MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 842 Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight

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  Chapter 842 Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight

  People from the province, as well as the county staff, came to the flour improver factory. Amidst the sound of firecrackers, they hung a golden bronze plaque at the gate of the factory office.

  Looking up at the bronze medal of "Excellent Foreign-funded Enterprise", Wang Yuanwen felt like he was dreaming.

   Before he had time to call Wang Ye to ask what was going on, he planned to call and ask after the people in the province left.

  He has also been in the system for decades. Although he is not very good at it, he also knows the way of it.

   Don't look at this bronze medal as inconspicuous, and it won't even bring any substantial benefits to the factory, it's just an honorary title.

   But the indirect benefits brought by this thing are too many!

  The most direct point is that the foreign investment status of the flour improver factory is considered real!

  Whether it is in the county or the city, no one will jump out and make a fuss about the foreign capital status of the factory...

  Wang Yuanwen just wants to do a good job in the factory, expand the production scale, recruit more employees, and sell the products to all parts of the country.

  Do not plan how much money you can make, mainly because it will give him a greater sense of accomplishment!

  The county was originally poor, and there were no decent enterprises. Many young people graduated from high school and failed to enter university, so they had to leave their hometowns to work in other places.

  If I can expand the scale of the factory and provide enough jobs, then many people will not have to leave their hometowns, and they can find a good job in the county to support their families.

  So, after the factory made money, he was willing to take out so much money and distribute it to the employees.

   Then build a new factory building, buy a new production line, and expand the scale of production. This is the purpose!

   To be honest, since he bought the factory, he hasn't taken any money from his family. He even set a very low salary for himself, only 3,000 yuan.

  Because the family does not lack money, the son can earn more money than himself, so there is no need to consider such things as getting married, buying a house, and arranging a job for the son.

   It can be said that the factory is his career. Without any worries, he certainly devoted himself to his work.

Before leaving, a leader held Wang Yuanwen's hand and said meaningfully: "Mr. Wang, I didn't realize that you still have such contacts. Haha, this is also a good thing. The factory will continue to be in your hands. Don't worry, everyone. Don't be disturbed by some external factors, continue to make the factory bigger and stronger, and we will support you!"


  After the provincial sign was hung at the gate of the factory office, the regional investigation team left quietly, as if nothing had happened.

  Whether it is in the county or the city, everyone chooses to "forget" tacitly.

  Wang Yuanwen also called Wang Ye and asked what happened.

Wang Ye didn't say much, just explained with a smile that he just asked the real foreign-funded enterprise to report the situation to the province. It is estimated that the province discovered that there is such a well-run foreign-funded enterprise in the county below, so Give it an honor.

  As for the regions and counties, of course they saw the actions of the province, and they flinched knowingly.

  This explanation is roughly similar to Wang Yuanwen's conjecture.

  The only thing that confuses him is what kind of foreign-funded company can have such a big face!

  Although the country has been attracting investment in recent years and offering various preferential policies to attract foreign investment, it is not possible for the province to pay so much attention to foreign investment of any size.

   After all, the flour improver factory is just a small factory, and it is said that it is not qualified for the province to do this.

  The province did this not because of the face of the flour improver factory, but because of the face of the foreign-funded enterprise that came forward to respond to the situation!

   Regarding this question, Wang Ye explained half-truths and half-truths.

  He told his father that this foreign-funded enterprise is indeed very powerful. It is a domestic branch of the Russian Kitty Eagle Group, and its business covers "gaming, hotels, tourism, shopping" and so on.

   That is the travel company that often sees advertisements on domestic TV...

  I have business cooperation with this group company, and I am familiar with the person in charge of the branch, so they are willing to help.

  This explanation can be regarded as fooling Wang Yuanwen.

  Through this incident, Wang Yuanwen gained a new understanding of his son.

  It turns out that my son is not only good at making money, but also has a network that cannot be ignored!

   This made him very emotional. All his life, he had been depressed because he didn't know how to make connections.

  Who did my son learn this from?

   After going abroad for a few years, I have earned more money than I dared to imagine, and I have also made some very useful contacts, and even reached out to the country...

   Could it be that he suddenly became enlightened...


   As for whether he is enlightened or not, and why there has been such a big change in just a few years, Wang Ye doesn't know how to explain this question.

  However, through this incident, he has also verified his weight in the hearts of some people in China, which is still quite heavy.

   There is no need to speak up, some things are quietly resolved.

  He didn't think that Liu Mei's complaint to a provincial department in the name of a branch company really had much effect, it was just a show.

  The one who really plays a role must be sitting in the Duma office and busy with the election for the new term...

  Wang Ye is not worried about issues such as the safety of his parents in China.

  He knows very well that as long as he doesn't have an accident here, his parents will never have any problems.

   Moreover, as your power grows stronger and your influence in Da Mao's political arena grows, the better your parents' situation will be!

   It all goes hand in hand.

   You don’t even need to deliberately do anything for the country, you just need to say something that is good for the country at a certain critical moment.



   After easily solving the little troubles that troubled his father, Wang Ye devoted his energy to the election again.

  Now most of the constituencies, the election results have been counted, and the situation is very good!

  The Duma has a total of 450 seats, and now 380 seats have been determined.

  Among them, Wang Ye's faction has won 145 seats, taking the top spot!

   Gryzlov and his faction won 117 seats, ranking second.

  Hovchenko's new faction actually won 78 seats, ranking third.

  The original second faction, the Moscow faction, only had thirty-five seats.

  The other small factions together only have five seats...

  This result not only caused an uproar in the political arena in Moscow, but also in the whole country.

  Because Wang Ye and his faction are too strong!

