MTL - Reincarnation: Demon Hunter-v20 Chapter 200 Looking for VIII

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For the next two days, Ye Qi was resting in the house of the witch. . .

And the dark elf girl spelled a two-worst witch, obviously can not be divined for a short time, and this recovery time according to Ye Qi's speculation roughly takes about a week.

A week or so, for the current Ye Qi, it is not that urgent.

Therefore, he waited patiently.

As for the change in strength in the body?

Everything is methodical; however, Ye Qi wants to speed up the process, but it is difficult.

After almost trying all the methods, Ye Qi can only go with the flow.

And for the attention of the world of Lorante, Ye Qi has never stopped - just like in history, the wizarding dynasty took advantage of the return of the wizarding emperors, but the turmoil inside has been formed. It will be dumped and cannot be recovered at all; Ye Qi believes that the wizarding emperors should also be clear.

However, they stubbornly believe that they can do it.

In the face of any difficulties, the wizarding emperors who have never retreated, this time is no exception.

"There must be two ways to make the best of both worlds!"

Ye Qi thinks like this.

In fact, in recent days, this is the subject of Ye Qi’s thinking.

However, it is clear that in the face of the reluctant wizard emperors, he has no way at all - even if he is captured by the other side, he will definitely die directly in front of him.

"Joe, Joe!"

The whistling whistle of the gnomes came from outside.

"what happened?"

Looking at the pygmy panting, Ye Qi stood up.

"There are two troops on the top fighting!"

The gnome said straight.

"Go, go see!"

Ye Qiyi frowned. Walk towards the exit of the witch's residence.

"Put your feet!"

The lizard man at the entrance gestured a snoring gesture. then. Tell Ye Qi to look at the crystal ball in front of it - in this crystal ball, the scene on the ground is being clearly reversed.

The armies of drow, underground dwarves, and gnomes are swaying each other, flesh and blood, and a body quickly accumulates.

However, the war did not stop because of such casualties.

Instead, more and more people are investing in it. It seems that life has become the cheapest grass mustard.

In fact, for some existence, this is also true.

After the appearance of the few lavender figures, the source of the war has the most appropriate explanation -

"It’s these **** devils!"

The lizard looked at the head like an octopus and snorted, but the action in his hand was extremely quick to pull out a few simple copper necklaces.

"Come on, or you will be controlled!"

The lizard said in a hurry.

[Resistance Necklace: The loudness of the witch made can greatly improve the mental resistance]

The simple description shows the reliability of these necklaces.

Ye Qi did not mind. It is worn directly on the neck, as is the gnome.

"Marlene and Betasha?"

Ye Qi refers to the room behind him.

"There is a Betasa. Everything is fine, rest assured!"

The gnome is full of confidence, as is the lizard on the side.

"Then we are sitting here waiting for the end of the war?"

Ye Qi looked at the scene in the crystal ball and asked the person beside him.

"Of course, otherwise, do we still need to rush out? That's a devil, I don't want to be a slave to those guys!"

There is a deep fear in the words of the gnomes. Obviously, there is a lingering fear for the devil.

"We can only wait!"

In the words of the lizards who hold their long-handed tomahawks, they also have helplessness and fear – obviously they are afraid of the ability to win the heart.

After all, no one wants to be controlled by others for no reason, doing things that are involuntarily.

After that, it was a wait of five hours.

When all the slaves controlled by one of the demons were exhausted, they began to retreat, and the remaining demons sent some people to pursue.

However, most of the slaves are standing still.

"Damn! No!"

The lizards and gnomes looked at the slaves who were not moving, almost at the same time, and their faces changed.

"what happened?"

Ye Qi asked.

"Damn, they want to build a city here!"

The gnome was a low curse, and then he replied.

"But I didn't see buildings like 'brain pool'?"

After Ye Qi carefully examined it for a while, this raised his head in confusion.

"The brain pool is the last thing that will build up in the center of the town, then the migration of the main brain, and reproduction... But before that, they usually clean up the dangerous things around!" The gnome said, his face More and more embarrassing, his mouth twitching, revealing a smile that is more ugly than crying, this continues: "Obviously... we are dangerous!"

"There is no escape from searching here... you must leave as soon as possible!"

The gnome said very positively.

"Go to Betasha!"

The lizard is more convinced of the witch.

In this regard, Ye Qi naturally has no objections.

"Do you want to build a city-state near you?"

After hearing the news, the witch first glimpsed, and then looked at Ye Qi with a pitiful look. "Joe, you must protect me from the power of the hand!"

"Get out of the way, you. Swing. Woman, next time, I must kill you!"

The dark elf girl is a loud voice.

And Ye Qi is a bit worried -

[a+ level mission: destroy the city-state 1; a group of demons appear here, you can choose to repel them; 0/10.]

[s-level mission: destroy the city-state 2; the follow-up of the devil is also your enemy; 0/10.]

[s-level mission: destroy the city-state 3; the main brain of the hatching egg is the root of the biggest If you want to have no real worries, you need to destroy it; the main brain: 0/1]

The prompts of the system suddenly appeared, making Ye Qi unprepared.

“I have greatly reduced my strength and let the mission system be re-evaluated?”

Ye Qi touched his chin and thought about it.

Then, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, Ye Qi has found that this period seems to be a rare opportunity for him.

There are some things in ps night, so much today...

Apologize to everyone!

Thanks to the prodigal sons floating in the sea, the lost heart, the reward of the starting price of the turtle0920200~~~ Decadence again, thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)