MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 81 If the life outside of Fanfan is only seen for the first time (2)

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In his room, a poster of Pei Qing ’s posture of God was displayed. On his mobile phone, Pei Qing ’s songs were used as ringtones. On the computer screen, Pei Qing ’s photos were used as wallpaper. After his death, Fu Zihan laughed, and he became a star chaser. He smiled so disrespectfully, finally, Pei Qing had a concert next month and asked him if he wanted a ticket.

"I want to meet him! After the concert, I want to meet him!"

Li Xiao was ashamed and angry by Fu Zihan. When he was in wanton life for more than ten years, when was he as embarrassed as being caught by this kind of weakness. But Pei Qing's owner is Crown Glory, and Fu Zihan definitely has a way.

The day of the concert was crowded with people.

Pei Qing has not yet appeared, but the enthusiasm in the hearts of all fans is about to burst out. Everyone can deeply feel that this will be a grand and unparalleled concert.

In the dark sky, a beam of light was projected to the center of the stage.

Countless meteors seem to fall from the sky, and the sound of waves in the sea of ​​people is higher than the waves. Someone shouted "Pei Qing", and then shouted like a row of mountains:

"Pei Qing! Pei Qing! Pei Qing!"

Thousands of people are very excited. Just these two simple syllables, but they express the strongest and most anticipated love, and Li Xiao's heart beats extremely fiercely, not to lose to the most enthusiastic fans present.

The sky and the stars fly faster and faster.

Suddenly, the lifting platform rose, and Pei Qing, in a white robe, slowly appeared under the expectation of many people.

The stars shine, the night is intense, the magnesium is bright, and the fireworks are brilliant.

However, when Pei Qing's cold eyes swept through the audience, when the first lyrics poured out from his mouth, all the chaotic and shouting shouts were all under the sound of his mountain-like sounds of nature, surrendered and obliterated. And off.

There is no beam of light that is stronger than his glory, and no sound that is better than his singing. All Guangzhang Guanghua concentrated on him. Between this heaven and earth, on this stage, he is the one who can't be dumped by everyone—singer.

Every action of Pei Qing, Li Xiao is like tasting the last glass of fine wine in the world, carefully savouring and reminiscing carefully. I can't wait to embed this feeling into the bone marrow, so that it will never end.

For the first time, he looked at Pei Qing so closely, and for the first time he was so close to Pei Qing, that he couldn't bear to blink more and breathe more during the whole process, so as not to glance at it and listen to one less ...

How could there be such a person?

How could there be such a person, even if just standing on the stage like that, there is no fancy song or dance, just by his occasional lazy eyes, a decadent singing voice, an inadvertent smirk, it seems to roll up a thousand Snow is piled up, thousands of trees and pears are blooming, and the water is shining.

No wonder.

No wonder he is a sanctuary in the hearts of all domestic musicians.

No wonder all the producers at home and abroad are rushing to cooperate with him.

No wonder his concert record has never been broken by a singer to this day.

Because he is God.

No one can stop God from coming.

Every breath of Li Xiao changes with Pei Qing's singing, each look of Li Xiao changes with Pei Qing's expression, the concert is over, and in the nostalgia for which everyone refuses to leave for a long time, Li Xiao Relying on the staff credentials that Fu Zihan got for him, he ran to the lounge of Pei Qing from the VIP channel.

He was excited and enthusiastic, but every step closer, a greater anxiety and anxiety grew in his heart.

We are going to see Pei Qing, we are going to see Pei Qing.

However, even if he took the initiative to ask Fu Zihan to help him arrange, even if he wanted to see Pei Qing can't think of it, even if he fell completely under the singing of Pei Qing.

Li Xiao was still terribly worried.

He was worried what to do if Pei Qing ignored him, and he was even more worried about what if Pei Qing didn't think in his mind.

Although in his heart he never outlined what Pei Qing looks like on the stage, but after entering the entertainment circle, he became accustomed to too many unique and distinguished people on the stage, charming and smooth under the stage, and used to be too much on the stage. The audience was very miserable.

Pei Qing, Pei Qing under the stage, what exactly would it look like.

Li Xiao has arrived at the door of Pei Qing's rest room.

Just as Fu Zihan was motioning to let him in, Li Xiao raised his hand but hesitated. He was always willful and unscrupulous, but now, time has passed by every second, but he is afraid to knock at the door Worrying about knocking on the door, it broke his dumping.

In this world, he can withstand all disillusionment, but he is unwilling to disillusion Pei Qing.

He didn't knock, but the door to the restroom opened by himself.

Li Xiao and Fu Zihan both met each other. Pei Qing's gold medal agent was also stunned, and then nodded slightly to them. In this circle, Li Xiao and Fu Zihan have a strong background and a strong backstage. Even the big men in the circle want to sell their face, and which staff member is an artist How dare you treat them rudely?

However, there is one now.

Even though the agents are saying hello to Li Xiao and Fu Zihan, they have already changed the slightly exaggerated costumes of the concert. Nowadays, people who only wear grey casual shirts and black hats and masks, don't care about wiping away from them. However, the low-key gas field is as powerful as a tornado.

Li Xiaotong people instantly zoomed in.

The black brim has covered the other person's face for more than half, the mask has covered his nose and lips, the gray casual shirt on his body has no characteristics and stands out from the crowd, but Li Xiao is extremely sure of this person-that is, Pei Qing !!

"Pei Qing." Li Xiaofei turned quickly and shouted.

In the empty VIP aisle, the enthusiasm erupting in his voice shocked Fu Zihan and his agent to melt almost all the ice and snow.

However, Pei Qing only glanced at him slightly, and the trace of coldness and detachment between the eyebrows remained motionless, and then proceeded towards the exit.

He saw him, but as he did not see, there was no difference, no difference.

Li Xiao's mind had imagined countless scenes where he and Pei Qing met. He spoke and caused Pei Qing to discuss music, or when Pei Qing learned about his identity, he took the initiative to talk to him, among other things. But I did not expect it to be this kind-Pei Qing, who had been disguised, ignored him at all. He even felt that leaving the venue was more valuable than him.

Li Xiao's heart was complex, but she felt a little joy in her heart.

He felt like a masochist! Especially when he discovered that even though Pei Qing knew Fu Zihan's background, even his agent would say hello to them, Pei Qing still didn't care, as cold as the night breeze, he was so happy, actually happy, he actually felt— — Pei Qing in his mind should be like this.

Li Xiao quickly ran to Pei Qing, with a look of excitement and dumping, his golden hair dazzled under the incandescent lamp, just like his enthusiasm for Pei Qing.

"My name is Li Xiao. I especially like your song. When I was abroad, there was a song in the bar one night. I was immediately shocked when I heard it. How can you be so good! I listened to your song for a whole week, She didn't answer the phone, but she was dumped ... "

Li Xiao felt that he was done, and he became a crazy star chaser.

In the future, he was smirked by Fu Zihan: "So many beautiful people cherish their favors, but they want to pester the singing **** Pei Qing who ignores you."

"Get out," Li Xiao's face was ashamed, and he threw it at the pillow on the sofa, "What do you know! I worship, worship!"

"Cut!" Fu Zihan turned his back on him. "It's harder than chasing the girl. Want to get close to him? I can get his phone number."

Li Xiao immediately looked like a cat who saw a fish, his eyes lit up: "Really?"

"The premise is ... I will work with your company's Yun Xiu once." Fu Zihan smiled with eyes.

"No problem! Deal!" Without hesitation, excited.

Fu Zihan and Yunxiu went to Japan to co-produce a TV series, and he also got Pei Qing's mobile phone number as he wished, but he did not expect that the "mobile phone number" of Songshen was like a hot potato. He didn't know whether to dial it or not. Texting.

His mobile phone is a very stylish one, but Li Xiao just stares at the column of the phone book every day: Pei Qing, and his number. Countless times I want to hit the past and say something to the other person, even if it is just a cold "um" of the other person, countless times I want to talk about his worship of the other person, even if the other person does not take him seriously.

But he was so useless.

When others were trembling in the circle, he was so arrogant and decisive, but others were sweet in love, but he did not dare to dial even a phone call, fearing that Pei Qing had aversion to him.

His emperor-like elder brother Li Rui noticed his change: "If you don't want to lose him, I'll send someone to find music producers in Europe and America. The Grammy Award winner."

"No, you don't need it." But to the surprise of Li Rui, Li Xiao didn't have the kind of spirit that had to defeat Pei Qing before. Instead, he worshipped from the heart with bright eyes. "He is really good at singing, myth in the music world. ... I can't compare to him. "

Li Xiao doesn't know how to make Pei Qing look at himself.

He wrote songs day and night, composed music day and night, night fell, and the sky was full of stars, he stared at the two words of Pei Qing on his mobile phone, playing the electric guitar, singing his admiration for him, singing He dumps on him, sings his worship, sings his enthusiasm for him.

When he first entered the entertainment industry, he hoped that he would be the number one in the recording industry. All fans love him and respect him for his madness. But until now, he just hopes that his songs can be heard by Pei Qing alone. In this world, everyone else is not as important as one of his eyes.

Vanity, fame and fortune are not glorious.

He doesn't have to do anything now, as long as the cold and alienated person, the frowny person, looks back at him seriously, looks back, and listens to him sing a song.

Li Xiao has always believed that there are only two things in his life that are most important, one is freedom and the other is music.

In this country of music, Pei Qing became everything to him.

He finally called Pei Qing's phone.

The familiar and unfamiliar voice said coldly, "Hey?"

Li Xiao's blood was flowing all over, nervous and looking forward. He was like a knight who was free of all things, just waiting for the praise of his monarch. When Pei Qing was impatient to hang up, a heavy metal-style electric guitar solo rang from the other end of the phone. In this solo, Li Xiao devoted his whole body and soul, and wholeheartedly. If Pei Qing's holy and cold voice is enough to distinguish the sea from falling stars in "Heaven Comes", then at this moment, the magnificent and exciting music is enough to open up the world and rise. Li Xiao started to sing. He didn't know if Pei Qing was listening at this moment, but he just wanted to sing out the fiery heart, the fiery heart, without electronic sound synthesis, without technical processing, it was a song with the most intense emotion in a young man's heart. It's a song that a boy dumped deeply for him, hearty and lively!

After Li Xiao finished singing, he was sweating and panting.

His bangs were completely sweaty, and his chest was undulating, except for a heartbeat. He's never done something so seriously, he's never done it so eagerly, and he's all out tonight.

He closed his eyes, not wanting to see if the end of the phone had been hung up.

After a while, Li Xiao's heart slowly cooled.

A familiar and unfamiliar voice came from the cell phone and said, "The voice is thin, but the emotion is better."

Indifferent tone.

But it hit Li Xiao's heart fiercely like the world's grandest joy.

The sky of joy drowned him at once.

Li Xiaotong zoomed in, his dark eyes seemed to have tens of thousands of stars flashing. He flew to grab the phone, firmly, his voice was excited: "I will have a concert next month, please, please, please Come over and listen! "

Pei Qing did not reply.

Neither said good nor bad.

Li Xiaoming was endless, but the rehearsal of the concert was full of energy. He used to be arrogant and willful when he was abroad. After returning home, he became even more furious. He felt that his popularity and popularity were destined to do anything. Therefore, he did everything rashly and seldom.

But this time, all the staff found that Li Xiao had changed a lot.

The concert was very physical. He used to let Li Xiao exercise for a while, but now he runs for three hours a day and never gets lazy. The dancer is also serious about cooperating with the dance, instead of jumping before interest comes.

In this circle, no one dared to order Li Rui's younger brother to do anything, and it was only himself who could make him work so hard and crazy.

This time, he was so desperate for one reason.

Pei Qing.

Only Pei Qing.

The concert finally came, no matter how many short messages he sent, how many times he made phone calls, and even asked Fu Zihan to help him by tapping whether Pei Qing would come, and there was still no news.

Li Xiao, who was preparing in the background, confirmed to the agent again that there was still no trace of Pei Qing. He reserved the best position for him, but that position was empty.

I wrote so many words for that person, sang so many songs for that person, and burned a disc to give Fu Zihan something silly, but I never got a word evaluation.

There is a bitterness between Li Xiao's and his evil eyebrows, but his eyes are firm.

Even if ... even if Pei Qing doesn't come, he still has to finish the concert, and he wants to sing all the best. One day, there will always be a chance, Pei Qing will hear!

The fireworks rose and burst into the night, blooming brilliantly.

The beautiful laser beam on the stage kept flashing, all kinds of exciting music sounded, and the dynamic music could not wait for all the audience to dance! Unlike the elegant and holy concert of Pei Qing ’s concert, Li Xiao ’s repertoire is almost entirely a lively song. He is wearing a black leather stage costume, the rivets on it are shiny, cool and stylish, and he holds a crimson red Electric guitar, magnesium light came over, looked up, jumped, glamorous, with the fiery passion unique to young people!

Gorgeous fireworks, exciting music, dynamic rhythm, the whole scene is extremely enthusiastic, fans are extremely excited!

Li Xiao sang and jumped, panting.

The concert consumed almost all of his physical strength and energy, he was very tired and exhausted, but the whole heart was extremely excited, and his fighting spirit was extremely high!

For the previous three albums, he wanted to be an idol, he wanted to sing, he wanted to sell the album, he wanted to compete for the charts, but this time, when he sang all the audience as Pei Qing, the whole audience gave him Applause, his love for him, he really felt it! For the first time, he felt so strongly that singing was happier than he thought!

Li Xiao raised his chin and looked at the night sky, starry.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and was about to sing the last song, which he carefully prepared for Pei Qing, wrote it over and over, debug it over and over, and sang over and over.

How he thought, let Pei Qing hear this song in person at this concert.


Li Xiao opened his eyes, his beautiful eyes habitually looked at the reserved VIP seat again, but this time, his pupil shrank sharply, and the electric guitar in his hand was gripped tightly for an instant-- Pei Qing, Pei Qing is here!

"The last song I want to give to you, what I want to give to you is-" God Comes! "

The audience froze, and then there was an uproar.

Isn't "Peace Coming" a song by Pei Qing, why is Li Xiao singing this song?

Before they were surprised, a "bang" sound, dry ice and fireworks took off, and the entire stage suddenly became like smoke and dreams, like a mountain of gods surrounded by mist for thousands of years, in a vast white mist. Only Li Xiao's eyes shine like stars!

The intro suddenly sounded, but unlike Pei Qing's version of the clear and ethereal harp, Li Xiao's version has a very high key, and the distorted electronic sounds are interspersed in the prelude of the rock style, accompanied by the ethereal harp, which looks messy. The arrangement method is very layered, which completely brings a refreshing feeling!

Even Pei Qing couldn't help it.

Pei Qing's Meiyu looked for the first time in the middle of the stage, singing with sweat and exhausting all his strength. Although the other person's voice was thin and did not have a unique advantage, but he sang very much, very sincere, extremely hot .

In the end, Pei Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, and a slight smile arose at the corner of her mouth.

And Li Xiao, who was full of vitality, Li Xiao, who smiled positively and wickedly, was full of joy in Li Xiao, looking directly at Pei Qing, singing with enthusiasm and handsomeness, "No one is allowed to come. Obstacle, I want to compete with you, but in the end I fell in front of you ... "

That year, when God came, he fell in front of him.

The indifferent **** of heaven was finally impressed by him and finally agreed with his music. That was Li Xiao's first smile in his life. At that time, there was only dumping, only enthusiasm, and everything in the future had not yet happened.


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