MTL - Record of Mortal’s Journey to Immortality: Immortal World-Chapter 5 Horse beast

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Mingyuan City, the third largest city in Fengguo.

The city is located in the plain, covering a hundred miles, and a large river in the south of the city. The water and land transportation is extremely convenient, which has also contributed to the prosperity of the city.

At this time, the crowds entering the city at the gate of the city lined up in a long line, and the voice was noisy.

Liu Leer pulled the tall young people in the crowd, and there was a bit of uneasiness in his heart. His eyes darted from time to time above the gates of several feet high.

There is an octagonal bronze mirror hanging in the direction of the city gate.

At this time, the three scorpions on the Bronze Mirror, a pair of gossip patterns portrayed in the sun, exudes a sigh of anger.

Into the city, I only need to pay some money to the guards. The inspection does not seem to be strict. Soon, it is the turn of Liu Leer and the youth.

The two came to the gate of the city, facing the gossip bronze mirror on the gate of the city, and an inexplicable force enveloped the two.

Liu Leer’s body looked a bit stiff and bowed his head.

The tall young man looked straight at the gossip bronze mirror and his eyes were dull, but no one noticed that the blue mans in the depths of his pupil disappeared, but the bronze mirror did not appear at all.

"Where are you from? What do you do in the city?" A middle-aged man guarded the city gate and looked at the two and asked lazily.

"Several big brothers, our brothers and sisters are three hundred miles northwest of the city, Liujia Town people, my name is Liu Leer, this is my brother Liu Shi, come to the city to vote for the pro, and by the way to treat his brother." Liu Leer face full It was a smile, and said quickly in the mouth.

In the past few years, she and the tall young people have been dependent on each other, but they still have contact with outsiders. For the sake of convenience, they gave the "stone brother" a name of Liu Shi.

Speaking, Liu Leer quickly took out some copper money and handed it to the guard, which was slightly more than the cost of entering the city.

The middle-aged guard saw this, and his face showed a trace of satisfaction. He put more copper coins into his bag and looked at some of the sluggish tall young Liu Shi. He did not ask more questions:

"Look at your brothers and sisters, you can't be a monk. Go in."

Liu Leer promised, pulling Liu Shi quickly stepping through the city, walking out of a distance, far away from the city gate, only slowed down in a corner of no one, and relieved.

"Fortunately, there is also a qi qi that I gave to me in the past, which can cover my own demon, and I have not been discovered by the mirror."

Liu Leer looked at the four people without paying attention, whispered a few words, only took a blue jade from his arms.

The jade symbol is two inches long and **** wide. It is engraved with a cyan pattern, which constitutes a complicated array of circles. The soft blue light flows on it, as if it is flowing.

She looked at the things in her hand, and after a slight sadness in her eyes, she carefully re-hidden the jade.

After turning two lanes, the two came to the main street of Mingyuan City.

I saw that the street is wide enough to allow three carriages to drive side by side. The streets are lined with tall and spacious shops, lined up and connected to the end of the field of vision.

However, there are not many buildings and bricks used here. Most of them are built with wood. Although the houses are not very tall, there are very few high-rise buildings over ten feet, but the win is subtle and delicate. It is very novel.

Liu Leer first came to the big city of Mingyuan City. The crowds around him made her quite scared, and her body was close to Liu Shi.

However, although the surrounding people flowed like Sichuan, but they did everything, and no one came to interfere with the two, so that her mood gradually relaxed, and began to be attracted by the various fresh things in the city, pulling Liu Shi on the streets and eagerly strolling.

"The stone brother is watching over there! I have heard of that thing and it looks really delicious." Liu Leer looked at the hawker who sold the candied haws not far away.

Liu Shi's dark eyes reflected the lively scenes around him, with no expression on his face, and a pair of completely indifferent to these.

Liu Leer is about to pull Liu Shi in the past, suddenly seeing the youth like this, the heart is lost for a while, immediately remembered the purpose of this marching city, busy clenching the palm of the youth, seriously said.

"Stone brother, you can rest assured that this city is so big, there must be a doctor who can cure you."

Liu Shi heard the words, his eyes flashed a little.

Liu Leer took Liu Shi to eat something at the street food stall, and asked someone to ask about it. He quickly asked about the location of the two nearby medical centers.

Chengxi, Li's Medical Museum.

The Lee's Medical Center has been practicing medicine for centuries here, and it is considered to be an old name.

A middle-aged man in a blue-breasted gown sits on a wooden chair, and three fingers press on the wrist of Liu Shi, and carefully examine the pulse. Liu Leer stands nervously.

This middle-aged man named Li Changqing, the contemporary descendant of the Li hospital, and a well-known apricot in the nearby generation, has been practicing medicine for more than 20 years.

After a long while, Li Changqing retracted his palm.

