MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 10 Start reading

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With the popularity of idol dramas, the popularity of the four has also risen wildly. It seemed like a household name overnight.

Large banners at subway stations, squares, supermarkets ... their images can be seen everywhere, TheLegacy, everywhere.

All these are also benefited from the healthy and noble image that ESE had previously helped Du Yunxiu create.

Coupled with their short debut, the savvy Amanda is very strict and has few scandals at all. Such a good public image and high popularity in the past three or four months have been favored by many companies, and they have asked them to endorse and shoot advertisements.

Just behind this glorious beauty, the schedule of the four is in full gear, and almost the rest time is almost gone.

Keep rushing to the announcement, staying up late to film.

Advertising rewards are seven-figure, but they are really just gimmicks. The real endorsement fee ESE took a big head, and the remaining four were divided.

There will be no more excitement on entertainment programs.

On the one hand, it is obvious that there is no rest, but it is necessary to fight hard, so it is easy and pleasant; on the other hand, those questions have been asked many times elsewhere, without any freshness, but they need to be repeated mechanically ...

This time Du Yunxiu's four went to a variety show.

As the show progressed, the hostess took out a newspaper and showed them: "This is the TOP10 male celebrity who the richest woman wants to raise. Four are on it!"

The four looked at each other in surprise.

They have been in a state of fatigue and they are really curious about the news.

Although I have seen lace gossip before stepping into this circle, what beautiful female celebrities are adopted by rich merchants as mistresses, and what star food prices are.

But they ...

Cultivation? Be rich woman?

"Oh, let me take a look at this ranking ... Wow, Chu Feng ranks first, worth 60 million a year !!!" The hostess smiled gracefully and looked at the handsome Chu Feng specially.

"Haha, is that right? I thought it would be a little taller." Chu Feng laughed heartily.

Probably he played the richest and most prosperous in TheLegacy, airplanes, yachts, mansions, antique paintings and everything.

The rich women are also affected, and feel that taking Chu Feng out is the most decent and top-notch.

"Yun Xiu is also very optimistic! 30 million a year, ranked fourth ..." Du Yunxiu still said nothing, just a smirk.

This year's show was done, and people in the host industry probably had an impression of the Legacy group.

Chu Feng and Fujisawa have a strong desire for expression.

Perhaps because of their self-confidence, one likes to play handsome and one likes to show hip-hop. In comparison, Yun Xiu and Wei Yifei have to be more subtle.

Especially Yun Xiu.

He is very polite to you, very gentle, and has no consciousness that he is a popular idol, nor does he feel that he looks good, so he thinks that girls are good to him.

But that's just a touch of gentleness, or, in other words, convergence. On the contrary, it makes the host not joke and make an effect on the show.

"Fujisawa and Wei Yifei are seventh and tenth respectively ..."

It was late after the show was over.

The company now has a nanny car for them. According to Du Yunxiu, although it is not as good as Xie Yi ’s presidential suite-level Ford E450 white RV, performance clothing, cosmetics, and personal belongings can be placed in the car, which is very convenient.

Amanda was away and the driver drove the car.

Du Yun amended to hurry up and close his eyes, to save energy for filming tomorrow morning.

Chu Feng suddenly said: "You said, is that the ranking really?"

Before they became famous, they were just more handsome than ordinary people.

Have a star dream, but also work hard for this.

But no one knows if they can be popular, and no one knows how long they will last.

Later, after strict selection, he entered ESE, and now suddenly it became a hit. The dream came true. It was worshiped by countless people.

Feeling the enthusiasm of the fans in this way, the first time is joy, excitement, thanksgiving ...

Even on the show from the bottom of my heart, he said sincerely, "Thank you, thank you for your support."

Although the language is poor, the kind of gratitude from the heart is extremely sincere.

Just after more times, after receiving more gifts, I gradually get used to it ...

People always do this. When they do n’t get it, they think it ’s unique and they want it. Once you have it, you are used to it, and you do n’t find it precious.

The feeling I wanted to cherish before.

Just like a beautiful pearl, it has been honed into an ordinary mediocre white powder, and it will never be as smooth as a pearl, and it will shine with a shiny white pearl.

Then, want something else.

Want more. Want better.

"Is there really that much?" Fujisawa also joined the conversation. "That's much higher than our endorsement fees and film pay."

"This isn't a question of high or low ..." Wei Yifei looked at Chu Feng's face before proceeding to say, "That's the kind of thing that was fostered ... that kind of thing ..."

"All go to bed with women, and it's not a big deal! Will it eat you?" Chu Feng interrupted Wei Yifei, smiled evilly, and took a moment to sigh, "Still you are afraid they are like wolves and tigers ... Squeezed you out. "

Chu Feng's tone was very straightforward.

It seems to be just a joke, not thinking about other aspects.

But Du Yunxiu faintly felt that ... is not without waves.

Chu Feng's performance at ESE is very good, and he is very good at the upper management level. He is very good at Li Rui, Feng Jing, and other senior executives. On weekdays, I really worked very hard and made great efforts.

It can be seen that ESE is also focusing on training him.

In "The Legacy", his role is the most important. The main plays are on him, and the camera is the most. The focus of each round of publicity will not lose him.

However, ESE may not have expected it.

Chu Feng is not the kind of actor who has experienced popularity and setbacks.

As soon as he entered the industry, he achieved results that other newcomers dared not imagine. The detours that others have to go through, he has never tried before, and he jumped directly in front of others. And it is still in the ascendant, and the momentum is excellent.

So he may not know the bitterness of this road.

However, Chu Feng felt clearly that his current reward was completely incomparable with his current popularity and status.

Today, he can be called a brother who has broken the history of idol drama ratings, but he still has so little film pay, and the endorsement fee is far from the number he wants.

Such a comparison will naturally cause a mental imbalance.

If you are not sure ...

"Look aside." Du Yunxiu said lightly. "Pay it now, don't care about the gains and losses. Look back after a few years, and you will feel that it is really nothing.

Chu Feng raised an eyebrow, turned his head and smiled.

"It seems like you know everything. I almost thought you were very experienced."

He can be nice to Fujisawa and Wei Yifei.

But to Yun Xiu.

In my heart ... there is always the illusion of being threatened.


Several of their newcomers were filming for the first time.

Lin Dao of this idol drama is famous in this circle. The lighting engineer, photographer, and stylist selected by the first hand are all highly experienced veterans with first-class experience.

The finished product is indeed breathtaking, and the picture is extremely textured.

The structure of the entire image, how to deal with the lens, this expert only knows the doorway, Chu Feng does not praise it.

But others, such as close-ups of characters, even Chu Feng can see that the level of photography is not reachable by ordinary idol dramas. The lighting is really amazing, every detail is taken very delicately, and the charm of the character is expressed to the extreme!

The one who appears in the lens is more temperamental and more distinctive than he looks in the mirror.

However, in the process of filming, their green acting skills will inevitably be reprimanded by Lin.

Even after it became popular, if the emotional drama was not in place, Lin Dao still would not lower their requirements because of their popularity today.

Although stricter, Lin Dao's character still admired them secretly.

This is the acting world.

Many people step on the shoulders of others. However, people who really made a word of mouth were very firm in their lives, and everyone still admired it.

However, if all four people were reprimanded by Lin Dao.

They are the same idol team and live together on weekdays. They spend more time with each other and are naturally closer than other people.

But, after all, they are young people who want to show their ambitions.

Secretly, how could there be no competition or comparison? Everyone is on the same starting line. Even if everyone has different qualifications, the gap should not be too big ...

Why are they often NG when they are acting, cut by Lin Dao.

Yun Xiu did not do it a few times.

Even if it did, he was asked to readjust the lens because he didn't capture his most charming side.

Chu Feng even noticed.

The strict Lin Dao also only relaxed his lines when he was filming Yun Xiu's drama, and sometimes even lightly clicked.

Is Yun Xiu's acting so good?

Why doesn't he think.

Isn't that the role itself is contradictory and conflicting? Isn't it just those little paper cranes and lines that are sensational? If he is allowed to play such a role, he can still perform well.

Chu Feng, who has been thinking about this, ushered in the last episode of TheLegacy.

Prior to this, he and Du Yunxiu had no real rivalry.

Either it was a childhood memory, or it was a scene where he was with the heroine, Du Yunxiu with the heroine, or four people.

Even if the two were in a single shot, Du Yun's role was still gentle and elegant.

Nothing can break out.

The last episode to shoot now.

For the first time, the two confronted each other-with the help of Fujisawa and Wei Yifei, the Chu Shi family who was almost suppressed by Du Yunxiu finally came back to life, and the deep relationship with the heroine touched the most important A customer. The client chose one of the two options under the financial offensive of Du Yunxiu and the earnest request of Chu Feng and the heroine!

Since then, the Chu Shi family has completely turned over, and counterattacked in one fell swoop.

In the past, the business front was too long, Yun Xiu, the capital turnover was not working, bank borrowings were expired, and they were unable to repay, and eventually they were forced to an end! On all sides!

"Yun Xiu, weren't we good friends? Why did you do this!"

The camera was right next to it, and the lens pointed at Chu Feng's face.

After several months of shooting, Chu Feng is now getting used to it and quickly enters the state under the camera and the backlight panel.

Because everyone's film is shot separately.

Chu Feng in the play does not know Yun Xiu's true mood.

At this moment, he still feels sorry for Yun Xiu betraying his friendship and secretly framing him ...

Therefore, Chu Feng tried to make his tone more excited, full of nostalgia for their once indestructible friendship.

"Tell me! As long as you still treat me as a friend, I will, I won't ..." I won't kill. The Chu Shi family would not kill Yun Xiu.

"... Really?" Yun Xiu's voice was almost inaudible.

He smiled softly, pretending to be strong, and smiled. A pair of clear eyes seemed to stare at Chu Feng with a slight smile.

But the eyes have gradually turned red ...

The director did not ask, but Du Yunxiu deliberately lost a few pounds this month to match the plot.

The white shirt that was more fit now is a bit looser. With the skills of a makeup artist, the whole person looks slimmer, and it shows the Xiao Suo and self-deprecation that he can't return to the world.

Under the open neckline, the sharply lined clavicle is exposed, but it makes people feel a little distressed.

It's just an instant.

But for the first time, Chu Feng had an inexplicable sense of oppression.

He is still very wary of Yun Xiu.

Although the script is such a line, they play a close friend in the play, and even in the play he wants to restore this friendship ...

However, Du Yunxiu seemed to have always been his true friend.

The more sorrow filled the other's eyebrows, but under his interrogation, he seemed to deny everything and smiled softly.

As if the whole person is about to disappear ...

The greater the impact of Chu Feng's heart.

Because, he knew very well that he did not consider Yun Xiu as a true friend at all.