MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 612 Don't have any plans (thanks to the lord who doesn't like corn!

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  Chapter 612 Have other plans (thanks to the leader who doesn't like corn!)

  Finally, the two chatted.

  Of course, Iori HASHIMA asked why Ai Lun was also in a bad mood.

  However, no matter how hard he asked, the person concerned still refused to reveal a word, but put on a bad face and told him not to ask.

  Hashima Iori tried several times, and finally realized that he could not change the other party's mind, so he reluctantly gave up this plan.

  Then, they chatted about the matter of going out to sea in Boshima and Ying Lili.

   "Speaking of which, my sister seems to have received a gift from Eri Kashiwagi two days ago~"

   "Are you referring to the copy of "Little Rhapsody" they exchanged?"

   "Hehe, besides the doujinshi, Eri Kashiwagi also generously sent her a full-color paper card?"


   "Hey, I really don't know how to thank you for taking out such a precious thing all of a sudden. If you know that the full-color paper cards drawn by Eri Kashiwagi are sold online, the price will be hundreds of thousands."

   "Hey, you poor guy! That's not something you can sell—!"

   "Ahaha, I'm just talking casually, I will never make it difficult for me to go to sea again."

   "Don't ask me to repeat it again and again, I just can't understand you!"

  Hashima Iori shrugged indifferently, and said, "However, she has been troubled by Eri Kashiwagi's finding fault with Kashiwagi recently."

   "Finding faults?" An Yilun also asked puzzledly: "What do you mean by that?"

   "Oh? Judging from your expression, it seems that you don't know about it yet."

  Hashima Iori smiled and spread his hands, explaining: "To put it simply, that Kashiwagi Eri left a message similar to a gauntlet on the full-color paper card he gave to the sea~"


   "That's right~ Although in my opinion, at the current level of going to sea, it is an honor to be regarded as an opponent by that person."

   "Yingli, she..."

   "Do you want to say that she won't do such a thing? You should know that in the group of creators, there are countless such childish guys, right?"

   "... Chuhai didn't tell me about it, so how is she now?"

   "Hey, what I have to say is that I was stimulated and felt very unwilling. I don't want to lose to that person."

   "Is that so..."

  An Yilun also murmured: "As a creator, she has a very tough personality."

   "Hey, she is great when she goes to sea. I always believe in this. But if I have to say it, Sawamura-san's future is more secure."


   "Don't you think so?"

  Hashima Iori smiled knowingly, and spoke casually.

"At least here in "TYPE-MOON", as long as Sawamura-san stays with Kato-kun for one more day, she will always be the one closest to the divine painter. I don't have much expectation about going to sea and learn a lot. thing. "

   "Iori, you bastard...why are you telling me this?"

   "It's just a casual mention, I don't mean anything in particular."


   "Speaking of which, how are you doing recently? Are you happy playing games~?"

  After hearing this, An Yilun fell silent and did not answer.

   Are you happy playing games?

  He thought he was happy, but things seemed to be getting more and more different from what he imagined.

  Think carefully about the current days. Every day, I am either typing codes or on the way to type codes. The work is mechanical and monotonous, and there is no passion for creation.

the most important is-!

  He, a galgame expert, is completely useless in the studio.

  Everyone is doing their own things step by step. Even if they encounter difficulties, they will go to Kato Yusuke as soon as possible.

  Of course, it is understandable that the other party is trusted by everyone as the founder of the studio, and it is not impossible for him to understand.

   Understandable is one thing, uncomfortable is another.

   At the end of the day, he feels slighted and longs for a chance to prove himself, but with little hope.

  The combination of various factors made it really difficult for him to be happy.

  Thinking of this, An Yilun couldn't help but complain.

  “…I can’t say I’m not happy, how can I be happy when I have to program every day.”

   "Ahaha, but besides this, you don't have any other work to do, right?"

   "Anyway, this is not what I want to do, what I want to pursue is not these."

   "Hey~~ This is a bit beyond my expectation."

  Hashima Iori looked at him in surprise.

   "Basically, what you are joining now is that Kato-kun's studio, and among the members are illustrators and scripts of the level of Kashiwagi Eri and Kasumi Shiko. Do you know how many people dream of this opportunity?"

   "I don't need you to remind me of that kind of thing—!"

