MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 632 Girls on their own

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  Chapter 632 Girls who act independently

   "—Damn it, Kato, you are a complete bastard!"

  The familiar voice made many people smile, and they all looked back.

   Kato Yusuke stood in the middle, Yamaguchi and Takei stood on both sides, one on the left and one on the right, and walked into the classroom bluffing like that.

  As always, the two guardians made an eye-catching loud conversation.

   "Say it, you bastard! How on earth did you think to draw that kind of crazy cartoon ending, it must be kicked in the head by a donkey?"

   "Xiao is right! We were looking forward to the ending of the manga so much, but in the end, everyone except Denji was wiped out... Is Katou a demon?"

   "Damn it, Kato, won't your conscience ache? First, Himeno-senpai, then Reise, then Aqiu and Pava, and finally even Ms. Machima... How can you do it—!"

   "Refund! Give us back the money we paid for manga magazines and booklets!"

   "Exactly! Did you hear that, you bastard?"

   "...I said."

   Kato Yusuke was sandwiched between the two of them like a prisoner, pinching his brow in boredom, and sighing.

   "I'm almost tired of hearing this kind of conversation. It should be said that the manga has been finished for a whole week, and you guys are still bringing up this topic...?"


  Yamaguchi twitched the corner of his mouth angrily, locked his neck roughly with his arms, and continued to speak in a rage.

   "Who cares about that kind of thing!? Even if we say it a hundred times—!

  What "EasyRevenge"?

  What "country mouse"?

  What is "Happy Birthday Denji"?

  What is "Ginger Roast Pork"?

  Bring back my Himeno-senpai, Reise, Pava, and Ms. Machima—! "

  Kato Yusuke listened to the roar in his ear, unbearably unfastened his choke, showing a speechless expression.

   " can remember the highlights of these characters so clearly, you like this work very much."

   "Nonsense! I'm a super super super super fan!"

  Yamaguchi gritted his teeth and said:

   "Because of this... Do you know how long I was depressed when I saw those images? Do you know that feeling of emptiness like everything is meaningless? Apologize! Apologize immediately!"

  After what he said, Kato Yusuke suddenly frowned with a headache.

   "No, no matter how you say it, you don't need to go to this point..."

   "So when do you plan to release the sequel of the manga? Or are you secretly preparing the true ending? Hurry up and show it to me!"

   "Sorry, I haven't prepared any real endings, and I don't plan to make a sequel. The serialized endings in the magazine are fake endings, so your request cannot be fulfilled."

   "It's ~evil~'s~jia~vine~ah...!"

   "In short, that's the way it is, you should give up.

   But to be honest... You are already high school students, so you should be more mature, right? Always make such a big fuss, just like a little ghost. "

   There was a sound of "crack~".

  Yamaguchi's forehead suddenly burst into blue veins, and he yelled: "Shit, how dare you say that! Zhujing!"


   "Do it, get him!"


  The two brothers sang and said in unison, both of them clasped his arms and locked them behind him, intending to do something wrong.

   "Hey, I told you two, don't mess around in the classroom."

   "Stop talking nonsense!"

  Yamaguchi said bitterly: "Besides, do you think we are the only ones who are unhappy? Do you know how many people on the Internet want to kill you?"


  Takei nodded his head in approval, took out the phone from his pocket, manipulated his fingers a few times, and then held the screen in front of someone with a serious face.

   "If you don't believe me, the evidence is here, Kato, see for yourself!"


   Kato Yusuke glanced casually, then retracted his gaze, and kindly reminded him.

   "...Takei, you drove the wrong way. It was the Valentine's Day greeting tweet from Mr. Akari Tsumugi."


  Takei suddenly turned pale with fright, and hurriedly hid the phone behind his buttocks.

  When everyone in the class saw this scene, they hugged their stomachs and burst out laughing.

   "Hey, Takei, what did Akari-sensei say in his tweets?"

   "Master what teacher? We didn't hear clearly just now, so you just read it again~"

   "Takei, you guy, you are really awesome~~~"


  Jokes of booing sounded from everywhere, making Zhujing's face turn pale.

  At this time...

   "—Huh? Are you kidding??"

  Yamaguchi stepped forward awe-inspiringly, facing everyone in the class proudly, and said solemnly:

   "Facing such an excellent life mentor, I don't believe that there are men present who haven't taken her lessons.

  Even Kato can call that teacher by name, what prudence are you **** doing?

  A real man should live with his chest held high! Instead of making fun of others with this kind of thing, unless he admits that he is a kid.

Now! Anyone here who feels that he is not a man, please honestly raise your hand. "

  After a brief silence, some people raised their hands hesitantly.

