MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter-Chapter 760 Taken away by orcs

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Early in the morning, the old lady came to the house with two other gorgeously dressed old women.

The old housekeeper greeted them with tea and snacks, and then ran to inform He Danggui, a relative of the host family, and the old lady of the house arrived. He Danggui Feng's eyes narrowed, and an amazing radiance shook his eyes.

The old man introduced He Danggui and stepped back. The three old ladies showed a kind attitude and showed a fondness for cute girls. They beckoned: "A lot of girls who look neat, come in, we don't have good eyes, come closer and show us."

They took a closer look at He Danggui's hand and said they were good. He Danggui casually reported a pseudonym, and the old lady Fang also accepted it. Her attitude was so ordinary that she didn't seem to recognize the true origin of Danggui.

They thought they were successful in disguising themselves. However, He Danggui read a trace of abomination under the old lady's eyes.

The other party recognized her.

At the same time, she also noticed that the other two old ladies had thin cocoons holding perpetual weapons on their fingers. A rich old lady at this age, it is difficult to imagine that she would still like to dance with swords and guns, that is, ... They may not be real old women at all, but young and strong martial arts people!

He Danggui looked on coldly, and found some traces of fraud on their faces, and affirmed his own guess.

At this time, the old man in the housekeeper came over and asked, "Old lady, Jin Doudou has been fried and fried. Do you use it now or by the way?"

The old lady Fang stood up with some excitement. "Walk around! Eat outside, put a table case under the locust tree, and pick the loudest tree that cicadas sing!" The other two old ladies laughed: "No If you are robbed of you, you are so anxious. "

He Danggui bowed his head and said, "Sorry, I'm missing for a while."

Having said that, she turned around and walked away without waiting for the three old women to nod in agreement, which is really not acting as a guest. The three old women exchanged eyes, and one of them whispered, "Did she find anything?"

The other said arrogantly: "No, we only came to Fang Fang temporarily, and Shang Feng didn't arrange any tasks. We were so perfectly dressed, she has nothing to doubt."

"So why did she leave in a hurry?"

"Well, I see that girl's expression and manner differed greatly from the rumors, not much. Shangfeng said," A girl under the age of sixteen, speaks when she wants to talk, and closes when she wants to close the door. Ruobi Coincidentally, a group of thirty-year-old weavers are not as dexterous as her; if they are heavy, the jack-bell clock on the head of the imperial city is calm but she isn't. '--Why didn't I see it? It's just a paper huā silk man. "

"There is nothing wrong with Shangfeng's words. Shangfeng said, He Danggui will come to her door, and she came."

"Take care of her, as long as she doesn't have a pass password, don't even think about digging out Nie Chun from the prison for a lifetime, haha!"

Finally, Mrs. Fang concluded, "The baby girl is afraid of bugs, so she makes excuses to leave, hum, just write a draft with her useless mother. Let's eat ours."

The three women left in company.

Behind the cotton curtain, He Danggui, who went back and forth, had a calm face, thinking about something.

She took the opportunity to tie up the old lady's personal girl, trying to ask them what the identity of "Shangfeng" was. At first, the girl refused to say, He Danggui took out his sword, and made a shallow knife on the girl's cheek and the back of the hand, and then applied the scar on the girl's arm with a cream to remove the scar. No medicine was applied to his face.

Finally, in exchange for the ointment, the girl-in-law revealed: "I'm just a servant and I haven't had a few days with the old lady. The important events are in the care of several old women. I only heard that two months ago, the He family came. The mysterious guests were introduced by the nephew of the old lady's north of the old lady and introduced to the old lady and the old man. Since then, there have always been noble guests in our house, especially after dark. "


"Exactly, where are the noble guests, they sit, and the old lady has to stand aside."

"Then ... what happened to Nie Chun's being held in prison, and that‘ passing pass ’?” He Danggui asked tentatively.

She probably knew that although the prison was the strictest cell in the imperial city, it did not belong to the emperor. The reason is that the prisoners included various ferocious and terrible characters such as Jiang Yang robbers, bandits, and rebellious generals. Previously, Cao Hongrui, the head of the East Factory, was solely responsible.

After Cao Hongrui failed to usurp the throne, the East Factory also collapsed. The emperor asked the leader of the Royal Army to take over the prison, and sent many masters in the army to death and wounds. The prisoners were tied to the wall by black iron chains, lacking food and drinking, and still had an overwhelming attack. Even a stranger who could spit fire with his mouth made the Yulin army helpless.

Originally, Jin Yiwei was the most suitable successor, but the emperor did not want to weight Jin Yifu. He simply sealed the sky prison and let them digest it internally.

If Nie Chun really falls into the prison, even if she goes to the emperor, it is useless to talk about the imperial edict.

Speaking of the prison, the girl looked at He Danggui with a disdainful glance, and hummed, "Have you ever thought about asking the prison? Haven't you heard of the rumors in the workshop, even the emperor Lao Tzu is right there! Okay, you asked enough Now, give me the ointment! "

He Danggui pinched the medicine bottle in her hand, and the girl broke her hand to grab it, but couldn't open her finger.

