MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 847 tough guy image

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  Chapter 847 Tough guy image

  The reason why Wang Ye proposed a strong counterattack and deployed strategic weapons in Kaliningrad was not to completely turn against the West.

   This is also the safest method after careful consideration!

   First of all, although Russia has been very poor these years, the dead camel is bigger than the horse, and it is also a big country that "inherited" most of the "inheritance" of the former Soviet Union.

   If a strong counterattack is not carried out in the face of other people's provocations, then Russia's international prestige will be completely finished!

  Secondly, counterattack is counterattack. It doesn't matter if you are a little bit tough, but you can't really go up like a green head.

   Is it really going to war with Bei Y...

   Without using a big killer, it can't be beaten at all!

   They are a group of more than 20 developed countries, accounting for more than 60% of the world's total economic output!

   Not to mention weapons and equipment. In terms of conventional weapons, the old Mei family can hang and beat Da Mao.

  Comprehensively, how to counterattack requires high skills.

  Russia's economy is not good now, and conventional weapons are also very hip, because there is no money to update equipment.

  International influence is also very average, there are not many **** brothers.

   In the final analysis, it is still a poor word!

  The so-called international relations are simple and simple.

  Most countries are also guys who dislike the poor and love the rich, bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

  Da Mao's economy is still ineffective, and conventional weapons are not good enough. The only thing that can be used are those "big killer weapons"!

  That's why Wang Ye proposed this plan.

   And there are many hidden benefits of doing this, just as Lacroft said, you can move forward and retreat freely, and bargain with the other party!

   It only needs to mobilize the mobile force and deploy some strategic weapons to Kaliningrad, which will not cost much money, manpower and material resources.

  But everyone in North Y will be in danger, as if they are facing a big enemy!

  They will inevitably come to the door to negotiate, hoping that Russia can withdraw these strategic weapons.

   Otherwise, it would be equivalent to a sword of Damocus hanging above their heads all the time!

  I can't sleep well.

   But if you want Da Mao to withdraw these weapons, you must show enough sincerity, there is no room for negotiation here!

  Wang Ye’s doing this is almost equivalent to copying the "Cuban Crisis"...

  Wang Ye didn't say anything about the things behind these things, but this Lacroft analyzed it in one go.

  It seems that the Foreign Minister has a keen eye and a strong insight.


   Seeing that Raklov also supported Wang Ye's proposal, Gobrev frowned and thought for a moment. The Kremlin had also discussed this matter several times.

  The pros and cons have also been analyzed. The reason why I have not made a final decision is that I am afraid that the European and American sides will overreact and it will not end well.

So after hesitating again and again, he turned his head and looked at Wang Ye and asked, "What if... I mean what if, after the weapons are deployed, the other party will not negotiate with us, but will take targeted measures, such as deploying corresponding weapons in the Baltic Sea area." What about weapons and equipment?"

   This issue should be the Kremlin's biggest concern.

   Their worries are not unreasonable, because the current Russian economy really cannot support a large-scale confrontation.

   In addition, the presidential election is coming soon. At this juncture, the adoptive father still has to consider whether it will affect his own election!

  Of course Wang Ye understood Kremlin’s concerns, so he patiently explained: “Don’t worry, they can’t do this.”

   "Why?" Gobrev blurted out and asked.

"Because no country in Europe has the strength! They don't have the will or interest to do it. At most, they just protest verbally. But the countries that really have the strength to do it, they can't take care of things here. After all, their most important thing right now is to fight against K and grab oil..." Wang Ye said meaningfully.

  Goblev was thoughtful, and Racroft obviously understood the meaning of Wang Ye's words better than him.

  He nodded and echoed: "Director Mikhail is right. On the surface, this matter looks very risky, but in this time window, it happens to be the least risky!"

   After the two of them sang together, Gobrev was also convinced.

  He spread his hands and smiled: "Then I agree, otherwise, wouldn't it appear that I am too weak! But this matter will not be notified to the J side until the Kremlin's permission is finally obtained."

  Wang Ye agreed.

