MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 630 Ogiwara Kazusa's troubles (Happy New Year's Eve everyone!)

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  Chapter 630 Ogiwara Kazusa’s troubles (Happy New Year’s Eve everyone!)

   After confirming that everyone was present, Hasumi Kanoko talked about the matter.

   "...Anyway, I have already visited An Yi's home, had an interview with him, and conveyed our thoughts."

   "Although it's a bit regrettable, it's a pity that An Yi still doesn't intend to change his mind. He told me clearly that he won't come back here again. No matter how I persuade him, there is no way."

   "Sorry to disappoint everyone—"

  As soon as she finished speaking, she bowed slightly to the people with great regret, and then sat down beside Kato Yusuke.

  The meeting room was enveloped in silence.

  The people who heard this speech looked at me and I looked at you, and they were a little embarrassed for a while, and they didn't know how to react.

   Sagara Mayu’s eyes flicked here and there, the expression on her face was like being reincarnated into a different world and turned into a hippopotamus, obviously she didn’t expect to hear such a heavy topic.

  Yoshida scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and yawned uncontrollably, without expressing anything.

  Megumi tilted her head slightly, her eyes focused on the ceiling diagonally above, as if she was thinking about something.

  Ying Lili rested her chin on one hand without saying a word, put the weight of her upper body on the table, and half-closed her eyes as if bored.

  As for Shi Yu, he said something indifferently.

   "It's not Kano's fault, what can you apologize for?"

   "Well... ahaha..."

   Ren Jian Kanoko smiled bitterly twice, and explained:

   "Although I said that, I thought I could handle this matter smoothly, but the problem turned out to be more difficult than I imagined. I really failed everyone's expectations."

   "No, what you did is right, I think it's better this way. If that Ai-san is really willing to kneel in order to come back, but even the basic human dignity is gone~?"

   "Uh... Xiaoshi, you seem to have misunderstood? I just went to talk to An Yi, so I wouldn't make such an excessive request of "kneeling down", which would only intensify the conflict, right? "

   "Huh? No kneeling?"

  Shiyu twitched her brows in displeasure, folded her arms around her chest and raised her legs, leaning against the back of the chair like a queen.

   "It means that he was quite arrogant when he flipped the table. If he wanted to come back without doing anything, wouldn't he take us too seriously?"

  The indifferent voice made the atmosphere even heavier, and it put pressure on everyone present.

  Kanoko Renmi observed everyone's expressions, and opened her mouth in a bit of embarrassment.

  "...How should I say this? Actually, An Yi asked me to pass along a sentence, and I have been hesitating whether to say it..."

  As soon as this remark was made, everyone's eyes gathered.

  Shi Yu even asked unceremoniously: "What did that otaku say?"

   Ren Jian Kanoko looked at the boy beside him hesitantly, and let out a sigh of relief.

  “…It’s Aki-san. He seems to be planning to set up a club by himself. He said that he wants me to convey it to Kato-kun. He will definitely make the world’s strongest game far surpassing ours. Let Kato-kun wait and see…”


  Shi Yu sneered: "So that's the so-called afternoon letter, right? This kind of self-righteous arrogance really has that person's style."

  After saying this, she turned her head to look at Ying Lili on the right.

   "So, for six years... oh, to be precise, it should be seven years ago, Sawamura, what do you think of your childhood sweetheart's words?"

   "Huh? What do you think?"

   "Because ~ since everyone has declared war on us, then everyone will be the enemy from now on, so we must defeat him, can you do it?"

  Ying Lili was stunned for a moment, then raised her face and said:

   "You don't need to test me with such words on purpose, I know what I should do!"


  Shi Yu blinked in surprise, and said in amazement: "This is really surprising, you don't sway anymore..."

   "I'm just talking about the facts! What's more, the target is Lun Ye. Don't you think it's a bit of a fuss when you put him in the same position as us?"

   "Hehe~ It looks like you're serious here too? Sawamura-san~"

   "Don't call me by my name in that nasal tone, it's disgusting!"

