MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 607 generous girl

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  Chapter 607 Generous girl

  The unrequited love woven by one person, I hope one day it will become a love intertwined by two people.

   It takes a lot of time, and the wish that weaves into a beautiful pattern like a flower rope breaks easily and returns to the original rope.

   Knot it back into a circle and wrap it around your finger.


   Will it break again one day?

   It's like the last spark of a fairy wand goes out.

  If there is a mark at the end of love, what would it be like?

  It's like sending off summer and ushering in autumn, can I still fall in love with someone else?

  Sayu looked up at the sky sadly, and gently put her hand on the hand of her friend beside her.

  She wanted to be as strong as possible.

   This is not just for her friends, but also for herself.

  Although she just acted very calmly.

  In fact, even saying the name "Yusuke" made her feel scared.

  「Am I not qualified to call him that anymore?」

  「Should I retreat in the face of difficulties?」

  「Am I a nasty girl who is still relying on each other even now?」

  She asked herself over and over again, and got the same answer.

  —That day, on that snowy night, she did lose a relationship.

  The person I love the most refuses to admit her.

   Not even willing to admit their past experiences.

   Once promised a good relationship, it obviously ended before it started.

  Many sleepless nights, even without using positive words to motivate myself.

  But the fact that that person is unwilling to accept her cannot be erased no matter what.

   She was rejected by him without a doubt.

  She clenched her hand tightly as if asking for help.

  Obviously before going to Tokyo, I have already made corresponding psychological preparations.


  When all the speculations in the dream were confirmed, but that person categorically denied...she still couldn't help feeling suffocated.

not only that.

  The other party refused to give her even the slightest chance.

  She was driven back by him alone, and she could only sleep alone.

  The inexpressible thoughts echoed in the bottom of my heart.

  It's like the sea breeze passing through the rusty barbed wire, with some tinnitus.


  Even if the relationship doesn't work out, she still wants to stay with that person.

  Even if she can't have friendship beyond friends, she still hopes to at least maintain the relationship of friends.

  Even if the result of doing so is to see the other party interacting with other girls, the heart is painful, sad, and hurt...

   She still—

   The encounter with that person, the time spent together, she definitely doesn't want to pretend that it never happened.

  Even if the other party refuses to admit it, she should not forget that "unremembered" past.

on the basis of.

  Even if she is rejected hundreds or thousands of times, she will get up and continue countless times.

   After all, this is the bitter fruit she brewed herself, and she has no right to complain, so she can only bear it alone.

   Compared with being rejected by that person, what she is more afraid of is that she will be separated from him and become a stranger.

  ‘—I don’t want to be like this! '

   Sayu pursed her lips unconsciously.

  She can make up for her mistakes and spend more time getting closer to that person's heart.

  Before the other party's heart is willing to open to her, she can convey her inner affection again and again.

   Just like everything the other party has done for her, this time it's her turn to do something...

   While thinking about this, a worried voice suddenly sounded in his ears.


  As soon as she came back to her senses, Yuko was looking at her worriedly.

   "Sorry, I was a little distracted."

   Sayu let go of her friend's hand as if nothing had happened, and stood up from the bench.

   Not far away, my brother and mother are also walking here.

  The two held a lot of omori and ema in their hands. Even without asking, she could roughly guess that those should be prepared for herself.

  A faint soft smile appeared on her face.

  ‘Yusuke, wait for me…’

   No matter what, you still have to pass the university exams first.

   This is the only thing she can do now.


  The third day of the new year.

  The coffee shop next to the "TYPE-MOON" studio.

  On a window seat, two girls were sitting opposite each other.

   "Sorry, out to sea...I did something to hurt you."


  Looking at Ying Lili who was bowing deeply to him in front of his eyes, Izumi HASHIMA couldn't help opening his mouth wide in astonishment, with countless question marks popping up on his head.

   "Eh? Eh? Eh... Sawamura-senpai, are you... Eh~~~~?"

   Ignoring her confused reaction, Ying Lili acted particularly solemn.

   "Returning the book to the author is the most disrespectful and despicable behavior for the author... Although I may not be able to get your forgiveness, I really did reflect on it afterwards."