   "Now that you know it, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

"This is because-"

  An Yilun also said as if venting his dissatisfaction:

  “The current studio is simply too boring. There is no passion for creation at all. Everyone is just following Kato’s words and working step by step. There is no freedom at all!”


  Hashima Iori's eyes flashed brightly, "From what you say, do you intend to set up your own family?"

   "Huh!? I didn't say that!"

   "However, the current situation of the studio makes you feel very unhappy?"


  An Yilun was also silent, then nodded, "...I can't deny this."

   "Haven't you discussed this issue with Kato-kun?"

   “…this is not such an easy problem to solve.”

  He spoke vaguely, not wanting to mention the quarrel between the two.

  Hashima Iori stared sideways at him for a while, then suddenly laughed.

   "Well~ Now that you've said that, how about forming a club to make games?"


   "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong~?"

   "What kind of nonsense are you talking about? This kind of joke is not funny at all!"

   "Joke? You misunderstood, I have always valued you as a person."

   "Huh? You value me...?"

  An Yilun also showed a dumbfounded expression, full of puzzlement.

   "That's right~"

  Hashima Iori nodded with a smile, and said:

   "With my contacts, negotiation skills, and political talent, plus your ideas, enthusiasm, and action, I think that sooner or later I will have the opportunity to take charge of the entire fandom."

   "You're saying such nasty things again. If you want to take charge of those, you should join the event organizing committee..."

   "It's a pity, I really think so.

  Lunya, you can always come up with interesting ideas that no one else can think of. This is the part that I am always inferior to you, and the reason why I can't take my eyes off you. "


  An Yilun also suddenly showed a cold expression, folded his arms and complained: "When you say this, don't you feel sick?"


  Hashima Iori raised the corners of her mouth frivolously, and said with a smile: "In short, if you think of any good plan or idea, I am willing to help you realize it?"

   "...with such a big tone, can you spend tens of millions of dollars in one breath to make games like Kato?"

   "Stop talking about unrealistic fantasies, right? Lunya-san."

   "Sure enough, I knew..."

  An Yilun also lowered his shoulders dejectedly, "Let's not say 10 million, I can't even get 1 million, why are you talking about playing games like this..."

   "About this, Lunye is not as absolute as you think."


  Facing his puzzled eyes, Iori HASHIMA pointed at herself and said, "If it's just money, I can help you get investment, okay?"

   "Help me get investment..."

  An Yilun couldn't help being taken aback, "Wait a minute, is what you said true?"

   "Of course, have you forgotten my contacts? Although tens of millions may be a bit reluctant, but a few million is not difficult for me~"

  Hashima Iori paused at this point, and then reminded her again.

   "By the way, the premise of all this is that you must have an excellent project worth investing in, okay? Lunya."

   "—I don't need you to tell me about that kind of thing!"

  An Yilun also shouted loudly, and then asked: "Speaking of which, why on earth are you helping me? What are your intentions?"

   "Is this difficult to understand? To put it simply, I believe in your vision. Since Miss Zhu Yin is gone, you, Lun Ye, are more worthy of trust than those members of our club."

   "...You are already popular now, but you still want to climb higher?"

   "Ahaha, didn't I say that? I'm very greedy, so I must become a big shot in the industry."

  Finally, HASHIMA Iori said in conclusion:

   "In short, that's the way it is. Lunye, when you have made up your mind, please contact me."

   After finishing speaking, he left here.

  An Yilun was also sitting on the bench with an uncertain expression.


   A few days passed after that.

  As the two-week winter vacation came to an end, the HASHIMA brothers and sisters also bid farewell to everyone in Tokyo and returned to Nagoya.

  Similarly, everyone also ushered in the last semester of the first year of high school.

  Days passed without any surprise.

  School, studio, home.

  Yusuke Kato maintains a life of three points and one line.

   Until Friday.

  Hui suddenly approached him after school, expressing that he wanted to see the girl Xiao Xi and the others brought back.

  Although this request was a bit sudden, Kato Yusuke only hesitated for a moment, and then readily agreed.

   Just like that, the two bought some snacks as condolences on the way, and then came to the association.

  Xinjoxiang and Xiaoxi who were notified were already waiting.

  Before meeting with the parties, the two also told them about the specific situation.

  The girl who was brought back to the association claimed to be Muzi, she was nineteen years old, and she met Xiao Xi on the street when she was out shopping.