   "Speaking of which, Kano."

   Kato Yusuke asked, "Did you leave him what I said last time?"

  The person who asked did not explain who the "he" in the words was, and the person who listened did not ask.

   "Well, I have."

  Kanoko Renmi nodded affirmatively, and spoke up.

"Student An Yi didn't really want to accept the two million you asked me to give him, but I still kept the money as you asked. As for whether he will accept it or not, I don't know." gone."


  Yusuke Kato nodded calmly, and announced to everyone: "...Then this matter will end here, thank you for your hard work, and the meeting can be adjourned."

  He said so, and he thought so.

  Whether An Yilun accepts the money or not, the matter should end here.

  Their game is not yet finished, and there is still a lot of work to be done on their hands. They should not be troubled for too long by a "former member" who has left, but should focus on the present.

  Everyone also heard the meaning of his words, nodded in approval, and then left.

  Yusuke Kato originally planned to go back to work, but was stopped by Kanoko Hasumi.

   "Ah, Kato-kun, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you, can you wait a moment?"

"Any questions?"

   "Yes, I have a proposal about the studio, and I would like to ask for your opinion."

   "It doesn't matter what it is, you can just say it."

   "Well, actually, I'm wondering if we can arrange a group camping event. The time is about two to three days, and we can go around Tokyo."

   "A camping event...?"

   "Ah, don't you think this is not good...?"

   "No, it's not too bad, it just feels a little sudden, can I ask the reason?"

   "Well~ because everyone has been worrying about An Yi for a long time? So I wondered if we could organize a sleepover, which can be regarded as a morale booster."

   "Is that so..."

   Kato Yusuke immediately understood her intentions and pondered.

  Although he has made a statement just now, Kanoko Hasumi's thoughts are also very thoughtful.

  Leaving aside the influence caused by An Yilun, it would be a good thing if we could take this opportunity to let everyone relax and adjust to work.

  Considering that the travel time is only three days, the delay in work is basically harmless... He gradually made a decision in his heart.

   "Well, I think this is good, but there are not many places to play this season, right?"

   "How do you like the hot spring?"

   "Oh, so it's a hot spring."

   "Hey, don't you like it?"

   "No, let's make it so, can this matter trouble you?"

   "Hmm~ That's what I thought. Then if you agree, I'll let everyone know?"

   "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

   "I won't~"

   Ren Jian Kanoko smiled and walked out of the meeting room.

after awhile…

   "Hey, is this true!? Great—!"

  —Suddenly, Sagara Mayu cheered happily from outside.

  Yusuke Kato thought for a while, then took out his mobile phone, found the number of "Shinjoka" in the contacts, and called.


   That evening.

  Asahikawa City, Hokkaido, Ogiwara's small western-style building.

  The refill of the mechanical pencil snapped, and Sayu looked up from the reference book.


   Leaning on the back of the chair, he stretched his upper body vigorously, and there was a sound like "pajipaji" from his shoulders.

  Looking at the clock on the wall, the long hands and short hands are overlapping just above.

   It has been about four hours since she sat at the desk until now.

   "Has it been so long..."

  Sayu let out a sigh of relief talking to herself, put the pencil on the table, and decided to take a short rest.

  「How you spend the third year of high school has a great impact on whether you can be admitted to university.」

  Ms. Misaki, the homeroom teacher, always reminds me so tirelessly.

  Actually, she didn’t listen to the teacher’s words, but she had already made a vow in front of her mother and brother that she should work hard both in public and in private, so she often studies late lately.

   Two days have passed since the announcement of the results of the national exam.

   Not surprisingly, she achieved the expected good results.

  Whether it is the Zaoying University of the first choice or the Qingshan College of the second choice, she is eligible to apply for the exam.

   Even so, she still dare not relax.

   "After all, there is still a university self-examination..."

   Sayu muttered to herself, looking at the calendar on the desk.

  【February 18, Zao Ying University】

  【February 23, Aoyama College】

  On the loose-leaf of the desk calendar, mark the important events of this month with a conspicuous red marker.