   "Huh? We're talking about masculinity now, women put your hands down—"

  Before Yamaguchi finished speaking, a weapon rolled into a paper tube slammed on his head, making a muffled "thump!"


   "Idiot, what the **** are you talking about!"

  The man's funny screams and the girl's embarrassing reprimand sounded together.

  Himekawa Yoshiko, who was holding a paper tube, blushed, and swung it again like pounding rice cakes.

"it hurts!?"

   "Are you an idiot, Yamaguchi? This is a classroom! Don't talk about your dirty things in front of everyone!"

  Boys, look at me and look at you, wisely put your head down, snicker to yourself and mourn in silence.


  In the front row of the classroom, Satoka who witnessed this scene said something in astonishment.

   "Are all the boys in our class stupid? Are they talking about actresses in the classroom??"


   Chiyo on the side nodded approvingly, and changed the subject in the middle of speaking, "Ah, although boys are all idiots, except Chairman Kato."

   "No...Chairman Kato is also considered a boy, right? And it seems that he even called out the name of that actress..."

   "But, he's super handsome, don't you think?"

   "Hmm... That's right. I'm sorry, I must have misheard just now. How could President Kato know that kind of dark artist~"

   ""Right~~~? ""

   The two smiled and looked at each other, and just explained themselves.

  ‘I don’t know what interesting reaction they will have when they know the other side of the president...’

  Xintiaoxiang thought a little darkly, and casually opened a lollipop and put it in his mouth.

   Of course, this kind of thing is just a thought.

  Except for Shi Yu's accident, she didn't intend to tell anyone about herself and that person (Xiao Xi was an exception).

  Although that person is always rough and direct when he loves her, she unexpectedly doesn't hate this kind of time that is all her own.

  Especially because they have a good relationship, she actually enjoys seeing the other party relax sincerely, which makes her feel as if she is filled with something.

  ‘Sure enough...whether it’s the president or me, we’re both very abnormal~’

  She raised the corners of her mouth with a smile, happily licking and biting the lollipop.

  The conversation between Rika and Chiyo is still going on.

   "By the way, Xiaoqian, I didn't see you because I was late this morning. By the way, how much chocolate did Chairman Kato receive today?"

   "Hmm~~ It's really hard to say the exact number. Anyway, when I came to the classroom, Chairman Kato's seat was already covered with chocolates, and I heard that the situation at the shoe cabinet is similar~"

   "...Really? Even if you know you have a girlfriend, high-quality stocks are still high-quality stocks. Everyone is watching the tiger."

   "That's right, it's a pity that his girlfriend is not a vegetarian either. That Kasumigaoka-senpai came with President Kato this morning, and even blatantly destroyed a batch of chocolate~~"


   "That's right ~ just like this, put the chocolates on the shoe cabinet and the seat into the garbage bag, and then take them all away."

  Chiyo gestured while talking, imitating the behavior of the person involved this morning.

  Rika looked at that vivid appearance, couldn't help shivering while hugging her body.

   "Wow, that senior is too fierce in every sense. If you were an ordinary person dating President Kato, you would probably have been torn apart by your rivals long ago, right?"

   "Who said it wasn't? That senior sister is one against a hundred, so I adore her a little... If she didn't take President Kato too closely."

   "Okay~ I want to secretly tell your boyfriend what I said just now."

   "Hey~~~Don't! There are so many people who want to seduce President Kato, and I'm not missing one of them. Xiaolixiang is evil."

  Rika made a joke with a smile, and then asked: "But... since the chocolates were destroyed by that senior sister, does that mean President Kato didn't receive the chocolates today...?"

"-how is this possible?"

  Chiyo chuckled:

   "Only the first batch of unlucky ones were destroyed, and there was an endless stream of girls who came to give chocolates later. That senior sister is not on the same floor as us, how could we manage it?"

   "That's it... Then the prince probably accepts chocolates and is soft..."

   "No such thing?"

   "" New article...? ""

  Rika and Chiyo showed surprise, as if they didn't expect to hear such a sentence suddenly, while Shinjoka continued to speak calmly.

   "Basically, the president will not accept chocolates from anyone except a specific person."

   "Hey, but didn't Xiaoqian just say..."

   "What Xiaoqian said was put down secretly by others when the president was away. Has she ever seen the president accept chocolates from girls in person?"


  Chiyo hesitated for a while, with an embarrassed expression on his face, "Ahaha... So, it seems that there is no such thing..."

   "Anyway, the president won't just accept other people's chocolates."

   "Really? It's too wasteful!"

  Rika's wailing made Chiyo smile wryly, and the latter continued following the atmosphere.

   "Although it's a bit wasteful, it's understandable. After all, Chairman Kato already has a girlfriend."