Between the two men pulling, the old man in the housekeeper saw and came up to ask about the situation. At the same time, the old lady of the room cried out in the distance, calling out the name of the girl. The girl bit her lip and said nothing, and lowered her head and walked away.

He Danggui flashed into the kitchen, trying to apply sweat medicine in the dishes of the three elderly women, and then asked the person carefully. Who knew that that girl was a seasoned pickpocket. When she pulled it, she had already taken away the objects in her two purses, and she accidentally hit the housewife and released them.

When He Danggui planned to find another way, he turned around the corridor and saw the old lady Fang directing the girl to push the old man in the housekeeper against the rock and stone, and the blood splashed in five steps. The reason is actually: the old man may have overheard the "password" in the conversation between the old lady and the servant, rather than kill it by mistake!

An enthusiastic little old man died so badly.

The new housekeeper quickly took office, and then called He Danggui cheerfully, saying that the three old ladies liked her very much, and wanted her to perform a tea ceremony of "snowy top with green", so as to relieve them after meals.

What mischief they hid, He Danggui no longer wanted to guess, but quietly collected some oleander huā powder, clasped it in his nails, and sprinkled poison powder while smiling while boiling the tea soup. And the old lady Fang was the grandmother of Angelica, and the girl-in-law made it clear that the old lady was an old star of Ho's family.

No matter how hard Angelica is, you dare not treat your grandmother? Who knows, they still underestimated the city government of He Danggui.

After the poisoning, the old lady trembled with anger and found the most vicious words in the world to curse her granddaughter. She dipped in blood and wrote down the four words of "unreasonableness", which was the scene disguised as a devil's product outside the window.

Later, Qi Xuanyu, a monk robe fluttering, came and fed Jiedu Pill to three people who were unconscious.

He Danggui looked aside, and said coolly, "I thought you wouldn't come to destroy me. I thought you and I were friends."

Qi Xuanyu's cold and stern face had no expression and did not look at Angelica. He replied: "I can only blame you for doing too much. The old lady in this room is just an informant, even if she is dead; the two next to me are 'Di Huang 'Clerk here, it takes eight years to train one, so it must be broken.'

He Danggui brought the exquisite pastries on the table, took silver needles to test the poison, and even tried a few of them mixed with a lot of paralysis.

She couldn't reach her eyes, and asked, "What should I do to not be excessive? I swallowed the rice cake with my eyes closed, obediently turned into a **** in the hands of those people, and let them pinch my life to go to Meng Yue Giving up military power--only then can you agree with it, isn't it? Qi Xuanyu, I really misread you. "

"Perhaps you have never seen it right." Qi Xuanyu slowly got up and showed off his weapon, adding "Also, the little monk now has the nickname 'machine dust', and he must call it wrong again."

Why Angelica took two steps back and asked skeptically: "Are you going to fight me? Are you going to bind me or kill me? Are you very confident in your skills?"

"If you are willing to fight, the little monk will save a lot of work." Qi Xuanyu said.

"What if I refuse?"

"Then, the little monk had to take a self-test, and his skill diminished a bit after entering the gate of Buddhism." His words were really modest, but the bronze goblet in his hand suddenly lighted up, caged with a fine yellow halo. It doesn't look like a humble concession.

He Danggui smiled easily: "In the past, when you were a priest, you fought with dust. Now you have become a monk, and the weapons have also been refurbished. What used to be a monk's retreat was ruined in your hands."

Qi Xuanyu said indifferently: "It's useless to delay time, do you still expect someone to come to your rescue?"

He Danggui knew that Qi Xuanyu was too clever, and he couldn't figure out the huā trick under his eyes. He simply asked: "What kind of organization is the Emperor Phoenix you said? Who are the loyal people? All the benefits they give you, I will Triple it for you, just buy the news in your mouth, how about it? "

Qi Xuanyu stunned a fine linen robe and mocked He Danggui's naive thoughts. "Does the appearance of a little monk seem like a lot of good?"

"Not money, is that right?"

"..." Qi Xuanyu took no hesitation and stepped closer.

He Danggui stepped back and asked strangely: "Is it really the temptation of power? But the old emperor relied on you so much that you did not become a great master and left the capital city alone. Is the" Emperor Phoenix "for you older than it was? The Emperor has more? I advise you to think twice before you lose your sight for a moment. "

"Did you finish?" Qi Xuanyu stepped another step.

This seemingly unremarkable step blocked He Danggui in the dead end. There was no way forward, and there was only a small transom behind him. It was impossible to escape. She also didn't think she could win Qi Xuanyu. This person could draw against Feng Yang, but she couldn't beat Feng Yang with one hand.

"Well, I don't want to resist, I'll fight it," she said very wisely.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Qi Xuanyu opened her eyes suddenly and sighed loudly: "Stop! Don't move her!"

A stout arm with thick and velvety hair could not help coming in from outside the transom, easily pinching He Danggui's neck and throat. 2k novel reading network

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