MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter-Chapter 777 The truth about Kawasaki's death

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As soon as the words fell, the lady Mr. Zeng's face was ugly, and even Aunt Li was really angry. Anyway, she is also the elder of the Meng family, why dare to say that it would hit her like this?

As soon as Auntie Li opened her eyes, she said, "Which Angelica is you, no matter how expensive you are as a princess, when you enter the Meng family door, you are also the wife of the Meng family. How dare you speak with the elders in this manner?"

Why Angelica droops his eyes and hides the sneer in his eyes. My heart was amused secretly. When Auntie Li had previously provoked alienation, she only looked at the excitement, and she even forgot all the respect and humility. Who in this family does not know, among the aunts of the master Meng Shan, Mrs. Su is most disliked by Aunt Li, who is more disgusted than the original wife, Heheshi.

Now that Auntie Li is in a hurry to find herself uncomfortable, help her and make her uncomfortable in the future!

He Danggui bowed his head and aggrieved, "My mother-in-law Rongyang, although I haven't been in the door for a long time, can never dare to stand up and play with my temper while living at home. It is even more so for my father-in-law who is familiar with the family training I respect you from the bottom of my heart. Aunt Li accuses me of being disrespectful to my elders, and I really disagree. "

Mrs. Su listened to Li Danggui's self-proclaimed "elder" towards He Danggui. He said it was a bit unpleasant. He Danggui said this, and remembered that a little thief had crossed the house some time ago, and he was poisoned by poison. .

Thinking about it this way, Mrs. Su's face was a little better, affirming He Danggui's words, "Well, you have filial piety to me, and I naturally count. I was sick a few days ago, Qinger's girl was diligent in her service, and her mouth seemed to be covered with honey. I am very happy with the elderly. She also said a lot of good things about you, saying that you have always respected the elders. "

The more Auntie Li heard, the less she tasted. In the end, wasn't her auntie an elder?

But think about family training, and it is true. In this century-old clan, it is clear that the difference between wife and concubine is equal to the difference between master and slave! Just think, what qualifications does a subordinate have to call themselves "elder"?

Aunt Li felt annoyed and shook her sleeves, and resigned sternly: "Have a head attack and can't be with you. The princess doesn't worship her mother, and the outsider can't get in on her, so let's look at the tailor!"

After leaving, Aunt Hong acted as a good man again and opened up the field: "Li Hong is a tough man. He was a famous iron-billed chicken in the boudoir. Now he is married to a man and woman, and even Miss Er is 15 years old. This Li Hong's temper will not change! Ha ha! "

"Oh? I heard that Aunt Li is the servant girl of Li Fu." He Danggui inquired with interest. "I once passed by Li Fu. I saw there was a magnificent weather there, occupying more land than Meng Fu. It is worthy of being a famous family in Beijing. When the father-in-law was not Baoding Hou at that time, and the soldiers he brought with him were only 10,000 or 20,000, Li Fu had a vision, and married a niece to the Meng family as a maiden house! "

Mrs. Su twisted her lips unpleasantly. Among the several aunts in Mengfu, Aunt Li is the highest born, even higher than her lady in the right room! And for all these years, Aunt Li has been a little taciturn, and her attitude is not respectful from the main room, relying on her Li Weiwei!

Auntie Hong said it intentionally or unintentionally: "Li Hong was aggrieved when he entered the house. The master had to comfort her and gave birth to a flat wife, but unfortunately, she was holding her breath all these years. Ha ha."

He Danggui also "haha" this aunt Hong's heartfelt words, faster than a knife. It seems that none of the women who stand firm in this home is simple.

The resentment in Mrs. Su's eyes flashed and she waved, "Don't mention her anymore! Seven daughters-in-law, your father He Jingxian intentionally made you recognize your ancestors, and re-entered your name into the He clan genealogy. . Alas, your aunt, Mrs. Zeng, is here. You go and give her a big gift to make atonement for the disrespect you just made. You mother and daughter are kind and kind. I look happy as a mother-in-law. "

He Danggui saw such a big circle, and her mother-in-law hadn't let her off, she was really helpless. It seems that her mother-in-law remembers hating her for leaving Meng Xun, causing Meng Xun to be unhappy for a while, and deliberately used this stubble to rectify her.