"Let the six pulsations of the brothers are gentle and powerful, the blood is abundant, the body is obviously excellent, how can it suffer from ecstasy. When did this disease appear? Can there be any external force?" Li Changqing looked at the eyebrows Liu Leer, asked.

"I haven't seen my brother for many years, and I don't know anything about his cause." Liu Leer shook his head.

"That would be difficult, and I don't know why, so I can't cure it. Please be shallow and weak in the lower medicine." Li Changqing said that he had a long wait, and he apologized.

"Is there really no clue?" Liu Leer hurried.

"The old is powerless." Li Changqing shook his head.

Liu Leer was disappointed in his heart and went to Li Changqing for a ceremony and walked out of the medical hall with Liu Shi.

"There are still many medical centers in Mingyuan City. When we look at the past, we can certainly cure you."

The girl was dejected for a while, and soon she said to Liu Shi.

Liu Shi grinned and didn't know if she understood Liu Leer's words.

The two walked in one direction, crossed two blocks, and came to the front of another medical museum.

The gray exterior of this medical hall, black tiled roof, wide door, revealing a luxurious atmosphere, compared with the Li hospital, a lot of people, there are many people who come to seek medical treatment.

"This hospital is so big, the doctors in the doctor should be more sophisticated." Liu Leer looked forward with a look, pulling Liu Shi and went in.

After half an hour, the two men came out from the inside, and the girl was still full of disappointment.

"No hurry, there are other medical centers." Liu Leer quickly cheered up.

For the next half day, the two walked the streets and almost walked through most of the medical centers in Mingyuan City, but the doctors were helpless about the symptoms of Liu Shi.


North of the city, wild chrysanthemum.

The two figures slowly pulled out from the inside, it was Liu Leer and Liu Shi.

Liu Leer lost his face and bowed his head.

Although this wild chrysanthemum is not the largest medical center in Mingyuan City, it is said that the doctor here has some insights on some intractable diseases, but unfortunately, it has not been able to see the cause of Liushi.

"The little girl stayed." At this moment, a voice came from behind, and a gray-haired robed old man chased him from behind.

"Liu Dafu." Liu Leer was slightly surprised and stopped.

This old man of the Qingpao is the one who just gave the pulse to Liu Shi, the doctor of the wild chrysanthemum.

"You are not worried about your brother's illness, what do you think of?" Liu Leer’s heart suddenly raised some hope, and asked busy.

"Exactly, after the old man was diagnosed and treated by the brothers, he went to the back hall to read some medical records. He accidentally saw a case, which was quite similar to that of the brother." The old man in Qingpao nodded high.

"The doctor please talk." Liu Leer heard the news.

"According to the book, the brother's symptoms are different from the ordinary ecstasy. The reverse is cursed, or the person is banned, and the soul is hurt. These injuries are not treated by the doctors, only found to be good at this. The immortals are only able to cure. As for the inability to speak, it is a trivial matter, so that the brothers have no trouble, as long as the spirit returns to normal, naturally it will open." The old man of Qingpao continued.

After listening to these, Liu Leer was silent, and after a long while, she barely squeezed out some cute smiles:

"Thanks to Dr. Liu for his guidance."

"The little girl is polite, and it is the duty of our doctors to cure the sick and save the people." The old man in Qingpao shook his head and shook his head and returned to the house.

Liu Leer took the youth out of the wild Ju Zhai, and was unhappy.

"Hey, the situation of the stone brother, it really hurts the soul." The girl muttered to herself.

She is the body of the fox demon. Although she is young, she also has some understanding of the cultivation of the sacred refining. In these years, she has been faintly guessed from the shape of Liu Shi, who may have been hurt by the soul.

If you want to be treated, you have to resort to the cultivator who is proficient in the spirit.

It’s just such a cultivator, the strength is extremely powerful, and she is not sure that she can pass the other side with a single qi.

When the two came to Mingyuan City to seek medical treatment, they also had the idea of ​​holding it in the hope of arbitrarily guessing it wrong, but now it seems to be counterproductive.

Liu Leer can't help but hesitate.

Just as she frowned, there was a commotion in the street ahead, and the pedestrians on the street were in a mess.

"The horse is shocked!"

"Get away!"

A piece of exclamation came from the front, and the crowd became a pot of porridge, desperately rushing to the sides.

I saw that not far away, a silver carriage was pulled down by a blue-eyed horse with a scale. It was like crazy rushing, just rushing to Liu Leer and Liu Shi.

The cyan screaming horse screamed, and if it was crazy, the carriage was bumping around behind him. The face of the car was like a white paper, and it was desperately pulling the stable, but it was not used at all.

Liu Leer was shocked to pull the youth to avoid, but it was too late.

In a hurricane, the strange horse pulled the carriage and flew to the place where the two were close to each other. The girl could even see the clam of the cyan horse and the white foam from it.

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