MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 922 Negotiations broke down

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   "You... what are you doing?"

  Tovsky stared dumbfounded at the people behind Dania carrying "long guns and short cannons".

   "Oh, they are reporters from Moscow TV Station, Evening News, and Weekly. They learned that we were going to negotiate compensation for demolition again, so they came here to do an on-site interview. After all, this matter has become a hot news recently.

  Commissioner Tovsky, you don't mind the presence of reporters.

  After all, the things we talk about can be made public, and there is no secret that cannot be seen. "

   Dania replied leisurely.

   This made Tovsky a little unable to restrain his emotions.

  Negotiations are just negotiations, live broadcast with a group of reporters!

  He really wanted to walk away without talking.

   But in front of reporters, it is not easy for him to do this. If the reporter spreads it, wouldn't he look very unmannered...

   This is the downside of the presence of reporters. It always makes people feel a little bit restrained, and they can't use it!

   No way, Tovsky could only ask everyone to sit down and start formal negotiations.


   "Commissioner Tovsky, have you discussed the compensation terms I proposed last time on behalf of the owners?"

  As soon as she sat down, Dania asked first. It was considered a head start, and she gained the upper hand in terms of momentum.

  Tovsky stabilized his emotions. He is also an old man. Although he was a little confused by Dania today, he quickly adjusted himself.

He forced a smile on his face, "Miss Dania, the conditions you put forward last time should be that each family should be given a cash compensation of more than 700,000 dollars! In addition, each family should be given a high-end elevator apartment with the same area. Right. Oh, and the location has to be in the city center!"

  The reporters brought by Dania had a little commotion. Obviously, the conditions that Tovsky said surprised them a little.

   Dania frowned slightly, and said a little dissatisfied: "Commissioner Tovsky, please don't deliberately mislead everyone, it is obviously..."

Before she could finish speaking, Tovsky interrupted her and said unceremoniously: "I just repeated what you asked last time. How can this be called misleading everyone? Please tell me, just now Among those several compensation conditions, which one was fabricated by me?"

   Dania was also a little speechless.

  Because these conditions were indeed raised by her last time, but the problem is that when Tovsky recounted just now, he deliberately highlighted the words "700,000 dollars", "high-end elevator residences" and "city center".

  Although it cannot be said that Tovsky is making things up, but language is like this, even if different words are used to describe the same thing, it will sound completely different to outsiders!

  If the report is based on what Tovsky said, most people will probably think that these owners are too greedy!

  A set of free houses that were originally assigned by the unit, and now they are demanding more than 700,000 dollars in compensation, and an additional high-end residence in the city center is also required!

   Then the public opinion may be reversed, from sympathy for these owners being demolished, to "envy and jealousy" that these owners can obtain huge wealth...

  It seems that after the negotiation is over, I still have to do the "job" of these media reporters, and tell them not to scribble when they go back!


   Seeing that she couldn't take advantage of it verbally, Dania changed the subject and said:

   "Commissioner Tovsky, let's be straightforward. I want to know now whether you can agree to the reasonable demands of our owners."

  Tovsky felt a headache. This female lawyer is too difficult to deal with. Not only is she very strong in her words and deeds, but she is also a lawyer. She understands the law and quotes classics in her words.

   And you must be careful when talking to her, otherwise it is easy to be caught by her.

  Tovsky cheered up and replied with a smile:

   "Miss Dania, I want to correct you on one point, that is, the requests you made last time are not very reasonable.

  After discussion by our committee, we think that either you can accept cash compensation, or you can replace the new house with the same area, and it is impossible to have both. "

   Dania immediately raised her eyebrows. She was very dissatisfied, and stood up suddenly, as if she was about to go out.

  Tovsky sat still, watching her calmly.

"If you think so, then I don't think there is any need to talk about it in the future. It is impossible for us to reach an agreement, so don't waste each other's time." Dania said coldly, still standing there, as if at any time Like to go.

   This did not scare Tovsky, and he knew in his heart that it was basically impossible for the two sides to reach an agreement.

  Of course it is impossible to make concessions on my side. Director Mikhail has already said that this is the final compensation plan, and there is no room for bargaining!

  That's either Dania and the others giving in and agreeing to the compensation plan they proposed.

  Either it's just a shot and two parts!

  As for what to do with the demolition work, I believe Director Mikhail should have an idea...

   Now that things have happened, Tovsky is too lazy to go around in circles anymore. He directly took out a notice with a big blue stamp, stretched out his hand and pushed it in front of Dania.

   Said solemnly: "This is the final compensation plan of our economic committee for this demolition. All owners can choose one of the two according to their own situation, but there is no room for bargaining."

  Danya reached out and grabbed the notice, glanced at it, grinned, and put the notice in her briefcase.

   "Then I understand what you mean, Commissioner Tovsky. Let's talk about this today. I will take this final compensation plan back and tell all the owners.

  But I can tell you in advance that no owner will agree to this condition.

  Anyway, we are not in a hurry to move, so let's take it easy. "

Tovsky shrugged his shoulders and said with a relaxed smile: "That's all you need to do. Whether you want to move or not is your freedom. Go back and discuss it. When you have figured it out and are willing to accept this compensation plan, Welcome to me."

  At this moment, the few media reporters brought by Dania finally found an opportunity and gathered around, wanting to interview Tovsky.

  Facing these so-called "uncrowned kings" who came prepared, Tovsky readily agreed to be interviewed and let reporters ask questions.

  He was mainly afraid that if he did not accept the interview, then these reporters would not know what they would make up when they went back!

  Then it’s better to simply accept the interview and release some more accurate official news, so that the reporters will not be too outrageous...

