MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 898 to speed up

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  Chapter 898 to speed up the pace

  Nova said that Wang Ye went to Crimea for work, but she was not lying.

  Because Wang Ye will definitely discuss with Ajielina about the crime investment company and understand the development of Crime this year.

   Will also meet with the "nominal president" of Crimea by the way to appease him.

   Oh, I also want to discuss with Natalia about Crimea’s laws and law enforcement. After all, Natalia is the chief prosecutor!

   It can be said that the schedule is full.

  But Nova will definitely not mention the relationship between the boss and her sister on Facebook, let alone say that she is actually the boss's sister-in-law...

  Even who her boss is, Nova has not disclosed on the Internet.

  She still understands the basic principles of confidentiality, and she is more measured in doing things.

  Wang Ye didn't even know that Nova is now a little "Internet celebrity" with hundreds of thousands of fans on Facebook!

   She herself is very beautiful. Although the photos showing her face are all wearing sunglasses, it can still be seen that she looks very good, and her figure is also uneven.

  In addition, I often inadvertently show my top cosmetics, Volto mobile phones, Patek Philippe watches, high-end luxury clothing, Porsche sports cars, high-end apartments in the center of Moscow, etc...

  If it’s just these things, there may not be so many fans, after all, there are quite a few people showing off their wealth on Facebook.

   Some young masters and ladies from oligarchs live even more extravagantly, and Nova is really nothing.

   But Nova also has her uniqueness, that is, she still has the status of "highly educated elite" and "financial expert".

  Occasionally, I will comment on national policies, economic situation, etc., and will give "own" predictions on less sensitive issues.

As a result, several predictions were very accurate, especially when the government budget was submitted to the Duma at the end of last year. At that time, this topic was also a hot topic on Facebook. Many people would comment on it, but the mainstream opinion was supportive. .

  Because when Kasyanov was the general, the government's fiscal policy was known for its prudence and conservatism.

   That is, under this style of policy, the government’s fiscal revenue has increased year after year, and debts have continued to decrease. Most people still have a high evaluation of Kasyanov.

  But Nova commented at the time that the government’s budget was too conservative, and it is estimated that the deputy speaker of the Duma, Mikhail, who is leading the economic work, will give more radical suggestions, that is, a substantial increase in the budget.

  At that time, Nova didn't have many fans, less than 10,000.

   However, her review caused a small wave on Facebook, and many people disagreed with her and thought it was complete nonsense.

   Not to mention that Kasyanov’s government has always been in this style, and there is no precedent for the Duma to reject the government’s budget plan, let alone the Duma’s leadership of the new year’s government budget.

   But what happened later surprised everyone.

  Because the Duma really returned the financial budget submitted by the government, and really proposed an extremely radical plan in everyone's opinion, which greatly increased budgetary expenditures!

   Also came up with a well-known "big fund" plan!

   This also made Nova "fight to fame", distinguishing her from those rich second generations on Facebook who only show off their wealth.

  The number of fans began to skyrocket, and now there are hundreds of thousands of fans.

   Don't think that this number is not high, remember that it was 2004, and it was on the Russian Internet!

  Fans are also real "living people", there is no so-called zombie fans...


  Nova's new content on Facebook has just been posted, and the page has been refreshed, and many fans have left messages for her.

   "Wow! Is this on a plane? Which airline has such a luxurious plane? Could this be the legendary first class cabin!"

   "The person above has no experience. Although the first-class cabin is good, it can't compare with this one. This is a private jet!"

   "Tsk tsk, I said why Nova is so powerful and knows so much. It turns out that she really works beside the big boss."

   "Guess, everyone, which oligarch is Nova's boss. I'll come first, will it be Hovchenko?"…

   As expected by Nova, the extravagant decoration inside the private jet immediately attracted the attention of many people, and everyone talked about it.

   As for everyone guessing who her boss is, Nova never answered.

  Although the name she uses on the Internet is Nova, you must know that this is just an abbreviation, and it cannot be counted as her real name.

