MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 919 enough face

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  Chapter 919 Face is big enough

  Since he dared to discuss the plan at the committee meeting, Wang Ye naturally made careful preparations.

  From the site selection, to the plan promotion process, and the problems that may arise in the middle, he has carefully considered.

  The circle he drew on the map is indeed in a good location. It is separated from the Kremlin by a river, and the straight-line distance is only about three kilometers.

   Most of the area is covered with forests, and there are not many buildings. Most of the scattered buildings are office buildings or family areas belonging to government departments, and it is relatively easy to demolish them.

  The total area is four square kilometers, not very large, but it is enough.

   Some people may think that the CBD area planned by Wangye is so small, which is too conservative!

  But you must know that the CBD areas in several major cities around the world are actually not large, and their core areas have the so-called "one square mile law".

  The meaning can be summed up simply, that is, in all mature CBDs, the real core area is only one square mile at most, and this part is the real "essence"!

   Apart from this, the rest of the areas are basically supporting buildings, which are not too important.

  Several world-class CBDs gather the most dense wealth capital and top talents within the core square mile, holding the important lifeline of urban development and even the world economy.

The core area of ​​the City of London is about two square kilometers, and the daily foreign exchange transaction volume accounts for about 48% of the world; the Wall Street in Manhattan has an area of ​​less than one square kilometer, but controls 40% of the world's finances; Hong Kong Central CBD is about one square kilometer, but here It is an international financial and trade center!

  These major cities are long-known global metropolises, and each has its own irreplaceable location advantages.

  Although Moscow is also a world-class city, from the perspective of commercial development, it is completely incomparable with those cities.

  So when Wang Ye planned the CBD, he only planned to develop an area of ​​about one square kilometer at the initial stage, and poured all the funds and resources into it to create an "elite area"!

  Of course, if the area was larger, he would not have so much money and resources...

  And Wang Ye also has his own "careful thinking" in planning this way.

  After this area is planned to become the Moscow CBD, it will naturally become the most golden location and the most elite area in the entire Moscow city in the future, not one of them!

  In the future, the most powerful companies in Russia and even Eastern Europe, top hotels, restaurants and shopping centers will be concentrated here.

   Of course, there will be the most high-end apartment houses.

  In the early stage, Wang Ye relied on "face recognition" to pull those big companies to invest huge sums of money to build this CBD area. This of course proves how much face Wang Ye has!

  Perhaps across the country, that is, he has the face and influence to make so many giant companies willingly listen to him.

  But Wang Ye can’t just rely on his “face” to let so many big companies selflessly contribute. After doing this many times, his own face may be lost...

  So, he also has to give those big companies enough returns.

   At least let everyone know that as long as you follow up with yourself and follow up with the policies you have drawn up, you will have your cake!

   So, what's the payoff?

   This is the remaining three kilometers of undeveloped land in the CBD area!

   In this part of the area, Wang Ye will distribute it to the participating companies. Whether everyone is repairing office buildings for rent, or building high-end apartments for sale, they can do whatever they want.

   After the land prices in this area rise, it is no exaggeration to say that those lands are priceless!

   It is enough to be worthy of the price these big companies paid for the CBD construction in the early stage.

  Of course, the land is not evenly distributed, but depends on the "sincerity" shown by the major companies in the early stage.

  For example, Facebook plans to spend 500 million dollars to build a skyscraper more than 300 meters high.

Then outside the core area of ​​the CBD, that is, within the remaining three square kilometers, sell (song) a piece of 50,000 square meters of land to Facebook at a very low price, let it build high-end houses and sell them for profit. To distribute to employees as company benefits worth mentioning.

   And Gazprom paid 2 billion US dollars to directly build a square with three or four super buildings inside!

   When the "cake" is divided later, Gazprom will inevitably divide more.

  For example, half sold and half gave it 200,000 to 300,000 square meters of land, so that it can plan and engage in any projects by itself, but there is a high probability that it will be a high-end residential area...