   "...Well, but for friendship chocolate, President Kato should still be able to accept it, right? Shinjo."

  Xinjoxiang took a deep look at her, and tilted her head with a smile.

   "Well~ What do you think, Satoshi~?"


   Chiyo listened to their conversation and said to herself:

   "What I want to say... even if it's friendship chocolate, I don't know if there are strange things like bodily fluids in it?"

   "Wow! So what? It's disgusting."

   "Hey, don't you know, Satoshi?"

"what do you know?"

   "Ahaha, actually there is a saying on the Internet that ~ if you can make the person you like eat a part of your body, it is said that you can make the other person like you."


  Rika rubbed her arms violently and felt a chill.

   "Don't say it, don't say it, no wonder the prince refused so coldly, I finally understand!"


  Xin Tiaoxiang listened to their chatting nonchalantly, and looked back inadvertently.

   On the window seat in the back row, Kato Yusuke and Kei were talking about something at this time.

  By the action of the latter taking something from his pocket, a piece of chocolate bar that can be seen everywhere in convenience stores came into her eyes.

'what…? '

  The girl didn't notice her gaze, and calmly handed out the chocolate bar.

  The young man was slightly taken aback, then a gentle smile appeared on his face, and he just put the things away.

  The classroom was full of noise, everyone was watching Yamaguchi and Kako, but no one noticed them in the corner.


   A lock of hair falls gently from above the ear.

  Xinjoxiang brushed up her hair casually, turned her head and looked forward, listening to the afternoon class bell ringing boredly.


   After school, she came to the activity building as usual.

  Before the door of the student council room was opened, the sound of two people talking came from inside.

   "So, what's wrong with you? Anything to talk about?"

  —This is Yusuke Kato.

   "Uh, that, that..."

  —This is Yingli pear.

   Xintiaoxiang stopped opening the door and withdrew her hand, thinking that she was right, she just leaned against the door and waited quietly.

   After a few beats, the latter started talking coyly.

   "T-Take it! This is for you! Because today... is the day to come..."


  She couldn't help covering her mouth with her hands, trying to hold back her laughter.

   As expected, the boy's depressed voice sounded in the next second.

   "...Don't use that kind of misleading statement, the three words Valentine's Day are not that sensitive?"

   "It's so, hurry up and take it. This is the authentic chocolate that my father brought back from abroad."

   "Thank you, you can actually bring this commercially available product to me during the day."

   "Yes, yes...but I always feel embarrassed, so I keep it in my bag all the time."

   "Is this type okay?"

   "Hey, what do you mean...?"

  Xinjoxiang stared aimlessly at the dim corridor, whispering something to herself.

   "...The president is asking you whether this is friendship or life chocolate, Sawamura-san."

  Her voice was very low, so it was impossible for the people in the room to hear her.

  However, Ying Lili didn't seem to care about Kato Yusuke's words, instead hesitatingly asked the questions she cared about.

   "Yes, by the way, how many chocolates did you receive in total today?"

   "Including yours, there are three copies in total."

   "I can think of Kasumigaoka Shiwa's... Who sent the other copy?"

  —(Xinjoxiang: deduction item)

   "Oh... it was sent by Hui."

   "Hey, did Keiya give you a gift?"

  —(Xinjoxiang: deduction item)

"…Any questions?"

   "That's it~ It's true. With Hui's personality, she is indeed the girl who is most likely to give you friendship chocolates."

  —? ? ? ? ?

  Xinjoxiang turned her head involuntarily, stared dumbfounded at the closed door, and had nothing to say.

  Ever since she actually came into contact with Ying Lili, she did find that Ying Lili was a little ignorant of the world, but she never expected it to be this level.

   It’s okay if you can’t see the opponent clearly, but in the end you can’t even figure out the identity of the strongest boss... It’s really hard to know how to evaluate it.

  'This girl is so naive, how on earth will she attack the president...? '

  Feeling that the two people in the room seemed a little embarrassed at this moment, she thought for a while, then raised her hand and knocked on the door.

  —knock knock.

   "President, I'm here to work, are you inside?"


   There were faint exclamations and commotions in the room.

  Five seconds later, the door was opened with a "click".

   "Uh, good afternoon, Mr. Xinjo, what a coincidence..."

   "Well, good afternoon, Sawamura-san. So you came to the student council today? I thought you would go directly to the studio."

   "Well, um, I just talked to Yusuke a little bit, and I'm going to leave now..."

  Ying Lili said with an unnatural face, glanced inside with a pretty blushing face, and then left in a hurry.

   "...Then goodbye, Shinjo-san!"

   "Okay~~ Goodbye, Sawamura-san."