  Although their committee is indeed very powerful, it cannot be said that the important policies formulated can be implemented immediately and unconditionally, and their hands cannot be extended to the J side.

  If you want to implement it, you still need the cooperation of all parties, especially for such an important matter.

  That night, Wang Ye received a call from Puding.

   On the phone, Putin only asked him one question, that is, in the name of which department announced the deployment of weapons to Kaliningrad.

  Wang Ye also only answered one sentence, that is, the announcement of this news can be recognized by the vast majority of the public, which will help shape the image of a "tough guy", and it is estimated that it will attract a lot of votes...

  As soon as he said this, the adoptive father understood and knew what to do.

  Wang Ye didn't want to steal the limelight, he thought it was better to let his adoptive father be a tough guy.

  Because I will be in charge of foreign affairs in the future, I can't establish a "hawkish" image as soon as I come up. If the method is too tough, it will not be welcomed by others.

   At least for ten years, Wang Ye does not want to be labeled as a "hawk" or a "dove".

  What he has to do is to be able to advance and retreat freely, not to appear domineering, but also not to appear weak and deceptive.

   In short, it is necessary to have a good measure. It is best to make others unable to guess his thoughts, so as to gain the greatest benefit.


  April 28, just two days before the general election in May.

  The Kremlin issued an official televised speech, announcing that in response to the actions of some unfriendly countries, it will deploy a mechanized heavy division and a strategic D bomb force in the Kaliningrad region!

  The most eye-catching thing is that this strategic D-bomb unit is equipped with Iskander D-eggs that have just been officially put into use...

  And he emphasized in his speech that this move does not mean targeting any country or region, but only to defend national security and deal with the increasingly complex surrounding environment.

   This speech immediately caused a great sensation at home and abroad.

   Many domestic people rushed to the streets, shouting "Ula".

   Obviously, this move by the Kremlin has been approved by the general public.

  The reaction abroad is much more complicated.

  The surrounding small countries, especially those near the Kaliningrad region, were shocked and felt uneasy.

  No one is stupid, everyone knows what Russia's actions are for.

   It is said that after the Kremlin’s televised speech, some countries quickly held an emergency meeting.

   I don’t know what to discuss in the meeting. It will probably take a few days to see their reaction...


   There is another person who was shocked by this televised speech, and that is Hovchenko!

  Because according to some experts’ estimates, the support rate of the Kremlin’s public has soared by nearly 20% due to the influence of Kremlin’s televised speech!

  Originally, the approval ratings of the Kremlin and Hovchenko were almost the same as June 4th, and the Kremlin had a certain advantage, but it cannot be said that Hovchenko has no chance.

   After all, the general election has not yet started. During the election process, anything can happen.

   But now, the approval rating of the two is 82. What's the point of running for it? Hovchenko can just admit defeat and surrender!

   I don’t know where he found out about it, but Wang Ye was the first to bring it up and pushed forward.

  For a while, Hovchenko didn't know whether to cry or laugh, because he was in a complicated mood anyway.

  For this matter, he specially called Wang Ye to have a meal, and planned to have a good chat with Wang Ye...


   Still in the apartment where Hovchenko lived, the two sat opposite each other.

  There were no outsiders this time, only their uncle and nephew.

   The two smoked a cigar in silence for a while, as if they were competing to see who could hold their breath.

  Of course Wang Ye knew why Hovchenko was looking for him, but he also had troubles that he couldn't tell, and there were some things that he couldn't directly showdown with Hovchenko.

   And I have persuaded Hovchenko many times, hoping that he would retreat, but it didn't work.

  Although I have never promised Khovchenko or Putin in person, who will I support in the election.

  But what he did in the past can also make everyone see that he belongs to the neutral faction, no one supports it, it can be said that everyone supports it...

  But this time when things happen, it means that Wang Ye supported Puding in a disguised form, which greatly increased his approval rate!

  So when Khovchenko came to him, it was also a bit of a questioning...

   It's just that Hovchenko doesn't seem to have figured out how to speak.

