MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 665 no channeling magic

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  Chapter 665 No Chanting Magic

  Tokyo side.

  The courier wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:

   "Excuse me, this is your package, please sign here for confirmation."

   "Thank you for your hard work."

  Yusuke Kato affixed the seal according to the courier's instructions, sent the other party away, then picked up the big box on the ground and returned to the house, and unpacked it by hand.

  Considering the recent situation, he also bought a computer for his family, so that he can check the music samples sent by Mr. Goto from time to time.

  Although he can also borrow Yoshida’s laptop as usual, as the number of times of use gradually increases, even if the other party doesn’t say anything, he himself feels inconvenient.

  He spent some time assembling the computer, and then installed some software he needed.

   While video chatting with Shiwa, he checked his work email.

  From Goto-san, from Kokano, from Sagara Mayu...

  As the game production progress gradually increases, there are more and more things in all aspects.

  Yusuke Kato was handling various affairs in an orderly manner, and Shiwa on the other end of the video suddenly spoke.

   "By the way, Yu-chan, how is the situation in Sawamura recently?"

   "Well... just ordinary, nothing special."

   "Nothing special... In other words, she still hasn't made any progress in the original painting~?"


  The boy closed his lips and said nothing.

  Shi Yu hooked the corners of her mouth in a funny way, and supported one cheek with one hand on the table, her rose-like red lips gently opened and closed.

   "If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your acquiescence? Then, has she appeared in the states I mentioned before?"

  Those states, that is, the six fixed routines of the draft author.

   "Little poem..."

  Yusuke Kato sighed and looked at the phone, "Does it make you happy that Eriri can't draw anything?"

   "No~ I just like to see you deflated, it's so cute."

   "Please spare me..."

  Shi Yu smiled lightly, stretched out her slender fingers and poked the screen, her beautiful wine-red eyes were full of teasing.

   "How is it? I said long ago that creators should not be allowed to run around casually, but you, a little fool, just refused to listen. Do you feel regretful now~?"


   "Tough mouth~"

   "Say what you want."

   Kato Yusuke shrugged pretending to be free and easy, took a few sips of coffee on the table, and said quietly:

   "...seriously, I'm not worried that Ying Lili won't be able to draw, I just—"

   He was only halfway through his words when he was interrupted by Shi Yu waving his hand.

   "—You're just worried that she will push herself because of self-blame, and something unexpected will happen. Right?"

   "Can you stop reading other people's minds...?"

   "Ah, who told me to know everything about Yu-chan like the back of my hand? Or if I deliberately pretended not to know, would you feel happier?"

   "...No, Xiaoshi should keep the status quo."


  Shi Yu snorted noncommittally, with a lazy expression.

   "Actually, I think you are somewhat sensitive, Yu-chan, you must know that the creators themselves are a bunch of idiots~

  For them, sacrificing sociability, interpersonality, coordination, life ability and sleep time, and pouring them all into their works is nothing more than normal. "

   "...It's not absolute, right?" Kato Yusuke raised his eyebrows, "There are quite a few people who can balance life and creation at the same time."

   "However, when life and creation are put on the balance at the same time, the one who will not hesitate to choose the latter is the real creator?"


   "So, even if Sawamura-san will act recklessly, lose control, and go berserk, as long as she doesn't give up challenging her own limit, we just need to support her by the side."

   After a brief silence, Kato Yusuke smiled softly.

   "If Xiaoshi can be so frank in front of Ying Lili, I think she must be very happy."

   "...The purpose of my saying this is not to please her, but to seek truth from facts."

  Shiyu's eyes flickered slightly, and she picked up the coffee and drank it as if hiding her embarrassment, her black eyelashes flickered slightly.

   After a while, she put down the mug, and her wine red eyes focused on the front camera, smiling sweetly.

   "By the way~ I used to belong to the above kind of creators. But now, if you and creation are on the balance, then I will choose you."

   Facing this assertion, Kato Yusuke was slightly taken aback, and then thought for a while.