   You know, the housing prices in Moscow are not low now. The apartment that Wang Ye used to live in next to the school cost two to three thousand dollars a flat, and that was four years ago!

   Now in 2005, the price of commercial housing in most areas of Moscow has exceeded 2,000 US dollars, and the price of a good-quality house in a good location is as high as 4,000 US dollars, let alone luxury houses in the city center, which are priceless!

  After the CBD is built, it occupies the best location in the city, and the best quality high-rise apartments, how much will the house price cost?

  Maybe relying on the sale of high-end houses, these companies can recover the funds invested in the construction of the headquarters building in the early stage!


Members see that Wang Ye is so confident that he is going to call a meeting of major domestic companies to discuss it. This is tantamount to Wang Ye taking the most difficult task. What else can you say? I will definitely not object .

  The most difficult part of repairing the central area of ​​the CBD is who will pay for it, and whether there will be enough large companies to settle in after the repair is completed!

  After solving these two problems, the remaining land, demolition, supporting facilities, etc. are not big problems.

   Now Wang Ye is directly going to solve the two most difficult problems, money and business!

  After getting everyone's support in the committee, Wang Ye issued a notice in the name of the National Economic Commission, inviting the most powerful companies in various industries on the list to come to a meeting to discuss the construction of the Moscow CBD.

   Of course there are many big companies like Yukos, Gazprom, Kitty Hawk Group, Siberian Coal, Siberian Gold, National Pipeline Group, etc., all of which are within the scope of invitation.

   In addition, there are many big companies in the financial industry, and they are all rich and big.

   To be honest, Wang Ye is still a little worried that those local tyrants playing in finance will rush to invest in CBD. Those people are not stupid. They know that this is a profitable thing, so how could they let it go!

  Of course, Wang Ye said long ago that he would set a very high threshold.

   Block out all those companies that are not strong enough, want to fish in troubled waters, or even empty-handed wolves.


  The business representative meeting hadn’t been held yet, and the news that the Economic Commission was going to promote the construction of Moscow’s CBD had already spread. That night, even Gobrev curiously called Wang Ye to find out about the situation.

   "Misha, I heard that you proposed a plan to build Moscow's CBD at the Economic Commission today, which should be comparable to the CBD central area of ​​the world's top cities? Does Moscow already have such conditions?"

  Wang Ye shook his head with a wry smile, and asked back: "I just discussed this matter, why does it seem that everyone knows about it. At the Duma Building in the afternoon, everyone I met asked me about the situation."

  Gobrev quickly said: "Haha, this shows that everyone is very interested in this matter.

Moscow is obviously a world-class metropolis, but as a result, it doesn’t even have a decent central business district. The headquarters of various large companies are scattered in various areas of the city, and even many group headquarters seem inconspicuous at all. It does not meet the strength of these companies!

   If you really make this CBD work, it will definitely be a great achievement.

  Can also show the world the economic construction of our country over the years, the brand-new urban appearance, and the brand-new urban atmosphere. "

   Sure enough, in the eyes of the Kremlin, the meaning behind this incident is more important than the superficial use!

   Therefore, not only will the Kremlin not obstruct it at all, but will provide all the help it can provide, so as to promote the landing of this CBD as soon as possible!

  Wang Ye smiled slightly, and said calmly:

   "Don't worry, I proposed it at this time because I think the time is ripe to promote the construction of the CBD.

   That is, when land acquisition is needed, the government will come forward to assist. "

   "Don't worry! I'll tell Medjev about this matter at that time, and I promise that no matter what departments or institutions are involved in the demolition, they will cooperate unconditionally!" Gobrev promised, patted his chest.

   As long as there are his words!

  Wang Ye feels that his plan is "profitable" for all parties, and everyone hopes that the CBD will be a great success.

  I can't think of any reason why it can't be done...


   At the subsequent enterprise representative meeting, the response from all enterprise representatives was more enthusiastic than Wang Ye expected!

  Perhaps it was because the news leaked ahead of time. Everyone had already discussed this matter within the company before the meeting, and they had a good idea.

