MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 878 new adjustment

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  Chapter 878 new adjustment

   A direct salary increase of 50% is not inappropriate!

  Especially when the income of the three of them is not low.

  After the salary increase, Elena and Bakova's annual income will exceed or approach $2 million!

  Even Nova’s annual income will be about one million dollars...

  This income, in Moscow in 2004, was definitely the top treatment!

  Not to mention young people like Irina and Bakova who just graduated with a Ph.D., even the executives of many big companies and the top professors of those famous schools are far from having this income!

   It can also be seen from this that Wang Ye is indeed very generous to those around him, especially his trusted subordinates.

  Because talents are rare, especially those who have been cultivated by themselves, so that they can rest assured that some more important tasks will be entrusted to them, so it is even more rare...

  So Wang Ye will never be stingy with this little money.

  Irina and the others are also used to seeing people in the big world. When they heard that Wang Ye gave them such a big salary increase, although they were very happy in their hearts, they didn't show it too much.

   I just got up and thanked my boss, saying that I will continue to work hard in the future, and I will definitely be worthy of every penny my boss pays...

  After talking about the salary, Wang Ye re-divided their work scope.

  Irina, in the future, will be fully responsible for the work related to the royal government, including the Duma, the two major committees, and communication with various government departments.

  Bakova will be in charge of Wangye's business field full-time in the future, monitoring and contacting several major groups.

  As for Nova, she can choose freely. When Irina is busy, Irina will help. When Bakova is too busy, she can also go to help.

  Of course, Irina and Bakova alone would definitely not be able to handle so many things.

  So Wang Ye also ordered them to recruit three to five assistants each to assist them in their work.

  These newly recruited assistants are not recruited in the name of Wang Ye's assistants, but assistants of Yelena and Bakova!

   This also means that Elena and Bakova have been promoted, and their subordinates have begun to take care of the "little sister"...

  The two will also set up their own offices.

  Wang Ye also asked Elena to communicate with the Duma Building Management Office to free up a few rooms next to his office for the two women to use.

   Later, Elena and Bakova each brought a few assistants to work in the adjacent office.

  In Wang Ye’s big office, he and Nova are the only ones left...


  Wang Ye's work style is vigorous and resolute. Elena and Bakova have been with him for several years, so they naturally have the same work style.

   In just three days, Elena and Bakova completed the recruitment.

  Each of them recruited four assistants, all of whom were similar to them at the beginning. They were all fresh graduates or current students from various famous universities in Moscow.

  Although Wang Ye has no requirements on gender, the two women tacitly recruited all female assistants, and they are all fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged...

   Obviously they also understand Wang Ye's preferences.

  For the adjustment of Wang Ye's office, the Duma Building Management Office also actively cooperated.

  Wang Ye's original office was at the end of the corridor, but now the entire half of the floor has been vacated and designated as the "Office of the First Deputy Speaker".

  The entire office area contains three large office suites, the largest one being used by Wang Ye and Nova.

   There are also two suite offices, which are slightly smaller, used by Irina and Bakova each with their assistants.

   In addition, there are two meeting rooms, one large and one small, a living room, a separate pantry, and a public toilet...

   To be honest, the area of ​​the entire office area is much larger than that of Gryzlov.

  This shows the actual influence of Wang Ye in the Duma now!

  But Wang Ye is not doing it for ostentation, but he really needs such a large office space, and there are too many things he needs to handle.

  And his daily office is also on the side of the Duma Building. If you really want to talk about the office, then there are too many of him.

  Just in the Kremlin Palace, there are two small buildings. Is there an office as big as you want?

   In addition, the top floor of the Kitty Eagle Gaming Center and the headquarters of each group have offices dedicated to Wang Ye, but he seldom goes there to work.

   After all, his focus of work in recent years has been on the Duma side, which is also his foundation in politics!

   What makes Wang Ye feel a little embarrassed is that there are more than a dozen people working in such a large office area on half a floor, but he is the only male...

  The rest are girls, and they are all young, beautiful and highly educated girls.

