MTL - Reincarnation Paradise-v94 Chapter 31 :contract

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On the stage of the Grand Theater, Delona from the Abyss confronts Delona in the black dress. It is interesting to say that the clothes of the two people are just the opposite of the style of the source. Delauna, who was born in a black dress from the human race, was wearing a gothic black dress.

"Bai Ye, can you do anything?"

Lu Xiwa's head is getting bigger, two of them are his sisters, one is a blood sister, and the other is a sister who has grown up, this heavy armored warrior who can resist the sun's flames is worthless, now there is no way .

"I can lay out various spell arrays."

Hearing Su Xiao's words, Lu Xiwa, Abyss Delona, ​​and Black Dress Delona all looked at Su Xiao.

"I knew you had a way."

Lu Xiwa smiled, his expression relaxed a lot, but it was about his sister, he asked: "What is the function of this spell array?"

"After the two of them stand up, kill one at random."




For a moment, among the three, Luciwa was stunned, Abyss Delona was speechless and indifferent, and Black Dress Delona was shocked.

"Bai Ye, is there another way?"

Lu Xiwa still thought that Su Xiao was joking, but what Su Xiao said next made him look serious.

The abyss Derona and the black skirt Derona are twins, and the two of them meet, causing the cause and effect of the two parties to almost merge into one. Now the two of them share a body, which has accelerated the awakening of darkness.

After a few hours, this body will awaken in darkness, and then the two of them will be forcibly absorbed into it and have a duel.

There is a 90% chance of becoming dark and berserk, a 60% chance of leaving serious sequelae, a 30% chance of falling into a long deep sleep, and a very low chance of waking up again.

Su Xiao is not alarmist. As a master of advanced abyssology, the result he obtained based on the known knowledge of abyssology is not to mention 100% accurate, at least it can reach more than 85%.

Abyss Delona and Black Dress Delona looked at each other. Although they both wanted to be the sole owners of this body, they never thought of destroying each other.

"Bai Ye, based on what I know about you, if you can't solve the problem, you will turn around and leave. From this point of view, do you have a solution?"

Lu Xiwa spoke, after all, he was the commander of the safari group. He was a warrior, but it didn't mean he was careless.

"This matter is very troublesome."

Su Xiao's words were translated into three words in Lu Xiwa's ears, and he had to pay extra.

Lu Xiwa lowered his voice and said to Su Xiao: "According to the original remuneration, I will add 5 more original fragments."

"Within 24 hours, it's done."

"This... time has been delayed for a long time. Once Delona starts to awaken in darkness, there is no room for recovery. Let me add another 20 yuan, 20 original fragments."

After hearing this, Su Xiao was silent for a few seconds: "It will be resolved within 10 hours."

"I'll add another "primordial core". "

"10 minutes."

The soaring level of Su Xiao's efficiency made Lu Xiwa almost lose his waist. Before Lu Xiwa could say anything, Su Xiao had already taken out a soul coin and bounced it out.


The soul coin flipped in mid-air, and on the way down, he grabbed it with one hand and rubbed it with his thumb, as if every soul coin was a priceless treasure to him.

For Caesar who appeared without warning, Lu Xiwa was quite shocked. Su Xiao, Boubo Wang, and Baha have long been used to this.

"My dear friend, what good things do you need to ask Caesar? It would be even better if it could be about soul coins."

"I need pure enough power of the abyss, preferably the most primitive power of the abyss directly from the abyss."

"What is the concentration?"

"More than 10."

"Tsk~, this is not easy."

"At least 30 ounces."

"This, this, this is even more difficult."

"Half a primordial shard."

Su Xiao made an offer.

"50 yuan."

"1.5 yuan."

"At least 49.999 yuan."

Under the astonished gazes of Luciwa, Abyss Delona, ​​and Black Dress Delona, ​​Su Xiao and Caesar negotiated a deal with 8 original fragments at a price that others could not adapt to at all.

