MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 33 Start reading

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It is not good to go too early, it is not good to go too late.

Du Yunxiu could only hold his time, and arrived at the box designated by Li Xiao at eight o'clock.

Du Yunxiu opened the door.

He thought the other party hadn't arrived yet. But in fact, there were already three people in the room. And all three of them were known by Du Yunxiu-Li Xiao, Fu Zihan, and ... Pei Qing.

See him in.

First smiled and waved, Li Xiao was greeted.

Li Xiao was very trendy, with short hair, all dyed yellow.

The eyebrows are not thick, the peak of the eyebrows is very high, and they are born with some aggressive attitude. The bridge of the nose is straight and straight. When Hooked Lips smiled, the corners of his mouth would be slightly to the right, and there was a feeling of righteousness.

When you laugh, a pair of eyes will bend and look at you, and there is a bit of bad breath in Dangerlang.

Inadvertently makes people excited.

Sitting next to him ... or, Li Xiao actively leaned forward.

It's Pei Qing.

Pei Qing was holding a microphone, her fingers were slender, and she was singing a song.

Because she was singing, and she nodded on weekdays, Pei Qing simply nodded to Du Yun. Such an action may be seen by other singers, and they will feel that the other party is setting up the King of Heaven and look down on him.

But Du Yunxiu understood that Pei Qing was such a deserted character.

Pei Qing was trained in the Youth Choir at a very young age. Then he went to study abroad and was finally signed by Crown Glory.

That cold personality is not without suffering. When he first debuted, he was "learned" by his predecessors.

But the power is there.

The final sales, word of mouth, vocal rate, and time proved it all.

Until now.

No one singer can break his record of concerts in Asia. At every concert, the audience was full, and the ox tickets were too expensive.

And in this life.

Legacy releases albums at a rate of one year and is currently planning a third. Amanda once invited an famous songwriter and saw that the other party had a well-written song and wanted to come over.

Although Du Yunxiu is now a very popular combination, they have won the award and the record sales are very good.

In the end, the writer wrote lightly, "That song was fixed by Pei Qing."

Amanda is half coquettish and half tempting: "We have waited so long! Give us that song ~ ESE will not be stingy, it should only cost a lot more."

The other party still ignored: "Pei Qing-Pei, Qing Ye."

Needless to say anything.

Pei, Qing. These two words represent the sound and strength of the sanctuary in the hearts of all musicians.

It's just ... When did Pei Qing's relationship with Li Xiao get better?

After a song is finished.

Du Yunxiu found that Li Xiao was another applause, and he passed the mateste with black tea with a smile.

MATEST has a bright color like amber.

Although it is more aggressive, it is often that Pei Qing went to KTV in the past.

Pei Qing's expression naturally took over ... It seems that Li Xiao did not do this kind of thing once or twice.

And on the inside of the L-shaped sofa in the box.

A slender young man was sitting there silently. Although wearing a simple casual outfit, he could not hide the unique atmosphere of his body.

On the frosted coffee table in front of him was a bottle of dark golden HennessyX.O.

Different from Pei Qingli Xiao's pastime. He is more like drinking, a cup after cup of net drink. Pei Qing's MATEST has not been drunk yet, but he is almost finished one-half.

The shadow covered his face.

I can only see the lines of my chin, but Du Yunxiu's heartbeat slows down.

That is ... Fu Zihan.

Not smiling and waving like Li Xiao, nor is Pei Qing just nodding. Seeing him, Fu Zihan seemed to be a little stunned ... but he didn't say much, but he hesitated a bit, and moved aside to make room.

Li Xiao laughed lightly.

"Sure enough, someone here is not the same ... Even the position has been given up, hurry up!"

Pei Qing held the wine glass and looked at Du Yunxiu faintly.

But the person who had let the location remain silent.

Du Yunxiu's jokes made him stubbornly walk over and sit next to Fu Zihan.

Li Xiao laughed and laughed a few words before letting Du Yunxiu pass.

Then pass the microphone to Pei Qing, and please and considerately what song the other party would like to sing to help the other party input.

Li Xiao is sweet to those beautiful female artists at ESE, and will make the other person happy, but in the face of Pei Qing, it seems that he used his playboy's pleasing set to be more innocent ...

Fu Zihan really drank a lot.

Du Yunxiu just sat next to him and could smell the wine on him. HennessyX.O, the best Ganyi, exudes strong fleur-de-lis, violets, walnuts, and fragrant Linmao mountain oak. Extremely delicate oak fragrance mixed with cigar, vanilla and male original flavor ...

In this small box, like the tide flowing in the dark night, there is a kind of inexplicable ambiguity.

"Why are you here?" The other person's tone was still so special.

Although Fu Zihan did a lot for him, Du Yunxiu had been faintly guarding.

Like the other person's exotic voice, Du Yunxiu was reminded at all times that the other party was incompatible with him.

Whether it's status, status, or experience ...

However, after several years of emptiness and silence in his emotional life.

The other person suddenly appeared in an unexpected gesture ... The more he guarded against death, the more his heart ... or, in other words, when he was thinking about how to contend, he actually gradually fell.

It's like I haven't been contacted this month.

When Fu Zihan spoke again, Du Yunxiu found that he missed the voice of the other. So special, it cannot be replaced.

Although Pei Qing is singing. Li Xiao applauded.

But Du Yunxiu and Fu Zihan seemed to be in a small world on the other side.

Everything around them has nothing to do with them.

In the air, only the unique taste of HennessyX.O on Fu Zihan came across.

"... Li Xiao called me."

"Oh, that kid." The other side was silent again. "If he doesn't bark ... wouldn't you contact me?"


"Thirty-one days and seven hours."


"It's been thirty-one days and seven hours since the day you were angry." Fu Zihan took another sip of wine, his tone seemed slightly bitter, "Being angry at me because of other people's affairs ..."

Read The Duke's Passion