   Could it really become the largest faction in the next Duma?

  But Wang Ye himself knows very well that for the last 70 seats that have not yet been decided, it is estimated that it will be difficult for his faction to get a few more.

  Because the rest are large electoral districts such as Moscow and Petersburg, which have many seats and belong to the traditional sphere of influence of the Gryzlov and Kolov factions.

  Although the Moscow faction is quite "miserable" now, but when the results of the Moscow constituency election come out, maybe they can "anti-kill" Khovchenko's new faction!

  Similarly, the traditional sphere of influence of the first faction is in the Petersburg constituency, which is also a large constituency, and the results also did not come out.

   Therefore, according to Wang Ye's prediction, in the end, Gryzlov and the others will still get the most Duma seats, and their own faction will rise to second place.

  The Moscow faction still hopes to compete for the third position.

   As for the two major factions, one must not underestimate them.


   Rosiana looked very excited about the results of the victory now.

"Misha, should we go all out and invest the rest of the campaign funds in Moscow and Petersburg constituencies? It's still too late, and we still have a lot of budget left." She excitedly Discuss with Wang Ye.

  There are naturally many candidates from the Wangye faction competing in these two constituencies.

  Wang Ye is impartial, and he did not give resources to these large constituencies in the early stage, because his focus is on the outer constituencies.

   There are indeed many seats in these two constituencies, but the competition is even more intense!

   Moreover, this is the traditional sphere of influence that the two major factions have been operating for many years. If you intervene rashly, you will easily offend others...

   It's not that I'm afraid of offending people, but that it's unnecessary and doesn't fit Wang Ye's plan.

   Now is not the time to turn against the two major factions. He still needs to operate for a few more years to stabilize the basic market.

  Wait until the next general election, Wang Ye will really let go, no one will give face!

  However, that was six years later...

  Because the term of office of the current Duma parliamentarians has been extended to six years each.

   With such a long time to accumulate strength, it is hard to imagine what Wang Ye will be like six years later!

   Besides, there will be a replacement at the Shike Palace. I guess it is necessary to seek Wang Ye's opinion in advance who will be replaced...

  Because without his nod, it would be very difficult for anyone to successfully enter the Kremlin Palace!

   This is still under the circumstances that Wang Ye has no idea about the Kremlin, and only wants to stay on Duma's side.


Wang Ye smiled and shook his head, "No need, Moscow constituency and Petersburg constituency, that has little to do with us. Let Gryzlov and Kolov fight, we just watch the fun. Get With so many seats, our faction has already exceeded its goal!"

Rosiana seemed a little unwilling. She pouted and said unconvinced: "If we fight, we are very likely to become the first faction in the new Duma! I know you don't want to offend Gryzlov and My adoptive father’s side, but we can work on the Moscow constituency, so they can’t say anything. By doing this, we are helping them deal with Kolov’s faction.”

Wang Ye still shook his head firmly, "No, it's not a matter of offending anyone, but I have agreed with Gryzlov that they will still be the first faction in the new Duma. In this situation, we not only Don't add to the chaos, but also help Gryzlov and the others so that they can win more seats."

   Seeing Wang Ye's firm attitude, Rosiana couldn't say anything more.

  She also knew that since Wang Ye did this, there must be his consideration.

  The most I can do is to provide some reference opinions. It would be best if Wang Ye can adopt it.

   Sure enough, Wang Ye did what he said.

  In the next period of time, he asked Rosiana to give the propaganda resources of her faction, especially the two constituencies, to Gryzlov as much as possible.

   Also helped with funding, allowing Gryzlov's first faction to muster their strength and make the final sprint!

  The election campaign has reached its most intense stage.

  As long as the TV is turned on during this time, either the key members of the first faction are desperately trying to get votes, or the people from the Moscow faction are trying their best to get the voters to vote for them.

   It is related to the life and death of the faction, and everyone has torn their skins and started to attack each other mercilessly.

  The first faction accused the Moscow faction of colluding with the oligarchs and being corrupt. It is still the old bureaucratic style of the former Soviet Union. It cannot keep up with the development of the times and should be thrown into the garbage dump of history!

  The Moscow faction accused the people of the first faction of forming a party for personal gain and crowding out other factions. In the past few years in office, they have not done anything practical at all.

  Even if the economic development has not slowed down in the past few years, it has little to do with the first faction. It is all due to Mikhail of the third faction...

  Yes, because Wang Ye has unequivocally withdrew from the competition in the two constituencies of Moscow and Petersburg, neither Gryzlov nor Kolov regarded him as a competitor.

  In order to attack each other, they even started to boast about the king's career!

  Anyway, if there is something bad or wrong, it is the other party's fault.

   Any good thing, either he did it, or Mikhail did it.

  Because Mikhail has a relatively high reputation among the people, if you pull him in, it will appear that you are the party of "justice"!

   This life-and-death struggle made Wang Ye and Rosiana dazzled. They really understood what a "democratic election" is.

  Anyway, electing "I" is true democracy, and electing the other party is false democracy!

  Rosiana also understood why Wang Ye no longer got involved in the competition between these two constituencies.

  If Wang Ye really gets involved, maybe he will become the common enemy of the two factions, and then he will have to face the left and right attacks...

   At the most tense moment, even the Kremlin was involved.

  Puding himself personally came forward to support the Petersburg faction, although he did not explicitly solicit votes because it did not comply with the rules.

  But the meaning behind what he said is clear to everyone.

   Of course, the Moscow faction is not far behind, and has used all kinds of methods, and even used some outside tricks in individual constituencies in Moscow State.

   Gryzlov and others will naturally not sit idly by, but adopted tit-for-tat measures...


  (end of this chapter)