Caesar rubbed his hands, meaning where are his 8 original fragments, Su Xiao looked at Lu Xiwa, who couldn't fix Lu Xiwa at that time, his eyes clearly said:'I pay?,


Su Xiao didn't speak. He only has 2 original fragments in his hand now. He absorbed two "source of power" before and used a lot of original fragments to stabilize his body.

After Luciwa paid for 8 original fragments, Caesar took out the jar of the abyss: "Guys, stay back..."

Before Caesar finished speaking, he found that Luciva, Abyss Delona, ​​and Black Dress Delona had all retreated to the entrance of the Grand Theater before finding this place. The daughter of nature, Eluklu, who had just rushed in, just entered the door He immediately turned around and went out, as if he was bothering you and saying goodbye.

Caesar put the jar of the abyss on his head. Lu Xiwa, who often deals with the energy of the abyss, had a twitching expression. He knew something about the original sin. Because of this, Caesar put the jar of the abyss on his head. It can be said that Lu Xiwa's heart was broken and a critical attack was made.

I saw Caesar dancing for a while, sweating all over his body after being tired, leaning over and patting the ground with his hands, an illusory abyss hole appeared, and pure black abyssal energy diffused from it.

Su Xiao, who had already drawn the formation diagram with crystals, pressed one hand on the core node of the formation diagram, and the abyssal energy rushed to the formation diagram.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Lu Xiwa's eyes twitched. It was because of his understanding that he knew how risky it was. He reminded: "Brother Bai Ye, be careful and do what you can."


Su Xiao didn't speak. Under his control, the spreading abyssal energy was absorbed by the formation diagram he drew with the crystallization of Qinggang Shadow energy. This formation diagram with a diameter of three meters gradually turned into pitch black and was branded on the ground , In an instant, the entire ground of the Grand Theater became pitch black, and the tables and chairs were evaporated by the darkness.

After stabilizing the formation, Su Xiao got up, and Caesar beside him asked: "My dear friend, is there anyone else who needs Caesar's assistance? I'm at a critical moment, I can leave for a while, if it takes too long ..."

Su Xiao didn't speak, and threw a bottle of elemental wine to Caesar. Caesar, who took advantage of it, felt comfortable physically and mentally. After leaving a sentence to see you in the evening city, he turned around and disappeared.

Su Xiao pointed to the array with a dark golden gleam: "You two, stand up."

The abyss Delona and the black skirt Delona, ​​who had a bad relationship with each other, are now holding hands. Facts have proved that the conflict between the two of them is instantly resolved compared to when they face the horror of this situation.

Abyss Delona and Black Skirt Delona shook their heads tacitly. Seeing this, Su Xiao looked to the other side. Abyss Delona and Black Skirt Delona followed his gaze subconsciously. Distracted, Ah Mu grabbed the nape of the two of them. In Ah Mu's cognition, sympathy and pity are completely incomprehensible problems. It threw the abyss Delona and the black skirt Delona onto the formation map one by one. .

Abyss Delona has an indifferent personality and chooses to remain silent, while Delauna in the black skirt glared at Eminem angrily, but after meeting Eminem's cruel and cold eyes, she muttered: "You Wait until I have my own body."


"No... nothing."

Hearing this reply, Eminem ignored the black skirt Delona. It grabbed a half-dead Dream Eater with one hand, snapped its neck and killed it, tore off a piece of purple-red flesh, stuffed it into its mouth and chewed it. It is indeed hungry.

Seeing this scene, Delona in the black skirt resolutely stopped staring at Eminem and chose to admit cowardice. She has already seen that Su Xiao, Eminem, and Baja who are in a friendly state are still kind, but these may They are all vicious villains.

"Stand still, don't move, don't move

Zhang looked west. "

While Su Xiao was speaking, he took out the "Book of Original Sin" from his bosom, which made Lu Xiwa, who was watching from the sidelines, sweat coldly on his face.

