MTL - Record of Mortal’s Journey to Immortality: Immortal World-Chapter 1383 Golden vein jade bone

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"The thunder of time!" Han Li jumped in the corner of his eyes, waving his hands anxiously.

The golden light flashed around him, and five golden things appeared out of thin air. It is the mantra of mantra, magic hourglass, clear bottle of time, torch at break, and five things of Dongyi Shenmu.

After the five things of time have condensed again, they have all achieved sublimation.

The five treasures were spinning endlessly, glittering with pure golden light like glass, and the vast law of time was rolling and rolling.


Without waiting for what Han Li was doing, those golden thunderbolts struck down.

A series of changes in Jieyun seems to have accelerated the magical power, and it is incredible.

Fortunately, at this moment Han Li had already entered the ancestral realm with one foot, and the response was extremely fast, his arms were moving towards the sky.

At the moment of Taiyu's shield, the golden light was magnificent, rotating rapidly, and numerous golden runes spewed out from it, emitting a strong whistling sound.

The earth-shattering blast exploded, and numerous golden thunderbolts split on Taiyu's shield. Numerous cracks immediately appeared on the shield, and it quickly expanded.

A "bang" murmured, and Taiyu's shield disintegrated, and then exploded, turning into numerous golden fragments, and shooting at me like a meteor.

However, Taiyu Fadun has also secured enough time for Han Li, and the mantras such as the mantra of the mantra spun around his body rapidly.

A huge golden vortex emerged again, enveloping Han Li, sending out a terrible force that could swallow the sky and greet the golden thunderbolt.

Countless golden thunderbolts splattered on the vortex, and the pulsating golden vortex trembled, but was immediately entangled by the sucking force from the vortex, and pulled toward the depth of the vortex.

Han Li stood at the center of the vortex, his body swayed left and right with the vortex, but his hands were extremely stable, and he kept trying.

The golden vortex rumbling and turning, without weakening in the slightest, formed a confrontation with the thunder of time.

I saw the golden light beating, the thunder light radiating, countless thunders and blasts exploded, and the void nearby vibrated violently.

The distant reincarnation hall master and the demon master couldn't stand, and kept pushing towards the distance.

The shock lasted for a quarter of an hour, and the golden thunder and lightning under the rain finally began to weaken and soon disappeared completely.

The golden vortex below also quickly became smaller, disappeared after a few breaths.

The figure of Han Li emerged, his body was tattered and looked rather embarrassed, but overall it was not a big deal.

At this moment, the color of the mid-air robbery cloud changed rapidly again, the golden light faded quickly, and it turned into the original gray and black color in a blink of an eye.

The purple light flashed in the Jieyun vortex, and a purple Changhong shot down from it, covering Han Li's body, flying in circles.

One end of the purple Changhong sank into him.

Han Li's torn body recovered quickly, and in a blink of an eye, all injuries were healed.

Suddenly there was a thick golden crystal light on his body, which was filled with golden crystal filaments, which blended into the mid-empty purple Changhong.

With a sharp howl, the golden crystal light immediately flourished, turning into a thick golden light like a dragon, hovering above Han Li's head, and even exuding the power of the laws of time that could shake the world.

The void made a continuous roar, vibrating and twisting as if collapsed.

The samsara master, the demon master, and others had already retreated to a stable place. At this moment, they were unstable again, and had to continue to retreat into the distance.

The golden crystal light did not swim around Han Li for too long, and soon submerged into his body.

Han Li raised an eyebrow and showed surprise.

Because as the crystal light enters the body, the crystals of time in his body are disappearing rapidly, and they are integrated into the body. The body above and below the body emits a layer of fine golden light, which seems to have a sense of translucency.

The three-dimensional Han Yuanyuan infant, as well as the spirit in his head, also quietly melted, as if the ice cubes had melted into the body.

The power of his surging laws quickly converged, and the nearby quake of emptiness slowly dissipated.

Clouds in the air also disappeared at this moment, and everything restored peace ...

Han Li hangs in the void, feeling the changes of the surrounding heaven and earth. In his eyes, a winding long golden river appears, and a thin tributary is branched out. He is connected with himself through the heavy void.

He raised his hands and looked at his arms, and found that his skin was as thin and transparent as rice paper, the blood vessels and bones inside were clearly visible, one was flowing with golden blood, and one was as white as beautiful jade.

"This is the legendary golden vein jade bone. It was the same feeling after the original achievement of Daozu ..." Han Li filled his eyes with irrepressible excitement and muttered to himself.

Just saying a word, he suddenly felt inductive again, his eyes blinked for a moment, and the divine thoughts began to swim in the entire Middle-earth fairyland. The surrounding mountains and rivers, the dying souls, the chaotic heaven and earth vitality, all appeared. He knows the sea.

