MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 647 Reactions from all parties

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  Chapter 647 Reactions from all parties

   "Yusuke, I have something to tell you—!"

After    and An Yilun also separated, Ying Lili hurried to the student union.

  Pushing open the door, Hui and Shiyu raised their heads from the documents at the same time and cast their gazes at her.

   "Ah, good afternoon ~ Yinglili."

   "Huh, you're very energetic today, Sawamura."

  Eriri looked around, flicking her golden twin ponytails back and forth, but she didn't find Kato Yusuke.

   "That! Is Yusuke not there?"

  Megumi: "Well, Yusuke is not here now, okay? I just made black tea, Eriri, do you want some tea~?"

   "Oh, thank you... No! Now is not the time to talk about such things, where did he go? I'll go find him!"

   Ying Lili was about to go out as she said that, but she heard Shiwa's words.

   "Sawamura, don't waste your time. Yu-chan was called by Director Yamashiro to discuss matters, and he won't be free in a short time."

   "Hey, let's talk about something?"

   "Yeah, it's the graduation ceremony of the third graders soon, Yu-chan is very busy as the student council president, it's better that you don't make trouble for him."

   "But! I have something very important to tell Yusuke immediately!"


"important things…?"

  Hui and Shiyu spoke one after another, signaling her to continue with their eyes.

  Ying Lili nodded heavily, and told them what she had heard from An Yilunya.

  When they heard that Poshima might leave the studio, both of them showed surprise on their faces at the same time, but calmed down quickly.

  Megumi is due to her own personality, while Shiwa has no interest.

  Seeing their reaction, Ying Lili couldn't help asking: "Yes! Are you two too calm? Don't you feel anxious at all?"

  Facing her question, Kei slightly turned his head and said:

   "Well...Although it's not that I'm not in a hurry at all, but that's just An Yi's one-sided words, right? In reality, I still need to see the news from the other side of the sea."

  Shi Yu nodded lightly, agreeing with Hui's words.

   "That's true, since things have happened, there's no point in worrying, let alone—"

  Her voice sank, "I care more about that girl than going out to sea on a mere wave island."


  It seems to have some kind of magical power. As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere in the room changed and became dull.

  Even Ruhui's indifferent personality, there was a trance in his eyes, and he was a little silent about that taboo name.

   "That girl..." Ying Lili murmured, "Who is she?"

   No response and no response.

   After a while, Shiyu opened his mouth.

  “…It’s just a village girl who came out of nowhere, right? After all, this is the first time I’ve seen her.

   It's the two of you, it seems like you've seen her before, right? Is there no valuable information? "

  Eriri and Hui looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

  The former recalled:

   "I did meet that girl when I was in the forest school. Her friend accidentally bumped into me at the time, and when Yusuke came to help, they made trouble for her."

  The latter is added:

   "I remember that girl's friend called Yusuke a stalker at the time, saying that Yusuke had harassed that girl, and then nothing happened.

  Speaking of which, Kasumigaoka-senpai, didn’t you learn anything when you went to Hokkaido to pick up Yusuke? "


  Shi Yu folded her arms habitually, and said coldly and clearly: "I asked Yu-chan, but he refused to tell me anything."

   "In that case..." Kei sighed softly, "Just like this time, Yusuke won't say anything."

  The three girls fell silent at the same time.

  Ying Lili bit her lips annoyedly, and said:

   "... By the way, that girl was recruited into the association by Xintiao, maybe we can learn something from her."

   "Don't bother." Shiyu sneered: "Student Xintiao, she has already annoyed Yu-chan because she thinks she is smart, do you want to do the same?"

   "Huh? Wait! Kasumigaoka Shiwa, why do you think Shinjo-san annoyed Yusuke? Isn't she sick and resting at home?"

   "Is there still a need to ask about this kind of thing? It's not like you didn't see You-chan's attitude that day. Do you think that what he said to classmate Xintiao was for the sake of making fun of the moon?"


  Ying Lili was left speechless by the question, and drooped her head listlessly.

   Kei, who listened to the side for a while, made the final conclusion.

  "...In short, if Yusuke refuses to say anything, we will have to wait."

   Ying Lili and Shiwa nodded silently with a little reluctance, which was regarded as approval.

   As for asking another key figure, all three of them tacitly chose to forget.


  As Shiwa said, Kato Yusuke is indeed very busy.