  There are two college entrance examinations in Japan.

  The first time is the national unified examination held by the Ministry of Education, and the second time is the self-enrollment examination of each university.

  After the results of the first test are announced, candidates should decide the school and major they will apply for the second time according to their scores. The specific test time is organized by each university.

   Fortunately, the time difference between the two universities that Sayu applied for was not too long, and five days was enough for her to adjust her state.

   In addition to the test date, the examination format of each university is also different. There are many forms such as written test, interview, small essay writing, and practical operation... I won't go into details here.

   It is worth mentioning that if she hadn't insisted on going to Tokyo, then she could almost be regarded as a college student who had previously obtained the admission qualification recommended by Hokkaido University.

  However, there is actually nothing to say about this kind of thing.

   Compared with being able to be closer to that person, a prestigious university seems to be less important.

  Turn your head and look out the window.

  The night in the countryside is quiet and drowsy, giving people the illusion that they are the only ones still awake.

  Sayu pondered and picked up the mug, and took a sip of the unknowingly cold coffee. The bitter taste made her face involuntarily.

   touched the mobile phone that was placed aside.

  The one set as the wallpaper is a photo of that person secretly taken at the Kyudo Conference.

  She couldn't help showing a wry smile, feeling disappointed.

  If that day, if she was willing to chat with him for a while on the river bank on the way home from school, would things be different?

  If on that day, if she hadn't agreed to the invitation of her classmates to go home together, wouldn't she have received that slap?

  If that day, if she obeyed the faint voice in her heart to stop him, could they start as friends?

  If only she had been a little more patient...

  If she pays attention to that face that is more sorrowful than heartbroken...

  If she could recall earlier in the later reunion...

  —Will the red thread tied to the little finger still break?

  Countless ifs piled up in my mind, rushing like a torrent.

  Even though she knew those were empty delusions, she couldn't control herself.

  「You are looking for the wrong person, I am not the person you are looking for.」

  The voice of that person sounded in my ears.

  That sentence...what does it mean?

   Was she blaming her for losing him?

   Or is it just an excuse that she simply doesn't want to have contact with her anymore?

  When she was thinking about these in a daze...

  —knock knock.

   There was a knock on the door.

  ‘It’s about time…’

  Sayu came back to her senses and responded towards the door.

   "Come in."

  Click, squeak...Ah~

  As the door opened slightly, Ogiwara Kazusa poked his head in through the crack of the door.

   "Good evening, did I disturb you?"

   "Brother? Why did you come...?"

  As she asked, Ogiwara Kazusa smiled and relaxed his brows, and walked slowly into the room.

   "Mom, she has a PTA meeting tomorrow morning, and asked me to bring you a midnight snack at this time, and she went to bed first."

   "It's time to supplement nutrition again..."

  Sayu looked at the tray in her brother's hand, and couldn't help laughing wryly.

  Ogiwara Kazusa shrugged his shoulders, put the tray on the desk, then pulled a chair and sat down beside it.

   "After all, it's my mother's order. I can't do anything about it. Just eat a little bit."

   The appetite-stimulating aroma wafts throughout the room.

   Sayu took a closer look, and there were two ham sandwiches on the tray, two pieces of radish stewed in dashi, and a bowl of instant miso soup and barley tea.

   "Wow! How can I eat so much at this late hour?"

   "There is one in it that my mother prepared for me, let's eat together."

   "Is that so..."

   Sayu sighed lightly.

   "Seriously, brother, can't you persuade my mother not to do this? I have already passed the national exam, and she doesn't need to get up in the middle of the night to help me prepare supper."

  Ogiwara Kazusa showed a troubled expression, and said:

   "You know your mother's temperament. She won't change her mind just by telling me about this kind of thing, so there's nothing I can do about it."

   "Even so..." Sayu smiled bitterly: "As a girl, I eat supper like this every day, and I worry that I will get fat."

   "Oh? But I remember Sayu, don't you have a body that won't get fat?"