Lu Xiwa has forgotten how many times he has experienced life and death, but at this moment, after seeing the black "Book of Original Sin" in Su Xiao's hand, he still feels chills.

Ignoring Lu Xiwa's mentality that almost cracked, Su Xiao opened the "Book of Original Sin" and unsealed the fifth page of "Soul Crown".

The so-called [Twisted Coiling Core] is the original sin thing that appeared after two big daddy-level original sin objects were entangled and coiled together, and put each other to death. The "soul crown" swallowed this thing, and of course it succeeded Promoted to Daddy level.

To make a simple analogy, the danger of the five big daddy-level original sin objects, Collector, Abyss Jar, Necronomicon, Scarlet Scepter, and Nether Bone Ring, is 100. Then the "Crown of Soul" was 99.5 before, the highest distance The original sin of the echelon is only a step away.

Now that the "Crown of Soul" has been promoted to the Big Daddy level, the aura is different. On the dark crown, the ruby ​​is exceptionally bright red, as if there is an invisible faint black smoke rising from the crown. After the "Crown of Soul" appeared, Lu Xiwa , Abyss Delona, ​​Black Dress Delona, ​​Eluklu, all eyes are attracted to this crown.

Desire grew in everyone's hearts, as if having the crown would have everything. At this moment, Su Xiao's right index finger tapped on the side of the crown with a bang. The crisp sound made those who were almost addicted to the crown People, wake up immediately.

Yes, this is the original sin object of the big daddy level. Even with the shackles of the "Book of Original Sin" and Su Xiao's causal suppression, it will still make the bystanders addicted and depraved, and finally end tragically, becoming the king of the Skeleton Mountains under the "Crown of Soul". a skeleton.

Su Xiao put the "Crown of Soul" in the right position of the formation. Recently, he helped "Crown of Soul" to be promoted to Daddy level. "Crown of Soul" will still give it to him for helping this time, but "Crown of Soul" At most, they have occasionally helped in the recent period, and they will still think about **** Su Xiao in the future. The reason is that Su Xiao has been sealing and suppressing it.

Helping the "Crown of Soul" to be promoted to Daddy level was not to ease the relationship, or to let the other party show mercy. Su Xiao knew it was impossible, he was to balance the five original sin objects that had been sealed.

Before sealing four big daddy-level original sin objects, plus one close to big daddy-level original sin object, the "Book of Original Sin" always felt unbalanced, and now the five original sin objects are all big daddy-level, "Book of Original Sin" The seal will be balanced and more stable.

Su Xiao took out the Necronomicon, the Scarlet Scepter, and the Nether Bone Ring one after another, and placed them in several positions on the outer ring of the array, and finally placed the "Book of Original Sin" with collectors inside on the central node of the array.

The diagram is three meters in diameter, which is not too big. As a result, a circle of Daddy-level original sin objects, Abyss Delona and Black Skirt Delona, ​​were terrified, and even hugged each other regardless of previous suspicions. , it seems that the "Book of Original Sin" also has hidden effects such as enhancing friendship.

Seeing so many big daddy-level original sin objects on the pitch-black formation, Lu Xiwa suddenly had the feeling that the promised two "primordial core" rewards this time were really not in vain. With this lineup of original sin objects, two A "primordial core" is worth it.

The problem between Abyss Delona and Black Skirt Delona is that it is difficult to overcome the dark awakening. Su Xiao's countermeasure is, instead of avoiding it, it is better to have a super double, not to avoid the dark awakening, but to awaken the darkness Super strengthened.

Therefore, a large amount of abyssal energy in the initial state is required. This alone is not enough. It is necessary to slowly and steadily enhance the dark awakening, and extend the dark awakening that originally took one or two hours to several months or even years to complete. As soon as it comes, the abyss Delona and the black skirt Delona are forced to confront each other at the soul level.