   "Thank you... But if it were me, I should choose creation, and then spend the money I earned from it on the senior sister?"

  Shi Yu narrowed his eyes, "...This is a very pragmatic idea."

   "Do you feel angry?"

   "How? If I'm angry, I'll let you know directly. I don't have a difficult personality like Kato-san, otherwise I wouldn't agree with you and other people.

   You should almost understand what a magnanimous and excellent woman I am, right? "


   Kato Yusuke was speechless for a moment, and could only cover up his guilty conscience by drinking coffee.

  Next, they chatted casually for a while, and then Shiwa went to take a shower.

   Facing the blacked out screen and meditating for a moment, Yusuke Kato was about to continue working. At this time, a new email notification popped up on the monitor, and the phone rang in the next second.

  「Ying Lili requests a video call」

  He pressed Agree, and the other party's figure appeared on the screen.

  The girl was wearing a loose white shirt, her slightly wet blond hair was hanging over her shoulders, and her snow-white skin was slightly rosy, as if she had just taken a bath.

   "Good evening, Yusuke!"

   "Good evening, Yinglili."


  Ying Lili looked at the phone with high spirits, "I just sent the two original paintings I drew today to your email, have you read them?"

   "Huh? I received the email, but I haven't had time to read it..." Kato Yusuke asked tentatively: "Speaking of which, have you been able to draw it successfully?"

   "Don't say so much, just read the email first and see if there is anything that needs to be revised." Ying Lili urged, her sea-blue eyes sparkling slightly.

  So Kato Yusuke didn't say much, said "Then wait a moment" and started to operate the mouse to check the mail.

  Ying Lili was surprised to find something, "Huh? Did you buy a computer for your family?"

   "Yes, I bought it online two days ago, so I don't have to borrow the computer from Mr. Yoshida all the time."

  Yusuke Kato responded while looking at the two original paintings. After a moment, he nodded.

   "Well~ I saw the original painting, it's completely OK."


  Ying Lili's pretty face glowed with radiance, and she couldn't help but move closer to the screen, staring at him piercingly, as if to confirm whether his words were sincere.

   And Kato Yusuke also gave a positive response without hesitation.

   "Of course, I will forward these two original paintings to Mayu Coloring later, thank you for your hard work."

   "Great...cough, I mean, oh, got it."

  Ying Lili almost couldn't help cheering, and then she put on a straight face as if realizing something, trying to put on a calm and old-fashioned look.

   Even so, the corners of her slightly upturned mouth still reveal a bit of joy and pride, so cute that people can't help but want to pet her head.

  Yusuke Kato smiled naturally, he just felt that this innocence was commendable, and he was unwilling to hand it over to others.

  The next second, he suddenly woke up and was taken aback by his strange possessiveness.

  He restrained himself and coughed.

   "Cough...Anyway, congratulations on finding the touch, Yinglili. By the way, what happened to that men's shirt you were wearing? Is it your father's?"


  Ying Lili blinked her eyes foolishly, raised her right hand to cover her lips, and hesitated to scan the table.

   "This... this, don't you think I don't look good in a shirt?"


   Kato Yusuke frowned, not understanding why she said that.

  If you want to evaluate whether it looks good or not...

  Even though his vision is as harsh as his, he has to admit that the other party is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.

  Under the premise of not considering other factors, Ying Lili is Zhong Lingyuxiu to such an extent that it can be said that she has perfectly inherited the advantages of her parents.

   "...No, I'm not talking about that kind of question, I'm just curious about how you can wear a shirt. Didn't you still wear pajamas yesterday?"


  Ying Lili peeped at his expression, tilted her head and asked, "I just want to wear it, can't I?"

  Yusuke Kato choked for a moment, unable to find any reason to refute, he could only shake his head helplessly.

   "Of course, this is your freedom. Then, if you have nothing to do, I'll take a shower first, so you can go to bed early."

   "Wash, take a bath—!?"

  Ying Lili yelled, blushing for some reason.

