MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 67 ready

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As if sensing Yun Duxiu's line of sight, Feng Feng on one side also looked up and looked towards Du Yunxiu. Feng Jing looked at Yun Xiu for a while, then narrowed his narrow eyes and slowly evoked a smile.

Du Yunxiu smiled.

Because Feng Jing's smile was like reassurance, let him know-Feng Jing is still beside him.

Reflector, photographer, professional camera.

There are a lot of bottles and jars on the dressing table, and the makeup artist is designing shapes for Du Yunxiu.

"Well, be a little man and be sexy!" Louis commanded. "Add more eyeshadows here and draw some of the corners of his eyes. Right, so, choose some more. Hollywood likes oriental eyes such!"

The makeup artist was disgusted with the layman's command, and rolled her eyes secretly.

The magazine's female anchor also discussed the composition and design with the royal photographer to see how best to use this oriental face, which will make people shine and create better sales for the magazine.

"It's better to shoot according to Bruce Lee's classic pose! Take off your shirt, expose the pectoral muscles, and then do that flying kick posture, or what martial arts move" white crane bright wings "?" Louis stretched out while learning Bruce Lee's strange scream Arms crossed.

Show your chest muscles and do the "White Crane Bright Wings" move, go to an American fashion magazine?

Du Yunxiu thought it was nondescript.

"Take off? No need, I'm not as fit as a Westerner." Du Yunxiu saw a full row of magazines published this year on the shelf next to the studio.

The cover of last month was the naked, tall skeleton, strong muscles of a Hollywood male star, especially the degree of gloss and tightness that was photographed after applying olive oil. Sigh.

His body is not comparable to this superstar.

"No, no, to make a magazine is to be sexy! The more **** you are, the more attention you have." Louis denied, and then snapped his fingers, "Take off! The more you take off, the better."

Louis' expression and words were contagious.

The editor-in-chief of the magazine also seemed to think this was a good idea, and nodded in cooperation ...

"I do not think so."

——Just when Du Yunxiu could not refuse, Feng Jing expressed the opposite opinion instead of Du Yunxiu.

Louis chatted with the magazine's editor-in-chief while looking curiously at the scenery.

This oriental man with long tear-eared moles is actually more special in appearance than Du Yunxiu, but from the moment he entered the studio to the present, he hasn't talked much, just listening to their discussion.

"Bruce Lee is Bruce Lee, and Yun Xiu is Yun Xiu. Their temperament is completely different."

"Bruce Lee is good at Jeet Kune Do, and his muscles have been made with a muscle shaker, so the pose will become a classic, and it will be particularly beautiful. However, Yun Xiu's oriental temperament is more restrained, and everyone wants to see Yun Xiu's image. It's definitely not Bruce Lee's cosplay. "

Feng Jing spoke slowly and intermittently.

Sometimes I have to ask the translator next to me, how to say some words. However, he worked hard to communicate with the female editor in chief in English. In English, the most important thing is to take the first step-dare to speak and communicate with others.

Although Feng Jing's English is not very fluent, the meaning is clear.

After listening to Feng Jing's words, the editor-in-chief was lost in thought.

"You don't understand the rules of Hollywood at all! In Hollywood, a star is to be beautiful, sexy, and have a personality!" Louis did not expect that Feng Jing would sing against him on such occasions. And in English!

He was amazed by the rapid advance of Feng Jing English.

But the bottom of his heart gave birth to a feeling that the process of secretly energizing Feng Jing had ended, and now he was going to start playing his true strength!

So Louis began to completely deny the view of Feng Jing.

In front of the editor-in-chief, it is suggested that this Oriental does not understand the rules of Hollywood, and only he is the best at it!

"So what are your good ideas?"

Unlike Louis's strong opposition, the female editor-in-chief crossed her arms and was interested in the views of Feng Jing.

"I read your magazines." Feng Jing shook the fashion magazines on his hands. "You are a trend-setting fashion magazine. The readership ... should be targeted at young boys and girls. Because they are star chasers and their favorite imitations They ’re most concerned about their age, their celebrity fans, their clothing and makeup. "

Feng Jing stopped talking and glanced at the female editor.

Smart people know that when they say their true opinions, they will say some tentative words first to see the response of decision makers. See if she is optimistic about your proposal, and see if she will really consider accepting your proposal.

However, the female editor-in-chief just smiled and hid her mind well.

Feng Jing raised her lips and smiled silently.

Not only wasn't affected at all, the light on the fundus was firmer. The more so, the more unique Fengjing ’s aura became apparent. Even if the English language was not fluent, it would not affect the impression of others on Fengjing in any way—because of his imposing manner, it was enough to ignore his disappointment. Smooth.

People often feel this way.

If a person speaks empty and has a bad language, he will be impatient. However, if that person arouses your interest or gives you special respect, then even if he does not speak the language and speaks slowly, you will look at him and wait patiently ...

Feng Jing, with his own charm and words, has proved that he will be the latter.

In the editor's mind.

"Now the craze for" Royal Adventure 1 "has not completely dissipated," Royal Adventure 2 "and oriental martial arts are the hottest topics in recent days. The search rates for" Oriental "," Oriental Man ", and" Chinese Martial Arts "have already been on the Internet Ranked third. In this case, it might be better to plan a special issue or feature of "Oriental Exotics" to satisfy everyone's curiosity! "

"The more curious you are, the more you want to know. And if you want to know, you can only buy your fashion magazines-because you have them, Yun Xiu, Derek!" Feng Jing's narrow eyes looked at the editor-in-chief, the flashing light inside made people Unable to look down, "The most orthodox and mysterious Oriental man, but also the most representative actor of" Royal Adventure "."

"So, you mean, not only take a picture of Derek, let him be on the cover of the magazine, but also let us promote his role in" Royal Adventure "in this issue?" I can climb to the position of editor of fashion magazine, in addition to taste , Even more wisdom to be benevolent. The editor-in-chief immediately seized the core of Feng Jinghua.

"In the end, it's advertising for" Royal Adventure 2 ", but using" Royal Adventure 2 "to promote this magazine ... It depends on how you plan."

Feng Jing did not mind the editor-in-chief seeing through his intentions.

That's right.

Yun Xiu can put on makeup and put on a handsome kung fu pose on the magazine. However, this is just the cover of the last magazine. How many Oriental actors in Hollywood and how many people like Bruce Lee and Chinese Kung Fu?

Such a degree of recognition-simply not enough.

Only in the most distinctive and striking way.

For everyone to recognize at a glance, the cover of this issue is the Oriental Guardian in "Royal Adventure 2", which is Yun Xiu!

In this way, we use the film to strengthen everyone's memory, and also use the fashion magazine itself to promote Yun Xiu's role in the film and promote the play! And "Royal Adventure 1" more than 1.8 billion box office worldwide, as long as it is used properly and properly connected, this fashion magazine will definitely become the winner of this period of magazine battle!

"——There are too few pictures to support our 200P magazine content."

"Also, we are a fashion magazine, not a film weekly."

Faced with Feng Jing's proposal, the original smiling female editor-in-chief looked straight at Feng Jing and said so suddenly.

The atmosphere suddenly stiffened.

Louis had begun to show a proud smile, ready to laugh at Feng Jing's powerlessness.


Feng Jing wasn't frightened by the words of the editor-in-chief at all, but raised her lips, blinked, and continued to say:

"It's very simple. I can help you reach the costume designer of Royal Adventure. Last Oscar, he was nominated for best costume design."

"In addition, not only the" Royal Adventure "movie series, I believe that other Hollywood actors have more or less oriental plots. Have they wore oriental-inspired costumes? Are there well-known, Emerging fashion designers have used oriental elements in fashion design, tailoring, and fabrics, or have they been inspired by the exotic foreign countries? "

"You are fashion magazines."

"So I believe-you look for Yun Xiu, not just to give the magazine cover an oriental face, but to drive a fashion trend."

"From this issue, the Oriental wave in Hollywood-will start with your magazine!"

Feng Jing's words ended.

The studio was all quiet, and Louis was completely stunned, but Du Yunxiu was "totally agree with Feng Jing" 's attitude and fixed his eyes on Feng Jing.

"Papapa." The editor-in-chief of the magazine suddenly applauded, her mouth full of appreciation, "The two remaining points have been considered so detailed and thoughtful by you, and" reverse guest-oriented ", how would I let Ever passed this opportunity? "

"It seems that after the retro style is the Oriental Tide."

"Fortunately-you and I are not with you."

In the face of such an evaluation by the editor-in-chief, Feng Jing just smiled, her tears flickered ...

A long time later, when Louis asked Du Yunxiu's views on him and Feng Jing, Du Yunxiu said so.

"The special feature of Fengjing is that he has never considered things from the perspective of an event. He has considered the most flexible and optimized consideration from a long-term, stable, and continuous direction."

"But his biggest advantage is not his ability, but his own."

"It's fascinating, but it's not exquisite."