The final outcome is that Abyss Delona and Black Skirt Delona are in the same body. As for the issue of control rights, the two are on par. Whichever side comes out, the other side will return to the consciousness space first.

If you go back to the consciousness space and think about it, you can still see the outside scene, but you don’t have control over your body for the time being, and you can’t feel the outside world through touch, smell, and hearing.

Of course Su Xiao didn't have a few months, or even

It took several years to help the abyss Delona and the black skirt Delona to slowly awaken the darkness, so he used the original sin object as the node of this map, and will take several years to complete the ultimate enhanced version Dark Awakening. Complete within an hour.

Darkness emerged on the array, covering the abyss Delona and the black skirt Delona. After a while, a three-meter-high black light cocoon formed and closed at a slow speed. When the black light cocoon burst, it was darkness When the awakening is complete.

Lu Xiwa walked out of the Grand Theater. Su Xiao was here, so he was relieved, so he went to the roof of the Grand Theater to expand his perception to the maximum range, so as not to have nightmare creatures coming and affecting the awakening of darkness.

Ka Ka Ka ~

The crystal seat was formed, Su Xiao sat down, and Eluklu, who had been on the sidelines, came.

Before Eluklu could speak, the "Dark Moon Star Ring" appeared in Su Xiao's hand. He dragged the "Dark Moon Star Ring" with one hand and said:

"Thank you for your assistance this time, this is your reward."

Hearing what Su Xiao said, the corners of Eluklu's eyes twitched invisibly, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Although she wanted to raise her hand to get the "Dark Moon Star Ring", the pride of being a spellcaster would never Allowing her to do this, the two parties have made an appointment in advance. She assists Su Xiao in dealing with the false king. Su Xiao takes the "Dark Moon Star Ring" as a reward. In the battle with the false king just now, Eluklu was not present.

"I propose that our cooperation continue. It is still the same. I will help you deal with a strong enemy. You will use the "Dark Moon Star Ring" as a reward. "

When Eluklu said these words, she immediately felt better. This feeling of not violating her heart made her feel comfortable physically and mentally.

"Contract, complete."

Su Xiaogu showed a contract, and because the contract was completed, the contract parchment ignited by itself.

"This is?!"

Eluklu immediately became vigilant. She finally knew why the Dharma Destroyer still said, "Thank you for your assistance this time. This is your reward. This sentence .

"It's nothing, don't worry about these details."

Su Xiao put away the "Dark Moon Star Ring", and the "Decoy Contract" was more useful than expected. In his opinion, as a caster, Eluklu would never have the intention to sign a contract with him. Question Yes, in the follow-up, if you want this super thug to help deal with powerful enemies, and also guard against sneak attacks after winning, it is indeed a bit risky.

Then a contract that will only take effect in this world is undoubtedly the best choice. The subtlety of this contract is that it makes Eluklu not have the slightest thought of backstabbing, and even, she will sincerely hope, Su Xiao can leave this world alive, because once Su Xiao dies, Eluklu will become the successor of the "Book of Original Sin".

What's even more wonderful about this contract is that it only takes effect in this world. After the progress of this world is over, this contract will be voided immediately, leaving some leeway for everything. If you make a permanent contract that will take effect anywhere, It will only force Eluklu to die.

Su Xiao took out the signed contract. As for how Eluklu signed the contract, it is necessary to mention the "bait contract". What is a "bait contract"? Simply put, by asking the other party to complete a In the form of a contract, sign a new contract.

A more intuitive understanding is "eating" and "digesting". Those who completed the previous contract can be understood as "eating". Signing a new contract can be regarded as "digesting". As long as you eat, digestion is inevitable.

As for how the other party signed the last contract, this is another essence of the "bait contract". This so-called last contract is not exactly a contract, but more like a contract trigger corresponding to a specific behavior pattern.