  It was the complete opposite of Dong COMI at that time, the girl's tone was full of sincerity, completely gone from the previous high-spirited appearance.

   In fact, it is true.

  Ever since chatting with Kato Yusuke the night before, Eiriri has completely let go of her inner fears, and also realized her mistake, so she can't wait to ask HASHIMA out to sea to meet her.

   "Honestly...I'm terrified of your book in every way."

  Following what she said, Bo Dao went to sea and immediately became at a loss.

   "You... what are you talking about, Sawamura-kun... Kashiwagi-sensei!"

   "Don't call me teacher... I don't have the strength to be called that at all... Especially after reading your book, I realize this even more."


  Very frankly, Ying Lili admitted to the client that she felt the courage in her book, and that was something that did not exist in her own works.

   Out of jealousy and fear.

  She was the one who refused to accept that notebook and acted so excessively.

   After explaining everything, the girl asked with a little concern:

   "Although it may be too late to say now, maybe you didn't keep it...but if you don't dislike it, can you give me that book again?"

  Hearing this, Bo Dao went out to sea and couldn't help being startled, and then responded in a panic.

   "Ah... ah... ah... ok! Please be sure to accept it, senior!"

   "Thank you... Then, I will exchange the notebook I drew yesterday with you."

   "I...I'm honored!"

  The two seriously exchanged notebooks with each other.

   "Ah, this cover... seems to be Prince Elar in the first generation of "Little Rhapsody", right? Sawamura-senpai, you drew his fanfic~~~!"

  Hashima Izumi exclaimed at the cover of the book, while Ying Lili nodded affirmatively.

   "That's right, don't you like this character?"

   "—That's not it!"

  Hashima Chuhai shook his head like a rattle and desperately denied it, and then laughed a little embarrassedly.

   "...Sorry, Sawamura-senpai, I haven't actually played the first generation of "Little Rhapsody", so I may not have a deep understanding of the characters in it..."

   "Oh, so to speak, when Shi Lun also promoted this work to you, the game had already reached the second generation."

   "Yes! I have been completely obsessed with this work since then~~~! Later, I started the third-generation game myself, and tried to make a book!"

   "That's it."

  Ying Lili picked up the coffee in front of her and took a sip, then calmly said:

   "Isn't this pretty good? The first book I drew was a work I liked, and it sold well. For creators who have just debuted, this is very lucky, isn't it?"

   "Uh... Mofei Sawamura-senpai, are you a little angry?"

   "Angry? No, why?"

   "This, this way... well, that's good!

  After all, a small club like me with a printing volume of only a hundred copies is no match for Sawamura-senpai, and sales are not at the same level at all, hehehe..."

  Bo Dao let out a long sigh of relief as he went out to sea, and his plump chest also rose and fell, which made Ying Lili's eyes twitch.

  ‘It’s obvious that he’s just a mere middle school student, isn’t his physical development too exaggerated? It's so **** off! '

  She complained secretly in her heart, and at the same time subconsciously thought of Shi Yu.

   Not only because the two are somewhat similar in size, but also because the rival just happens to be someone's real girlfriend.

  Leaving aside the appearance, let’s not talk about it.

  The most impressive thing about that black-bellied woman is not only her figure, but also her figure, and this is the only part she can't compare with her.

   In other words—

   She's a little concerned about whether she's attractive enough to someone.

   secretly glanced down at his chest.

  Ying Lili felt discouraged and furious for no reason at the sight of a flat river in front of her, and unconsciously frowned.

  ‘He still likes Ju, right? Shallow men are so annoying! '

  Seeing her suddenly become gloomy, Bo Dao went to sea again feeling uneasy.

   "Then, that... Sawamura-senpai?"

   "...Huh? What's the matter, going to sea?"

   "Sorry, are you getting a little angry again?"


   "Because, because... Sawamura-senpai seemed very angry just now..."


  Ying Lili blinked her eyes in a daze, and then she reacted immediately, and quickly explained:

   "Ah, I wasn't targeting you, I was just thinking about someone else... Cough, I meant something else, don't get me wrong."

   "Ahaha, is it... so?"

