MTL - Reborn In Tokyo After Picking Up Sayu Who Ran Away From Home-Chapter 673 Swapping concepts

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  Chapter 673 Secretly changing concepts

  Tuesday night at seven o'clock, the villa of the Sawamura family.

  The fireplace in the living room burns quietly, making "crackling" sounds from time to time, bringing comfortable warmth to the room.

  Yusuke Kato was sitting at the dining table, eating tonkotsu-flavored cup noodles, while chatting with Shiwa via video.

  The other party was wearing a white satin dress pajamas with black trim, the skirt was close to the body, showing **** curves.

  A crimson shawl was draped over her shoulders, and her long black hair swept across her beautiful collarbone and plump breasts, making her feel elegant and charming.

   "So?" The master gently opened his rosy lips, and asked lightly, "What did the doctor say?"

   Kato Yusuke swallowed the ramen in his mouth.

   "The doctor didn't say anything special, but it was confirmed that Ying Lili had the flu, and it would take about a week to recover. The good thing is that her fever has subsided."

   "Oh~? It turns out that squatting at home can also catch the flu. This is the first time I've heard of it."

   "This kind of thing varies from person to person, and people with weak resistance are prone to get sick."

   "Leaving aside the other things, Yu-chan, what do you think about committing suicide by staying in the same room with a patient with the flu all day long?"

  Shi Yu's eyes became slightly severe, and his tone was mixed with a bit of reproach, criticizing his reckless behavior quite a bit.

   Kato Yusuke shrugged indifferently, and explained:

   "Don't worry, I have been insulated from things like illness since I was a child. This is one of the few advantages I have."

  Actually, the doctor said similar things when he came home this morning, but he knew his body.

  If you would get infected just by being in the same room with a flu patient, then he who used the same spoon as Ying Lili would have fallen down by now.

  Shi Yu massaged her temples and sighed.

   "Your naive thoughts really make me angry... By the way, what did Sawamura's parents say? Didn't they go?"

  Yusuke Kato nodded lightly, "Aunt Sayuri and the others seem to be busy with important things and can't get away, so please let me take care of her first."


  Shi Yu Ruo narrowed his eyes meaningfully, sneered and pulled the corners of his mouth.

   "Her parents are so big-hearted? Do you think it's okay to let adolescent men and women live in the same room? Or it doesn't matter if you accidentally shoot yourself off? Then it's okay to accidentally kill someone?"

   ""Ahem, ahem—""

   Two people coughed violently.

   "Huh? This voice, so Sawamura is also there?"

   "Kasumi, Kasumi Hill Shiwa—!"

  Ying Lili ran around the table, blushing and yelling at Shi Yu on the phone:

   "I didn't want to talk to you at first, but the more you said it, the more outrageous it was, causing, killing, etc... You should stop maliciously speculating about other people's parents!"

   Kato Yusuke did not speak, but he also agreed with this statement.

   "But isn't that the truth?"

  Shi Yu raised her eyebrows militantly.

   "Generally speaking, do parents indulge their daughters to such an extent? Or is it just like in the TV series, the famous Spencer family is actually quite open and ruthless in terms of family style?"

   "Stop using that kind of conspiracy theory plus **** soap opera!"

  Ying Lili protested with all her strength:

   "I'm already in high school, and this is my family's villa, and Yusuke is taking care of me. My parents think it's normal not to make a fuss."

   "Hey...So this is normal?"

  Shi Yu said with a thorn in his words:

   "By the way, didn't you fall down? Didn't you catch the flu? Didn't you have to rest for a week? I think you are very energetic now?"

  Eriri was trembling with anger, and wanted to argue with her, but was stopped by Kato Yusuke.

   "Okay, you all stop arguing. Ying Lili, your noodles are going to be lumpy, so sit back and eat.

   And Shiba-senpai, don't irritate the patient, Ying Lili didn't completely subside the fever until this morning, you should be able to hear that her voice is still very hoarse. "

   "Well, since Yu-chan said so, I'll let her go for now."

  Ying Lili, who sat back in her seat, heard this, and immediately retorted: "Who asked you to let go! You bastard."

  Shiyu stopped provoking her, and asked instead:

   "However, if Sawamura really needs a week to get better, does that mean that you, Yu-chan, will also be there to accompany you for a week?"

   "I guess."

   "What about the school? The third semester will end in a few days. Can you make it back?"

  Yusuke Kato took a sip of ramen, shook his head, "I'm afraid not."

  Shi Yu frowned lightly, "The time you went to Hokkaido before, you had been absent from work for a long time without reason. Can this attendance rate meet the standard? Or are you going to ask that Nakano-senpai for help again?"

   "Let's look at these things when we go back. It's meaningless to discuss now. The main thing is that Ying Lili can't do without people."

   "I can't stand it..."

  Shi Yu gently squeezed the center of her brow, "Although I understand that the current situation is special, there should be a limit to how you pet her, right?"

   Before Yusuke Kato could speak, a figure suddenly appeared on the screen.

