MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 661 unrealistic fantasy

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  Chapter 661 Unrealistic fantasy

the other side.

  Yusuke Kato looked at the phone, helpless.

  The screen still stays on the chat interface with Xiao Xi.

  In the recent period of time, the girls always wanted to ask him to go to the association every now and then, even though he declined many times, he still persevered.

  As such situations gradually increased, he gradually became a little difficult to refuse.

  Especially Motoyama Mina would call every week to ask how he and Xiao Xi were doing. He has been perfunctory more times, and the other party is almost a little suspicious.

  Kato Yusuke was silent for a while, and then called up the chat interface with Shinjoka.

  The last time they chatted was last month.

  Different from the previous situation of greeting him every day, the other party has never bothered him since that day.

  It is not like sending daily classes every now and then as before, and even the work of the student union is reported through the chat group as much as possible, showing a cute and interesting look.

  ‘Isn’t it good to abide by the contract with peace of mind? '

   Kato Yusuke thought indifferently, put away the phone.

  The next moment, the doorbell rang.

   After opening the door, Asami greeted her with a smile and raised her hand.

   "Hello ~ Kato Tsai, good evening. Here, this is for you."

   The other party said so, and handed a square document to him.

  Yusuke Kato originally thought it was some kind of document from the community, but after a closer look, he found that it was an envelope with "Dear Yusuke Kato" written on it.

"…What's this?"

   "Trust me, you'll know it at a glance, right?"

   "Isn't the address above your house number? Why is there my name?"

   "Ahaha, about this, turn over the letter and take a look~"

  So Kato Yusuke followed suit, and then fell silent when he saw the sender's information on the back.

  Asami smiled and explained.

   "You should understand now, right? To put it simply, Sayu is worried that you won't accept the letter, so please ask me to help you forward it~"

   "But then again, in this day and age, you still use such an old-fashioned way of communication. Sayu is really interesting."

"Shouldn't it be too troublesome to write a letter? Isn't it more convenient to use phone calls and emails... Ah, yes! Sayu-sister doesn't seem to have your contact information, Kato-zai, um... that's it There is no other way."

   Seems to be very interested in this matter, Mami talked non-stop.

  Yusuke Kato didn't want to hear any more, so he greeted him coldly before returning to the room, but—

   "Wait a minute, Kato Tsai."

  The other party put his shoulder on his shoulder for some reason, and stared at him with uncharacteristically serious eyes.

   "Before you go back, let me ask, you should read the letter written by Sayu, right?"

  Yusuke Kato was a little silent, "...Does this have anything to do with you?"

"Knew it…"

  When Asami heard his answer, she showed a distressed expression for a moment, but then turned serious again.

   "Hey, Kato Sai. This is a letter from as far away as Hokkaido, right?

   Those postmen worked very hard to deliver this letter to you. Don’t you think you should take other people’s feelings into consideration?

  If you just throw it in the trash like this, this letter and Mr. Postman would be too pitiful.

  So even if you don't like it, please wait until you read it carefully before throwing it away? please. "

  After speaking, he bowed slightly solemnly.

  Yusuke Kato looked at the letter in his hand and the face of the other party alternately, and said in a low voice: "...Understood, don't let her send it again next time."

   "Ahaha, I can't guarantee this. Ah~ But I will convey your thoughts to Sayu-sister, just like helping her hand over this letter to you. That's it, bye~"

  Asami waved her hand with a bright smile and left gracefully.

  Yusuke Kato closed the door, returned to the living room with the letter, sat down in front of the workbench, then put the letter aside casually, and began to draw.

  Because Ying Lili's recent state is not very good, the progress of the original painting has not progressed for a long time, which makes the schedule lag behind by a large margin, and he has to make up for the missing part in time.

  Especially because he has an appointment with Hui to go hiking next weekend, and he will not be able to work for at least two days, so his time is actually quite tight.

  Faced with such a situation, what he should do right now is to work hard, instead of thinking about what he has and what he doesn't have.

  In this way, the boy focused on drawing.

  Different from the absurd and bizarre "Chain Saw Man".

  The work "Clannad" pays more attention to the details and emotional expression of the characters, so it cannot use the sketch style like the former, but needs to be carefully crafted and takes a lot of effort.

  There is actually a part of the reason why Yinglili gets stuck.

