MTL - Record of Mortal’s Journey to Immortality: Immortal World-Chapter 1343 Incarnation

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When Han Li's voice fell, he swung his sword with one hand and waved behind him.

Seventy-two sword spirit boys flew away immediately, and surrounded the golden boy and the three ants.


Immediately afterwards, with a flash of dazzling electric light, a huge thunder array started instantly, drowning their figures into the rolling thunder, and disappeared.

Without any worries, Han Li suddenly slumped his legs and sat cross-legged in the void.

With both hands, he grasped the tactics, and the five elements of the imaginary world tactics in his body immediately started to work.

Above its head, the golden full moon slowly turns and shines brightly in all directions.

The stars transformed by the fire at the moment of time also flashed with glittering lights, like the stars in the sky.

The river of time transformed by the time-saving bottle, the water is turbulent, rolling and flowing around the body.

The towering mountains condensed by the magical Chensha undulate and stretch for thousands of miles, and the succulent forest transformed by the upper Dongyi Shenmu also sways frantically.

All of this constitutes a magical world of stars, mountains, rivers, and forests. It keeps flowing, it is shocking, and the weather is endless!

In the space of Han's spiritual realm, time changed suddenly and the river opened the gate, and the speed soared by a hundredfold in an instant.

The power of the earth's property laws in the void around him has been 100 times faster than before, and began to flood into Xuanyuanjie's body.

"Booming ..."

After a while of dull sounds coming from the void, Han Li moved his mind and leaned down to look into the void below.

I saw the void trembling endlessly. Seven or eight continents of which I do n’t know which fairyland are stripping away from the fairyland, stepping through the Qingming domain, Tianfeng domain, and Tianwai domain, and started to soar towards this extra-domain space Come.

However, as the mainland continued to rise and entered the Qingming Realm, it was still visible that countless ray of light flew away from it, escaping away from the mainland, and entering the sky wind, there were few people who fled.

As soon as they entered the outer world, those huge continents began to break down, the earth collapsed, and began to dissipate between the heavens and the earth like the suspended continent before, leaving only the power of a powerful and incomparable law of soil properties. Gathered towards Xuanyuanjie's body.

As more and more of the power of the law condensed on him, Xuan Yuanjie's breath became more and more pure, and he was getting farther and farther away from people, and getting closer to the Tao.

Xuan Yuanjie's expression was always calm. Only a pair of eyes began to tremble slightly, and it seemed to start to resist these influxes. It was just that the power of every inch of the earth was blind to him, so how could he refuse it at will.

"That's not enough, how about I give you some more?" A flash of madness flashed in Han Li's eyes.

The voice fell, and the power of its time laws rushed out without hesitation. In the Five Elements Phantom World, the brilliance of the world's lines and patterns was greatly mastered. The roots of the laws of time dissipated from the air and turned into the power of pure laws into the void.

Within the spirit realm, the time that was originally accelerated a hundred times increased again, and in a flash, it was millions of years.

The power of the earth that poured into the area of ​​Han Li's spirit realm was absorbed by Xuan Yuanjie instantly.

Even the numerous meteorites in the extraterrestrial space collapsed at this moment, which also contributed to the origin of the soil properties and madly merged into Xuanyuanjie's body.

Finally, that scene appeared ...

A huge, almost endless vortex of earth emerged behind Xuanyuanjie, which represented the power of the most boulevard of earth in this heaven and earth, overflowing like a hot spring, wrapped up towards Xuanyuanjie. .

"No ..." Xuan Yuanjie's eyes flashed, and he finally recovered a sense of reason.

However, it was too late, and the erosion of Tiandao on him had already begun.

"Han Li, stop, stop ..." Xuan Yuanjie wanted to break free, and shouted in his mouth.

At this moment, Han Li is also uncomfortable. The power of the time law in his body is passing away too fast, and now he has consumed most of it, and people have already felt a strong sense of emptyness.

It was only for Xuan Yuanjie's request that he remained expressionless, unmoved at all, and continued to push the Five Elements Fantasy World with all his strength.

Han Li knew that the current situation was not enough to make Xuan Yuanjie assimilated by heaven.

Only when the time continues to accelerate and the power of the time rule is exhausted is exhausted, maybe there is a slight possibility that the erosion of this heaven is completely completed.

"Han Li, you are in conflict with the Daozu Avenue of Time, and you will die. You stop, I can help you, I can help you ..." Xuan Yuanjie finally realized despair at this moment.

"Golden Boy was the last victim of you. Do you think I would believe you?" Han Li said word by word, his voice did not have the slightest affection.

"No! I can make an oath, never violate it ..." Xuan Yuanjie was hysterical.

Han Li heard a word of hesitation in his heart.

After all, if he was assisted by one of the five elements' origins, he would have more confidence in going to heaven, but he soon gave up the idea.

For no other reason, he was not sure to control an original Daozu with a vow.

With his mind set, he will stop talking and continue to consume the power of his own law, accelerating the erosion of Xuan Yuanjie ’s heaven.

As time passed by, Xuan Yuanjie saw that Han Li was desperate to die himself. From the initial continuous praying, he began to turn to curse and abuse, until he found that Han Li finally couldn't hold it, and then began verbal intimidation.

"Han Li, you can't sustain it. Although I have been assimilated by Heaven for nearly half, it will not be completely extinct. After a while, I will burn your ashes, the Yuanying will light up, and the spirits will grind. I want you to die. Haha ... "

Xuan Yuanjie's almost insane voice echoed throughout the extraterrestrial space.