With his mind-like wandering, the consciousness has surpassed a realm of immortals and spread along the end of the long domain. The expanding chaotic vortex covering the sky and the sun has swallowed a large void, such as a large pot covered the whole The sky over Middle-earth Fairyland.

On the earth, the collapsed mountains and forests everywhere, the rivers and lakes are rapidly disintegrating, just like the magic weapon that Han Li saw for the first time in the year, passing through the wall of time, all decomposed into a little aura. , Flew to the sky.

Everything that was originally born of the Five Elements gradually returned to its origins at this moment and was absorbed by the chaos vortex.

In the chaos, Han Li saw that the corpses were gradually dissolving and dissipating, and the monks who barely survived were running away in perplexity.

The world is changing, and where is the last day, where can I escape?

On a land that is constantly falling apart, Mengpo and his disciple Yu Menghan have been scattered with Li Yuanchen and others, and are constantly avoiding the impact of the land collapse.

Earlier, most of the power was absorbed by the large array of gods, as she once had the existence of the ancestral ancestors, and now seemed equally embarrassed.

But even so, she did not let go of the hand of this most cherished disciple.

Yu Menghan's clothes were filthy and tattered, but there was not much fear on her face. She looked at her elder sister under the doomsday, her eyes were full of calmness and softness.

The two of them were able to avoid a fissure that was expanding rapidly, and then stood firm. A vortex of space emerged from underneath them, absorbing the bodies of the two, and constantly falling towards the bottom.

When the volley fell, Mengpo looked apologetically at Yu Menghan, and she regretted bringing her here. If she stayed in Zongmen, she would inevitably die, and she would not experience the hell-like scene now.

Yu Menghan smiled mildly, shook his head at Master, and turned his head toward the sky.

The figure of that man, she wanted to take another look.

It was only when she turned around that a look of surprise appeared in her eyes, and she saw a golden light in the void, which flew like a practise, and rolled their teacher and apprentice in a roll, directly pulling out the space vortex. .

"Girl Yu, you should stay in my cave treasure." Han Li said directly.

Speaking of which, with a wave of his palm, a silver light door spread out in the void.

"Han ..." Yu Menghan opened his mouth and was interrupted by a loud boom when he was about to speak.

"Booming ..."

A sound of thunder that shook through the sky suddenly sounded. The round sun hanging over the middle earth fairyland burst out after the last burst of fiery brilliance erupted.

As the light that did not know how many years had burned gradually faded, the entire Middle-earth Fairyland fell into eternal darkness.

"Go ahead and talk." Han Li frowned slightly, looked up at the sky and said to the two.

Yu Menghan pursed his lips and stepped in first.

Although Mengpo didn't speak, she was always looking at Han Li. She naturally knew Han Li's identity, and she could see Han Li's current state. She couldn't help but admire her.

My apprentice's vision is good, his apprentice's vision ... is better.

Although her cultivation was inadequate, there was an intuition telling her that this person might be the true fairyland now ... No, the billions of souls in all interfaces, including the true fairyland, have turned the biggest variables of the world.

If it weren't for this person, today's past or present may have succeeded.

Han was already a ancestor immediately, and it was impossible for him to spy on the heart at will, and he naturally did not know the thoughts in Mengpo and Yu Menghan.

The golden light was shining in his eyes, and the bright light was transmitted. At this moment, his breath had gradually stabilized, and then his eyes turned and looked up into the sky.

I saw the ancient or modern body hanging on top of the dome, and the chaotic vortex behind it violently surged, submerging half of its body, it seemed like it would be swallowed up by the vortex.

However, instead of panicking, his face seemed extremely excited.

One pair of eyes could no longer see the black pupils, but could only see the two gray swirls swirling continuously, exuding an indescribable strange appeal.

In the void on the left, the Lord of the Lord is printing his hands, forming a huge silver pagoda in front of him, and striking towards ancient or modern times, while the owner of the reincarnation hall also controls the six reincarnation disks, sending out a towering sky. A beam of light, pointing straight at him.

Ancient or modern is just out with both hands, there are two chaotic giants on the left and right side continuously from the vortex, the two of them were stabilized and kept in place.

Han Li's gaze was fixed, his hands were printed in front of him, the Great Five Elements of Magical World Kungfu had already run on its own, and five objects of time law emerged, surrounding him.

Five treasures floated up and down, glittering with dazzling gold, and the majestic rules of time fluctuated, rolling away.

Han Li put his hands together in front of him, and when he moved his mind, he felt that he was travelling for thousands of miles, and the feeling of being in harmony with the world emerged again, and then the winding river of time emerged again.

The ancient or present in the chaotic vortex suddenly felt, and his eyes turned to look at Han Li.

There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he couldn't help but whisper to himself: "He has succeeded ... no, how can he fit better with me than the road of time?"

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