  His title of "beauty assistant group" has been raised to a higher level...

  Wang Ye didn’t even bother to get to know the newly recruited assistants of Irina and Bakova. After all, he is different now than he was a few years ago.

  At that time, he was relatively free. He was just an ordinary member of parliament. He had just stepped into the political arena and lacked useful subordinates around him, so he had the willingness and time to train Elena and the others.

  But now, he is in a high position, and he really manages a lot of things, how can he have the leisure to personally cultivate those "little girls"! ·

  Although according to age, those "little girls" are actually a little older than him...


  Sitting behind the large solid wood desk, Irina was a little breast throbbing and couldn't hide her excitement.

  Fortunately, she used the inner room of the office alone, and all the assistants were outside, otherwise, she would be seen by others.

  She is twenty-seven years old this year, not too old, but she already has her own independent office in the Duma Building!

  Three years ago, when she was doing odd jobs in the logistics department of Duma, she couldn't even think about it...

  At that time, she was the first one to come every day and the last one to leave. For any job at hand, even if it was trivial, she would do her best to do her best.

  There is only one purpose, which is to get the approval of the leader, and after graduation in the future, he can get a job in a certain department of the Duma.

  Maybe it is the logistics management department, maybe the archives department, maybe some inconspicuous department...

The monthly salary can be four to five hundred dollars, and some benefits are given occasionally. After working hard for a few years, I can get a small leader or something, and find a boyfriend with a good family. The two buy a small house in Moscow, get married and have children. It's been like this for a lifetime.

  Although it sounds ordinary, this was already the smoothest and happiest future she could think of at that time!

  It's not that easy for a girl from other places to stay in Moscow.

   As a result, on that day, she met Mikhail, a new MP who had just entered the Duma, and her fate ushered in a huge change from then on...

   Facing Mikhail's invitation, Irina agreed to be his assistant without hesitation, although she made this decision initially because of the temptation of a high salary.

   But after actually serving as Mikhail's assistant, Elena felt that she had opened a new door to the world!

   Began to come into contact with all kinds of big shots, speaker, deputy speaker, minister, Kremlin...

   I also learned that one person can be so powerful. He became a member of the Duma at the age of 20, and at the same time he controlled several large-scale group companies!

  In addition to government affairs, Elena has also started to get in touch with things in the business field, such as large-scale mergers and acquisitions, investment, cross-border trade, huge contracts...

  The huge amount of money that was once unimaginable is just a number in her eyes now.

  Even my salary has a huge increase every year. In less than three years, I have just graduated with a Ph.D. for a year, and my annual income will reach two million dollars...

  Thinking about it now, I still feel like I am dreaming.


   It took a while before Elena calmed down.

  She raised her hand and looked at her watch. It was already past five in the afternoon, so she picked up the landline and made a call.

   "Nova, is the boss off work?"

"He left early in the afternoon and said he had an appointment with Director Gebrev to discuss matters. Do you have anything to do with him? But if there is no urgent matter, try not to call him. This is arranged by the boss." Nuo on the other end of the phone Wa said.

   "It's nothing urgent. It's okay to report to the boss tomorrow. By the way, why haven't you got off work yet?" Elena asked with a smile.

   "Hey, the boss can leave work early, but I can't. There are still some materials on hand that haven't been sorted out. I'll go back when I'm done." Nova replied.

  After hanging up the phone, Elena thought about it, and made another call.

"Hey, mom, I won't go back to eat tonight. Mmmm... I'm busy at work, so I won't be going home. I'll sleep in the apartment. Tomorrow you and dad will go out casually, I'm sorry Ah, you are here in Moscow, I don't even have time to go out with you." Elena said apologetically.

  Her parents came to Moscow to visit her recently, and they lived in the luxurious apartment that Elena had just bought.

  But Yi Lianna didn't have the nerve to ask for leave. The boss went abroad a few days ago, and she, the chief assistant, was very busy.

  I thought that after the boss came back, I would take a two-day leave to spend time with my parents, but it turned out that the boss and the proprietress "separated" again!