   Besides, in countries like Big Mao, Ermao and Sanmao, there must be three million girls named Nova instead of five million...

  Nova was snickering while reading the comments, when Wang Ye's voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

   "What are you looking at, you are smiling from ear to ear."

   Startled Nova, she quickly raised her head, only to see Wang Ye looking at her computer screen.

  It will be too late to cover the laptop, and it would be a guilty conscience to do so...

  She could only smile awkwardly: "Ah...boss, I'm checking Facebook."

Wang Ye didn't ask her what she was looking at, but asked Nova enthusiastically: "I read the report submitted by Facebook, and the business growth rate is very fast this year. And Europe and the United States have also landed. Established a branch company. But just looking at the data is not enough. I usually don’t have much time to surf the Internet. You young girls use the Internet more. Then tell me about the actual situation of Facebook. It is really popular among young people. Do you like it?"

  Facebook is a company invested by Wang Ye casually, and the founder of the company is still his roommate in Moda's technology house.

  However, without Wang Ye’s first investment and subsequent continuous financial support, Facebook’s development speed would never be so fast.

  According to Facebook's latest round of financing, the company's valuation has reached as high as $1.2 billion!

  This valuation, to be honest, is almost catching up with the original market value of two old Internet companies, MAIL.RU and YANDEX.

   Of course, those two companies have been acquired and merged, and are now the undisputed giants of the Russian-speaking Internet!

   Valuation is not comparable to Facebook, a new company.

   Moreover, now that the global Internet winter has passed, there are signs of recovery.

  Wang Ye intends to let his two companies (M&Y, Facebook) prepare to go public on NASDAQ.

  After all, these days, the capital of the world is basically gathered in the old American stock market. If you want to raise funds, the best market is of course the American stock market. There is no one!

  Relying on the almost monopoly status of M&Y and Facebook on the Russian-speaking Internet, there are already a large number of users, and there is still a bright future. It should be able to make a lot of money through listing!

  These money will be used to expand the company's scale, or even make some other investments, that will be excellent...

  Hearing that Wang Ye asked about business instead of continuing to pay attention to her Facebook content, Nova was secretly relieved.

   If the boss saw the content she posted, she would feel quite embarrassed...

  Because of the things she showed off, to Wang Ye, it was really not worth mentioning.

After thinking about it carefully, Nova organized the language in her mind first, and then Nova replied: "Facebook is indeed very popular among young people, especially on the Russian Internet. Now young people like me, go online. When I turn on the computer, I basically do two things first, open ICQ, open Facebook, and then read the news, check emails, and search for information.”

  Wang Ye asked with great interest: "Then do you think there is any difference between ICQ and Facebook?"

  Nova said seriously:

  “There’s a big difference. ICQ is full of people I know, friends, classmates, colleagues, etc., and it’s one-to-one communication.

  But there are mostly strangers on Facebook, and the things I post are not specifically aimed at a certain person or certain people. They may just be some of my own insights, comments on a certain event, a certain person, a certain news, or even a social hotspot.

  The biggest difference between it and ICQ, I think if you post a message on Facebook, it may be seen by hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of people immediately.

  But whoever you send a message to on ICQ, only that person can see it. "

  Wang Ye continued to ask: "Then which one do you prefer? If you were asked to give up one of them, what would you give up?"

  Nova frowned and thought for a while, then said hesitantly: "In comparison, ICQ is more like a simple chat tool, just like a mobile phone, you can't say whether you like it or not, but it's indispensable.

   But Facebook is much more interesting, and I spend more time on Facebook than on ICQ.

  But if you really want to give up one, you may end up giving up ICQ.

  Because if I don’t use ICQ, I can still use MSN, and I can also make direct calls.

  But if Facebook is discarded, the photos accumulated on it for so long will be gone, and the many interesting new friends I follow will not be found..."

   This answer surprised Wang Ye a little.

  He originally thought that Nova would abandon Facebook. After all, ICQ is a communication tool, and it is just needed.