No matter how beautiful the family is, how much authenticity and moisture is in it? The so-called ancestor's return to the ancestors is not so much as climbing the Meng family.

Mrs. Su froze and looked at Angelica sinensis, but this time she did not listen.

Aunt Hong was closed. , The look of watching a play.

And the lady Zeng who did not speak from beginning to end slightly raised her head, and looked quite like a lady, with a very disdainful arc.

The atmosphere was like a tight string, but He Danggui laughed out loud.

Mrs. Su was angry. "What is your attitude, are you laughing at me?"

He Danggui lowered his head halfway and said, "How can my daughter-in-law dare to laugh at her mother-in-law? I remembered my complex and unspeakable life, and I felt a moment of sorrow and laughed at myself."


"Yeah" He Danggui fell lonely. "When I talked about my mother, I couldn't help thinking of my biological mother. In the past ten years, I have been gathering less and more. In terms of her, she is not an individual mother. I went to an outsider, and I could n’t tell the difference between my relatives. Although my daughter should n’t tell her mother ’s death, every time I think of it, she feels confused! ”

Mrs. Su was even more angry when she heard this: "Are you mocking me?"

He Danggui was startled and said, "What is your mother-in-law talking about her biological mother, Roche, and what is she doing with her mother-in-law? Haven't her mother-in-law made the mistake of being close or distant?"


He Danggui turned his smile and looked at the lady Mrs. Zeng, who was on the opposite side, and said, "There is a mother first, then a mother-in-law, and now there is an additional stepmother, which is the third mother. Said, the heaven and earth are the biggest, and the biological mother is the second. When I see the above, I must kneel. I came to see the mother-in-law without kneeling, and did not kneel in front of the mother-in-law, Princess Yan. Before she wrote it off, she stepped on her knees first. Does n’t it mean no distinction between primary and secondary, and disrespect for in-laws? "

Mrs. Su listened and listened, gradually dissipating her anger, and felt that He Danggui was not completely sophistry, and some of the words sounded reasonable.

Auntie Hong persuaded with a smile: "Look at the lady patronizing and talking to the princess, forgetting to throw the fish food, haha, look at it, even the fish in the water are scared away."

Mrs. Su hummed, turned to face the turquoise pond, and concentrated on feeding the fish.

Mrs. Zeng did not receive the gift of Angelica Sinensis. She ate the cake the first time she met. There was fire in her heart, but she could not find an excuse for the attack. At this time, a young girl in a gouache cardigan and a lush green long skirt ran in from the outside, plunging her into Mrs. Zeng's arms, her face half-tilted, and crying, "Mother, this is not good, I miss home Let's go home! "

Mrs. Zeng took out the parcel and wiped her daughter's tears with distress. He asked, "What is the good cry of Yuer? Meng's house is thoughtful and everyone understands etiquette. The mother brought you here just to let you follow everyone's style and learn style, don't be clean A small family. "A glance at He Danggui said, no matter how obvious it was, he thought He Danggui was not atmospheric enough.

Mrs. Zeng patted her daughter's face and asked, "Good Yuer, tell your mother, what rules have you learned in the past few days?"

This Yuer, Miss Shangjia He Shangyu, was very beautiful when she was young. The most proud of Mrs. Zeng is that her daughter has just set up a good relationship. The first red man in front of today's son, Sun Lin, is her daughter's future husband! Everywhere Mrs. Zeng feels face, a daughter, a son, are so strenuous!

He Shangyu asked Xiaohongzu, complaining: "Mother ~~ Our home is not as big as here, but the decoration is more pleasing to the eye. Madam Su is hospitable, but she asked Ms. Meng to arrange the room for me. I I don't like it at all, and that bed was awkward and asleep! I miss the bed at home! Mother ~~ let's go home ~~ "

Mrs. Zeng took a look at Aunt Hong, who was the biological mother of Miss Meng Jing.

Aunt Hong was unable to sit still for a moment. She opened her mouth and wanted to say a few good words for Meng Jing, but she was afraid of being too exposed.