  Xinjoxiang watched her back, and then walked into the room calmly.

   "Good afternoon, President~"

   "...Well, good afternoon."

  Behind the desk, the boy was looking at the high-end chocolate in his hand. Seeing her coming, he temporarily put it aside.

   "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

   Xintiaoxiang smiled slightly, and walked towards the tea table.

   "President, aren't you going to the studio today?"

   "I'll go later, the principal said he has something to do today."

   "That's right... So, today is the day for freshmen to take the entrance exam~"


   "Is there anything we students can do?"


   Kato Yusuke sighed weakly: "This matter has nothing to do with you, it's just that the principal asked me to show my face to the freshmen."

   "Ahaha, after all, the president is a celebrity in our school, so it's no wonder~~~!"

   “…am I a mascot?”

   "Hee hee~ I think at least the principal thinks so, right? Come on, President, I'll give you coffee."


   Kato Yusuke looked at the coffee brought in front of him, thanked him politely, took a sip from the cup, and asked:

   "So, what's your business?"

   "Well~ After all, today is Valentine's Day, so I want to give this to the president."

  Xinjoka said with a smile, took out a bag of chocolates wrapped in transparent printed plastic from her backpack, and gently placed it on the table.

   Seeing this, Yusuke Kato nodded thoughtfully, without saying anything.

   "By the way, President."


   "In order to avoid misunderstanding, I have to make it clear, this is my natal chocolate~~?"


  The boy said in a normal tone.

  As soon as the voice fell, the room became quiet.

  Xinjoxiang rolled her eyes, observing the person in front of her.

  The sunlight coming in from the outside casts the shape of a window on the ground.

  Among the interlaced light and shadow, his profile was clearly cut, like a dark silhouette behind a thin curtain.

  His eyes are indifferent, and the drooping arc is a bit gloomy, but when he smiles, he looks nostalgic.

   "Is there something on my face?"


  Maybe it was because she didn't pay attention to stare for too long, Kato Yusuke raised his eyebrows slightly, with questioning eyes, as if thinking about what she was looking at?

   "Hey, President, don't you eat chocolate?"

   "I'll eat it later."


  Xinjoxiang stared at him for a while, then unwrapped the chocolate packaging bag, took out one from the inside, and held it between her teeth, and leaned towards it coquettishly.

   "Come on, ah~~ President, please use it."

   She giggled and said, in exchange for a slight frown from the boy.

"what you do?"

   "Because ~ President, you don't put sugar in your coffee at all. Isn't that very bitter, so it's best to eat something sweet to neutralize it."

   Kato Yusuke glanced at her, as if he didn't quite agree with this statement, but he still stretched out a hand to reach for the chocolate on the table.

   "...Thanks, I'll do it myself."

   "I can't do it~ Chairman."

  Xinjoxiang boldly grabbed his wrist, leaned down to touch those thin lips, pushed the chocolate in like playing a Pocky game, and then bit off half of it.

   "Hmm~~~ so sweet."

   She tapped her lips with a finger and said with a smile.

   Kato Yusuke took the chocolate in slowly, and chewed it slowly.

   "...Are you short of pocket money?"


   "I don't have much cash on me, so I can give you 200,000 first."

  Xinjoxiang blinked blankly, showing a charming smile, "It's disgusting, President, that's not why he came here."

   Kato Yusuke glanced at her, and asked as if confirming, "No?"

   "Well~~ no, at least not today, I just came to get things to the president. Since the president is fine, I'll go back first."

  Xinjoxiang made a wink while talking, and walked outside with a shoulder bag. When he walked to the door, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

   "Wait a minute, Xintiao."


   She turned her head wonderingly, and saw Kato Yusuke looking at her thoughtfully. With a pair of dark eyes that are ancient and calm, one can't guess what the master is thinking at the moment.

   After a few beats, the other party said something.

   "Thank you for the chocolate, it doesn't seem very sweet, I think it's delicious."


   Pounding, as if some kind of sound came from inside the chest.

  Xinjoxiang's eyes shone with an inexplicable brilliance, and she smiled sweetly and hummed.

   "Ah, um...thank you~ Actually, this is how Xiao Xi taught me. It is said to add a little almond powder into the chocolate, so even people who don't like sweets will not feel tired."

   Kato Yusuke nodded slightly, and said so casually.

  Xinjoxiang also nodded at him, suppressed the slightly hot feeling on her cheeks, and opened the door as if nothing had happened.

  I laughed at Ying Lili's haste before, but now it seems to be her turn.

   "Valentine's Day..."

  Pleasant whispers echoed softly in the corridor.


   Thanks to [Book Friends 20210917121446784] and [「SVIP]K】for their rewards.



  (end of this chapter)

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