   Kato Yusuke looked at her in a daze, "Yeah, what's the problem...?"

   "This... this... why did you suddenly propose to take a bath?"

   "Huh...? If I had originally planned to take a shower after contacting you, it wouldn't be considered sudden."


  Ying Lili played with her blond hair with her fingers, her eyes dodged and she twisted her body, "I haven't, I haven't finished talking to you yet..."

   "...Is that so?"

  Yusuke Kato understood, "Okay, then I'll—"



   "Uh...I mean, you better go take a shower..."

   "Huh, but didn't you say..."

   "Then, you take your phone... along with you..."

   There was a gap of about five seconds in the scene.

  Kato Yusuke thought he had heard it wrong, and came back to his senses and asked, "...Sorry, Eriri, what did you just say?"

   "I, I tell you to bring your phone into the bathroom and chat with me..."


   This time Kato Yusuke understood. He stared at the phone silently, with invisible pressure in his eyes, he turned his head and asked, "What do you mean?"


  Ying Lili snorted, afraid to look at him timidly, clasping her arms with both hands, her face seemed to be even redder.

   "I... what can I mean...? Just, just chatting with you."

   "Okay, then I'll listen, just say what you have to say, and I'll take a shower after you finish speaking."

   "Huh? But...but..."

"but what?"


  Ying Lili bit her lips lightly, showing a pitiful expression, lowered her head and said softly:

   "...Because it will be windy here at night, I'm a little scared by myself, can you just keep your phone on and accompany me?"


   "No, that's right... You know what? This place often makes some strange noises at night, like "clicking" or "rusting". "

   "Ha... I mean you, is that the sound from windows and leaves?" Kato Yusuke held his forehead speechlessly.

   "Yes, is there any way, if you are afraid, you will be afraid..."

   "The problem is, no matter how I am a man, why don't you talk to Aunt Sayuri?"

   "Mom and the others are attending a business meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs these two days. How can I disturb you? You are so long-winded. There is a beautiful girl who is the number one in the school willing to accompany you to talk, so let me accept it with gratitude!"

  Ying Lili asked unreasonably, as if giving him a great honor.

  If Shiwa is compared to the queen, then Yinglili is undoubtedly the princess.

   In a sense, the two actually have the same side, that is, they are both very strong.

  If Kato Yusuke remembers correctly, the princess in front of me seems to have made some remarks, like prioritizing her parents' meeting with foreign princes behind her own death line.

  When he thought of this, he suddenly lost his temper.

  Compared with foreign princes, what is he?

   "...Are you begging for help? But forget it, it's not impossible if it's a voice call."

   "Cheating? You agreed??" Ying Lili was surprised from ear to ear.

   "You have already said so much, how can people refuse?"

   Kato Yusuke sighed in annoyance.

   "In short, I can accompany you until Friday night, but I have something to go out on weekends, so I can't do it for those two days. Is this okay?"

   "Hmm! Okay, that's it."

  Ying Lili couldn't help nodding, feeling secretly happy.

  Actually, she originally only wanted one day, but now she was able to ask for three days at once.

  So Kato Yusuke changed the call to voice mode, then took it to the bathroom, and put the phone in the corner of the bathtub table to avoid being splashed by water.

  He quickly took off his clothes, stood under the shower and began to rinse his body.

   huh huh huh~

  The sound of hot water echoed quietly in the bathroom, and there was an indescribable feeling.

   Kato Yusuke looked at the phone, and broke the strange atmosphere with a chatty tone, "And then, Eriri, what did you want to say before?"


   "Ah what? Didn't you say that you still have something to say? You can talk now."

   "...Oh, it's actually nothing, it doesn't matter if you don't say it." Ying Lili responded slowly, looking a little slow.

  Hearing what the other party said, Kato Yusuke suddenly didn't know what to say, so he just held back the phrase "No matter what you say, it's better than keeping silent?"

   "Yes, yes... Yusuke."

   Not knowing if she sensed something, Ying Lili finally opened her mouth.

