MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 17 Start reading

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The movie is set.

At the same time, Legacy's second album was also completed. It's time for the release, and Du Yunxiu's four will inevitably make a non-stop announcement on the program.

They are now the most popular idol group, and the host will give them a little face, and generally do not ask tricky questions.

But sometimes there are exceptions.

The hostess of this chat show has a bolder style. In order to gain ratings, I have asked some of the more serious tastes.

For example, "How many girlfriends have you had?", "When was the last XX?", "What kind of XX poses do you like" such blushing and heart-beating questions.

Although the scale is a bit large, there are really many female fans who are curious about personal issues such as idols and want to know.

So they hid in front of the TV series, laughing while covering their mouths and watching it with joy.

Fujisawa, Wei Yifei, Chu Feng, the eloquence of the three is better than Du Yunxiu. Not as real as Du Yunxiu.

Many problems have passed.

Fujisawa even described herself as a more affectionate lover.

This time the hostess let go of the other three people, but it seemed that they had secured Du Yunxiu, and they wanted to dig into his surprise.

"Do you have a girlfriend now?"


"When was the last time you fell in love?"

"Probably ... it was three years ago." Du Yunxiu originally wanted to say it was ten years ago, but thought about the age of this body and changed his mouth.

"What kind of girl is the other party and why did they break up?"

"Very ... very independent and very ambitious." In fact, he has no girlfriend at all. My boyfriend had one.

"Oh, I don't see you being so gentle, but like this girl with a personality. Maybe this is often said to complement each other?"

"Maybe." Du Yunxiu smiled heartily.

"But Yun Xiu is so nice to me, I really can't figure out why anyone would break up with you? ... It was you who proposed it, or she proposed it."

"... I raised it."

He is not a strong person. Nor is good at being strong.

From the beginning, only one Xie Yi broke into his life with a strong attitude.

The opponent has everything he has. What I want to do is to keep my habit in my heart and work hard in silence. But Xie Yi can say it ambitiously, that dazzling light can even attract everyone to sacrifice for him ...

The only time he was strong was probably when Xie Yi wanted to recover, and he refused.

Fans in front of the TV were a little silent in surprise.

They did not know that Du Yunxiu was using Xie Yi's incident to answer his girlfriend.

In their hearts, although it is clear that it is absolutely impossible for an idol of this age to have few girlfriends.

I also know that when in love.

In many cases, it is the man who breaks up first, and the woman is in a passive and vulnerable position.

Although he knew it was impossible, he still had the illusion of admiration, and his boyfriend was as handsome as his idol.

So Du Yunxiu said this.

The mood of the female fans is a bit subtle, and the look of Du Yunxiu on the show is not the same.

They want a boyfriend who is as handsome and gentle as Du Yunxiu, but never want this boyfriend to ask them to break up.

To break up, in the minds of girls, it is usually equivalent to cruelty, abandonment, and the words Xinhuan ...

"Wow, it's a bit of a surprise. But strong girls do get along a little bit difficult. Because the personality is too independent." The hostess expertly found Du Yunxiu down the steps, but the question should be unambiguous. What time is XX? "

"This ... Do you have to ask this too?"

"Of course," the hostess deliberately urged in an exaggerated tone. "Of course I have to ask, but everyone wants to know."

"... three years ago." Although there are still several times inevitable ...

"Ah, three years ago ?!" The hostess smiled a little bit, and it was too long.

"Really? Then you haven't ..." hmmm "in these three years?"


Seeing that Yunxiu stopped answering, the hostess was about to accept it, and Chu Feng interjected.

"Yeah, we haven't seen him have a girlfriend for more than a year. Yun Xiu, shouldn't you be interested in men ... sexually."

"Haha, maybe it's really possible." Fujisawa also teased.

"Is that so ?!" Wei Yifei ran very obediently, two thin white arms around Du Yunxiu's chest from behind.

"Then Yun Xiu stay with me? Although I can't have children for you, I will eat up all the dishes you make. The dishes you make are really delicious." After that, I gently turned my head Leaning on Du Yunxiu's shoulder. The skin of the beautiful boy is delicate and fair, and the long eyelashes tremble slightly on the smooth face.

Wei Yifei's exaggerated and dreamlike action caused everyone to burst into laughter.

It became the biggest breaking point of the whole show.

The four people walked out of the studio. The air outside was cool and made Du Yunxiu calm down with them. It was no longer that they could n’t find the smile just after the show ended.

"Yun Xiu, why are you so serious on the show?" Fujisawa laughed first. "The kind of woman, you can just edit it, can you cope with it?"


"Yeah, even if the editing is not good, it will be OK to play according to the manuscript given to us by Amanda." Wei Yifei made the same posture again, holding Du Yunxiu from the back. "You say that, maybe there will be a newspaper tomorrow You are gay. "

Du Yunxiu trembled slightly.

