MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 904 Drunk mistake

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  Chapter 904 Accident after drinking

   "Haha, Ajielina's drinking capacity is not as good as mine, you see she is drunk, I'm fine!"

  Wang Ye smiled in surprise.

  He used to drink with Ajielina, but Ajielina's drinking capacity is much better than him.

  I "performed" quite well today, and I was able to hold out until Ajielina collapsed, so I was fine.

  Of course, every time when toasting, Ajielina drank more than half of the glass, and the fact that he only drank the lesser half was ignored by Wang Ye...

   As he spoke, Wang Ye stood up staggeringly, and Natalia quickly stood up too, supporting Wang Ye's arm, for fear that he would fall to the floor.

   "Misha, you must be drinking too much. I'll take you to the bedroom to lie down and rest." Natalia said with concern.

  Wang Ye waved his hand and muttered inarticulately: "It's okay... how can I drink too much wine! Go and take Ajielina back to the room. I'll go to the bathroom first, and then go back to the room by myself."

   As he said that, he walked to the nearest bathroom.

  Natalia saw that although he was a little shaky, he could still walk normally and would not hit the wall or anything, so she didn't bother with him anymore, and half-carried and half-dragged Ajielina back to the bedroom.

  Fortunately, she is in good physical condition and often exercises. Otherwise, it would be difficult for a girl like her to send a person who drank too much back to the room.

  After entering the big bedroom, Natalia helped take off Ajielina's coat and shoes, let her lie down, and helped her cover the blanket.

  After doing all this, she also felt that Jiu Jin was a bit too small, and she didn't bother to go back to the restaurant. Anyway, let the servants come over tomorrow to clean up.

  Her bedroom is next door. After returning to her own bedroom, she closed the door, took off her clothes, and threw them on a shelf beside her.

   Went to the bathroom in the bedroom to take a shower...


  Humming while taking a shower, after about ten minutes, she walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a big bath towel, planning to go to bed.

   As a result, she froze there before she reached the bed.

  Because of her wide and soft bed, there is already a person lying on it...

   No need to ask, that person is Wang Ye!

   This guy probably walked into the wrong room after coming out of the bathroom outside, and found his own bedroom...

   As for whether Wang Ye did it on purpose, Natalia thinks it shouldn't be.

  I am not a stunning beauty. With Wang Ye's current wealth and status, it is not a matter of waving what kind of woman he wants.

   Wrapping the big bath towel tightly, she walked to the bed and shook Wang Ye with her hand.

   "Misha, hey, wake up..."

As a result, Wang Ye didn't even open his eyes. He muttered something, then grabbed her arm and pulled it. Natalia let out a small exclamation, and fell on the bed, and the bath towel wrapped around her body fell on the bed. on the ground.

  Natalia thought something would happen next.

  Not only was I not afraid, but I was a little happy...

   This was Wang Ye's initiative. If something really happened, I don't have to feel too guilty when I face Ajielina tomorrow.

  Ajielina should be able to understand that Wang Ye is a strong man, and he is a weak woman. If he does something to her, she will be powerless to resist.

  Since you can't resist, why not enjoy it with your eyes closed...

   As a result, she closed her eyes and waited for a long time, but she did not wait for Wang Ye's "further" action.

  Just lying there motionless with one arm around her, Natalia secretly opened her eyes and took a look, almost jumping up in anger.

  Because Wang Ye has already fallen asleep and snored...

  You are such a lively and beautiful beauty, lying in your arms without any clothes on, and you actually fell asleep without even looking at it?

   For Natalia, this is a shame and a shame!

  She bit her lip, reached out and grabbed Wang Ye's collar, and shook it vigorously a few times.

   "Misha! Get up...get up! Get up..."

   It took a long time, but Wang Ye didn't wake up at all.

  Natalia is a little unwilling, she knows that tonight is the best opportunity for herself!

   If I miss this opportunity, I don’t know when I will have to wait for another breakthrough in my relationship with Wang Ye...

   To tell the truth, to this day, in Natalia's eyes, except for Wang Ye, other men are no longer in sight.