   "Actually, I thought about one thing today. It seems that our original Tomoyo line CG is a little less. Maybe we can add a few more?"

   " many more?"

  Yusuke Kato squeezed some MUJI shampoo on the palm of his hand, rubbed his hair, and asked, "Which scene do you want to add to the CG?

   “For example, the scene where Tomoyo cleaned up those gangsters when he first appeared on the stage, wasn’t it originally a simple cutscene? I think I can draw a CG to show the demeanor of this character, and there are other places as well.”

   "Well, although I want to say that I have no objection, are you too impatient? Regarding the idea of ​​adding CG, how about finishing all the existing ones first and then thinking about it?"

   "I'm the type to do things at my own pace, and if I don't determine the quantity early on, it will affect the state of my drawing."

   "It increases too much at once, can you finish the painting?"

   "Well, because I regained a little sense of touch today, if it can go on smoothly like this, I feel relatively comfortable."

  Yusuke Kato rinsed the foam off his head, closed his eyes and said:

   "Although it is a good thing to be motivated, the body is more important, so don't be brave. If you want to do it, I won't stop you, but the premise is that you have to manage your health well, eat and rest on time."

   "I'll know about that kind of thing if you don't tell me, you idiot Yusuke." Eiriri muttered complainingly, with a hint of coquettishness in her tone.

  Kato Yusuke saw that she was in good condition, and felt a lot more relaxed.

  Don't look at what he said lightly, but he was actually very worried that the other party would appear in the situation that Shi Yu said, but fortunately there seemed to be no such symptoms at present.

   After washing his hair, he put himself in the bathtub.

   Slap ~, Slap ~

  The surface of the water swayed slightly, causing a slight reverberation in the bathroom.


  For some unknown reason, a muffled hum came from the speaker of the mobile phone, and it was fleeting.

   "By the way, Yinglili."

  Yusuke Kato lay back in the bathtub, put a hot towel on his face, and asked lazily:

   "Since you have regained your touch, will you be returning to Tokyo soon?"

   No one responded, only intermittent breathing sounded.

   "Yinglili?" He asked with some doubts: "Are you still there?"

   "...well... I'm..."

  Yingli whispered like a gnat, "Huh...what's the matter?"

   "Didn't you hear? I said that now that you have regained your touch, are you coming back soon?"

   "This...probably, not enough."

  Ying Lili panted slightly, pinching her throat and said softly:

   "I just have a little...feeling, I still need to do some more simulation training, and I will go back after it stabilizes..."

   "Simulation training?" Kato Yusuke was slightly taken aback, "What is that?"


   "Yingli pear?"

   "That' mother taught me a way to stimulate inspiration."

   "Is that so..."

   Kato Yusuke responded casually, soaked the towel with hot water, and slowly wiped the face and neck area, completely emptying the mind.

   Shua~, Shua~

  The sound of water flow continued to echo, accompanied by inaudible shortness of breath.

  At some point—


  A small mournful cry suddenly sounded in the air, with a bit of indescribable color, it just floated straight into Kato Yusuke's ears.


  He opened his eyes suddenly, took the hot towel away from his face, pricked up his ears to listen for a moment, and finally looked suspiciously at the mobile phone in the corner.

   "... Yinglili? What are you doing? Did you make the sound just now?"

   "Huh? Huh? Hmm..."

  Ying Lili adjusted her breath restrainedly, and said vaguely:

   "No...nothing. There are bugs in this room, I was just taken aback, now it's all right."

   "So... so..."

   Kato Yusuke said doubtfully, and asked again:

   "But I remember that the nighttime temperature on the Nasu Plateau seems to be below 0°C, right? Are there any insects that will be active at this time?"

   "I, how do I know! The room is pitch black, and I didn't see clearly, anyway, there is!"

   "Oh... that's fine. You should bring bug spray, right? You can try spraying a little in the room."

"Oh, I see."

   Ying Lili agreed absent-mindedly, and fell silent.


  (end of this chapter)

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