MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter-Chapter 755 Little County King and Auntie

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Back on the ground, He Danggui was still muddled, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Xu Fei was a real behind-the-scenes trader, which made her difficult to accept for a while.

I took a layer of floating soil on the black gauze cloak for her, and Lu Jiangbei sighed, leaving a sentence of "Everything to be careful of" turned and walked to a water terrace, where Liao Zhiyuan and Jiang Yan were waiting for him. I said something of forgetfulness, and then Lu Jiangbei's expression was lonely or sad.

He Danggui stood in the distance and heard a sentence or two. Liao Zhiyuan whispered: "Boss, what good thing did you do, let He Xiaoniu scratch your nails? Get it from the real!"

Jiang Yan said: "There is a sentence that shouldn't have been spoken properly, but I think it may be a clue—the eyeliner returned. The night before the sister-in-law died, Princess Yan gave her a box of snacks for her to taste with Ho Angelica, but Ho Angelica did not eat snacks. I guess, maybe there is something wrong with snacks, only to make Xunzi misunderstand He Danggui so deeply ... "

Hearing here, He Danggui laughed, Xu Wuzhen, what a good princess Yan!

Walking towards the huā garden, I saw Pu Cao anxiously, wandering around in the same place, and met her and greeted her. "The slave thought that the county master had lost his way! Didn't the county master have cramps in his legs, why did he walk away?"

He Danggui's eyes narrowed into a line, and Man Sheng replied, "I suddenly want to go to the toilet, so I can't care about my legs."

Pu Cao smiled easily: "It was the slaves who did not take good care of the place. Please ask the county owner to go to the sedan first, and punish the slaves when you live."

"Okay." He Danggui got into the sedan.

The sedan chair was carried by three powerful servants. He Angelica was very light and the sedan chair walked very stably. At this time, He Angelica opened a curtain slit and asked Pu Cao: "Why did the mother and concubine leave without waiting for me? I I have talked a lot to tell her. "

Pu Cao apologized: "The county owner didn't know that the princess was in poor health and had a angina pectoris. Once she was ill, she had to stay in bed and no one could see her."

"You can't see it."

"The lord of the county please stay at ease," Pu Cao laughed. "Live for ten and a half months, and wait for the princess to call the lord of the county to speak in the past. I believe the prince will accompany him soon."

"Mother-in-law is really out of sight, knowing that my medical skills are passable, why don't you let me see when I'm sick?" He Danggui blinked. "Quick, Pu Cao, take me to the mother-in-law for consultation!"

Pu Cao knot, sweating, cursing himself for carelessness, how to forget what Angelica itself is a doctor's thing! She just moved the princess out of angina, but this excuse has always been useful, and it doesn't work today. I heard just now that the princess hastily left the house. Where should I go now?

However, Pu Cao is more clever than other girls, and she smiled and suggested brightly: "The princess is used to siesta. If she is awakened, the slaves should get a big one, so it's better to go later. It's Zichen Xiaojun Wang, a few days ago. Ask the slave-in-law about the lord of the county, maybe there's something I want to tell you. It's nothing to do now. Why don't we go to Xiaojun's courtyard?


The sedan chair stopped in front of a courtyard surrounded by vines. Pu Cao knocked on the door. After a long time, no one answered. When the door was pushed, the door opened by itself.

So Pu Cao turned back and laughed, "Let's go in and wait, Shire Lord."


The servant woman who carried the sedan chair walked away, and He Danggui and Pu Cao walked into this small courtyard with a smile, only to see the dark green. In addition to the vines that were drenched all over the place, there were moss full of walls. The front of the gallery was full of Cobwebs do not look like they are inhabited.

Angelica asked strangely, "This is Zichen's residence?"

She was very impressed with the snow-dressed boy with exquisite features and longer eyelashes than the girl. She could see that Xu Fei was very dependent on him. How could a large palace house be allocated to him such a desolate place?

Pu Cao pointed to the wild forest behind the yard and said: "The little county king was practicing swords in the woods, and lived here nearby, and he did not let his servants serve, the yard was particularly desolate. The county owner may also know that the little county king is not the king The princess was born by himself. He was originally from Beijing, but he also had family and residence, but he still lived in the palace. "

"Oh?" He Danggui asked with interest. "Zi Chen's biological parents are still alive. Why would they think of worshiping their parents? They won the King of Kings at a young age, and their future is limitless."