  Everyone came to the studio together after school, and then waited for about an hour before Yusuke Kato arrived late.

   Until this time, Ying Lili finally had the opportunity to tell him about Bo Island's going to sea.

  Yusuke Kato was very calm about this, he just simply said that he knew it, and there was nothing else.

  Eriri couldn't help asking: "Yusuke, what are your plans for going to sea in Boshima?"

   "Well, she didn't mention this to me herself, I'll talk about it later after I understand the situation."

  Hui checked the form and asked:

   "If she really plans to quit going to sea, what will happen to the part of the work she is responsible for?

   There are still five months until Xia COMI. Even if we recruit people now, we don’t have time to train them. This will definitely affect the schedule, right? "

  Yusuke Kato made a balance and calmly made an arrangement, "I will temporarily take over the important original paintings, and the rest of the minor parts will be added to the outsourcing company."

  When Shi Yu heard his words, she couldn't help frowning slightly.

   "The question is, Yu-chan, aren't you still in charge of preparing the graduation ceremony? Can you be busy?"

   "It doesn't matter. Things at the school are not complicated. I will ask my friends for help if necessary. By the way, I just bought some donuts when I passed by Mister Donuts. You can choose your favorite flavor to eat."

   Kato Yusuke said and put the box in his hand on the table for people to pick it up.

  Everyone couldn't help being quiet when they saw this, exchanged glances with each other calmly, and remained silent.

  Yusuke Kato behaved calmly and calmly, as if he didn't care about the matter of going to sea in Boshima at all, and even had the leisure to buy some snacks back.

  If you put it in normal times, it's not surprising.

   But that happened just two days ago.

  Reminiscent of the violent appearance of his ruthless attack on Mr. Lin at that time, this state seems extremely abnormal.

  Yusuke Kato that day was too unfamiliar, and it was the first time they saw him showing such a side, so that it was a bit unreal for everyone to look back on later.

   After fighting for a while, Yingli Li and Tianren couldn't help but said: "Yusuke! I have something to ask you."

   "Huh?" Kato Yusuke looked over with a smile, "What's the matter?"

   Seems to have sensed something, and the others also focused their attention.

  A trace of hesitation flashed across Yinglili's face, and she mustered up her courage to ask: "I want to know... about that girl named Sayu, how do you plan to deal with it?"

  As soon as this remark was made, the temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees.

   "Hey, Yinglili."

   The smile on Kato Yusuke's face remained undiminished, and he took a donut from the paper box and handed it over.

   "The store I went to today has limited Rosary donuts. They are said to be delicious and popular products. You should try them."


  Ying Lili instinctively took the donut, and was about to continue asking, but the hand that handed the donut suddenly pressed her head.

   "All in all, we just need to concentrate on work and Xia COMI, and ignore other things."

   "Yu... Jie...?"

  Yusuke Kato stroked her hair, and then said to the people: "Then I'll go and inquire about going to sea first, everyone take your time."

  After speaking, he lifted his feet and walked to the second floor.


  Yusuke Kato called Akane Benizaka.

  The next afternoon, HASHIMA Iori appeared in front of him.

   "—I'm really sorry, Kato-kun, my sister is ignorant and has caused you trouble."

  In the office, Hasami Kanoko poured a cup of tea for the two of them, and then sat quietly on the sofa to listen.

   Kato Yusuke sat on the boss's chair, and asked HASHIMA Iori opposite him, "Where is she going to sea?"

   "My sister is still in Nagoya because she has to go to school. I'm the only one here today. Please forgive me."

   "I heard that she seems to be withdrawing from our side when going to sea, do you know about this?"

   "To be honest, I only learned about this from my sister after I received a contact from Sister Zhu Yin."

   "Is she going to An Yi's side when she goes to sea?"

  Hashima Iori rubbed her nose with a wry smile, "It seems so."

   Kato Yusuke nodded, picked up the paper cup and took a sip of tea, "Why didn't she tell me about this when she went to sea?"

   "That's because Sister She didn't know how to speak to your teacher. In fact, she has been struggling, but she couldn't match Lunye's repeated persuasion, and finally agreed in a daze. I'm really sorry."

   "Then why did you come to see me today?"

   "I'm ashamed to say, I'm here today mainly for two reasons."

  Hashima Iori first bowed to pay tribute, and then sat up straight.

  "First of all, I want to apologize to you on behalf of myself and my sister. I didn't discipline me to go to sea and caused trouble for Kato-kun. I'm really sorry.

  Secondly, regarding the loss caused to Kato-kun by her impulsive actions when going out to sea, I have also prepared a little heart on my side, please accept it if you don't mind. "

   As he spoke, he reached into the inner pocket of his suit jacket, took an envelope from it, put it on the table, and pushed it over with both hands.

   Kato Yusuke glanced at the envelope in front of him lightly, then raised his eyes thoughtfully, "Does this mean the termination of the contract?"

  Hashima Iori bowed her head deeply, "Sorry to trouble you."

   Kato Yusuke pondered for a moment, took a document and a pen from the side, and pushed them back together with the envelope.

  Hashima Iori looked down and found that it was a non-disclosure agreement, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, "Kato-kun...?"

   "Sign this, and the matter of your sister will be written off."


  Hashima Iori was silent for a while, then nodded apologetically, picked up a pen to sign his name on it, and sighed: "I'm sorry, Kato-kun."

   "No need."

  Yusuke Kato took back the document and said lightly: "Everyone has their own ambitions, and I hope to have better development in the future when going overseas."

   "Hey, I hope to borrow Kato-kun's good words. Then I won't bother you. Thank you very much for your tolerance."

  Hashima Iori stood up and bowed deeply, preparing to leave.

   "By the way, Iori."

  Yusuke Kato said: "I heard from Akane that you seem to be looking for investors for a game project recently."

  Hashima Iori's body shook slightly, and she turned her head with a smile, "'s just a small fight, thanks to Kato-kun's attention."

   "Well, good luck."

   "Thank you, Kato-kun too, I am looking forward to the day when your work will be released."

  Kato Yusuke watched as HASHIMA Iori left without saying a word.

  Kanoko Hasami walked up in high heels and cleared away the paper cups that Iori HASHIMA had used.

   "Is this okay? Kato-kun, just let him go."

   "Twisted melons are not sweet, as long as a non-disclosure agreement is signed."

   "Hashima-kun just said that he didn't know about going to sea, do you believe what he said?"

  Yusuke Kato gave a truthful response: "Twenty-five boys are talking nonsense."

   Ren Jian Kanoko chuckled, "So you know all about it?"

   "Well, she doesn't have that much thought when she goes to sea, at most she has a better relationship with An Yi, and his brother is the one who has the most heart."

   "Huh? You mean, do you think that the reason why she quit the studio is because of Hashima-kun?"

   "Only they know the facts. I'm not interested in knowing. We just need to do our own thing. In addition—"

  Yusuke Kato pondered and said: "Akane introduced me to some painters, I will give you their contact information later, Kano, you can contact them later and have a look."

   "Huh? Are you planning to recruit people? But can you make it in time?"

   "It doesn't matter if it's too late, we always have to recruit people in the future, so we should make preparations in advance."

   "Is that so." Kanoko Hasumi asked, "What about the requirements?"

   "It doesn't matter to those freelance painters. If there are people who want to formally join the job, talk to them. It doesn't matter even if the ability is poor, and the priority is stable."

   "Well, I see."

   Ren sees Kanoko and nods in understanding.

   Kato Yusuke propped his elbows on the table, and massaged the center of his eyebrows with his right hand, feeling a little annoyed by the recent backstabs.

  Having said that, in fact, he didn't really care much about the rebellion of Pashima going to sea. What really surprised him was Xinjoxiang's side.

  Compared with the latter, the Boshima brothers and sisters are just two passers-by, which is really not worth mentioning.

   Seeing his tired appearance, Renami Kanoko couldn't help feeling a little distressed, so she took the initiative to come up to give him a massage.

   "Kato-kun, do you care about going to sea?"

   "No, there is nothing to care about."

  Yusuke Kato waved his hand while enjoying with his eyes closed.

   "The flow of people is normal everywhere. Even if there is no wave island going to sea, there will be others, so don't pay attention to them."

   "Then what are you thinking now?"

   "Think about nothing."



   "Then..." Kanoko Hasami hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively, "Do you want to talk about that girl named Sayu?"

  Kato Yusuke closed his eyes and said nothing, as if he was asleep.

   After a while, he said in a low voice: "Don't talk about this."

   Ren saw the movement of Kanoko's hands, and then sighed softly.


  (end of this chapter)