  The proprietress Rosiana took away two assistants. Although she was promoted and got an independent office, it was obvious that she had more and more jobs at hand.

  The newly recruited assistants have not entered the working state yet, so they can't help much at all.

  At this critical moment, of course I can't just leave work and go on vacation.

   And the boss just added so much salary to himself!

   It can only be said that the gift of fate has already marked the price behind it. The more you get in return at work, the more you will lose something in your personal life...

   It's still the kind that you can't help but refuse.

  Irina is in such a state now, and she has received a lot of rewards from her work that she never dared to imagine before.

   High salary, social status, even power!

  Similarly, she has completely lost her personal space in recent years and put all her time and energy on work.

   Make a lot of money but have little time to spend it.

  Although I bought a big house, I didn't have time to live in it.

  Even when her parents came to Moscow, she couldn’t ask for leave to accompany them. At most, she would return home to have a meal and chat with her parents after get off work at night.

   We can’t chat for too long, because she has to go to bed early, maintain a good spirit and state, and deal with the busy work of the next day...

  However, for all of this, Irina is happy!


  Wang Ye did go to chat with Gebrev.

   Rosiana's matter, although he guessed that the Kremlin should have known about it, it was also in a state of acquiescence, otherwise, the old fox Constantine would not have agreed to pay.

  But I also have to show my own attitude, to let Gobrev know what I think.

  In many cases, it is very important to maintain communication, and many misunderstandings are caused by lack of communication.

   Now that he is in and out of the Kremlin, he no longer needs to make an appointment and make phone calls in advance, because the offices of the two committees are located inside.

  He has a pass in his car!

   After lunch at noon, Wang Ye took a short rest and then drove to Ke Palace.

   Went to the office buildings of the two committees to sit for a while, made a show, and chatted with a few left-behind committee members about their work.

   Seeing that it was almost time, he walked to Gobrev's office.

  Of course, I also greeted Goblev before coming here, otherwise, with Gobrev's itinerary, it is estimated that it would be difficult to meet people.

   Seeing Wang Ye, Gobrev seemed very happy.

   "Haha, Misha, you look very good, have you been abroad recently?" He greeted him with a smile, and pulled Wang Ye to sit on the sofa.

"Yeah, I went to see several projects invested by Yukos there, and I also participated in the establishment ceremony of the Crimea Free Trade Zone. To be honest, Crimea is really changing with each passing day, and I still go there often. Yes, but I haven’t been there for a few months, and I feel that there have been great changes. I suggest you go and have a look at it anytime, it must be completely different from the Crimea you remember!” Wang Ye smiled Said.

  Gobrev nodded and said with emotion:

   "Hey, when was the last time I went there for vacation...

   It's been many years, I can't remember.

  But there should be a lot of changes, otherwise your money would be wasted, haha.

  By the way, you said on the phone that you have something to communicate with me. What is the important matter, and you, the first deputy speaker, can make a trip in person. "

  Wang Ye gave a detailed account of Rosiana's establishment of a new faction, and also explained the pros and cons of the faction he analyzed.

  Geblev listened to Wang Ye's narration with a serious face, and occasionally nodded.

   After Wang Ye finished speaking, he pondered for a moment before speaking:

   "My thoughts are similar to yours.

   This is really not a bad thing!

  As you said, since this force has been formed, it has an unstoppable trend.

  Then what we have to do is to control it as much as possible instead of letting it overflow.

  Rosiana's identity is indeed very suitable to control this power, your judgment is correct.

  However, in the future, you should keep in touch with her frequently, and give her more advice on the management faction. Don't let her make wedding dresses for others. "

   Speaking of the end, Gobrev's words are a bit meaningful...

  Wang Ye nodded knowingly and responded:

   "I understand, and this is what worries me the most.

  But I believe Rosiana, she has the ability to deal with these.

   If there is any trouble that she can't handle, I will take action at any time! "

   Having received this guarantee from Wang Ye, Gobrev felt relieved and patted Wang Ye's arm with a smile on his face.

   "If you say there is no problem, then there must be no problem!"

  (end of this chapter)

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