  Facebook is more can be regarded as a bit of entertainment, and it also has the shadow of self-media, which is not a rigid need.

   But thinking about it carefully, Nova's choice is also reasonable.

  In the final analysis, this kind of "abandonment" problem ultimately considers which one is more costly to abandon.

  Although ICQ has become popular all over the world, there are quite a few competitors, and most of the netizens at that time were just getting online, and had not developed a dependence on communication software such as ICQ.

  As Nova said, without ICQ, there is still MSN, and if it doesn’t work, you can still call and send text messages directly!

   Therefore, the cost of abandoning ICQ is not high, and it is also affordable by Nova.

   But Facebook is different. Although this product is more entertainment, Nova has put a lot of effort into it.

   Taking photos and writing "small essays", the fans she has accumulated over a long period of time are even more difficult for her to give up.

  So, if she wanted to give up Facebook, she felt that the price was a bit high...


  Through this exchange with Nova, Wang Ye felt that he needed to re-examine the investment layout of the Internet industry.

  If you only look at the Internet industry, he has now invested in and even controlled four companies: Penguin,, Y&M, and Facebook.

  The first two companies are basically limited to the Chinese market, and it is difficult to go out.

  The latter two, originally Wang Ye did it casually, and did not expect to bring much return to himself, because the scale of the Russian Internet is indeed small.

  Even if it can monopolize this market, it is difficult to compare with those Internet giants in the United States.

   But now, he feels that he should pay more attention to these two companies, especially Facebook.

In the "previous life", Facebook, a company, has been very smooth since its inception. It quickly obtained financing and quickly promoted it in North America. It set a new financing record when it went public, and its market value climbed to more than one trillion dollars. !

  This market value can already stand side by side with giants such as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google...

   And that was done without the huge market of China.

  In this life, because I have become a major shareholder of Facebook, I can influence the strategic direction of Facebook.

  As long as the domestic rules of the game are followed, there is no obstacle to entering the Chinese market. The relevant departments should give themselves a little face and not embarrass Facebook too much.

  In this life, if Facebook can truly occupy the global market, how much can its market value reach?

  Wang Ye thinks he can look forward to it!

   More importantly, for a social platform with a "media" nature like Facebook, making money is still secondary, and more importantly, it is related to your right to speak in the world in the future!

   It seems that after returning from Crimea, I will go to Facebook headquarters to have a look, and chat with my "roommate" by the way.

  Facebook's pace of entering Asia, Europe and the United States is about to speed up...


  At the airport in Simferopol, Ajielina and Natalia have arrived early and are waiting there.

  Not many people came to pick up the plane today, except for Ajielina and Natalia, it was Wagner's security personnel.

   Leaning against the side of the car, the two women chatted while looking up at the sky.

   "Misha is quite conscientious, and even came here to celebrate the New Year with you." Natalia laughed.

  Ajielina shyly pursed her lips and smiled. She didn't say anything, but her heart was still sweet.

  Since she came to work here in Crimea, she and Wang Ye have rarely seen each other.

  Especially, both of them are getting more and more busy. Ajielina has served as the deputy speaker and is also in charge of the Crimea Investment Company. The big projects are one after another, and they are very busy.

   Not to mention Wang Ye, with so many large group companies under him, he doesn't have much time to ask questions, and government affairs alone are enough for him to worry about.

   In addition, there are things abroad. Even though he is a master of time management, he is still too busy to touch the ground.

   "Are you going back to Yalta? Or stay here and spend the New Year with us?" Ajielina asked.

  Natalia breathed a sigh of relief and said helplessly: "I only have one day off, so why go back to Yalta? Naturally, I will stay here for the New Year, as long as you two don't dislike me for disturbing you."

   While talking, a silver-white plane descended from the sky, landed gently on the airport runway, and slowed down after galloping for a certain distance.

  Ajielina and Natalia stood up straight at the same time, because they had already recognized that this was Wang Ye's private jet that had arrived!

  (end of this chapter)

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