  But this is not the case with Yusuke Kato.

  His wrist moved flexibly, and he wrote at a speed that would be dazzling to ordinary people, gradually presenting the image of the character on the drawing software on the screen.

   Over time, an original painting of Fujibayashi Apricot and Fujibayashi Muku was drawn.

  The two sisters wore the same uniform and white knee socks. Apart from the length of their hair, there was almost no difference in their appearance.

  So when dealing with such a character, it is necessary to pay attention to the demeanor and temperament of the character so that the player can make a distinction.

  For example, compared with the straightforward older sister Xing, the introverted Muku has a little weakness and shyness, so as to reflect the difference in roles.

  Yusuke Kato has the skill of [Painting (master level)], so it is easy to handle it, and he is also able to use various painting skills with ease.

  Diagonals, intersections, golden section…

  The composition of the two original paintings is balanced and natural, and the expressions of the characters are also very vivid. There is basically no need for major changes.

  Save and compress the layer file, attach some comments on the coloring, and send it to Mayu Sagara by email, and tonight's work is over.

   Turned his head to look at the balcony.

  Unknowingly, the setting sun shining in from the window gradually dimmed. The moonlight replaced it, quietly shedding silver light, reflecting each other with the lights in the house.

  He withdrew his gaze, and his eyes fell on the envelope beside him inadvertently. After hesitating for a few seconds, he still picked up the letter.

  Open the envelope and take out the letter paper, unfold it, and the round font comes into view—

  「Yusuke, are you okay? I’m sorry to bother you in such a sudden way, if only you could read this letter~


   Kato Yusuke glanced at the handwritten kaomoji, then read down silently, and found that the contents above were all trivial matters.

  「Yusuke, why is your cat called Black?」

  「Yusuke, the feeling of Tokyo and Hokkaido is really different. I really want to show you my hometown.」

  「Yusuke, the ending band we saw last time was great, can we watch it together next time we have a chance?」

  「Yusuke, have you ever read the novel "Numa Man"? This is a book someone gave me. After I read it, I found that the content in it was unexpectedly interesting."


   something like this—

  In addition to expressing apology for the trouble he caused him, "I was wrong but I will not correct it", the owner is almost all sharing his daily life.

   Continue down.

  「Yusuke, I miss you so much, I want to go to you as soon as possible, and make up for all the old time. Although you probably hate it (wry smile)...」

  「In short, as the saying goes, a short parting is for a better reunion, so I will try my best to endure it before school starts (ì_í)」

  「…At the end, I left my smell in the envelope, so please don’t forget me. ——Sincerely, Sayu.」

   Kato Yusuke subconsciously looked at the envelope on the table, picked it up again and put it in front of his eyes, only to find that there seemed to be something inside, so he poured it in the palm of his hand.

  —It was a pure white handkerchief.

  A faint citrus flavor wafts out slightly.


  The young man stared at the handkerchief blankly, and after a while, whispered two words, "...boring."

   As he spoke, he put the letter and handkerchief back into the envelope, and was about to take a shower, but stopped when he reached the door of the bathroom, and slowly returned to the living room.

   "Woo meow~?"

  The black cat was lying on the cat climbing frame with its hands in its hands, tilting its head and looking at him in puzzlement, as if asking "What are you looking at?".

  Kato Yusuke ignored him, put the envelope in the drawer of the bedside table, and then went to the bathroom.

   Twenty minutes later.

   After taking a shower, he changed into clean home clothes and returned to the living room, making himself a cup of coffee.

  Looking around idly, his eyes fell on the wall and the bow.

  —Give your bow some maintenance.

  He suddenly thought so, so he acted.

  Take out the maintenance products purchased online.

  Take a piece of natural beeswax from the bow bag, heat it with a slow fire and water until it melts, and stir it evenly with chopsticks.

  Using the gap of waiting for cooling, first wipe the bow body with a soft cloth and detergent to remove dust and stains on the surface.

   At this time, the beeswax has also cooled to a suitable temperature.

   Use a sponge dipped in melted beeswax, and apply the wax evenly on the surface of the bow according to the direction of the bow's grain.

   Next, gently wipe the bow body with a clean cotton cloth to clean up excess wax and smooth the bow body surface. At the same time, apply a layer of string wax to the bowstring.

