  "...Because, Xiaoxiang, you rarely send messages to people, and at this time, people will inevitably be a little curious...I know I was wrong, so stop pinching..."

   "I'm just chatting with my friends, more of it belongs to personal privacy, you don't need to know."

   "Yes...I see."

   Serizawa Yuki agreed dejectedly, and massaged her cheek gently while muttering a lie in her heart.

  Although Xintiaoxiang hid her phone quickly, she still caught a glimpse of a name on the chat interface.

  「Miss S」

  As a roommate who gets along with the other party day and night, this is the first time she has seen this name, and she has never heard anything related to it before, which really makes her extremely curious.

   At this moment, Kato Yusuke also just came back from the shower.

   Not only that, he also brought three thick red envelopes and distributed them to them in the name of New Year's money.

   The girls were a little at a loss at first, but they were finally persuaded by him to accept them with customary reasons.

  Ying Lili hesitated for a while holding the red envelope, then called him to her room alone, and gave him a bag.

   "Hmm...although it's a bit late, but this is a gift for you for Christmas and for winning the competition. Now it's probably a New Year's gift. Take it...!"


  Yusuke Kato glanced at her, did not refuse, silently untied the golden bow, and looked into the bag.

   "This is... a bathrobe?"

  Put inside is a black-bottomed bathrobe with hexagonal snowflakes printed on it.

  Ying Lili nodded humbly, and said nonchalantly:

   "I found this by accident when my mother and I were shopping, and I think it suits you very well, so you can wear it in spring and summer festivals..."

   "Spring Festival and Summer Festival..."

   Kato Yusuke repeated her words and asked, "So, are you inviting me to go with you?"

   "Let's talk first!"

  Ying Lili raised the index finger of her right hand vigorously, and said emphatically from both sides:

   "...Even if you want to go with others, you must first let me see you in this yukata! Absolutely!"

   "...I let you watch it but didn't invite you, so you won't cry...Puff—"

  The girl punched him straight in the stomach.

   "If you know, don't leave me! I want to go to the festival with you too..."

  Ying Lili lowered her head and said weakly:

   "Although we visited the simulation store at the cultural festival last time, it was really too simple. I want to watch fireworks with you this year...can't you...?"

  Hearing this sentence, Kato Yusuke suddenly recalled the previous summer, and said with nostalgia and a little bitterness: "I see, I promise you, thank you for your gift."

"It doesn't matter…"

  The girl slowly raised her head and looked at him with a pair of moist eyes, "Besides...I'm not the only girl who gave you a gift, am I?"

  Yusuke Kato touched his nose with a wry smile and nodded, "...Thanks to everyone, everyone in the studio gave me a gift."

   "I knew it was...a nuisance."

   "Don't you ask me what I have received?"

   "I'm not interested in knowing that kind of thing!"

   Eriri put her head on his chest, and said, "Anyway, I just need to do my best to face Yusuke, and it has nothing to do with other girls."

  There was no confusion in her voice.

   It's like declaring war on him, and it's like swearing to yourself.


   Kato Yusuke was silent for a while, and also took out a packing bag from his pocket that he had prepared before but had not handed over.

   "...So, would you accept this as a gift in return for Christmas and New Years?"


  Ying Lili looked up at the paper bag in his hand in a daze, and snatched it away after a second of blankness.

   Without even opening his mouth, he conveniently landed on the ground to remove the package and pour out the contents.

   "Is this... a hair accessory?"

  It was a pair of black bow headdresses, with a Chanel classic camellia hanging in the middle, and a small double C pendant hanging below.

"Oh, yes."

  Yusuke Kato pretended to be relaxed and explained: "Because you usually have your hair **** all the time, I thought this might be more practical for you, so I bought it."

  Ying Lili stared at the hair ornament in her hand without saying a word, then muttered a curse in a low voice.



  When they returned to the living room again, Serizawa Yu had already fallen asleep leaning on Xinjoxiang.

  Looking at the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

  In normal times, the girl should have already fallen asleep at this moment, and it is really rare to be able to persist until now.

   Did not wake up the other party, Kato Yusuke gently carried Xiao Xi back to the arranged room.

  After that, Shinjoka and Eriri went back to their rooms to rest.

   In this uneven snowy night.

  The boys and girls listened to Xueluo's voice, and fell asleep with their own concerns in mind.

  The old year just passed by.


  (end of this chapter)

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