  No way, she is a very picky person, she has already seen the "best", so naturally she doesn't want to force herself to choose the worse ones.

   Besides, compared with Wang Ye, other people are not a little worse, but a thousand miles away!

  As for titles, identities, etc., Natalia doesn't care at all.

  My good friend Ajielina failed to get any titles, so what else could I expect.

  As long as you can maintain a "close" relationship with Wang Ye and "bind" each other, then what you will gain in the future will be far more than what you will lose!

  But because of Ajielina's relationship, she has always been "intentional but not courageous", and she is embarrassed to put her ideas into reality.

   Wang Ye took the initiative tonight, he doesn't need to bear any consequences, he just needs to let nature take its course.

   But who knows that good things will last forever, Wang Ye may have really drank too much, and fell asleep like a dead pig, and he couldn't wake up even shaking.

  What should I do...

   Lying on her back and thinking for a while, Natalia's eyes lit up, and she came up with a good idea!



   One night passed, and the time came to the next morning.

  Ajielina opened her eyes in a daze, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to touch the side, but it was empty.

  Wang Ye? !

  She became sober all at once, sat up quickly, and looked around.

   It turned out that there was no Wang Ye in the bedroom, not even his clothes.

   Could it be that Wang Ye got up earlier than himself and was eating breakfast?

  Ajielina put on her clothes and came to the living room, only to find that there was no sign of Wang Ye here either.

   Frowning, he looked at the place where the shoes were stored in the entrance. Wang Ye's leather shoes were still in the distance, so he must have not gone out.

  Because it is still snowing heavily outside, it is impossible for Wang Ye to go out wearing slippers...

   Besides, Wang Ye's mobile phone is still thrown on the coffee table in the living room.

   Did he go to sleep in the guest room last night?

   This apartment is very big, there are two vacant guest bedrooms, and there is a gym and so on.

  Ajielina searched around, but still did not find any trace of Wang Ye.

   Then there is only one room left that I haven't found yet...

  Standing in front of Natalia's bedroom door, the door was ajar, it wasn't even closed, but there was only a crack, so I couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

   She reached out to push the door open, but Ajielina was a little hesitant, she didn't know what she would see.

   Or, what should I do if I really see something...

  Standing blankly in front of the door for a long time, Ajielina gritted her teeth and gently pushed the door open.

  No matter what the result is, I have to face it, and I am still not sure whether Wang Ye is in it or not.

   Seriously, it would be better if it was actually in there.

  Because if Wang Ye can't be found here, then there will be a big problem!


  After the door was pushed open, Ajielina saw the scene she had already foreseen just now.

   Several pieces of clothes were scattered on the floor, including Natalia's and Wang Ye's.

  That snow-white shirt, I personally helped Wang Ye put it on yesterday morning...

   On the bed, Wang Ye and Natalia were intertwined, without any clothes on.

  Maybe the heater is too hot, the two of them didn’t even have blankets on them…

  Ajielina stared at it for a while, then sighed, turned and walked out.

   Before going out, she still hasn't forgotten to close the door.

  She didn't know, just when she closed the door, Natalia, who was sleeping with her eyes closed just now, quietly opened them.

   Turning her eyes to look at Wang Ye's handsome face who was still sleeping soundly, Natalia's eyes were full of tenderness.

  I finally got my wish and "got" this man...

  Maybe because of being stared at, Wang Ye woke up from his deep sleep.

  He moved his body, and Natalia next to him quickly closed her eyes, pretending she hadn't woken up yet.

  Before Wang Ye opened his eyes, he felt the soft body clinging to him. He thought it was Ajielina and didn't care.

   I just hugged the person next to me tighter, and "moved" my palms and arms by the way, scratching and rubbing...

  The arm should have been pressed all night, and it feels a little stiff.

   After a while, he opened his eyes and looked around.

   But it didn't matter, Wang Ye immediately froze on the spot.

  The girl next to her was not Ajielina, but Natalia!

  What the **** happened last night...

   Staring at Natalia's cheeks with closed eyes, Wang Ye fell into deep thought.

  He tried hard to remember what happened last night.