The sound fell in Han Li's ears, and it became a vague hum.

At this moment, he had really reached the limit, and all the power in his body was almost drained, and the Five Elements Phantom World was also teetering.

"Would you like to lend me some strength?" At this moment, an ethereal voice suddenly sounded from Han Li's almost exhausted sea of ​​knowledge.

"In front of Pingling ... No, who are you?" Han Li asked in a panic, startled.

"I ... are you ... you ... are me ..." the voice replied.

"My corpse, are you my corpse?" Han Li suddenly woke up.

Since he reached the peak of Da Luo, he has been struggling to find his undead corpse, but even in his extreme state, he awakened.

"Aside from good and evil and all the seven emotions and six desires, after all, you and I are the closest ones. You are my identity and I am your ego." The answer from the corpse resounded in Han Li's knowledge of the sea. .

"Are you going to break up at this time? I'm afraid you and I will die here immediately after the separation." Han Li sighed and asked.

"I said, we are too similar, so your thoughts are my thoughts," said the self-dead.

The next moment, Han Li suddenly felt warm all over, and the power of the law that had already dried up suddenly emerged again, and the corpse actually lent his power to him.

However, the short stagnation before gave Xuanyuan Jie a respite. Although Han Li recovered the power of half the time rule, it was difficult to continue after all.

The original rune in Xuanyuanjie's eyes suddenly darkened, forcibly cutting off the connection with Tiandi Avenue.

At this moment, half of his body has been merged into the void, and there are also signs of petrification on the edge of the remaining half of the body. This time the confrontation is not a big loss.

"Han Li ..." Xuan Yuanjie's resentment skyrocketed and he burst into a scream.

Before Han Li responded, a golden light suddenly flashed from a strange angle behind Xuan Yuanjie.

In the golden light, Jin Tong's huge gold-eating worm suddenly appeared, a large mouth of blood, and a huge golden vortex appeared in it, with powerful waves of law spreading inside.

Xuanyuan Jie was startled, his body's earthy halo skyrocketed, and his body was about to move away from his place.

However, Han Li had already anticipated this, and his body shape had already rushed to him one step earlier, raised a palm and shot him in the head.

However, in the palm of Han Li's palms, the rays of time's laws burst out, interrupting Xuan Yuanjie's actions.

Xuan Yuanjie was not afraid of Han Li's palm at all, but it was only after a short delay that the golden boy's huge mouth had been bitten and he swallowed Xuan Yuanjie directly.

"No! I don't want to ..." A loud shout, like falling into an endless void, getting farther and farther, stopped as the golden boy closed his mouth.

"Booming ..."

There was a sound of thunder from Golden Boy's belly, and it seemed that Xuan Yuanjie was still struggling.

I saw the golden boy's body linger for a while, the huge body began to shrink rapidly, and finally restored the woman's appearance.

At first glance, Han Li found that the appearance of the golden boy in front of him had been greatly changed, and he had completely lost the former girl's breath, no matter his figure or temperament, he became more and more mature.

The expression on his face was extraordinarily calm. There seemed to be two swirls in his eyes. He was still spinning slowly, and his body began to exude a transcendent breath.

"This breath on you ..." Han Li wondered.

"Not yet stable, just adjust the interest rate for a few days, and the realm will stabilize." Golden Boy looked at him and said slowly.

"I thought that the advanced Taoist ancestors would have some vision of discoloration in the world. I didn't expect it to be so calm." Han Li looked around and said with some surprise.

"I should have been swallowing this extraterrestrial void at this moment, but I just swallowed Xuan Yuanjie as a native ancestor. This strength is enough for me to digest it for a while," said Jin Tong.

After hearing this, Han Li was finally relieved.

"Thanks to you this time," said Golden Boy.

"Advancing Daozu is such a big deal that you don't even tell me, you are too wayward." After Han Li relaxed, he frowned again and couldn't help blame.

Ants and others who came late from the distance just heard Han Li's words and were taken aback. In their memory, no one had ever dared to talk to Zongzu in this way.

However, judging from Han Li's previous efforts to protect the Golden Boy, the three also guessed that the relationship between them was not strong, so they did not bother to step forward, all crossed their knees in the void and meditated and adjusted their breath.

Golden Boy frowned slightly, opened his mouth, and ended up saying nothing.

At this moment, she suddenly changed her face, raised her hand and pressed it on her belly, and her palm glowed a golden light.

"What's wrong?" Han Li asked quickly.

"After all, he is a Taoist ancestor, who is fighting against the law of engulfing in me." Jin Tong said.

"Is it a big deal? May I help you again?" Han Li asked with a frown.

"If it is outside, the outcome is unpredictable, but he is now in my stomach. It is a matter of time before death or death, but the power of the earth's origin is a little tricky." Jin Tong did not hide it, all said .

Han Li looked around and said:

"There is so much noise here, you shouldn't stay long. You should suppress it first, then follow me to retreat elsewhere, and I will take care of you for a ride."

Jin Tong heard that, after a little hesitation, he nodded and set about suppressing Xuan Yuanjie's resistance.

"You leave here first, and then I will take Golden Boy to other safe places to retreat." Han Li walked to the three ants and said.

Qing Feng and others heard that instead of immediately getting up, they looked towards the side of Golden Boy and asked with their hearts.

After receiving an affirmative answer, the three of them took on a complex look and saluted Han Li, and eventually left the void.

After Han Li recovered all the green bamboo bee Yunjian and other things, he also sat down with his knees crossed, took out a few pills, and closed his eyes with his eyes closed.

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