   "Director Mikhail, your plan is really great!

  We, Gazprom, fully support it.

  Hmm...we can invest 5 billion US dollars in ten years to build a landmark commercial square in Moscow!

   After completion, our commercial plaza should be comparable to Rockefeller Center! "

  The newly appointed president of Gazprom was the first to speak and said that it would cost 5 billion U.S. dollars in one shot!

   And the tone is quite big, it is not a building, but a commercial square!

  He also specifically mentioned that to benchmark Rockefeller Center, this means that Gazprom is not satisfied with one building, but will build several or even a dozen skyscrapers.

   You know, the target Rockefeller Center is a complex of nineteen buildings...

  However, Wang Ye did not suspect that he was bragging, because Gazprom has this strength, and it is built successively in ten years, with an annual cost of about 500 million U.S. dollars, and the financial pressure is not too great.

  This kind of large project cannot be completed in one or two years, but is divided into one phase and two phases, and the construction period is quite long.

   Funds are naturally not a one-time investment, as long as the capital chain can be guaranteed.

  As for a giant company like Gazprom that sells resources, the most important thing it needs is money...

  No need to worry about funding at all!


  Seeing that Gazprom took the lead, other large companies were not far behind, and everyone rushed to express their opinions.

  The representative of the Yukos Group said that it would also spend 5 billion US dollars to build a large-scale landmark building complex, and each building should have its own uniqueness and artistic beauty, so that people can never forget it.

  After completion, it will be the most dazzling urban skyline in Moscow!

   Apparently, this is and Gazprom just got on.

  Originally, one of the two companies is a giant in the oil industry, and the other is a giant in the natural gas industry.

   Both have an extremely close relationship with Wang Ye, and now it is a big project that Wang Ye is promoting, and it is also a profitable project, so these two companies will naturally spend a lot of money!

  The performance of these two giants really drove the atmosphere in the arena.

  The huge investment of US$5 billion per company is obviously very optimistic about this CBD project and dares to invest so much money in it.

  With them taking the lead, other companies will no longer be conservative.

   Khovchenko was not present in person, but the CEO of his bank came and said that he would invest three billion dollars to build two connected headquarters buildings.

   Abramovich also did not attend in person. The special assistant said that the Aluminum Group and the Aviation Group will jointly invest 4 billion dollars to build a commercial plaza.

Siberian Gold Billion USD, Siberian Coal Billion USD, National Pipeline Group USD 2 Billion, State Investment Bank USD 1 Billion, United Airlines Group USD 500 million, Facebook Technology USD 500 million, YANDEX@MAIL .RU 500 million US dollars, Kitty Hawk Group 1 billion US dollars, New Sun Group 1 billion US dollars...

  Almost all the companies present expressed their opinions enthusiastically and tried their best to contribute as much funds as possible.

  Obviously, the prospect of CBD depicted by Wang Ye really moved everyone.

  And he implicitly stated that enterprises that invest in the first phase of CBD development will receive corresponding land compensation in the second development phase, allowing the development of high-end residences and the like.

  There are as many as 16 companies that have expressed their determination to invest on the spot, and the cumulative intended investment is as high as 28 billion US dollars!

  Such a large amount of funds will be spent in the square kilometer area marked out by Wang Ye...

  Use the shortest time and the most funds to create an ultra-modern, super-class, world-class CBD!

  The only regret is that all the participating companies are "local companies" and there is no foreign capital.

   Doesn’t look international enough...

   But it’s okay. After the CBD is really established, most international companies will choose to settle in the CBD area when they enter Russia to do business.

  The CBD center itself is not just built for Russian companies. Wang Ye originally planned to "plant plane trees and attract golden phoenixes".

  If you want large foreign companies to come and invest, you must prepare both hardware and software.

  Software is naturally a friendly investment policy and a stable and open investment environment.

   In terms of hardware, bustling business districts and top office buildings are also essential...

  (end of this chapter)

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