  During dinner, it seemed that both I and Ajielina drank a little too much, and Ajielina fell down first.

  I even laughed at her...

   Then he got up and went to the bathroom, asked Natalia to take Ajielina back to the room, and then...

   I can’t remember!


  He was still trying to remember, but Natalia's eyes had quietly opened, and she was looking at Wang Ye with complicated eyes.

   There was no exclamation, no crying, and no hysteria...

  Being looked at by her like this, Wang Ye was a little guilty, squeezed out an awkward smile, and said hello: "Good morning, we last night..."

  Natalia grinned, as if she wanted to respond to his smile, but she cried out softly, as if she was hurt somewhere.

   Then he turned his head away and said sadly:

   "Last night... after I sent Ajielina back to her bedroom, I came back to sleep.

  As a result...As a result, I just got out of the shower, and you walked in..."

  Wang Ye's heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked: "I went to the wrong room! Didn't you remind me to go to the next bedroom? Also, what happened in the back..."

   Natalia choked up, buried her head in the pillow, and whispered:

   "Of course I reminded you, but...but you didn't listen at all, and pulled me onto the bed...

  You are so strong, and I can't resist, and I don't want to make things big because of this, and make a lot of noise.


  Wang Ye felt his scalp go numb, this is really a mistake after drinking!

  The last time it was Rosiana, she was also a little drunk.

   But at any rate, Rosiana took the initiative last time, she just didn't refuse.

  It’s a good time this time, a tyrant comes straight to the bow!

   And the object is Ajielina's best friend...

   How will I face Ajielina in a while!

  Natalia looked at Wang Ye's face, and quickly added:

   "It's okay, Misha, you don't have to blame yourself, we... let's just pretend that what happened last night didn't happen.

   Why don't you wait for me to explain to Ajielina? "

Wang Ye also came to his senses at this moment. He shook his head with a wry smile, and said frankly: "Since what happened, let's not run away. I won't shirk my responsibility. I'll go talk to Ajie Explain, Lena, but I want to know what you think, Natalia?"

   Now he has figured it out, isn't it just another woman, what's the big deal!

  Anyway, I have it...Rosiana, Ajielina, Katya, Nalan Yaqi, four women.

   Now it doesn't matter if there is one more Natalia.

  And Natalia is also a very important role in his own plan. If she can be firmly tied to his chariot through this relationship, it will be worth it.

  But as far as I can drink, I should try not to drink in the future...


  After making a decision, Wang Ye's expression became more natural. He leaned over and kissed Natalia on the cheek, and said:

   "If you are not feeling well, or if you are too embarrassed to face Ajielina for the time being, then you can rest for a while.

  I'll go and explain things to her clearly, I can't let the two of you fall out because of me.

   Trust me, it's not a big deal. "

  Wang Ye knows Ajielina, she is a very typical Russian girl.

  Although she looks more independent and confident on the surface, she still admires powerful men, especially the man she fell in love with.

   And once you fall in love, you are determined to do anything for this man.

  Ajielina knew about her relationship with several other women, and she didn't hide it from her. Not only did she acquiesce, she even told Wang Ye that she wouldn't care about it.

   Now there is one more Natalia, and it is only under the "accidental collision". I believe Ajielina will not say anything...

  Natalia nodded obediently, and said softly: "Anyway, this matter is our fault. You have to talk to Ajielina about it."

  Wang Ye nodded and got up, simply put on his clothes, and walked out.

  Natalia watched Wang Ye walk out of the room, sighed, and felt a little apologetic.

   It's not that I blame myself for cheating Wang Ye, but I feel that I am a little sorry for Ajielina.

  Ajielina is my best friend, she has always treated me sincerely, and ended up doing something like this...

  As for Wang Ye, Natalia doesn't feel sorry for him.

  I am not ugly, but a beautiful woman. This is a disadvantage to him!

   It seems that some readers are not satisfied with this plot, but nothing really happened. To be honest, Natalia will also be the core figure in the protagonist's plan in the future, so don't worry if you don't accept it, you can't write a story about sending a girl...



  (end of this chapter)

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