   "In other words, Xiaoshi means 'You can't be too partial to Sawamura-san', huh? Kato-kun~"

  The speaker held a can of fruit-flavored beer and a cup of coffee in his hand, and sat beside Shi Yu naturally, exuding a gentle temperament and mature charm different from Shi Yu.

  She is wearing a home-style short-sleeved T-shirt in pastel tones and simple cuts. The shorts gently covered her slender legs, showing off her slim and well-proportioned figure. The long brown hair hangs down on one shoulder, and the soft luster gives people a gentle atmosphere.

  Although her clothes are not revealing, there is a cute little woman feeling in every detail, which makes people look very at ease and comfortable.

  Looking at the two girls sitting close together, Kato Yusuke's expression became gentle unconsciously, and a smile appeared on his face.

   "Does Xiaoshi want to stay at your place tonight? Xiao Jianao."

   "Yeah~" Kanoko Renjian nodded with a smile, "Because of your behavior two days ago, Xiaoshi was in a very bad mood, so I asked her to come and stay with me for two days."

  The behavior of the previous two days naturally refers to the fact that he lost contact on White Day.

  As if dissatisfied with her thoughts being exposed, Shiwa gently pushed Kanoko Hasami and cast a condemning look.

  Kanoko Renmi giggled and handed her a cup of coffee, clinked the glass with the beer in her hand, and then looked back at the phone.

   "Kato-kun, I heard the conversation between you and Xiaoshi just now, okay? Can you take care of Sawamura-san by yourself? Do you want me to help?"

   "No, none of you come."

  Yusuke Kato refused without hesitation.

   "Just like Xiaoshi said, Yinglili's current situation is not suitable for contacting others. You should also pay attention in Tokyo, and be careful not to catch a cold."

  Ying Lili looked up at him when she heard this, her eyes were a little hard to describe, and there was both happiness and depression in it.

  She knew that Kato Yusuke was worried that she would infect others, which made her feel a little uncomfortable, but at the same time, she knew that this was the best way to deal with it.

  At least the other party is willing to stay and take care of her regardless of the consequences, she is already very satisfied.

   Kanoko Hasami naturally understood the same thing, so she didn't insist on her own opinion, and nodded to accept it.

   "Well~ I see, then Kato-kun, please do your best. Xiaoshi and I will take care of the work in the studio, so you don't have to worry. Say hello to Sawamura-san for me~"

   "Talk to her yourself about this."

  Yusuke Kato turned the phone over to the girl sitting opposite, letting them communicate by themselves.

  Eriri, who was eating noodles, was caught off guard for a moment, but she put down her chopsticks and chatted with Kanoko Hasami.

   After exchanging each other's situations, then end the call.

  Yusuke Kato put away his phone and took a sip of oolong tea, "Can you just eat this for dinner? Yingli pear."

  In fact, he wanted to prepare some more decent food, but the other party insisted on eating instant cup noodles.

  The girl gave him a blank look, "Didn't I say that a long time ago? What are you still asking?"

   "The main reason is that your condition is just a little bit better. Eating this greasy and nutritious fast food makes me feel a little complicated."

   "But I just like it~ especially this instant noodle is not sold in Tokyo, I couldn't help but buy them all when I found it!"

   “…Is this something to be proud of? You are so unaware both as a single person and as a patient.”

"Ahh~ I can't stand it, this kind of chewy thin noodles is the best when it enters the throat! And this heavy taste with too much salt is also great, it feels like the whole stomach is satisfied. It's delicious~ ~"

  Ying Lili was inhaling blissfully, while making comments like a gourmet.

  That kind of greasy behavior that completely didn't match the exquisite appearance made Kato Yusuke's mood even more complicated.

  However, this may also be regarded as the unique charm of the owner, making it extra grounded.

   "Obviously your family will serve such amazing food as Eggs Benedict, it's a shame that you can eat instant noodles so delicious..."

   "Actually, I have been eating one meal a day since I came here, so I feel hungry all of a sudden after my body recovers a little."

  ‘It’s strange if you don’t fall ill like this. '

   Kato Yusuke cursed in his heart, then stood up with the empty bowl and chopsticks he had eaten, and was about to leave.

  Ying Lili couldn't help being taken aback when she saw this, "Yusuke, where are you going?"

   "I'm going to take a shower. Just leave the bowls and chopsticks on the table after you finish eating. I'll clean them up later."


   "Well, the doctor said that you can't take a shower today. I'll get you some hot water and towels later, so you can wipe yourself off then."

   "Oh...then you go."

  Ying Lili agreed and watched him leave the living room.

  At this time, a message was suddenly received on LINE.

  【Kasumigaoka Shiwa: Sawamura, I have something to tell you, please get back to me when you are alone. 】


  【Ying Lili: ...What do you mean? I am alone now. 】


  Just as soon as he replied, the other party immediately sent an invitation for a video call.

  Ying Lili hesitated and pressed the answer button.

   Immediately, the living room seen more than ten minutes ago, as well as the faces of Shiwa and Kanoko Hasumi appeared on the screen.

  The two were still sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee and fruit beer, exuding a special atmosphere as if they had discussed something.

  She pretended to be impatient and asked: "...why did you call the video all of a sudden?"

  Shi Yu stared at her, and asked cautiously: "Are you alone now? Where is Yu-chan?"

   "He went to take a shower, what can you do?"

   "Nothing, I just want to chat with you."


   Ignoring her puzzled expression, Shiyu asked with a serious expression: "First of all, I want to confirm, regarding the alliance I proposed last time at Baihua Lake, what do you think about Sawamura?"


   "What are you? Don't tell me you forgot about it."

   "This...I'm still thinking about it..." Ying Lili looked away guiltily.


  Shi Yu narrowed her eyes, her tone became cold.

   "Obviously I have taken so many benefits from me, are you still worried about Kato-san? Can't make up your mind to join us?"

   "This... After all, Kei is one of the few friends I have, so why are you asking this all of a sudden!?"

   "Because this is related to what I'm going to tell you next, if you think it's okay to be robbed of Yu-chan by Kato-san and end up being a loser, then there's no need for us to continue."

  Eriri heard the ultimatum in Shiwa's words, and fell into a dilemma for a while, and finally looked at Kanoko Hasumi who was on the side for some reason.

  The other party noticed her gaze at the first time, smiled and slightly turned his head, "Do you have something to tell me? Sawamura-san."

   "Xiao Kanai..."

  She nodded, but didn't know how to speak.

  As if guessing what she was thinking, Kanoko Hasumi took a sip of fruit beer and said with a smile, "Do you want to know what the teacher thinks about this matter?"

   A short silence.


   "Well~ If it's possible, the teacher certainly thinks it's best for everyone to live in harmony."


   "Hmm~ Really, after all, even I myself was accepted by Xiaoshi, I am very satisfied with the status quo, as long as I can continue to stay with that person, I have nothing to ask for. What do you think, Sawamura-san?"

"……I have no idea."

  Ying Lili murmured uncertainly, then bit her lips lightly, "But, I probably think so too..."

  Kanoko Renami's eyes flickered, and she raised her hand to lift a strand of hair that fell down in front of her cheek, and pulled it behind her ear.

   "I'm sorry, Sawamura-san, I've heard Xiaoshi talk about the conversation between you. I want to ask, if you become Kato-kun's girlfriend in the future, will you reject us?"

   "I didn't think about it that way."

  Ying Lili couldn't help shaking her head, and gently squeezed the phone with her fingers.

   "Actually, my mother told me that people around Yusuke are too irritating, and I want to be someone who makes him feel at ease."

  Shi Yu raised her eyebrows unexpectedly, "You still told your parents about this?"

   "I told my mother a little when I was worried, but that was before I went to Baihua Lake. After that, I kept thinking about painting, and I didn't think about anything else."

   "In that case, Sawamura-san will be like me~"

  Kanoko Hasami's expression became gentle, with an intoxicating blush on her cheeks, she said patiently:

   "I didn't think about arguing with others, I just wanted to keep the days of relaxation and harmony.

  Don't look at Xiaoshi, she speaks harshly, but she is actually very soft-hearted. The reason she invited you to join is actually for this purpose.

  Sawamura-san, you don't need to regard Kato-san as an enemy, just keep this mentality and join us. "

   What he said was well-founded, making people unconsciously want to be convinced.

   "Xiao Kanai..."

  Ying Lili murmured, only feeling that the other party was indeed putting herself in her own shoes, which resonated strongly in her heart, and after taking a deep breath, she said:

   "I get it... If that's the case, I'm willing to join."

  Kanoko Renmi smiled, "Welcome, Sawamura-san~"

  Shi Yu raised his eyelids, looked at the teacher sitting beside him with disgust, and suddenly felt that adults are such dirty creatures, always changing concepts unconsciously.

  But since the goal can be achieved, she has no objection.

   "Then Sawamura, let's get down to business."

  She put down the mug in her hand, looked at the phone screen and said:

   "Although I don't want this in principle, but since Yu-chan has gone to your side, no matter what happened to the two of you in the villa, I will pretend not to know."

   "Huh? What are you talking about?" Ying Lili tilted her head in wonder, unable to understand the meaning of these words for a while.

  Shiyu showed contempt in his eyes, but he explained patiently.

   "What I mean is that as long as you take this opportunity to deal with Yu-chan, he will never leave you alone in the future.

  If you don’t understand, just think about it with your drawing book brain, and you will understand. So be it. "

  After speaking, hang up the video directly.

   Pretending not to know?


   Drawing book?

  Ying Lili tilted her head from side to side, thinking hard about the blacked out phone screen, trying to connect them together.

  A moment—


  Her body froze suddenly, and her face turned red instantly.


  The girl's screams echoed in the villa.


  (end of this chapter)

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