   "Commissioner Tovsky, if the owners do not agree to the relocation compensation plan, will you carry out forced demolition, or will you give up this land and choose another location?" A reporter asked first.

Tovsky waved his hands gracefully, and joked: "What? In your eyes, are the members of our economic committee all unreasonable bandits? They are unwilling to demolish the plan, so we can only consider shelving the plan Or choose another place."

  Although the joke was not very funny, the reporters present still grinned with dignity.

  Only Dania, who was standing behind, curled her lips in disdain.

   Then a second reporter asks a question.

   "Commissioner Tovsky, this CBD proposal was proposed by Deputy Speaker Mikhail. Why hasn't he come forward to solve the problem now that the project has encountered difficulties?"

  Tovsky was a little vigilant, this reporter was not kind!

  He smiled and replied cautiously:

  “Although this project was proposed by Director Mikhail, I am currently in charge of it, and it was also collectively decided at the Economic Committee meeting.

  So, if any problems arise during the project, I will be responsible for solving them.

   If I can't solve it personally, then I will submit this issue to the meeting of the Economic Committee for discussion. "

  Tovsky is helping Wang Ye "protect from lightning"!

  As a senior politician, he already smelled a hint of conspiracy...

  Wang Ye is the director of the Economic Committee and his immediate boss, and he usually trusts him quite a lot. So at this critical moment, he must not lose the chain and live up to Wang Ye's trust!

  The reporters saw that they couldn't get anything out of Tovsky's mouth, so they stopped interviewing him and left angrily with Dania.


  Tovsky immediately called Wang Ye to report what happened in the negotiation today.

After listening to his report, Wang Ye was silent for a few seconds, and then he said with a smile: "Wait a minute, no matter whether they agree to this compensation plan, we are not in a hurry, let's see what actions are behind them, and then Do it."

  Tovsky has no better solution, he can only say yes, divert energy from demolition and relocation in the short term, and coordinate and implement other things.

  The reason why Wang Ye had to wait was because he hadn't figured out who was behind Dania.

  He also wanted to see if the other party could really hold his breath and spend some time with him.

  Anyway, this kind of big CBD project is a long-term project spanning several years, and a delay of three to five months will basically not have much impact.

  Because there is still a lot of other work that can be done in the early stage.

  The worst and worst result, that is, Tanya and her community will not be demolished.

   Originally, the community was not on the most core land, but Wang Ye wanted to clear out the entire circled land at once, so that there would be much less trouble in the future.

   Unexpectedly, such a thing happened.

  The big deal is to separate their community from the CBD area, and move the entire CBD area to another direction for a certain distance.

   It's okay.

   It is not because of how valuable the lot will be in the future that Wang Ye classified it as a CBD area.

   It is because Wang Ye positioned this land as the future CBD, so it will be very valuable in the future...

  Don't confuse cause and effect.

  Wang Ye doesn't care about whether the house can be demolished as soon as possible. What he is interested in is who ordered the Dania female lawyer, and which party wants to mess with him!

  This is the most critical.

  Because in the past two years, with the gradual realization of Wang Ye's early stage layout, and some chance coincidences, the current him can be described in one sentence, that is, "he has many friends and few enemies"!

  Looking around, there are friends all around you. No matter which side is involved, who can not give Mikhail the first deputy speaker some face now...

  So, it’s been a long time since I’ve encountered anyone making trouble for me.

  Suddenly one pops up now, Wang Ye is quite interested...


   Dania did respond quickly.

  Tovsky received a joint letter from Dania, and it is said that nearly 800 of the more than 1,000 owners have signed it.

  The content of the letter is very simple, that is, they rejected the compensation plan proposed by Tovsky last time, but they still made some concessions compared to before.

  The new plan proposed, which is the final plan.

  They promised to drop some compensation, from $10,000 per square meter to $6,000 per square meter, which is not a small concession.

  According to Dania, they are the owners who have shown the greatest sincerity!

   But the problem is, they have a second condition.

  This condition is much more excessive than before!

   It is required to provide a new house with the same area according to the area of ​​the existing house!

   If it’s just here, it’s no different from the previous requirements, but the problem is, this time they added a new condition.

  That is the new house for compensation, which must also be located in the CBD area...

   I don’t know where they found out that very high-end residential buildings will be built in the CBD area in the future.

   So they set their sights on this house.

  Fools also know that the houses in this area will basically have the highest housing prices in Moscow in the future...

  Looking at these two conditions, Tovsky laughed angrily.


   "There is no need to talk about this matter. Since you are not willing to demolish, it doesn't matter. We actually have a backup plan for the location of the CBD. Just shift it to the east by about one kilometer, and just avoid your community.

   In this way, we are all relaxed, and you can continue to live here.

   Don’t worry about forced demolition by the project team, haha. "

  Tovsky is taking retreat as an advance, and directly made his attitude clear, and he doesn't want to entangle with these "troublemakers" any longer.

  However, he is not completely fooling Dania, but he really has this backup plan.

   It can only be said that the area demarcated in the first edition is the most suitable, and it is also the area that Wang Ye initially delineated.

  As for the backup plan, after the demolition problem emerged, everyone discussed it again at the Economic Committee and came up with an alternative plan.

  As Tovsky said, the entire land shifted by about one kilometer, the difference is not big, but it is a little farther away from the Kremlin and Red Square.

  But this is okay, the CBD area and the Kremlin itself are two symbols.

  The Kremlin and the Red Square represent power and history, as well as Da Mao's past.

  The new CBD area represents money and development, and also represents the future of Da Mao...

  The two face each other across the river and echo each other from afar.

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