When talking about Zichen, Pu Cao took off her calm and exquisite mask, and a little more women were shy.

She blushed and pursed her lips with a smile: "It is a fate, my grandfather has been in Yanzhou for many years, but the princess lived in a state that is not used to cold. Every year after the winter, she will return to the Yingtian Mansion to the south. Month. Once the princess went out to the city to enter the incense, and met bandits who blocked the road, and more than a dozen guards could not beat them, and almost did not scare the slave to death. Fortunately, a young monk came down the mountain, hit the incident, and rescued All of us, until now, the slaves are very grateful for that life-saving grace. "

He Danggui wondered again: "Juvenile monk? Was Zifei Chen a monk?"

"Well, Zichen is his legal name."

"Then what is his name?"

"This ..." Pu Cao tilted her head. "I didn't even ask the slaves. Maybe the princess knew."

The two talked in a low voice, and He Danggui first heard the footsteps getting closer and closed. . Not long afterwards, a figure of snow clothes came here, Pu Cao looked so happy that she was about to greet someone, but the next moment, she found that the figure of snow clothes was followed by a pink coat, and the two shadows were still attached. near. Pu Cao bit her lip, and her voice was fully received.

Due to the dense vines, the two people walking outside the yard did not see them inside.

The comer stopped outside the courtyard wall. One was Xiaojun Wangchen, and the other was a girl dressed as a girl. Her face was exposed in the middle of the vines, bright and pretty.

The girl said, "I like you. When I see you at first sight, my heart is not my own."


The audience in the yard was silent. The confessed Zichen was silent.

The girl was not discouraged, and said, "I am the eldest sister of Miss Three. Miss Three cannot leave me for a day. In the future, she will marry me, and she will definitely take me. But I do n’t want to be a dowry, and I do n’t want to Continue to serve Miss III Zhu Guqin. Don't look at her young age, but her heart is very poisonous. The last time she framed Miss Zhu Zhuran was unsuccessful, but she also lost Miss Shi's title and became an ordinary Wangfu girl. Photo If this continues, I still don't know what bad things Ms. San will do. I'm afraid. "

Zichen said coldly, "What does this have to do with me?"

The vines obstructed He Danggui and Pu Cao from seeing the talker's face expressions, but they heard the girl ’s crying "Woo ... let me follow you and serve you forever, Xiaojun Wang, I really mean it!" "

"Really? Prove it to me!" Zichen's voice was so cold that he could drop scum.

He Danggui has long eyes and groaned in his heart. If Gao Jue's coldness is overbearing, and Lu Jiangbei's coldness is alienation, then the coldness of this snow-clad boy is absolute coldness and indifference. Probably because he and Xu Fei also made use of and exploited the cooperative relationship, and never took Wangfu as their own.

"I ..." The girl stopped crying.

The vines hung down to the positions of the two men's calves, showing only their feet, a pair of gold-lined and black-edge fast boots, and a pair of three-inch golden lotuses wrapped in embroidered huā shoes. I saw the three-inch golden lotus approached the fast boots and walked close to each other. Then, the three-inch golden lotus slowly lifted its toes and tilted forward.

This posture has been maintained for a long time, and will not change forever. Even if you can't see the pair of men and women behind the vine, it is not difficult to guess that they are hugging intimately.

It's just that the audience reacted differently. He Danggui looked expressionless and leisurely studied his nails and sleeves. Pu Cao's response was fierce. She didn't look at her complexion, she could understand her psychology just by looking at the stiff neck and the hands with fists.

He Danggui secretly said that it seems that beautiful men will never lack admirers, and beautiful and promising little county kings, just like huā honey attracts the bees of the palace as honey attracts bees.

For a long time, the heels of the three-inch Jinlian fell back to the ground, and a loud gasping voice came. The wind blew through, the vines shook, and we could see the two figures hug together. He Danggui coldly glanced, Pu Cao drew a crimson blood mark on his palm.

Zichen's tone didn't pick up, but he said with no emotion: "This doesn't prove anything. I have seen a lot of women in all directions. It looks like you have a lot of looks and backgrounds in the palace. What's so special. Zhu Guqin is rude and rude. Why should I bother to provoke her and ask her for help? "

The girl said quickly: "Actually, my background is not bad. My father is the manager of Chuang Tzu. My uncle is still a member. My marrying wealth is ten, and my mother prepared it for me!"