He Danggui knows the twists and turns.

At that time, the Meng family burst out a lot of sons, but did not have a daughter. Once Meng Shan was drunk, he said, whoever gave birth to the first daughter is his good wife!

A drunk word made Mrs. Su's heart. Soon, Aunt Hong became pregnant and asked the doctor to take her pulse before she gave birth. She guessed it might be a daughter. Madam Su felt uncomfortable. A few days later, there was a message that Miss Bazi rushed to Mrs. Su.

Auntie Hong is a clever person. Her mother's shabby family has always obeyed Mrs. Su in the Meng family, and she lived under Mrs. Su's hands. She never put hope in a play on Ms. Because Meng Shan's family members are very clear, all of them are not as heavy as Mrs. Su's hair—the entire Meng family can't see this, and it's only Mrs. Su who is jealous.

When the young lady was born, she was taken to her home temple. Later, Mrs. Su was good to her and the young lady in the temple.

When Meng Jing grew up, she went back to live in the house, and was not close to her biological mother. Aunt Hong's face was faint, but after all, the meat in her belly was still the only bloodline, how could it be thrown away? I was afraid that Mrs. Su thought so much that she did not dare to approach Meng Jing secretly.

Everyone in this family has their own secret.

Some people have ambitions and want to climb higher, such as Aunt Li. Some people feel guilty and want to compensate their daughters, such as Aunt Hong.

At this time, the lovely and lovely He Shangyu also said, "That young Meng family, a big shelf, my mother, you let me learn her manners, and I will follow her all day long. As a result, she ignored me. I asked three or four sentences before she answered me indifferently, so disgusting. "

Mrs. Su frowned: "How can Jinger neglect the guests so much that I would not punish her to go to the Buddhist temple to copy the scriptures!"

Aunt Hong opened her mouth silently, then bowed her head sadly.

Her daughter was sued by the guests, and Aunt Hong was eating very well in front of Mrs. Su, and she was born with a clever mouth, but did not dare to say a good word for her daughter.

He Danggui saw through the middle of the story, and felt a little sad in her heart. She probably felt that Meng Jing's situation was similar to her. So I couldn't help but say, "I'm not familiar with Jinger, and I heard that she is just like her name. She has a demure and elegant ladylike manners. It is about coping with Miss He's coquettishness. No wonder Jinger, Hehe, after all, our Meng family is a Qingliu family, and we are not used to decorating the rooms with luxurious gold jade. No wonder He looks down on our house. "

Auntie Hong was reminded, her eyes lit up, and said, "Oh, of course, the He family opened a large drugstore, what was the soul, and a small bottle was worth more than gold! I heard that the carpets in Miss's boudoir were all Weaving it from gold and silver threads, envy others! "

Mrs. Zeng's face turned green, and it was okay to mention Dandan, and she was angry when she mentioned it!

He Danggui, but it was He Jingxian who kicked out of the house, and was inexplicably promoted to be a goddess at the Jingshi banquet. He said bad things about Hejia Yaoshitang ’s famous medicine. Since then, no one has come to buy medicine. Almost closed the door. Fortunately, now he has dominated the official errands and made a lot of money.

At that time, the pharmacist's church was not working well. He Jingxian and Mrs. Fang closed the door and scolded He Danggui. The wolf son's ambition and the unruly black-hearted daughter didn't miss He's birth grace. He didn't come to see his grandmother and father, but he was doing bad things in his back!

Mrs. Zeng went to the palace to visit her aunt He Zaimei and said this.

He Zaimei smiled coldly, just right! Her mother had been sorry to me in the past, and she was holding a handle of me. Now she has added a capable daughter, and it is even more unbearable!

Soon after, Mrs. Zeng heard that Luo Chuanxi, who was married for the third time, was violent at home. She couldn't help but be surprised by the aunt's ruthlessness. She could kill anyone in the palace at will. What a great skill! It's just that He Luoxian came out in the name of He Jingxian to make the woman die without leaving any traces. Even the name of the government can't find any clues. It's amazing! 2k novel reading network

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