MTL - Record of Mortal’s Journey to Immortality: Immortal World-Chapter 3 Go far

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The girl stared at everything that happened in front of her, and her mouth was half-open, and it seemed that she had not recovered from the shock of the talent.

She stared at the body of the three men, and she fell to the ground with a soft body. Two lines of tears slammed from her eyes.

At first she just whispered sobbing, it seemed to think of something sad, and the cry suddenly increased.

The eruption of the river like a river collapses once again breaks the tranquility of the wasteland. It is like a lament that makes people feel insulted, and talks to God about the ups and downs of the world.

I don't know how long it took, and the crying stopped.

The girl has stood up again, the show fist clenched, the black and blood stains on the little face have been washed away by tears, once again revealing a beautiful and delicate face, just a pair of big eyes seems to have more than before.

Suddenly, she lifted her legs and ran to the front not far, another gray-white boulders.

Under the boulder, a vulgar body is lying in a pool of blood. It is faintly identifiable that the big man is already dead. From the place where the stone is a few feet away, there is a body of a short man like a mud. It should be before. Horse face man.

As for the surname Qi Taoist, under the boxing of the tall young man, the whole person burst directly, and there is no bones. Only some meat and blood can be seen nearby.

The girl's body shape jumped to the boulders. When both hands were lifted up, the ten fingers suddenly grew a few inches of long-colored cyan nails, and they screamed at the smashing man's body.

The sound of the emptiness came, and a pair of blue-clawed claws flew out and slammed on the broken body.

The blood was splashed, and the ruined body was broken. It was torn into a pile of minced meat in the blink of an eye.

She does not seem to hate it, but also spurts a green flame, turning these pieces of meat into ashes and smashing.

Then, she again made the body of the horse-faced man the same, and this was done.

After doing this, the girl’s knees were soft and she fell to the ground again, panting.

The mana that had just recovered a bit in her body was exhausted again.

"Auntie, A Niang, Big Brother, Second Sister... The thief of the Blood Knife Club has finally died. Although it was not killed by the child, your great hatred has finally been reported. You can rest assured that as long as the child has a sigh of relief, One day, one day, it will kill the **** Mangshan, and the blood knife will disappear from this world." The girl calmed down her mind a little, then moved her body and squatted in one direction, muttering in her mouth.

After saying this, the girl’s eyes were a little red, and she was so weeping, but she was forced to hold back.

"Don't cry, Auntie said, people who cry often don't grow up, I want to grow up soon!" Girls

For a while, the girl whimpered and pressed her heart down, stood up again, and glanced at the storage bag left by the three men on the ground.

There was some disgust in her expression, but shesitated, and she picked up these things and collected them.

As the sun moved westward, the sky became a little dim, the wind gradually grew bigger, creaking, and the temperature cooled a bit.

Looking at some of the vastness of the sky, the girl did not feel a little scared, slightly curled up the body, subconsciously toward the only living person beside him, the tall young man leaned on the past.

After hitting the punch, the tall young man once again resumed his previous sluggish appearance. Muran stood in the same place and looked down at his own feet. He did not know what the girl had just done.

"This ... stone brother..." The girl did not dare to rely too close, and some hesitant whispers.

The tall youth did not respond.

"Stone brother, my name is Liu Leer. Just thank you for killing the three thieves. Although you are also a human race, you have said that there are also good people in the Terran." The girl said.

The tall young man moved a bit and finally got some reaction. He lifted his head slightly and looked at Liu Leer.

The figure of the girl was reflected in his pupil, and there seemed to be a flash of light in his sluggish eyes, and then he became stunned again, but his eyes always looked at Liu Leer.

This made Liu Leer shocked and hurried back a few steps.

However, the tall young man just looked at her so dullly, there was no other move, and there was no movement.

Liu Leer’s heart was relieved, and it was more certain that the young man’s brain was really a problem. Then he became more and more courageous, and tried to get closer, curious to look at the people in front of him.