  Hashima Izumi said doubtfully, took a sip of his own sweet matcha, and then licked the milk stains on his lips with the tip of his tongue.

  Ying Lili saw her nervousness, so she took the initiative to chat with her about "Little Rhapsody".

  Because the series they have played are different, she did not discuss the characters, but chatted about the concept of the work, and the atmosphere creation in the whole series of works, etc.

  Even so, the two people who share the same hobbies still chatted quite enthusiastically, and Boshima Chuhai gradually let go of his tension in the process.

   When talking about rising, going to sea showed the problem of being easily excited when speaking, which made Ying Lili smile bitterly, feeling in her heart that like a teacher, there must be an apprentice.


  It's not that she can't understand the other party's mood.

  Ying Lili looked at the girl sitting opposite her, talking and gesticulating about the girl who loves her works, and felt a lot for a while.

  「She’s just a child after all.」

  「Yusuke usually sees me in this way, too?」

  Two thoughts appeared in her mind at the same time, causing her to curl her lips subconsciously, and then she couldn't help showing a faint smile.

  ‘Hey, it’s also my fault for being too immature before, or treat him better in the future. '

   While thinking this way, the girl took out something she had already prepared.

   "By the way, let's go to sea."

  She passed the thing in her hand to the opposite side, "As a souvenir, I hope you can accept this."

   "Huh? Ah, yes."

  Boshima Chuhai first reached out to catch it, then tilted his head in wonder, and asked, "This...what is this?"

   "Because I got inspiration from your notebook, this is the colored paper I drew last night."

   "Huh? Senior sister is too much trouble... It's a pity to give it to me."

   "No~ please accept this... I drew it just for you."


   "Let's stop talking here, it's almost time to go back to work."

   "Eh...? Ah, but I haven't finished my drink yet..."

   "It's okay, it's okay, drink slowly, I'll talk to Yusuke. By the way, I'll pay your bill together. See you later ~ go to sea."

   Ying Lili stood up after speaking, said goodbye with a smile, and then walked to the cashier with the bill.

   "School... Goodbye, senior sister..."

  Bo Shima waved at her back in a daze, and then looked down at the full-color cardboard in his hand.

   What catches the eye are the characters in the first generation of "Little Rhapsody"-Prince Ailal and the heroine.

  In addition to the exquisite color pictures, there is also a thoughtful message on it:

  「Izumi HASHIMA-san, please continue to work hard in the future!—Eri Kashiwagi」

   "Wow~~~! Sawamura-senpai is really amazing!"

  She couldn't help but marvel, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

   However, when she turned the full-color cardboard over to the other side...


  —What is presented above is something completely different.

  「Going to Hashima Island: How could I lose to you! I will definitely win!——Sawamura·Eriri (ghost face)」


  The expression on Bo Dao Chuhai's face suddenly froze, and he froze in place.


   "I'm back~"

   "Ah, welcome back~ Teacher Kashiwagi."

  On the other side, Ying Lili, who was humming, also returned to the studio.

  In the large office of the art department, Mayu Sagara was drawing pictures while listening to a song. Seeing her return, the girl reached out and took off the earphones.

   "Hey, Mr. Kashiwagi, are you alone? Didn't she come back with you when you went to sea?"


  Ying Lili's face flashed unnaturally, and she replied in a subtle tone: "... Well, because she hasn't finished her drink yet, I came back first."

   "Ahaha, so it is like this~~"

   Sagara Mayu nodded in understanding, and didn't think about it.

  Eriri looked around, but found no sign of anyone else, and asked, "Strange, why are you alone, Miss Xiangle? Where are you?"


   Sagara explained enthusiastically.

   "Miss Hui is in the reference room, teacher Xia Shizi is writing the script, Mr. Yoshida and Otaku-kun are writing the code, as for the teacher...

   It seemed that Miss Shinjo had something to ask him, so they went to Hasumi's office together. "

   " student Xinjo here?"


   "Well, then I'll go up and find them."


  So Ying Lili walked from the first floor to the second floor, and came to the door of the president's office.

  Just as she was about to raise her hand to knock on the door, the door opened first.

  Xinjoxiang and Hasumi Kanoko walked out from inside.


  (end of this chapter)

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