  According to his age, Muzi should have gone to college, but he is currently on a long-term suspension.

  As for the reason, it is because the owner has symptoms of mental instability.

  Hearing this, Hui couldn't help asking in detail, and Xiao Xi explained to her while preparing dinner.

  It turned out that Muzi was born in a family with a strong desire for control. She watched her parents commit domestic violence against her sister since she was a child, and she herself began to experience auditory and visual hallucinations in the fourth and fifth grades.

  Out of a rebellious mentality, Muzi started to hang out with some bad boys after he was promoted to senior grade, and got into the bad habit of hurting himself.

  Finally, one day, Muzi, who couldn't bear the study supremacy of his parents, escaped from home, and came to Tokyo from his hometown alone, and then was brought back to the association by Xiao Xi.

  When Kato Yusuke heard about this experience, he couldn't help but worry about Xiao Xi's safety.

  After all, considering the state of the person involved, it is not a strange thing to hurt the people around him one day.

  With this in mind, he directly expressed his worries, and proposed to send Muzi to a larger welfare organization or a nursing home, but Serizawa Yu said that he wanted to hold on for a while longer.

  Maybe considering that this is the first girl she helped, or for some other reason, the girl sincerely hopes that she can improve the other party's condition.

   Kato Yusuke has nothing to do about it, he can only tell Shinjoka to pay more attention to it, and notify him immediately if there is any problem that cannot be dealt with.

  The latter naturally would not refuse his request, and immediately nodded in agreement.

   Then, several people came to the "101" room of the apartment, and actually saw a girl named Muzi.

  It was a girl with short brown hair and wearing a cute dress, giving off a princess look overall.

   Scrutinizing her expression carefully, there is no sign of mental instability at all.

   Kato Yusuke and Kei looked at each other, and they couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

   Seemingly seeing their inner thoughts, the girl pulled up her sleeves generously and showed them her scarred left upper arm.

  —It is interlaced with sharp scars of different shades.

   "If you want, you can touch it."

   Facing the girl's invitation, Yusuke Kato tactfully refused to accept it, but Kei said "Excuse me then..." and began to touch it.

  The girl caressed the opponent's arm slightly cautiously, and the uneven feeling transmitted through the fingertips gave people the illusion that she was directly touching her own mental state.

   "I haven't completely corrected this bad habit until now, but it has eased much compared to before. It's only about two or three times a week. The doctor said that this is a dissociative disorder and needs time to treat it."

  Looking at Muzi who said this with a smile in a steady tone, Kato Yusuke and Kei found it hard to imagine that the other party would be cruel to him.

  It was only then that they realized that the girl in front of them was indeed different from ordinary people.

  However, when the other party spoke, he was very organized and cheerful.

  Even Muzi sincerely expressed his gratitude to them for allowing him to live here temporarily, just like an ordinary girl with good manners.

  Through these reactions, Kato Yusuke vaguely understood why Xiao Xi wanted to help the other party.

  In order not to irritate Muzi's mental state, they didn't bother him for too long, and they took the initiative to leave after chatting for a few words.

   Walking on the way to the studio.

  Hui's tone was slightly worried.

   "Well, Yusuke, in Miss Muzi's state, is it difficult to return to a normal life?"

   "It's hard to say. Although it should be a little difficult, it's not impossible."

   "Do you think she can still work normally?"

   "It's too early to say this. At least she needs to get rid of the bad habit that hurts herself first, and she can only consider other things after her mental state stabilizes."

   "Is that kind of thing... possible?"

   "I don't know about that either."

  Yusuke Kato shook his head and said: "In short, Xinjo has contacted the community doctor, and will come to the girl regularly to diagnose the girl and help her maintain her mental stability."

   "About Miss Muzi, are you going to leave it to Shinjo-san and Serizawa-san?"

"Any questions?"

   "Aren't you worried about their safety?"

   "With Xintiao classmate here, usually nothing will happen. In addition, I will ask Saito and the others to take care of it. As for the problems in life, I believe Xiaoxi and the others can handle them well."

   "Is that so..."

  Hui said softly, then nodded.


  Thanks to the leader of【I don’t like corn】!

   (Due draft progress 3/9)

   Push this Naruto text, seedlings



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion
Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes