MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 876 Crouching dragon and phoenix chick

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  Chapter 876 Crouching Dragon and Phoenix

   After Stekov’s well-founded analysis, Rosiana was really moved.

  Because this is completely operable!

  If this faction is really formed, it will develop in a low-key manner for a few years and accumulate strength. When the next Duma election is held, it will definitely have the strength to compete with the current major factions.

   Not much to say, if they can get dozens of seats in the Duma, then this faction will truly become a force that cannot be ignored in Moscow politics!

  As the leader of the faction, whether it is prestige or qualifications, he already has the foundation to hit a higher position...

  At that time, whether I was serving as a deputy speaker in the Duma or wanted to take up a certain important position in the government, my foster father and Mikhail had no reason to stop me.

  She didn't think too much about it, and the speaker and even the top position in the Kremlin was not something she could sit on.

  However, although the prospect described by Stukov is very good, Rosiana is not so pure.

  She is very clear that these things are not so easy to actually operate, and it can even be said to be very difficult!

   Just relying on the banner of his so-called Romanov family, plus Stekov, can he really attract enough people to join his faction?

  So after thinking about it, Rosiana frowned slightly, and asked: "I want to know, are these things your own thinking, or do they have a certain factual basis. Oh, that is to say, do you have a... group now?"

  What she wants to ask is whether Stukov has already created a prototype of the faction, or is this all his imagination...

Stukov obviously understood what Rosiana meant, and smiled slightly: "Now there is already a loose organization. On the Moscow side, Mr. Dugin and I are the leaders... By the way, you should have You’ve heard of Mr. Du Jin’s name, he’s a master in theory! To be honest, it’s also Mr. Du Jin’s suggestion to come to you this time.”


   It's another big celebrity!

   It can even be said that he is a legend not inferior to Stukov!

   In 2004, Dugin, who was only in his early forties, was already a well-known Russian sociologist, thinker, philosopher, theorist, political analyst and translator!

  Dugin was born in 1962 and his family is in Moscow. His father was a former Soviet military intelligence executive. Du Jin has been extremely intelligent since he was a child. He is a well-known child prodigy. He was admitted to the Moscow Aviation Academy at the age of 17, but was expelled from the university because of his outstanding personality...

   After being fired, he had to find a job as a cleaner in order to make a living.

   It is impossible for Du Jin to be willing to clean the streets all his life. At this time, he once again thought of changing his destiny by studying, so he got a fake reader card and entered the library to study.

  Du Jin is eager to learn and cherishes learning opportunities. It was in the library that Du Jin learned more than 10 languages ​​in one breath by virtue of his own wisdom.

   It is said that because of his proficiency in many foreign languages ​​and his family relationship, he once worked in the intelligence department for a period of time. During this period, he came into contact with a large number of secret files.

   In 98, Du King published a book called "The Foundation of Geopolitics".

   This book made him famous in one fell swoop and caused a sensation in all walks of life in Russia.

  The most influential departments are the Russian army, police and other powerful departments. This book has even been included in military textbooks by Russian Federation military academies.

  According to Internet rumors, many people say that he is the think tank and brain of the Kremlin, and even called him the "National Teacher".

   is actually not accurate.

   Perhaps the Kremlin was indeed influenced by Duggin’s theory in some aspects, but the two are obviously not the same.

  Dugin is definitely a standard imperial Russian faction, while the Kremlin is a representative of the Slavik Group, the two sides are fundamentally different!

   It will be a few years later that Du King will start to become famous all over the world.

  His geopolitical theory, and the grand fourth governance theory behind it, have had a great impact around the world.

  Du Jin has also become the initiator and master of modern Eurasianism!


  Rosiana was a little surprised, she had no idea that the strength of the Imperial Russian faction had grown to a certain scale without making any noise.

   There were even figures like Stukov and Dugin on the Moscow side.

   It is no exaggeration to say that Dugin and Stukov, with one article and one weapon, can be described as crouching dragons and phoenixes!

  With two people like this to assist me, then I don’t have to worry about the faction not being able to develop…

  However, Rosiana is still not in a hurry. She has been with Wang Ye for so long and has been in contact with various political figures. I have to say that she has learned a lot.

Nodding her head, Rosiana asked: "Then what do I need to do now? Establishing a faction, in the early days, is nothing more than two things, people and money. People, it should be said that it is almost the same, there are me, you and Du Jin. In addition to the good folk foundation you mentioned. Do you need me to solve the problem of money?"

  Obviously, she got to the point with this question.

   Who said that both Stukov and Dugin are quite famous, but the problem is that the two are poorer than the other...

   Forming a faction does not depend on shouting a few big slogans, but the most basic issues must be considered.

   For example, factions should always have a headquarters, especially in the early game.

   After you can really get a certain seat in the Duma later, it will be simple, just use the Duma building as your "base".

  Secondly, whether it is to promote faction ideas in the media, recruit members, or go to various cities to give publicity and speeches, and as Stukov said, to support faction members to actively participate in the elections of various states.

  All of these require a huge amount of funds to support!

   Without money, it is absolutely impossible to move an inch!

   It is estimated that Stukov and Dugin came to Rosiana and recommended her to be the leader of the faction.

   Not only did she take a fancy to her status as Grand Duke Romanov, but she also took a fancy to her family's strong financial resources and a super rich husband...

  I'm afraid this is the point!


  Stekov paused for a moment, he probably didn't expect Rosiana to ask the key to the question so quickly.

  However, he did not avoid this question, but said frankly:

   "Yes, money is needed, a lot of money!

  Especially in the early stage of the formation of the faction, you may have to support the funds from the Grand Duke.

  After the faction is operating normally, and even has a certain influence, then you don't need to invest too much money.

  Because we can look for political contributions from all sides. "

   Rosiana smiled slightly, and continued to ask: "Then do you have an estimate of how much money I need to prepare from the establishment of the faction to normal operation?"

"Well, at least 100 million US dollars. With this money, the faction can be established and members from all over the place can be gathered. It can also do some preliminary publicity and support for the election of key members. As for more, Then... there is no cap!" Stukov said frankly.

  Rosiana nodded noncommittally, "Okay, I understand. But this matter is more important, I still need time to think about it."

  Stkov didn't expect to be able to persuade Rosiana once he saw her, as long as he could see Rosiana showing a certain tendency, it would be considered as achieving his goal.

  So he stood up, gave a military salute to Rosiana, and said in a sonorous tone: "Prince Romanov, we are all waiting for your call!"

   After finishing speaking, he turned and left the office.

  Looking at Stekov's thin back, Rosiana fell into deep thought...

  In this matter, she did not immediately communicate with Wang Ye, but made a phone call with Grandpa Constantine.

  The two continued to communicate on the phone for nearly two hours!

  At the beginning, Constantine did not support Rosiana to participate in the political competition, especially the establishment of a separate faction to serve as the party leader.

  If Rosiana just holds a certain government position, he thinks that's fine.

   With the support of the Kremlin and Mikhail, it is impossible to perform too badly.

  But Rosiana went to lead a new faction alone, to attack the Duma seat, and wanted to become a backbone force in the political arena. In Constantine's eyes, this was a bit "cross the line"!

  Even if they have those relationships with Kremlin and Mikhail, there is no guarantee that Kremlin and Mikhail will not think too much about it.

   After all, in the political arena, there is not much affection to talk about!

  Rosiana, on the other hand, argued for reason and patiently analyzed to Grandpa Constantine what was going on with the so-called Imperial Russian faction and why they found themselves to be the leader of this faction.

   Moreover, what kind of folk foundation does this faction have, and what kind of chain reaction will it have after its official debut in the future.

  Of course, more importantly, Rosiana is very sure that neither her adoptive father nor Mikhail will object to her doing so.

  Because even if the Imperial Russian faction appeared in the middle of the political arena, it would not have much influence on them.

   It can even be said that just because he is the leader of this new faction, he is tantamount to indirectly helping his foster father and Mikhail to master this power, and prevent this power from getting out of control, so they will support themselves!

  Don't say it, what Rosiana said is quite reasonable, and even Constantine had to admit it after hearing it.

  He is also very relieved that the family inheritance he chose is not wrong. After several years of training and nurturing, Rosiana has really grown up now.

  In terms of political acumen, he is more sinister than his own vision, and he is bolder in doing things!

  So, he finally decided to support Rosiana in doing this!


  The reason why I made this call with Grandpa Constantine was because Rosiana had no intention of asking Wang Ye for money to form a faction.

  Of course, this amount of money is nothing to Wang Ye. As long as Rosiana asks him for it, Wang Ye will definitely give it to him.

   But Rosiana didn't want Mikhail's brand to be deeply engraved on the faction when it was first established!

  Hands are short, but mouths are soft when eating people...

  Although she never thought that after the faction grows up in the future, it will fight against the foster father or Mikhail, or even become a hostile faction.

   But after all, factions have different philosophies. Even if you don’t care about it, you still have to consider the feelings of the members of the faction.

   Therefore, it is most appropriate for the money to come from your own family.

  Grandpa Constantine was even more generous than Rosiana expected. Not only did he agree to pay the money, but he even doubled it!

  The family will support Rosiana with a total of 500 million dollars to prepare for the establishment and development of the faction.

  Of course, the money is not given at once, but depends on the development of the faction, whether Rosiana can really control the faction, and the development potential of the follow-up faction, etc., and the money will be given in stages.

  The 100 million US dollars in the early stage will be credited soon, which is the basic condition for Rosiana to be the leader of this faction.

  If everything goes well, the faction can be established quickly, and the number of recruited members can reach the expected number. After having a certain number of key members and senior politicians, the second appropriation can be sent to...

   After all, Constantine is also an old fox, a character who does not scatter eagles when he sees rabbits.

  He can afford the money, but his family will never be taken advantage of or be fooled by others.

  If Stekov and the others really want to support their granddaughter to enter the political arena, then they will not be stingy in giving financial support.

   But if those people dare to deceive Rosiana, then Constantine will let them understand that some things cannot be done!


  After Wang Ye returned to Moscow, on the second day, Rosiana told him about this when he had dinner alone with him.

  After listening to Rosiana's narration, Wang Ye was stunned for a long time.

  Because he treated Stukov and Dugin, it can be said that he "has known his name for a long time"!

  Of course, it means that he had heard the names and various deeds of these two people in his previous life.

   Never expected that these two people would have a relationship with their fiancée, and even assist Rosiana to form a new faction.

  Wang Ye was a little confused. Could it be that because of his appearance, too many things have changed?

  The faction of Khovchenko, which should not have appeared originally, has now appeared, and it has become the third largest faction in the Duma!

   Grand Duke Romanov, who shouldn’t have appeared in the first place, also appeared, and even became his fiancée. She wants to set up a Russian faction...

  But Wang Ye thought about it carefully, and it didn't seem to matter too much.

  Under the joint suppression of myself and the Kremlin, the power of the Imperial Russian faction cannot grow too large.

  Don't look at the fact that there is quite some public opinion foundation in the folk Imperial Russian faction, it seems that it has great potential.

  But as long as you make your own efforts, once Damao’s economy develops well, everyone’s income will increase, and life will become better.

  The folk foundation of the Imperial Russian faction will be weakened!

  In the final analysis, those people are just dissatisfied with the status quo, and they all hope to live a better life.

  Since it won't pose too much threat, and this power is still in the hands of his fiancée, Wang Ye naturally has no reason to object.

   Besides, I don’t need to pay for the money myself, and I have no reason to object.

  However, Wang Ye still made a few requests to Rosiana...

  (end of this chapter)

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