"No, I just want to follow you, can't you be your maid?" The girl asked in a loss.


"..." The girl couldn't think of anything more special about herself.

Just when He Danggui thought the two were going to the end, the girl gritted her teeth again and said amazingly: "Actually, Miss Three is not the daughter of the prince, she was taken from outside by the princess. At that time, he gave birth to a big fat son, who was born to be the king of the county. "

Why is Angelica a little surprised? Could the girl want to use this information as a dowry to raise her worth? Too stupid. People who carry such secrets generally do not live long!

"It's my business." Zichen sneered dismissively.

The girl continued to explode: "I heard that the princess was afraid of threatening her status, but did not want to be a reality. She directly replaced the baby boy with a baby girl. She also deliberately taught several girls in the government to fight with each other. Ascended the Daya Hall and lost the heart of the Lord. Just like the last time, Miss Three slandered Miss Two and murdered her, and was finally demolished by the Qingning County Lord in the public hall. Originally, the Lord was furious and wanted to open the sword, but the princess deliberately offered me Look, please plead guilty that it was her responsibility to fail to teach several nieces, and I beg Lord Wang to keep the two ladies and teach them later. In fact, I am afraid which one is too badly injured and let the other one be the biggest ... "

Pu Cao trembled with anger, not only rushing to cover the girl's mouth, but also to block He Danggui's ear.

Zichen shot out suddenly, grabbed the girl's neck, and yelled in the yard at the same time: "Who's there! Will you live or die?"

He freed up his other hand, poked away the vine, and met the two people of He Danggui. The beautiful face was paralyzed with a rare expression of astonishment. Obviously, He Danggui would become his visitor someday.

He Angelica ’s smile eclipsed the green plants in the courtyard and asked, “What to do if you want to live, and what to do if you want to die?”

Zichen was still calm. I saw that his eyebrows were locked tightly, and his long, raised eyelashes covered his eyes, as if he was thinking quickly about the best solution at present. There was a royal mansion to uncover the bottom of the princess, but He Danggui heard it without fail. Then I have to ...

"Green clothes, you, a shameless slut!" Pu Cao jumped up, twirled the girl's hair, and yelled in disgust, "What a mischievous minion, shameless little hooves, not only abandoning the Lord's renunciation, In an attempt to seduce the little county king, she is still arranging the princess in a random manner behind her, and she is truly dead! "

The girl's narrow neck was still clasped by Zichen, unable to move, and she was scared to death when she saw Pu Cao's appearance, and her tears flowed into two rivers. In the end, I heard Pu Cao said: "Miss Three doesn't learn well, all of you are bitter prostitutes, see if I don't miss the princess and punish you severely!" The girl rolled her eyes immediately and knew nothing.

Zi Chen slowly released her hand, and the angle of the girl's neck bending was a bit weird. Zichen's thin lips lifted halfway and said, "You don't have to worry about these trivial matters. Your hands are so strong that you accidentally pinched to death."

Pu Cao closed her eyes and looked intently, her eyes gradually showing panic.

He Danggui, who was sitting in the yard, coughed, put three steel darts on the stone table, and got up and said, "Meng Yue must have lunch with him, and I will sit down soon. Brother Zichen, these three Dart, you see, it ’s not suitable. I remember you do n’t like to wear long weapons, right? Kung Fu is very handsome, just like people. ”

When He Danggui Shi Shiran left, Pu Cao was not easy to stop. He had to dispose of the corpse in green clothes as soon as possible. He could not follow He Danggui and anxious Pu Cao.

Zichen's somber complexion ruined his elegant appearance at the moment.

After leaving this place, He Danggui stepped forward and started trotting. Leng Buding rushed out from the road to block a figure, and He Danggui took his feet and was shocked: "Qinger, you scared me!"

The person blocking the road was Qinger. She caught He Danggui's shoulders with both hands and jumped her feet and said, "Hey! There is something more scary. Guess who is the little county king in King Yan's house?"


"The one named Zichen, the good-looking one, is He Junhao."

"He Junhao?"

"It's the son of Uncle Mei Jingxian, the little son of you for a few months." Qinger said clearly. 2k novel reading network

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