Before the panic, I didn’t even look at it. At this moment, I came closer, and Liu Leer saw it more clearly.

This young man is tall and tall, his fingers are slender, his body is not thick, but it gives people a sense of infinite power.

Although his eyes are utterly indifferent, but a pair of pupils are incomparably dark, and it looks like a long time as if the soul of the insider is sucked in. The bare skin is so dark and smooth that it is just a little bit of a fight. Did not stay.

The cyan shirt on his body looks ordinary, just cut by the Thunder knife, and nothing has been damaged.

All this, together with the previous youth’s inhalation of the unusual blood mist, indicates that it is definitely not an ordinary person, not a mortal.

How can mortals kill three monks with instruments in two or three?

The girls looked at the tall young people with great enthusiasm. The tall young people still did not react, and the mood relaxed more and more. Xu was the childish heart after the big robbery, and walked around the tall youth.

The eyes of the youth never leave Liu Leer, and it seems that Liu Leer has something to attract him.

Perhaps it was because the youth appeared to make her escape, and she helped her with three enemies. The girl felt that the tall and young people were more and more amiable.


Liu Leer suddenly snorted, the tall young man's chest, vaguely revealing a dark green charm, crystal clear, I do not know what.

She wants to open her clothes and look carefully, but she doesn't dare.

At this moment, the surrounding wind is getting bigger and bigger, the sky is turbulent, and there are large clouds, and the black pressure is drooping, making the surrounding light more dark.


A thick lightning tears the dark clouds, illuminating half of the sky, making a huge thunder, and the raindrops slamming down.


Liu Leer gave an exclamation, subconsciously hid under the tall young man, hugged the thigh of the youth, and the petite body shivered.

She is the body of the fox, and she has an inexplicable fear of the thunder of heaven and earth.

The tall young man’s eyes were faint and bright, but they soon dimmed again. I didn’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. The body fell a little, and the tall body shrouded Liu Leer, blocking the endless wind and rain.

The girl’s heart does not feel a warmth. At this time, there is no fear of the weather and thunder and lightning, but the feeling is very incomparable. This feeling is as if it was in the father’s arms.

The rain came fast, and it went fast. It didn't take long for the clouds to rain, and a fresh air that was part of the grass was scattered.

Liu Leer licked the rain on his body and smiled. He pulled up the hand of the tall young man and gave him the water drops on his clothes.

The cyan shirt on his body is made of what kind of material, and the rain falls on it. It seems that the lotus leaf is usually dripping into a single drop of water and can't be immersed.

The young people’s actions against the girls have not been expressed in the past, but there is no objection to let them play with them.

"Right, stone brother, Leer still doesn't know what you are calling?" Liu Leer took the tall young man and tried to let him sit down.

The tall young man sat down really obediently, but still did not speak as always.

"Stone brother, why are you here?"

"Stone brother, that punch is so powerful, can you teach and teach?"

"Stone brother..."

Liu Leer was somewhat reluctant and tried several ways to communicate with each other. However, no matter what she said, the youth did not react, and she could not help but be disappointed again.

"Stone brother, although I don't know who you are, but you killed the blood knife, or leave me here with me." After thinking about it, the girl finally made up her mind to pull the tall and broad palm of her hand and begged. .

Although the tall young man was embarrassed, after Liu Leer said that he had a good match for a while, he seemed to understand something. After blinking, he finally followed the girl slowly.

The twilight is faint, and the sun is like blood.

The whole wasteland was under the shower of the afterglow, and it became a little golden.

Two figures, one small and one small, turned toward the setting sun, gradually drifting away, and vaguely came with Liu Fenger’s voice of joy.

"Stone brother, I know that you are very powerful, but those blood knives will have many bad guys!"

"It’s not early, you must be hungry."

"When you leave here, Lele will give you some wild birds to bake for you. Le's craftsmanship is good!"

"Stone brother, I will treat you as a brother in the future!"

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