MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 22 Start reading

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The film "Tang Yunqi" was released.

The director took Du Yunxiu and Liu Yi to star in various cities for publicity. Although the investment quota of this film is not up to the one of Chu Fengyan, but because of the theater system, Crown Glory directly received the film from the film maker and immediately released it. The intermediate distribution link was streamlined to the maximum. So seize the opportunity.

While the city is propagating.

Publicity on TV and print media began in turns, with trailers, highlights, actor interviews, etc. There were plans to broadcast it round by round. Crown Glory is indeed very good at publicity. Basically, when you turn on the TV, the publicity clips will flood.

But with this density of propaganda, other discordant "voices" also began to spread.

Du Yunxiu's "driving under the influence of drunk driving" at that time was brought out by one or two websites.

However, the press conference at Feng Jing was in place at that time, so as soon as this situation appeared, it was immediately attacked by other colleagues.

As a result, instead of provoking the millennium waves, they quickly disappeared.

Soon after, another kind of statement came out on the Internet, and there was a tendency of Yu Yan and Yu Lie:

"This drama Yun Xiu is deliberately acting ugly. To play ugly and play ugly, he has no respect for acting."

"I just look at handsome Xiu Xiu, and don't want to see Yun Xiu look ugly>.

"If you don't watch" Tang Yunqi ", Yun Xiu is too ugly by the stylist. When is Yun Xiu not ugly, when do you watch it again, hum?"

"That's it. Don't watch" Tang Yunqi ", definitely don't watch" Tang Yunqi "!!!"

In this case, although there are many elements of anger, it has passed to Liu Yi and the director's ears, and it is not tasteful.

At the time, the director accepted Yun's role in the role without knowing his acting skills.

The most important reason is that Yun Xiu is now a member of the most popular Legacy group, with many fans.

Now, he might have become a fan of potential audiences, but in turn, he said that he didn't want to watch "Tang Yunqi" first, and wanted his friends and relatives not to watch "Tang Yunqi".

The reason is that Yun Xiu's appearance is too ugly.

"Those people are ..."

The director, while crying and laughing, realized that these fans were being used.

This is basically what happens with every movie.

There will always be other competitors who will hire a few gunmen, or use relationships to give you trouble.

From the General Administration of Radio, Film and Television, blocking the release schedule, or the release of films released during the same period.

At the time of release, arrange several imported blockbusters abroad to squeeze your number of releases and box office.

Small enough to make a fuss about this.

Black actor, black director, black this movie. In short, it is to give a bad review to make the audience impressed and feel that it is not worth going to the cinema.

Most likely, the role of Du Yunxiu's "TheLegacy" was too deeply rooted.

Now that the film Du Yunxiu vilified himself, the shameful news came out.

Coupled with the incitement of interested people, many fans really shouted, "I will never watch this movie!", And even wrote to swear at the stylist and director.

One website even made this "stop-and-see" word of Du Yunxiu's fans, and made a screenshot of a special piece of news "Blocked before being released! Millions of fans resolutely don't watch" Tang Yunqi "". This news was subsequently reprinted numerous times. ...

"Don't worry about it." Liu Yi comforted the director. "People who want to see will also come to see them. They are just talking on their lips."

The director glanced at Du Yunxiu and nodded helplessly.

Du Yun was silent.


During the next round of film propaganda, a reporter asked, "Yun Xiu's fans said they would collectively stop watching" Tang Yunqi. "Will this affect the box office?"

The director was about to answer.

Du Yunxiu first took the microphone, and the director froze. Du Yunxu smiled slightly at him, then turned his head and raised his lips to the reporter:

"It's just that they can't accept the news that I will be unkempt in this show."

"But I believe that true fans will not mind. The reason why fans are fans is not only because of the appearance of the actor, but also other aspects, such as acting skills, such as the attitude of work, such as the Delve into ... "

"They have their own outlook on life and their own judgment. It is not because of the artist's face that they are totally affirmative or totally negative."

Du Yun corrected and smiled at the camera.

The clear eyes contained a gentle smile, such a smile as a spring breeze, sitting in front of the TV, or anyone who saw this video could not resist such a heart-warming smile ...

"I have been very grateful for the support of my fans! Because of your support, I will be more motivated on this road and want to go further."

"Tang Yunqi is a character that I have spent a lot of energy pondering and interpreting. When filming this movie, Liu Yi and I also suffered a car accident. My ribs were raised for a whole month, and I almost missed this role. But fortunately , The director is willing to give me time and believe in my ability. I am grateful for this trust! "

"So, the film" Tang Yunqi "for me-it's not just my first movie after entering the show business."

"It's more important! It's more important! It's the role that still belongs to me after a car accident! It's the trust of the director, Liu Yi, and the entire crew! It's we who worked together and took a full eight months to show Hard work in front of the audience! "

Du Yunxiu did not explain what it was like to be ugly.

Even unkempt words are just a passing away.

But all his fans, even some who are not his fans.

As long as I saw this interview or learned the news from other information channels, I would not mention the term "stop and watch", but went directly to the cinema to support Du Yunxiu with such actions.

After the premiere of "Tang Yunqi".

Some fans commented on the forum and the post bar with excitement, and told other fans and their friends:

"You must go to watch this movie !! So handsome, Yun Xiu is so handsome!"

"I've never seen Yun Xiu look so handsome! Really handsome, ah ah, screaming, except for handsome, I don't know what words to use to describe it! No male artist can match my family Yun Xiu! "

"But the ending is too cruel and cruel! I can't help crying, ooh!"

"Woohoo, but I want to see it again, when will we have time to see it again! For the last ten minutes, it's really worth it !!!"

In this movie, the first 80 minutes of Du Yunxiu were all in rags and undressed.

If you don't give a close-up lens, it is really very inconspicuous. It's really a far cry from the appearance of the noble boys in TheLegacy.

The audience felt the gap was too big at first.

However, once the lens was aimed at Du Yunxiu's eyes, the lines and eyes were exquisite, and the mysterious and sly light was exuded inside. The powerful attraction suddenly melted the hearts of the female fans.

So even if the clothing is ugly, it is not that unbearable.

Tolerating the dirty appearance on such a side, he was attracted by Du Yunxiu's eyes, Du Yunxiu's gaze, and Du Yunxiu's curvature of the corners of his lips.

The flames of war suddenly burned to the city guarded by Tang Yunqi's father!

The opponent is fierce, fierce, burns and plunders, and does nothing evil.

Originally living in this city, the aristocrats who scorned Tang Yunqi as a wreckage were frightened and frightened, and fled, leaving the ordinary people in the city in the depths of the water.

Tang Yunqi's father wanted to fight to protect the city.

However, he was old and weak, and unable to do so. Tang Yaozu wanted to lead a soldier to replace his father, but was reprimanded by his mother and did not dare to disobey.

At this time, Du Yunxiu, a black bright armor, stood up!

In the backlight, I saw Du Yunxiu's dazzling, black fish scale armor dazzling and exuberant, exuding solemn warfare! A white tiger Yan Yue knife is majestic and mighty, sharp and unrivaled!

His Majesty's sweat and blood BMW hissed, his horseshoes stomped, and the momentum shook the mountains and rivers!

Du Yunxiu slowly turned around,

The dazzling sunlight disappeared little by little.

Neat corners and meticulous hair.

Flies diagonally into his frown.

The eyes are clear as ink-stained eyes, as if graphite drops were splashing in them, wise, savvy, determined, bold ...

The flying and tough look between the eyebrows, and the unshakable general's momentum all over him, like no **** can match! You will never find a more general and more shocking major general than Du Yunxiu!

He just changed his clothes and made it a little cleaner.

But all the audience who saw this scene in the cinema couldn't help holding their breath at that moment, waiting for Du Yunxiu to turn from the backlight, the whole audience was so quiet that they couldn't hear any sound ...

Then burst of surprise screams from the female audience!


The film "Tang Yunqi" unexpectedly gained a very good box office and word of mouth.

Even after the film directed by Chu Feng and produced by Zhu Feng was released, the box office rose steadily and gradually. In other films that crashed during the crash, "Tang Yunqi" is the only alien!

Du Yunxiu also felt a bit unreal ...

In this atmosphere, this year's Kimberly-Clark Awards have arrived.

Du Yunxiu and Chu Feng were shortlisted together for the Best Newcomer Award.

Throughout this year, Chu Feng and Du Yunxiu are undoubtedly the most popular and popular artists.

So when this list was announced, such a statement came out.

"It was occupied by two men throughout 2012. One is Chu Feng and the other is Yun Xiu. They used to be brothers, but now they are competing for the best newcomer award."

—— "The best newcomer award, there can only be one ..."