Then avoid the latter topic, "The manuscript that Amanda gave us?"

"Yes, this kind of problem will affect our image. At present, the host will say hello to her."

"That's it."


The film officially started.

Du Yunxiu took makeup photos on the first day. Most of the time, the character was shabby, with ragged clothes and messy hair.

It's really ugly.

I watched the Feng Jing on the ESE side and told the crew that they could say to reporters: "This role is subversive. Or Yun Xiu is to be ugly, not Yun Xiu in the idol drama."

At the same time, you must never post makeup photos to the media. Before the film was released, reporters were not allowed to visit the class to shoot Du Yunxiu's modeling.

Lest fans be misled by the propaganda and not watch the entire movie, their expectations are slumped.

The up-and-coming director this time also feels reasonable and very cooperative.

The filming of the movie chooses a place with beautiful scenery.

Although it is very beautiful from the perspective of photography, it is like a quiet dream. The lake is clear, the clouds are dazzling, the green bamboo is handsome, the wisteria is climbing trees.

But transportation is not very convenient. It takes an hour or two to drive up and down the mountain.

The heroine is Liu Yi selected by the investor.

People are beautiful and pretty. They have been in this circle for three or four years. They are very popular and their acting skills are acceptable. However, I haven't won the prize, and my confidence is always a bit inadequate. Even if I am called a sister, it seems to be unjust.

Male No. 2 can be regarded as a power faction.

This is also the director's worry that in case Du Yun's acting skills are not enough, there is at least one place to live in. Not to make his movie so bad.

He needs investment from ESE, but he also values ​​his films.

He has always been a person who is good at finding a compromise point in insisting on ideas and reality.

The group had been filming for more than ten days, and their feelings were more familiar than they were at the beginning.

Especially between the heroine and Du Yunxiu.

I have to admit that people rely on clothing, and Buddha depends on gold.

The male No. 2 wore a jade-colored satin brocade, hanging a jade belt on his waist, and stepped on a pair of purple boots.

And Du Yunxiu looks like that. At the beginning of the comparison, Liu Yi's heart was biased towards the male No. 2.

But after the shoot.

Liu Yi could not help but be attracted by Du Yunxiu.

She plays the heroine Shen Yufeng in the play. His father was a civil servant, and he was not a minor player in the field, but he was thinking about political marriage and marrying a veteran general with military power.

After Tang Yunqi and Tang Yaozu weighed, Shen Yufeng's father chose Tang Yunqi.

As a result, Xunzi inherited the system, Tang Yunqi is likely to inherit the General's Mansion.

Secondly, in case Tang Yunqi is really a rumored "waste", then Shen Yufeng is sitting right behind the town. Controlling Tang Yunqi is tantamount to controlling future generals.

Only after the two worshipped, Tang Yunqi hung Shen Yufeng aside, and they didn't enter the cave on their wedding night.

The next day, Shen Yufeng had to go alone to meet his father-in-law and his uncle. Tang Yaozu was astonished at Shen Yufeng. At first sight, he felt that his brother had ignored such a coquettish wife, and was very unhappy.

The desire overflowed his chest.

Encountered on the road, Tang Yaozu couldn't help but break a sparse and plum blossoming plum blossom and gave it to Shen Yufeng.

Shen Yufeng didn't say thank you, didn't say no, just looked at Tang Yaozu with a smile.

Tang Yaozu was embarrassed in front of the woman he admired, but he didn't know what to do. As a result, Tang Yun picked up a grass in his mouth and jumped down from the tree next to him.

It was only then that Shen Yufeng saw her husband in name.

"Send flowers to my sister-in-law. Why do you stay here for so long?" Tang Yun made Tang Yaozu flush with a word, anxious to find a hole to drill down. It was indeed his own sister-in-law, which was inconsistent.

Tang Yaozu's brocades are expensive, and the eyebrows are graceful.

Tang Yunqi was hippie smiling.


But Tang Yaozu became more polite, courteous and polite.

Under Tang's messy hair, those black eyes were as lacquered as the stars were brighter and more cunning, as if the light of the stars was refracted in his eyes.

Tang Yaozu walked away, leaving Shen Yufeng and Tang Yunqi facing each other.

Under the clusters of snow-white plum blossoms, a few scattered petals fluttered in the fragrant air.

She was luxuriously dressed and dignified, and although he was in a rough coat, he had a smirk on his lips and an unruly eyebrow ...

Shen Yufeng is a hidden personality.

As it is now, it was obvious that her husband caught the uncle and gave her flowers, and her admiration was self-evident. She was not in a hurry to justify, she wanted to see what her so-called "husband" really was, or what kind of person she was.

Shen Yufeng didn't speak.

Tang Yunqi moved first. When he picked up Tang Yaozu and left in a panic, he smiled at the plum blossoms abandoned on the bluestone path.

Laughing with such anger, I am calm.

Like thousands of trees, all the cold plum blossoms bloomed overnight, a sea of ​​fragrant snow ...

Tang Yunqi's eyes were as deep as the Honghu water next to the General's Mansion, faintly flashing the taste of looking forward to love.

He squinted, his eyelashes growing throbbing.

Obviously an unbearable image, but as long as his eyes are facing him, those lazy, wise, insightful eyes are clear.

Even if his identity at this time is just the most inferior beggar.

You can also see that this person is not something in the pool. One day, he will rise to the sun as the east, with strong authority and reputation.

Shen Yufeng could not help but speed up her heartbeat ...

I don't know if it is because of this role, or the actor in the opponent's play has such a pair of eyes that are intoxicating.

Tang Yunqi brushed the emissions in her ears and held them behind Bai Nen's small and delicate ears.

Then, the corner of the lips slightly lifted to the right, and a **** smirk appeared ... a small, fragrant plum blossom petals were scattered in the fine lake water, and ripples rippled around.

Shen Yufeng just a little effort.

A lovely plum blossom of Yuxue has been inserted into her dark, hair-like bun, a bit like snow.

"It's cold outside, let's go back to the room sooner." Tang Yunqi left this sentence, soap-colored boots fell a few times on the snow, and no longer appeared.

And at this time played as Liu Yu of Shen Yufeng.

She couldn't say why she would act this way, why she acted this way, but she followed the impulse in her heart and clenched the plum that Tang Yunqi had handed her before leaving. Standing quietly in the light snow, Qiushui's pupils stared at Tang Yun's direction of departure ...

In the fine snow, a heart scattered quietly.

The performance of the male and female lead greatly exceeded the director's expectations.

It was the male second man who was optimistic. Although he played well, in front of Du Yunxiu, the deliberately loaded device Yu Xuanang looked a bit rigid.

However, the flaws are not covered, the film can be made like this, the director is very happy, and directly said that Liu Yi is expected to be closed this time, Yun Xiu cannot be underestimated, the acting skills are so good!

Liu Yi graduated from a science class, and has been playing in the entertainment industry for three or four years. He naturally understood that this super-level performance was due to Du Yunxiu.

So Du Yunxiu looked at the outside of the play.

She originally thought that Du Yunxiu was the kind of bitch-like, smirking, extremely manly actor.

Because of the true nature, it is easy to play.

After getting along with each other for a long time, where do I know, the other party turned out to be a gentle and a bit shy character.

When you tell a joke, he will give face, and he laughs after listening. His eyes are very sincere. If he complains about the bad environment and stays up late for filming, he will listen gently, and then the next time you film, you ca n’t hold it. Will give you a coat to let you go and lie down for a while ...

Obviously two opposite characters.

But the bad, bitch-like in the play, but in fact everything can be seen through the incomparable character.

Even Liu Yi couldn't help but wonder.

It turns out that there are really actors with such superb skills ...

However, all these things Du Yunxiu didn't notice.

He just analyzed the role in his own way, and then decided to work **** the eyes. Because no matter how bad a person looks, his eyes can reflect the gully in his heart.

And this is exactly the hardest.

In previous training classes, Du Yunxiu's mentor emphasized: "Although each person's eyes respond to light, each eye's response and intensity to light are different."

"The realizing power of the eyes arises from controlling the contraction and relaxation of the muscles inside the eyes. As the internal movement or intention changes and occurs, these initial movements will involve more and smaller parts, such as eyelids, eyebrows ... and so on. "

To emphasize the eyes.

On the one hand, Du Yunxiu exercised, exercised his body to be more intensive, and tanned his skin. The face looks thinner, and the eyes naturally protrude. On the other hand, Du Yunxiu also visited some Peking opera actors-practicing his eyes!

People who have watched Peking Opera have this experience. The faces of Peking Opera actors are covered with thick oil powder, but they can be felt at a glance.

Because in addition to the aura they emit, one of their eyes expresses a lot of language.

Du Yunxiu believes that the actor does not have to rely on expensive clothing.

A vivid and charismatic character, a precise and shocking look, this interpretation method will certainly not let the audience see it wrong-in the end, who is the real protagonist!

Everything looks smooth.

The schedule is not delayed, the budget is reasonable, the director is very talented, and the actors cooperate very happily.

But it was in such a harmonious atmosphere.

A tragedy like a thunderbolt on a sunny day happened-Du Yunxiu and Liu Yi had a car accident and collided with another car.

Du Yunxiu's ribs broke and he was seriously injured!

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