For example, Su Xiao took out the "Dark Moon Star Ring" and said, "Thank you for your assistance this time. This is your reward." This "dark moon star ring" and proposed to continue cooperation, always thinking about "dark moon star ring", this is falling into a trap.

"So, do you understand now?"

Su Xiao narrated all the details of the "bait contract" to Eluklu on the opposite side, which made Eluklu, who was holding the contract parchment in his hand, froze there on the spot, and it took a while before he recovered **** she gritted her teeth

Tooth asked:

"You and I described it in such detail to humiliate me?"

"of course not."

After Su Xiao said, on the contract parchment in Eluklu's hand, a line of contract text flickered. This line of contract text was impressively written. Su Xiao must inform Eluklu of all the details of the "bait contract" and ensure that Eluklu successfully understood that the "decoy contract" can be regarded as a complete signing.

In Elukre's eyes that were so angry that her pupils trembled, she watched her name gradually appear on the contract signature, which actually calmed her down, and she turned around and left. She felt that if she stayed a little longer, she might Other contracts will be signed inexplicably.

After Aluklu left, Su Xiaoju showed several semi-finished contracts. Unfortunately, Eluklu left in a hurry, otherwise these contracts could have been signed successfully.

Su Xiao opened the prompt list to check the prompt for killing the false king just now.

[You have killed the false king. 】

[You get 4000 sun gold coins. 】

[You get 15.26% of the source of the world. 】

【You get 1 Sun Origin Stone. 】

[You get the eternal treasure chest Nightmare False Appearance. 】

[You have obtained the Lieyang Great Sword (this is an exclusive weapon in this world, the notarization authority has been locked, and it cannot be notarized in any way. This weapon can only be used by the Sun King). 】

[Hint: You can hand over the Great Sword of the Fierce Sun to the Monarch camp or the Great Library in Twilight City. 】

[Warning: This decision is very important and will directly affect the final link of the main mission. 】

[Hand over the Lieyang Great Sword to the Great Library, the upper limit of rewards for this main task is: 95.8%. 】

[Hand over the Lieyang Great Sword to the monarch camp, the upper limit of rewards for this main mission is: 1068%. 】

【You have completed Reward 2 · Deep in the Nightmare, successfully rescued the noble lady in the nightmare. 】

[Because of the multiple bounties + bounty corrections of "Hunting List·Blood Pact", you will get a bounty with a total value of 5,500 ounces of power of time and space. 】【You have applied for notarization in advance, and this time the bounty will be more inclined to "Shards of Time and Space Stone". 】

[Reminder: This notarization application was successfully passed due to compliance with the income rules. 】

[You get 500 space-time stone fragments (this is equivalent, and can be sold to Reincarnation Paradise at any time to obtain 5000 ounces of space-time power). 】【You get Secret Treasure Box 1 (this item is equivalent to the value of 500 ounces of space-time power in this judgment). 】

[You have completed Reward 1 Collector, successfully collected 2 Twisted Strong Hearts, 2 Bloodthirsty Hearts, and 2 Nightmare Hearts. 】

[Because of the multiple bounties + bounty corrections of "Hunting List·Blood Pact", you will get a bounty with a total value of 3000 ounces of power of time and space. 】

【You have applied for notarization in advance, this time the reward will be more inclined to "Shards of Time and Space Stone"...】

[You get 250 space-time stone fragments (this is equivalent, and can be sold to Reincarnation Paradise at any time to obtain 2500 ounces of space-time power). 】【You get Secret Treasure Box 1 (this item is equivalent to the value of 500 ounces of space-time power in this judgment). 】

Because I applied for the bounty in advance, I prefer "Shards of Time and Space Stone", so what I got this time are "Shards of Time and Space Stone" + "Box of Secret Treasure". Su Xiao is still very satisfied with this. Abyssology requires 49,500 ounces of time and space power to upgrade to the full level. What's more, there are many good things in the honor store, which need to use time and space power to buy.