   "...that kind of words don't need to be said at this kind of time."

   "Ahaha, sorry, sorry, let's eat."

  Ogiwara Kazusa smiled, took a sandwich from the tray and handed it to his sister, watching the other take a small bite angrily.

   "Ah... so delicious."

   "Really? But I think Sayu's craftsmanship is also very good?"

   "Thank you, but I like the food made by my mother very much, probably because I wanted to eat it when I was a child, but I couldn't eat it anyway..."

   Sayu murmured softly, lowering her eyes slightly.

  Ogiwara Kazusa felt a "thump" in his heart, and hurriedly changed the subject.

   "Speaking of which, are you still studying at this late hour?"

   "Well, I have to read it again."

   "You are really working hard, but you should also be careful not to push yourself too hard."

   "Don't worry, I won't break my body and make you worry."

   "Oh, that's good."

  Ogiwara Kazusa couldn't tell whether it was a headache or heaved a sigh, and picked up a sandwich and ate it.

   "By the way, will I bother you here?"

   "No such thing? Occasionally, my mother will chat with me like this for a while. I like this kind of sneak time."

   "After all, mother is very reluctant to let you go to Tokyo, so I want to stay with you as long as possible now."

  Sayu couldn't help but pause for a moment, and nodded slightly without saying a word, humming.

  The mother who had been indifferent until the second year of high school was absolutely impossible to do such things as helping her prepare supper, and would not care about her life or death.

  Because that person changed more than one person.

  The toes in the cotton slippers twitched restlessly.

  She suddenly missed that person very much, wanted to see his face, listen to his voice, and feel his body temperature...

   "Speaking of which, Sayu."

  The elder brother who finished the sandwich first asked nonchalantly, "Can I ask you something?"

   "Ah, um, what's up...?"

   "Do you still remember the passbook you gave me a while ago? Didn't my mother tell me to put my college money in it?"

   "Well, of course I remember... I'm sorry for causing trouble to the family."

   "Don't be silly, our family is not short of this money... I just want to ask you something."


   "That passbook, have you used it before?"

   "Passbook... No, I don't remember using it, I keep it in the cabinet all the time."

   "Really? You haven't used it even once?"


  Sayu shook her head, "After all, my brother and mother usually give me pocket money, and that money is enough, I don't need a passbook at all."

   "Is that so..."

  Ogiwara Kazusa's heart sank slightly, his eyes wandered inch by inch on his sister's face, as if to confirm that she was not lying.

   But Sayu just tilted her head slightly in puzzlement, with a look of incomprehension.

  Brother frowned slightly, and asked with some concern: " you usually do any part-time work?"


  Sayu couldn't understand what he meant, so he took a sip of barley tea and replied:

   "Part-time job...not at all. Although Yuko asked me if I would like to go to a coffee shop to work together, but because I am busy studying every day, I didn't agree to her."

"Is it…"

  Ogiwara Kazusa stroked his chin, and whispered to himself: "That's could there be so many part-time jobs..."

"…elder brother?"

  Looking at his older brother who was upset for some reason, Sayu asked with concern: "Is there any problem?"


  Ogiwara Kazusa put on a smile and waved his hand.

   "Okay, Sayu, continue your studies, I'm going to go back, remember not to stay up too late."

   "Huh...? Oh, then I see."

  Ignoring my sister's blank reaction, my brother got up and left the room.

   After confirming that the door was closed, Ogiwara Kazusa reached into his pocket, took out a passbook from inside, and opened it.

  【Balance amount: 27,000,000】

  On my sister's account, there is such a line of numbers clearly written.

  Ogiwara Kazusa's eyelids couldn't help but twitch, and then he let out a long sigh of distress.

   "... Where did the money come from?"

  He looked at the passbook in his hand, then at Sayu's room, and returned to his own room with such a heavy heart, and then sent an email to the company secretary.

  Considering that the person involved is currently concentrating on preparing for the exam, and his mother is not a suitable object of discussion, he decided to investigate on his own...


   Although there are some things to post early, proofread later.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion