MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 656 selection meeting

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  Chapter 656 Selection Meeting

  When it comes to games and animation, music and dubbing are inseparable.

  It is no exaggeration to say that voice actors and music can enrich the soul of a work.

  No matter how rough and sloppy the work is, if you want to attract fans to pay, you must spend some money in this regard.

  There are many factors that determine the dubbing price of a game work.

  For example, the scale of the game, the amount of music, the popularity of the voice actor, and the complexity of the post-design, etc., are just a few.

  Yusuke Kato selected the partner "キューブ (Cube) Co., Ltd."

   This is an established company in the industry, mainly engaged in dubbing, music, post-production and other businesses, and has a huge lineup of voice actors.

  After several negotiations, the dubbing price finally settled by the two parties is 60,000 yen per hour.

  In fact, Cube’s initial quotation was 70,000 yen per hour, but because of a little aunt who said hello, they finally gave this price.

  —This is still in the case of plenty of time.

  If you encounter a case where the production cycle is very tight and a large amount of dubbing work needs to be completed in a short period of time, the price will be correspondingly higher.

   Closer to home.

  On Tuesday, the main members of the "TYPE-MOON" studio came to Shinjuku to attend the upcoming voice actor selection meeting.

  In the recording control room, the sound supervisor, sound producer, sound mixer, and producer of the "Cube" side have all arrived.

  After exchanging pleasantries, Kato Yusuke, Kei, Shiwa, and Eiriri sat down on the corner chair and coffee table.

  Kanoko Hasami took the initiative to undertake external work, and talked with the disc producer about specific matters.

  The layout of the control room is relatively compact, and the bright lights shine brightly on various professional audio equipment and buttons to ensure that the staff can clearly see the details on the screen.

  Across a huge piece of glass, the recording studio opposite looked relatively dim.

   There are various types of microphones.

  The walls, floors, and ceilings of the room are all paved with dark sound-proof materials to minimize the interference of external noise.

  The two spaces are usually in one-way communication.

   Only when certain control buttons are pressed, the sound from the control room will be transmitted to the recording studio.

  Yusuke Kato and the others came earlier than the agreed time, and not all the voice actors who participated in the audition were present, so they had to wait for a while.

  Hui took the sorted materials and ran to talk with the sound supervisor, discussing the original painting that will be displayed with the sound audition later, and making arrangements.

  Ying Lili took out a sketchbook and a pencil, fumbled to draw a sketch of the original painting.

  Shiyu yawned lightly, took out a Meiji lollipop from his pocket, and threw it into his mouth.


  Yusuke Kato couldn't help being a little curious, "Xiaoshi, do you like this? Why haven't I seen you eat it before?"

   "I can't say I like it, but I don't hate it~"

   "When did you buy the lollipop?"

   "Given by others."


  Shi Yu raised the corner of her mouth meaningfully, and said lightly:

   "Nothing. I got it from a bastard. I keep forgetting it in my coat pocket. Don't waste it."

"I see."

  Seeing that she didn't want to say more, Kato Yusuke didn't ask any more questions, and took the voice actor information provided by "Cube" and started to browse.

  The so-called voice actor selection, as the name suggests, is to select suitable voice actors.

   As for how to choose, the difference is actually quite big.

  For example, those supervisors who have participated in the production of many works.

  Because I have been in contact with many voice actors at work, I often think of a suitable voice actor candidate the moment the character anchor is finalized.

  Similar situations include these on-site sound supervision.

  They have been with voice actors all year round, and they also know very well what kind of role a voice actor is suitable for.

  It's a pity that Kato Yusuke is a fledgling, and he doesn't have the above two kinds of connections, so he can only use other methods.

   And there are two situations here.

  One is to listen to the voice samples recorded in advance by the voice actors on the official website of each voice actor firm, and draw up a list of favorite candidates from them, and then agree with the firm on the time for the interview.

   In the absence of much budget, this is a common practice for selecting voice actors.

  The second is to directly send a certain line that can highlight the characteristics of the character, along with the character setting data, to the agency, and let them be responsible for drawing up the candidate list, and then arrange people to come to the recording studio for interviews one by one.

   Of course, the second method is more expensive than the first.

   But I added someone with sufficient budget, so I chose the second option.

  Ten minutes later, the door of the opposite room was pushed open, a voice actor entered the recording studio under the instructions of the staff, while others waited outside.

  During the audition session, several candidates are often auditioned together for a role, which can save time to the greatest extent, and can better hear the comparison between voice actors.

  The first thing to choose is the voice actor of the hero "Tomoya Okazaki".

  The first male voice actor stood in front of the microphone and bowed to Kato Yusuke and the others behind the glass.

   "I'm Yuichi Nakamura from Sigma7, please give me your advice."

   After confirming that everyone is ready, the sound mixer pressed the record button, "It's time to start."

  Nakamura pondered for a while, and began to read the lines from the script.

   "I hate this town because it's full of memories I want to forget."

  As soon as he spoke, his voice became different.

   Become cold and bored, cold and unfeeling.

   When it came to the next sentence, the voice of the voice actor suddenly changed again.

   "And so we began to climb, to climb the long street."

  Like melting ice, the voice is gentle and warm, as tender as water.

   "You bastard! You are sister Mei's brother!? Think about sister Mei—!"

  The third line is full of anger, and the disappointment of the friend is indisputable.



  After that, Nakamura read two more lines, and the emotion contained in the voice kept changing, full of tension.

  —The voice actors are monsters.

   This sentence is really not a random spread.

  Different from the situation in the control room, there is no screen to display the original painting in the recording studio.

   In addition, "Clannad" is still a work that does not exist in this world, and it is impossible to refer to the original work like those adaptations.

  The voice actors can only figure out by themselves based on the character-related information given by Kato Yusuke, in order to grasp the feeling of the character, which is an extremely test of presence and acting skills.

  Originally, the audition for the first voice actor should have ended here, but Kato Yusuke asked the sound supervisor to call a timeout and added a link.

  After listening to what he said, his expression became a little speechless, but he still pressed the call button and conveyed his arrangement to the recording studio.

   "Well, please imagine that you are a person who lost his mother when he was young, his wife when he was young, and his daughter when he was young. When your daughter Xi fell ill and couldn't get any help, do an impromptu performance."

  As soon as the voice fell, people turned their heads to look at Kato Yusuke.

  Megumi, Shiwa, Eiriri, Kokano, the four are a little surprised that he will take out the extra part.

  Others have weird faces, hesitating to speak.

  Yusuke Kato was indifferent to this, and looked directly at the voice actor in the recording room.

  According to the original plan, today’s voice audition does not actually include the sequel of the game, but he feels that the voice actor’s performance is not bad, so he wants to further observe the opponent’s level.

   When Nakamura Yuichi in the recording studio heard this request, he couldn't help being stunned for a while, thinking what kind of human tragedy this is, it's hard to imagine that such a plot would appear in Galgame, which mainly focuses on charming houses.

   But immediately, he came back to his senses.

   After all, work is work, and personal feelings should not be mixed.

   Besides, the pay for the case was pretty good, and he really wanted the role.

  So Nakamura Yuu looked serious, clenched his fists and closed his eyes, imagining the scene as required.

  A viscous, dark and heavy thing gradually surged up.

   After brewing for a while, he opened his eyes suddenly, and let out a deafening roar.


   Ignoring people's startled reactions, the voice actor covered his chest with one hand, and stretched out the other hand tremblingly, with a piercing expression.

   "I don't want...I don't want this..."

  His face was distorted, his eyes were red, and his eyes showed extreme helplessness and despair, as if he had lost all hope and strength.

   ", haha...uu...Zhu..."

  He called his late wife's name in vain, and the torrent of emotion dominated his body, making him cry silently.

   "Cough cough, cough cough... who will come... who can come... come and rescue Xi!"

  The hoarse voice reverberated in the recording room, intuitively conveying the strong emotion of grief and depression, which made one's skin crawl.

  At this moment, the voice actor's facial expression seems to be an extension of the character's emotion, giving people an indescribable heaviness.

   Once again, voice actors are the soul of a character.

  Especially for Japanese-style Galgames, the voices that voice actors can give characters with emotions can perfectly fill in the natural defects of hand-painted original paintings.

   Affected by the explosion of the voice actor's acting skills, the girls were a little moved, and there were many sentimental and sad expressions on their faces.

  Having said that, but this kind of on-the-spot outburst without foreshadowing is actually a bit abrupt and embarrassing.

   But as long as the emotion and expressiveness are achieved.

   After listening to the audition of the voice actor, Kato Yusuke nodded in satisfaction, remembered the name of the voice actor, and signaled that the voice monitoring could end.

  The sound supervisor, who was used to seeing big scenes, calmly pressed the call button, and said thank you to the voice actor in the recording studio.

  The seiyuu who hadn't completely calmed down took a deep breath, bowed towards the control room, thanked the control room with a hoarse voice, and then retreated.

  Yusuke Kato took a sip of the oolong tea he brought, and when he put down his hand, someone suddenly grabbed the little finger of his right hand.

   Look sideways.

  Ying Lili was wiping her tears with her head down, while her left hand under the table was secretly holding his hand, as if seeking support.

   Kato Yusuke hesitated and acquiesced to this behavior.

   As a result, the other party did not let him go until all the voice actors who voiced the male lead had finished their auditions.

  Because Ying Lili was sitting on the innermost side and was covered by the coffee table, no one noticed her little movements.

   In this way, the link comes to the dubbing part of the heroine.

  As a character that runs through the entire story line, "Furukawa Nagisa" is definitely ranked first.

  Because of the outstanding performance of the male voice actor, Kato Yusuke also has some expectations for the female voice actor here.

  Unfortunately, the voice actor for the first voiceover disappointed him greatly.

  The other party seems to be obsessed with impressing people. During the audition, there was a feeling that he was using too much force, and completely lost Nagisa's natural cuteness.

   Not only her, but also the next two people. It seems that they don't consider the suitability of their voices and characters at all, they just want to stand out.

  Considering the deformed competition in the voice actor industry, this kind of psychology of wanting to game is understandable.

   Kato Yusuke doesn't intend to make more beaks, but he won't accept it either.

   Followed by the next bit.

  Compared to the previous three, she does not have that kind of eagerness for success, and her voice also has its own characteristics, but it still does not meet Kato Yusuke's requirements.

  He listened expressionlessly, feeling a little annoyed.

  Maybe the character of "Furukawa Nagisa" is relatively ordinary, which makes it difficult for the voice actors to show the bright spots of the character...


  Yusuke Kato came here today to satisfy his wishes, so naturally he would not choose to make do with it easily, especially with the No. 1 heroine.

  So even though the performance of the fourth voice actor was not bad, he still had a cross in his heart.

  Maybe feeling his irritability, Ying Lili stuffed her whole hand into his palm, and gently clenched it as if comforting.

  The cool and soft touch is very comfortable, making Kato Yusuke's frown slightly relaxed.

   It was under such circumstances that another voice actor entered the recording studio.

   "I am Mai Nakahara from Enterprise, please give me your advice."

  After the self-introduction, the master immediately began to read the lines.

   " bean bread!"

   A weak and restless whisper came from the loudspeaker.

   Kato Yusuke's eyes suddenly lit up, and he sat up slightly.

  The so-called expert will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move.

  Just a simple line, Furukawa Nagisa's mood of cheering himself up came out.

   Followed by the next sentence.

   "I'm useless too, but... two people can be strong together."

  This time it is a warm and healing soft voice, which also contains a faint distress and sadness, exuding the feeling of Yamato Nadeko.

  Yusuke Kato's eyes became brighter and brighter, watching the voice actor prepare for a while, and read out the next line.

   "No matter what happens in the future, please don't regret meeting me."

  The voice of the seiyuu became gentle, but strangely not dull. There is a kind of gentle exhortation and prayer from a wife to her husband, mixed with a little sickness.

  This foundation is really deep.

  Yusuke Kato directly made a decision, "That's fine, Nagisa Furukawa's voice actor is her."

  The sound supervisor smiled and nodded, and asked someone to make arrangements.

  After that, the audition continues.

  Sister Fujibayashi,

  Tomoyo Sakagami,

  Yi Fuzi,

   Miyazawa Yuki Ning,

  Kotomi Ichinose,


   In the end, basically all the main characters found the right people.

  Although there were some twists and turns during the period, the overall performance of the voice actors was still good.

  Whether it is the accuracy of pronunciation, the ability to quickly change the voice line according to the instructions, or the performance skills and emotional expression, they all show good professionalism.

   Kato Yusuke is quite satisfied.

  The audition for "Clannad" will start at 10 am and last until 8 pm.

  Aside from the two hours of lunch break, there are a full eight hours of work.

   Even so, they will finalize the candidates for the main roles, and the auditions for the supporting roles will have to be postponed until tomorrow.

  After the sound audition, Yusuke Kato and the others greeted the staff of "Cube" and left the recording studio.

   After such a day, everyone is a little tired.

  The voice actors are not the only ones who have worked hard at the selection meeting, but the listeners are also not easy.

  It is really exhausting to listen to hundreds of people repeat a line in one day, and to make judgments and selections during the period.

   It can only be said that both sides have their own difficulties.

Back to the topic.

  Yusuke Kato stopped a few taxis on the side of the road and asked everyone to sit in them.

  When it was Yinglili's turn at the end, the girl suddenly said such a sentence in a depressed mood.

   "Yusuke, what we're making... is such a great game...?"

   "...does it seem incredible to you?"

   "...Well, a little bit. The voice actors are all working hard, and it feels like the characters are coming to life."

  Yusuke Kato nodded, "That's right. Our game will get even better when we add music and bgm later."

  Ying Lili was silent for a while, raised her head as if a little remorseful, and said: "...Anyway, I will try my best not to hold you back."

  As soon as she finished speaking, she reached out and stopped a taxi, and got into it quickly.

   Kato Yusuke couldn't help being taken aback.

   However, the other party didn't seem to want to wait for his response, and left after hastily saying goodbye to him.


  (end of this chapter)

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