[Main task · third ring · false appearance (completed). 】

[You have obtained the "Altar Lock Disk", which is the key item to open the Altar of the Moon. 】

[Main quest · Fourth ring (activated). 】

[Main quest · Fourth Ring: The Altar of the Moon. 】

Difficulty level: Lv.90.

Task introduction: Find the Altar of the Moon and activate it.

Task duration: 1 natural day.

Mission reward: altar lock plate.

Mission punishment: Forced execution.

The difficulty of this mission reached Lv.90, which should be due to the danger level of the dark moon nightmare, and the time given for the mission is relatively short. There is no hint in the mission information where is the "Altar of the Moon".

Su Xiao still remembers triggering a mission in Apocalypse Paradise before. The mission was so detailed that the target location of the mission had coordinates, so it was almost a matter of automatic pathfinding. Reading the mission information was as long as reading a short story, reincarnation Paradise missions are at the other extreme, mission information is rarely given more than 15 characters.

In other words, if you see the quest information in the Paradise of Reincarnation, which is densely packed with a few lines of words, then pray for luck. This quest will be dangerous to the point of shock.

At this moment, the black light cocoon in front of it fluctuated. The original three-meter-high black light cocoon had been gathered to less than one meter high. Delona, ​​who was sitting on the ground with her knees hugged, slowly raised her head.

Delona's eyes were a bit dazed, black mist emerged, forming a long black dress on her body, invisible white flames appeared on Delona's black hair, her eyes turned into pitch black, and in this pitch black, there was a white The lines are turning slowly, if you are not brave enough, just looking at her will make you feel secretly scared.

But in the next second, Delona's eyes recovered, and her hair turned into warm white. While her eyes were agile, there was a bit of doubt.

"This is what it feels like to be truly alive."

Delauna in the black dress took a deep breath, feeling the smell of the air, the slow flow of air, the subtle touch of the skin, and the different colors of the world she saw in her eyes. She closed her eyes, and the corners of her eyes were wet with tears.

"Okay, it's your turn."

Delauna in the black dress closed her eyes and bowed her head. Her hair turned black, and her long black dress turned into a light white dress. Her eyes were dark and her pupils were made of white lines. She had an abyss style of painting. She was an abyss Delo Na's consciousness took over control of the body.

Abyss Delona raised her arms and took a deep breath. For the first time, she felt the surrounding world so clearly. In the past, everything around her felt vague and distant. At this time, her senses finally recovered to normal levels.

Generally speaking, now Abyss Delona and Black Skirt Delora share this body. They can communicate in the space of consciousness and decide who takes over the control of the body. Between the two consciousnesses, there is no one who suppresses the other. Therefore, in terms of daily body control time, the two of them have to discuss by themselves.

As for how to tell, who is controlling the body? The one with long warm white hair and a gothic black dress is Delauna in a black dress. She has a lively personality, is curious about everything, and likes to be lively.

She has long black hair, wearing a light white dress, her eyes are dark, and her pupils are made of white lines. She is Abyss Delona. She has an indifferent personality and likes to be alone. Abyss Delona is easy to recognize. Her eyes are too abyssal.

Su Xiao picked up the "Book of Original Sin" on the array map, and re-sealed the Necronomicon, Scarlet Scepter, Nether Bone Ring, and Soul Crown back into the "Book of Original Sin".

Su Xiao looked at Delona, ​​this is to let Delona show her unique abyss ability, as well as show that she has enough reason and self-control, otherwise, "Book of Original Sin" will be as powerful as Delona However, once it is sealed into the "Book of Original Sin", she can't last long in the "Book of Original Sin".

Realizing this, Abyss Delona began to show her reason and self-control. Seeing this, Su Xiao clenched his right hand and closed the "Book of Original Sin" with a snap.

Seeing this, Abyss Delona began to honestly explain the abilities of the two of them. This ability is called "Fate Advance", an extremely powerful and expensive Abyss-type ability.

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