  Considering that he might not use it in the short term, Kato Yusuke removed the bowstring and stored it back in the bow bag.

  Because the process of waxing the bow body usually takes 2-3 times, he continues to repeat this step.

   With careful maintenance, the bow became smoother, and his feeling of confusion gradually calmed down.

   After finishing everything, Yusuke Kato hung the bow back on the wall and sat down beside the bed.

   There is a faint smell of beeswax in the air, and there is an atmosphere of quiet thinking.

   His eyes fell on the drawer of the bedside table.

  Involuntarily, he took the letter out again, took out the handkerchief, and sniffed it.

  The heart-warming citrus fragrance immediately floods into the nasal cavity, which smells inexplicably reassuring and heart-pounding.

   There seemed to be a light and pleasant voice in my ears——

  「I left my smell in the envelope, don’t forget me.」

"……How can it be?"

  Yusuke Kato gritted his teeth violently, his right hand holding the handkerchief kept shaking, and the girl's smile kept appearing in his mind.

  The smell coming from the handkerchief is an indelible memory that haunts him.

  The scent of citrus used to fill every corner of this room, but now—

  ... He can only rely on these tiny things and memories to survive.

   "What are you doing..."

   He muttered to himself, replaying everything about the other party in his mind.

  Sayu’s expression, conversations with Sayu in daily life, the taste of that miso soup, and the places they have been to together—

  He unfolded the letter, read it again as if he was looking for something, looked at the various sentences that were long and short, and finally found a line of inconspicuous small words at the end.

  「P.S. Yusuke, what is your impression of me? It shouldn’t be just that I hate it...? (whispers)」

  Before the subjective consciousness reacted, several answers popped up in the brain.

   Very crybaby.

  However, people who depend on him very much.

   Also, someone he likes very much.

"Ha ha…"

  He laughed dryly, and the vision in front of him began to distort and blur.

   "...what have I done..."

   Kato Yusuke bowed his body and lowered his head, covering his face with his right hand, his shoulders trembling uncontrollably.

  Thought and thought and thought and thought.

   Anyway to think about—

  His Sayu is gone, and now Sayu has embarked on his own path.

  So, he also has to start over.


   "Not at all...!"

  A dry voice squeezed out of his throat involuntarily.

   Meeting Sayu again, his inner turmoil was far more intense than he imagined.

  Obviously he tried his best to refuse, but the other party rushed forward, like a sharp knife pierced in the heart, insisting on making him drenched with blood.

  Grief, loneliness, regret...

   Complicated emotions surged in his chest like a flood.

  The body was as hot as burning and trembling.

  If there is a theory of cause and effect in the world, then the aggressive Sayu is undoubtedly his retribution.


  The corners of Kato Yusuke's mouth twisted, the outline of the jawbone faintly appeared on the tight cheeks, and the dull chest heaved and heaved violently as if a huge stone was pressed on it.

   For quite a while, the only sound in the room was his heavy panting and the black cat's bewildered cry.

   Ignoring the black cat's meowing, he stood up on his knees, and staggered to the front of the wardrobe.

  Open the cabinet door and drawer, put the things from Sayu together with the handkerchief before, and then roughly close the drawer and cabinet.


  Yusuke Kato supported the wall next to the closet with one hand to support his body, lowered his head deeply and exhaled repeatedly to calm down his embarrassing mood.


  He asked hoarsely:

   "...If I use that blank memory potion to copy my memory, and drink it for the current Sayu, can I bring back the original Sayu...?"

  The next second, the melodious electronic female sounded.

   "Ding, the item [Memory Potion (Empty)] does not have the effect that the host said, and cannot replace the user's personality."

"……that's true."

  Yusuke Kato grinned at himself mockingly, muttering to himself something he already understood, and just stood there in a daze.

   After a while, he asked again: "...system, can I still find the original Sayu...?"

   After a while of silence.

   "Ding, the host has a certain probability to obtain some special props, such as [Memory Potion (Ogiwara Sayu)], and the user has a small probability to produce a second personality after taking it."

  Long time—

   " do I get it?"

   "Ding, when the host completes the task, there will be a one-in-a-billion probability of randomly obtaining this item."


   Kato Yusuke clenched his fists and remained silent for a long time.


  (end of this chapter)

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