   After a while, after smoking half of a thick and long cigar, Hovchenko raised his head and said, "Is there no hope for me in this election?"

   There was bitterness in his tone, and he was a little unwilling.

  Hearing that Hovchenko asked so directly, Wang Ye was embarrassed to pretend to be confused.

   Put down the cigar in his hand, and responded seriously:

   "Hope... is really not much.

  Uncle, you have to understand that this is not because you are not capable, but mainly because everyone in our country hopes to have a stable, strong, and able to lead everyone back to glory...

  From the current point of view, he is not bad at doing a good job. In addition, he showed a tough side when dealing with the crisis this time.

   You know, the image of a tough guy is very popular in our country.

   But precisely in this aspect, it is not your advantage, Uncle.

  There is no way, who made this incident so coincidental, facing the complex and severe surrounding environment, we need someone with his character and work style..."

   Also, the impression Hovchenko has always left on everyone is that he is gentle and gentle, with a relatively kind personality.

  Even in the propaganda, the emphasis has always been on the economic aspect and the so-called humanities.

   He really doesn't understand military diplomacy and the like...

  If it is placed in a peaceful environment, it is estimated that Hovchenko still has hope.

   But the problem is that Da Mao is now, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there are internal and external worries!

   It can only be said that Hovchenko was born at an untimely time...

  After listening to Wang Ye's words, Hovchenko fell into deep thought again, and the cigar held between his fingers curled up with smoke.

Sighing, Wang Ye said again: "Take your time. In fact, it's good to be an opposition leader. You can't all have one voice. Uncle, the faction you just formed this year can get With so many Duma seats, it has done a very good job."

Perhaps it was Wang Ye's consolation that played a role. Hovchenko grinned, shook his head and said, "I can still accept what others say. But I always feel weird when you say it. The seats your faction won this year , there are many more factions than ours!"

  Wang Ye spread his hands, and said helplessly: "Actually, I didn't expect it. I originally thought that it would be enough to get 120 seats. Who knew that there would be 30 more seats all of a sudden."

  His behavior of taking advantage and being obedient is obviously a bit hateful.

  Hovchenko pointed at him, not knowing what to say.

  But being "stirred up" by Wang Ye, at least the atmosphere has eased, and it is no longer so heavy, and Hovchenko's mood is also better.

   "Forget it, let's focus on participating this time, and don't have any hope for the result." He said helplessly.

  Wang Ye smiled and said: "It's good if you can think about it, this is the highest position, how can it be so easy. If it doesn't work this time, then prepare for the next time."

  Hovchenko leaned on the back of the sofa, and said a little depressed: "Why do you think you need to pass regulations to extend the term of office for so long? The next time will be six years later!"

  Wang Ye couldn't help laughing. Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with him!

   It was under his leadership that the Duma directly moved to amend the constitution and directly extended the term of office to six years!

  This also includes the term of the Duma deputies.

  Effective from this election...

   Originally only had to wait for four years, but now it has to wait for six years, no wonder Hovchenko complained.

Wang Ye had no choice but to say vaguely: "Actually, it will be very soon, six years. During this period, uncle, you can participate in more social activities and continue to accumulate strength and influence. It just so happens that he will not participate in the election next time. Then Others have no match for you."

   Speaking of this, Hovchenko became interested.

  He sat up and discussed with Wang Ye enthusiastically who else would be his competitors in the next election.

   Counting and counting, there is really no one who is qualified to wrestle with Khovchenko in the next election.

  Of course, if you really want to talk, there is still one person.

   This person is Wang Ye who is sitting in front of Hovchenko!

   "Misha, tell me the truth, will you participate in the election in six years?" Hovchenko stared at Wang Ye with piercing eyes and asked.

   Before Wang Ye could answer, he quickly added: "If you want to participate, there is nothing to say, I will take the initiative to withdraw!"

   Another chapter was sealed today, which is chapter 844 the day before yesterday. I dare not write this plot, so I briefly mentioned the relevant plot of this chapter and skipped it.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion