MTL - Reincarnation Paradise-v94 Chapter 33 :Task

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In front of the altar of the moon, Su Xiao put away the technique notes, and decided in his heart to hand over the [Fire Sun Great Sword] to the monarch camp in Twilight City. There are two advantages to doing this. Increase the income limit of this world.

Su Xiao reckoned that when he returned to Twilight City this time, the monarch's camp would probably choose to tear his skin apart with him. The assassination led by the old nobles last time was just a test, and this time the monarch's camp is ready.

This situation seems confusing. Su Xiao is clearly representing Twilight City, participating in this road to becoming a king, and recovering "Sun Origin Stones" one by one. As the leader of Twilight City, why does the monarch camp target him like this?

This is to mention the internal power division of the monarch camp. Ashlot, who is the contemporary king of Lieyang, is of course at the apex of the pyramid. The problem is the three under the king, that is, the old noble Augustus and the finance minister. Black Bertha, leader of the Sun Warriors.

Among the three, Augustus is a conservative, representing the interests of the old nobles; Hebertha is a radical, representing the interests of high-level officials, new dignitaries, and new families; as for the leader of the Sun Warrior, he is not neutral, but No statement at all, the Old Guardian Legion composed of Sun Warriors is led by this man.

There is a huge misunderstanding in the outside world, that is, the three of the kings can occasionally meet the Lord of the Sun, Ashlot. In fact, it is not true. The leader of the Sun Warriors can often meet, and he is guarding outside the palace. The old nobleman Augustus and Chancellor of the Exchequer, Black Bertha, they rarely see the Sunlord.

Twilight City, the central city is isolated from the world. As the Sun God Clan’s Sun King Ashlot, his status is actually closer to the gods of Twilight City than to the king. It is the old noble Augustus and the treasurer who really perform the functions of the king. Chancellor Black Bertha.

Especially the rising star Hei Bertha, she has only met the Lord of the Sun Ashlot a few times in her life, and even Ashlot, the King of the Sun, never said a single word to her.

This caused Heibertha to hear that once the "Blood of the Sun" of the Sun God Race loses its inheritors, the sun in the sky will fall. Her first reaction was suspicion. In Heibertha's view, this It was more like the struggle of the Sun God Clan before its complete decline, and the means by which the old nobles wanted to take more power from her.

The style of Twilight Floor Central City is restricted area, scorching sun, inheritance, ancient glow, sun ancient dragon war remnants, and perfect blood. There is no need for daily supplies or food supply here.

The style of Twilight Layer Inner City is strategy, nobility, pleasure, and murder. Wealth, as well as firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Therefore, it was wrong to regard the newly promoted Hei Bertha as the confidant of King Lie Yang.

From the perspective of Hei Bertha, the more "Sun Origin Stones" Su Xiao regained, the more he could highlight the supreme status of the Sun God Race. Under the circumstances that the contemporary Lieyang King will definitely not show up, Su Xiao's team's behavior, It is tantamount to helping the old aristocracy to make a big splash.

Of course, Hebertha knew that the "Sun Origin Stone" could bring power, but she had no interest in the "Sun Origin Stone". When I went to see the powerful people who possessed the "Sun Origin Stone", none of them had a good end, and it was not because they were in danger. The land is destroyed.

This is why, the old nobleman Augustus was willing to give in to the assassination before. If this is really the decision of all the old noblemen, Augustus will not lower his attitude. There are three old noblemen of the collateral line. This kind of thing was done under the instigation of secrets, and Augustus would not take the blame for Hebertha.

The fourth strong enemy that Su Xiao will deal with next, the nun, is in the Twilight City. Since the other party is an undead, he can still sleep safely in the Twilight City, which means that the status of this nun is extremely high. , the already bad relationship with the monarch camp will immediately become hostile.

If the [Scorching Sun Great Sword] is given to the central city, due to the power of the old guards, the old noble Augustus can only pretend to be dead in the future, and through the alliance with the big library, let the big library hold Hei Bertha Over there, in this way, Su Xiao will have a chance to fight the nun to the death.

The follow-up plan was clear. Su Xiaogang was about to turn around and leave when he heard the sound of liquid surging from above. When he looked up, the rock ceiling like ice cones cracked.

As the ceiling cracked and the rocks fell, a kind of surging black flesh and blood hung down, and there were distorted and painful faces on it. If you don't have enough knowledge, you must raise your hand and stab, but Su Xiao fought all the way to the top. Of course, his knowledge is very good, he recognized this is the whisperer from the ancient dragon camp.

The so-called Whisperer is similar to messengers, corruption familiars, etc. It looks scary, but in fact it is gentle and harmless. Among them, the corruption familiar is the representative. This guy looks disgusting and scary, but if you kick it, it will only He will hide in the distance, and then look at you with aggrieved eyes.

According to the Whisperer recorded in the ancient books, this thing should be gray. Now that the Whisperer is black and his body is severely corrupted, he looks like he is on the verge of death.

"Destroyer, Dark Moon...friend of the ancient flying dragon, I can...quietly...tell you."

The Whisperer spoke in a very bloated voice, which sounded a little vague. As for the saying that the Destroyer is a friend of the Dark Moon camp and the ancient flying dragon, this is not surprising. The legal camp tends to have a friendly relationship. May I ask, which big camp would oppose the camp that finds the hammers of "Abyss Breeding" and "Element Devouring" every day?

"The ancient flying deserted city of exile and death, the ancient dragon sacrificial ground, waiting for...the undead death."

After the Whisperer finished speaking, one of its faces protruded, and then it vomited out a large piece of ancient dragon scales in pain. This scale was like a metal scale, and it shattered as soon as it hit the ground, revealing a mark inside.

Pick it up and see how quickly the energy of the ancient dragon imprint evaporates. The imprint will dissipate within five days.

The hanging Whisperer began to decay and dissolve, and turned into a pool of black sewage after landing, slowly evaporating. Su Xiao threw a gas mask to Boubo Wang and Baja each. The Whisperer was indeed not aggressive, but the evaporated matter after his death It is highly poisonous, once poisoned, you will die.

Exit the space where the Moon Altar is located, even if it is full of poisonous mist, you don't have to worry about someone breaking into it and destroying the Moon Altar.

The two gargoyles at the door were nowhere to be found. It seemed that they were worried that Su Xiao would kill them and lose their materials when he came out, so he ran away decisively.

After contacting Lu Xiwa, he learned that they had already taken the [Lord Train] to Dusk City. Su Xiao and Lu Xiwa met at the "Land of Exiled Gods", and then went to Sacred Heart City, the site of the Gods Cult, with the other party. .

This time when I went to the Sacred Heart City, Su Xiao received the entrustment from the Church of the Gods and the Bishop's College to help eliminate two "immortal and indestructible creatures in the abyss". The enthusiasm of living in the Gods Sect and the Bishop's College insisted on paying Su Xiao a [Soul Eater Gem], which is one of the eight strongest gems.

Counting this [Soul-Eating Gem], Su Xiao already has three of the eight strongest gems, namely [Soul Gem], [Will Gem], and the upcoming [Soul-Eating Gem].

Due to the curse of gemstones, what Su Xiao really has is the [Soul Gem] that is inlaid at the end of the handle of Zhanlongshan, which is 100% recognized by him. As for the [Will Gem], he has paid 1.75 million soul coins' Preferential price', sold to a predestined person, I have to say, the fate of that predestined person is really hard, [Gem of Will] only has 65% approval for it, but it hasn't been killed yet.

Su Xiao reckoned that when the progress of the world ended this time, the predestined person would be almost the same, because he was the previous holder of [Gem of Will], the gem must be returned to him.

As a hunter, the dead white king, the supreme will of eternal light, the shadow of the law of destruction, although he is not afraid of being killed by the [Gem of Will], he is also unable to use the "Curse of Gem" caused by using more than one strongest gem. Accept it, so it is the best choice to continue selling the returned [Will Gem] and the upcoming [Soul-Eating Gem] to those who are destined.

If there is a buyer with a gem approval rate of 95% or more, the price must not be lower than 3 million soul coins. Buyers with a gem approval rating of less than 70% sold [Wild Gem] for 1.75 million last time, which is indeed a bit high. This time, you can consider [Gem of Will] and [Soul Devouring Gem] 800,000 soul coins?

It's still a bit high. If there are "Warrior Destined Persons" whose gem approval rate is lower than 50% to buy it, the discount will be 500,000 soul coins. If there are super warriors, they want to buy [Gem of Will] and [Soul Eater] at the same time. Gems], challenge the power of the "Gem Curse", 500,000 soul one get one free!

Speaking of which, the characteristics of the strongest gem actually have the meaning of a low-end version of the original sin. While the strongest gem has a powerful bonus, it also has a "causal price". As for why Su Xiao has no such price for owning the [Soul Gem], The "Book of Original Sin" laughed and said nothing.

The "Destroyer Teleportation Formation" was formed under Su Xiao's feet.


Exiled Land: In the underground shelter in the deep underground, the fresh air makes people feel comfortable physically and mentally. On the carpet of dozens of square meters in the center, after completing a chain task, the three Tianqi sisters who came back to sleep soundly in a happy mood got up because of a muffled sound.

Before Haomei opened her eyes, she was half squatting on the ground holding a sharp sword, ready to strike with her sword, while Mo Lei, who looked dazed, carried the bewildered Moon Apostle on her back, and prepared to distance herself under the cover of Haomei to avoid the attack. The Moon Apostle, who was weak in close combat, died. Although Mo Lei usually bullied the Moon Apostle, but when he was in danger, Mo Lei was simply the angel of the Moon Apostle.

"What are you doing? Are there enemies coming?"

Baja landed on the refrigerator, opened it, grabbed two cans of cold beer from inside, tossed a bottle for Eminem first, then pulled the pull ring off by himself, and poured it with his head up.

"You guys are more terrifying than enemy attacks."

Mo Lei let out a breath while speaking.

"It's just a teleportation array."

Baja threw away the empty wine can, and quickly pulled out a few packs of snacks from the refrigerator to fill his stomach, because he had already seen Eminem walking towards the refrigerator.

"Which family is sending a burst of thumping sound."

The Moon Apostle complained in a low voice.


Boubo Wang tilted his head in doubt, because it sounded familiar to him.

Sitting on the single sofa, Su Xiao opened the task list, and just met the Whisperer, who triggered a side task notarized by the Void Tree.

[Sub-quest 1st Ring: Mark. 】

Task notary party: Tree of the Void.

Difficulty level: Lv.88.

Task introduction: Investigate the origin of the mark.

Task period: 5 natural days.

Task rewards: The task rewards are cumulative, and all accumulated rewards cannot be obtained until the final link is completed.

Task penalty: All attributes -15 points.

This is a mission notarized by the Tree of the Void. 99% of the missions Su Xiao received were notarized by the Reincarnation Paradise.

As a task notarized by the Tree of the Void, this task can be shared with teammates in the same team. Although the reward is shared equally, it is the best choice for Su Xiao. The task notarized by the Tree of the Void will be based on the Credibility determines the bonus ratio of task rewards.

Su Xiao's task reward bonus ratio for this task is 0%, don't think it's very low, just him-? ? ? The reputation of the Void Tree, the ratio of his task reward bonus is not negative, which is already a lenient in the notarization of the Void Tree.

Fortunately, this task can be shared, but on the opposite side.

Mo Lei: The reputation of the Void Tree is 15860 points.

Moon Apostle: The reputation of the Void Tree is 14822 points.

Haomei:: The reputation of the tree of the void is 13950 points.

If this task is shared with the three sisters of Apocalypse, then this task will be added by the "task reward bonus ratio" corresponding to (15860+14822+13950) ÷ 4=11158 points of Void Tree reputation.

With this kind of bonus, even if four people are awarded points in the end, each person's reward will be several times higher than the current exclusive reward for completing it alone.

"There is something good to share with you..."

As soon as Su Xiao said this, he heard it.

"I don't have soul coins."

"You won't hit me, unless you hit Mo Lei."

"If you don't hit me, I will."


Su Xiao didn't speak. Under his 'kind' gaze, Mo Lei, Moon Apostle, and Hao Mei sat on the sofa in front of them.

"There is a task to share with you."

Hearing Su Xiao's words, the three sisters of Tianqi looked at me and I looked at you, then Mo Lei pinched the face of the Moon Apostle and asked, "Does it hurt?"

When she found that the eyes of Apostle Moon started to accumulate tears, Mo Lei hurriedly apologized, but she could only say that the three sisters of Tianqi need strength to have joy, wisdom to have joy, and wealth...cough~, there is indeed this, and they are very good at fighting.

Pulling the three Tianqi sisters into the dawn team, Su Xiao shared the task, and almost at the same time, Mo Lei, Moon Apostle, and Haomei received the same reminder.

[Reminder: You have shared the side mission·Ancient Legend. 】

[The difficulty of this task has greatly exceeded your branding level, you need to perform this task carefully, and because the overall difficulty of this task is higher than your branding level Lv.10 or above, you can give up this task at no cost. 】

Although this is a mission notarized by the Tree of the Void, it is issued to Su Xiao who is the Reincarnation Paradise Hunter. The mission format is closer to the Reincarnation Paradise style. From the mission introduction, there is only "investigate the origin of the imprint". It can be seen in a few words.

Seeing the brief introduction of this mission, Mo Lei was stunned. She scratched her head with one hand with a complicated expression: "The brief introduction of this really a brief introduction! Clue!"

Mo Lei was annoyed by the brief introduction of this task. She has never received this kind of task from the first level to the current top level nine. Even if the task is difficult, at least she will give some clues. The origin of ", I can't fix it for her at all.

Especially after seeing the quest item "Mark of the Ancient Dragon", she was even more confused. This thing has not even been notarized for its basic attributes. Is it too perfunctory as the core item of the quest?

After learning that the Whisperer still had some words to say when accepting this task, the fire of hope in the eyes of the three Tianqi sisters was rekindled, but after hearing it, they fell into confusion again.

Ignoring the three Apocalypse sisters who were thinking hard because the mission briefing was really a brief introduction, Su Xiao put down his teacup. With his rich mission experience and experience of skipping many links to do missions, what the whisperer said just now should be Throughout the entire branch mission, although this branch mission may have several links, it is not a small mission, but it is a branch mission after all, and the breadth of the mission background cannot be compared with the main mission.

'The ancient flying waiting for...undead death in...the deserted city of exile and death, the ancient dragon sacrificial ground. '

Let’s talk about the ancient flying dragon first, which is the core of the mission. Then, "undead death" means that an ancient flying dragon has become an undead in this world, and has the characteristics of immortality. For the ancient flying dragon, it is painful and helpless.

The ancient flying dragon camp didn't say a word of softness to the sun camp until its defeat. Both sides were too stubborn. After fighting for two and a half epochs, one side was completely wiped out, and the other side was about to decline to extinction.

With such a proud ancient flying dragon, how could he be willing to bear the curse of immortality? Considering that the most severe punishment in the sun camp is the curse of immortality, the existence of this immortal ancient flying dragon is not surprising.

After analyzing this point, other things will be easy to deal with. What the Whisperer said is "in the deserted city of exile and death", this must be a "dead city". To the "dead city".

The meaning of the whole sentence of the Whisperer is that an ancient immortal flying dragon is located in the ancient sacrificial site of the dead city, waiting for death to come. Judging from this, the ultimate purpose of this mission is to kill this immortal ancient flying dragon, and the big The probability does not require fighting, the key lies in whether there is the ability to kill the undead.

Regarding the first link of the mission, why is it to investigate the origin of the ancient dragon's mark? The implication of this is that 99% of the time is to find the key mission NPC and repair the "ancient dragon's mark" through the other party. This is the key to opening the ancient dragon sacrificial field in the dead city.

Su Xiao took out the mysterious eye. He has the top talent in alchemy and pharmacy, and the manufacture of alchemy items...Leaving aside, in short, "Silent Servant" and "Tunneling Servant", the threshold-level creations of alchemy item manufacturing, It is his pinnacle work in this area, and after he helped the leader make the "world stabilizer" last time, the leader never asked Su Xiao to make alchemy items...

Due to his "extraordinary talent" in the manufacture of alchemy items, Su Xiao's development of the mysterious eye is less than one ten-thousandth. Even so, with the improvement of his vision, he found that this mysterious eye should be able to eliminate " In addition to "Alchemy Secret Code", the supreme work left by the alchemy civilization of the second era.

The mysterious eye is like a round Rubik's cube, with tens of millions... no, hundreds of billions of different combinations. A true master of alchemy can turn the mysterious eye into an omnipotent eye.

Su Xiao can only make the mysterious eye operate in a way that confuses even himself. In short, as long as it is adjusted properly, no matter how unbelievable the mysterious eye's operating method is, don't try to correct it. Once corrected, it will definitely not work.

In addition to detecting, unlocking, and enhancing similar-sized equipment, he has also developed other usages, but this time only the feature of "enhancing similar-sized equipment" is needed.

Su Xiao came to the workbench and took out various items. After one hour of manufacturing, a repair device the size of a goose egg was formed. This thing looked ordinary to the second era alchemists, but Su Xiao enhanced it with mysterious eyes. Immediately after repairing the device, its performance doubled.

Using a soul crystal nucleus as the energy supply, Su Xiao used this repair device to start repairing the "ancient imprint". Mechanical tentacles came out one by one, converting the purest soul energy into adaptive energy, and used it as a filling agent for repair.

After more than ten minutes of precise operation, the repair was completed, and all the incomplete parts of the "Ancient Dragon Mark" were restored, and a deep shimmer flowed through the entire mark.

After thinking for a while, Su Xiao took out [Circle of Realm], which is a key item that can kill undead. In addition, he took out [Emblem of Oath · White Dragon] and [Will of Cold].

[Cold Will] is the treasure of the ancient dragon camp, and it is the best proof. In his opinion, the ancient flying dragon in the ancient dragon sacrificial field should be an aloof existence. In addition, the ancient dragon camp and the sun camp can beat each other. Ji Yuan's tough temper, even if he was tortured by the curse of immortality, he would not be willing to be killed by unknown juniors.

On the contrary, holding the representative of the ancient dragon camp [Emblem of the Oath·White Dragon] means that to a certain extent, it is one of its own people and was killed by its own people. The ancient flying dragon tortured by the curse of immortality must be willing to accept this ending.

The treasure of the ancient dragon camp [Frigid Will] represents the status in the ancient dragon camp. With both of them, as a person who kills the undead and enters the ancient dragon sacrificial field, the ancient flying dragon will hang his head and wait quietly from the curse of immortality. relief.

After taking out these four items, Su Xiao chose to submit the task when the completion of "Submission Quest·Ancient Legend" was still 0%. He didn't go to find the important NPC who repaired the "Mark of the Ancient Dragon", so the completion of the task would of course be stuck at 0%.

[You are trying to submit a side quest·Ancient Legend. 】

As the mission sharers, Mo Lei, Moon Apostle, and Haomei also received this reminder, and all three were puzzled. It seems that the series of reminders that appeared in the next second made the three Tianqi sisters even more confused.

[You have completed the side mission · first ring · imprint. 】

[Basic mission completion evaluation: E-level (lowest). 】

[Negotiation evaluation during the mission: E-level (lowest). 】

[Task item repair status: S- (expected to be 22.85% better than the repair of the important task plot character Servis). 】

[Completion speed of this round of tasks: A++ (completed in 1 hour and 42 minutes). 】

[This mission is subject to the mission reward bonus brought by the high reputation of the Void Tree. 】

[The final completion of this link task: 105%. 】

[The corresponding mission rewards have been accumulated to the next round of missions, and all the accumulated mission rewards will be obtained after completing the final round. 】

[The side mission has been triggered. The second ring. The power to kill the undead. 】

[You have completed the side quest·Second Ring·Destroy the Power of Immortality. 】

[Basic mission completion evaluation: E-level (lowest). 】

[Negotiation evaluation during the mission: E-level (lowest). 】

【Acquisition of quest items: S++ ("The Ring of Realm" has been obtained, this item has the characteristic of killing the undead, which is better than the expected quest items). 】

[Completion speed of this round of tasks: S+++ (It is estimated that it will take a minimum of 72 hours to complete, and the actual completion is 0.01 seconds. This time-consuming is the minimum time loss between triggering the task and completing the task.]

[This mission is subject to the mission reward bonus brought by the high reputation of the Void Tree. 】

[The final completion of this link task: 325%. 】

[The corresponding task rewards have been accumulated to the next task...]

[Submission · Third Ring · Qualification has been triggered. 】

[You have completed the side mission · third ring · qualification. 】

[Basic mission completion evaluation: E-level (lowest). 】

[Negotiation evaluation during the mission: E-level (lowest). 】

[Quest item acquisition status: S+++ (I have obtained "Emblem of the Oath - White Dragon" and "Cold Will", and the effects of the two items obtained are super-significantly higher than the effectiveness of the original task item.]

[Completion speed of this round of missions: S+++ (highest, estimated to take at least 68 hours to complete, actually completed in 0.01 seconds, this time-consuming, is the minimum time loss between triggering the mission and completing the mission...]

[The final completion of this link task: 400%. 】

[The corresponding task rewards have been accumulated to the next task...]

[You have triggered the side mission · final link · ancient dragon sacrificial field. 】

[Submissions · Final Link · Ancient Dragon Sacrifice Field. 】

Task notary party: Tree of the Void.

Task level: Lv.95.

Danger level: Lv.89.

Mission brief introduction: Go to the Dead City Ancient Dragon Sacrifice and kill the ancient flying dragon.

Task deadline: Before the end of this world progress (because of the task characteristics, there is no determination related to the task completion speed).

Task rewards: After completion, the rewards will be settled according to the accumulated task completion.

Failure Penalty: None.

This mission has successfully advanced to the last stage. The mission level is not low. In terms of danger, it mainly comes from the journey to the dead city and the corresponding risks after entering the dead city. It is as expected. ·Ancient flying dragon battle.

"This is... the final stage of the mission?"

Mo Lei, who was stunned for a few seconds, reopened a series of reminders. This mission was done, just like a dream. She looked at Moon Apostle and Haomei. From each other's eyes, they could see that each other still had some doubts about life.

Su Xiao closed the task list, walked on the short-distance teleportation array, and went to the surface above. When the teleportation fluctuation subsided and the erosive sunlight shone, it seemed to be able to melt and evaporate the flesh and blood of the living beings, leaving only a bone.

After waiting for a while, ripples appeared in the space in the distance, and the steel beast-like lord train rushed out of the different space. After getting on the train, Su Xiao found that Delona was also there. Delona sent back, and let Delona, ​​who was 'suffering' in the dark moon nightmare, settle down in Twilight City for a period of time to appease her heart.

Luciwa didn't see it. Two hours ago, Delauna boarded the Lord's train, and after the train left the Dark Moon Nightmare, those nightmare creatures who were secretly watching almost cried with joy. This little aunt who bullied them for nothing, Finally left.

Delona is different from Ayesha. Delona has a personality that can't stay. This time, she is in Sacred Heart City, and she is helping the Cult of the Gods to eliminate the undead and abyssal creatures. Don't join in the fun of this kind of thing, Delauna Lorna will be so uncomfortable that she won't be able to eat well and sleep well for the next half month.

After the group boarded the train, Su Xiao took out the [Book of Doors] to check. This [Book of Doors] has ten pages. How to get the three "Sun Origin Stones" they have from the priest team later depends on This [Book of Doors], of course, is not traded with the pages of tree life of [Book of Doors], but a way that is more unexpected and the priest team cannot solve it.

There is no doubt about the speed of the lord train. Originally, it took less than two days to travel at full speed, but now it will arrive in an hour and a half. After getting off the train, Su Xiao saw the magnificent but somewhat old-fashioned Sacred Heart City. This big city is not The religion of the gods was established many years ago by a chamber of commerce. Later, the chamber of commerce was destroyed in the **** night, and the religion of the gods took over the city.

After entering the city, the environment in the city became a bit darker. The first sight is a Gothic architectural style building. These buildings are tall and thin, with long roofs, matching the dark and wet streets, and the walls are thick and black. The moss, the dim environment, and the dark sky make people feel the hospitality of this place immediately.

How strong are the residents of Sacred Heart City? The answer is that after the **** night, the wild beasts are not very willing to attack here. The darkness of the streets and buildings here is stained by the blood of the wild beasts.

Every **** night is not only a night of disaster, but also a sign of harvest. Yes, Sacred Heart City, which is severely short of food, will eat the flesh and blood of wild beasts. Fortunately, the residents of Sacred Heart City will cook it before eating.

Eating the flesh and heart of wild beasts will definitely be gradually eroded by beastliness and madness. A certain amount of beastliness and madness must increase combat power in the early stage. With combat power, you can have more food by hunting wild beasts, so food Guaranteed the population. In this way, Sacred Heart City has adapted to the coming of the **** night. The price is that the population of Sacred Heart City is no longer the tens of millions of people in the rumors, but there are still 1.8 to 2 million people.

If the sun of this world really falls, the city that will survive in the end must be Sacred Heart City. There is a relationship between well water and river water.

There were few pedestrians on the street, and occasionally one was in a hurry. The high-collared black clothes blocked nearly half of his face. His pale complexion and radiating pupils were all side effects of long-term consumption of the flesh and blood of wild beasts.

Speaking of which, the fourth formidable enemy the Great Wisdom Team had to deal with, the exiled leader of the Sun Warriors, was located in the abandoned urban area of ​​Sacred Heart City. With the warm hospitality of the residents of Sacred Heart City, they couldn't help but sweat coldly for the Great Smarter Team.

Not long after Su Xiao entered the Sacred Heart City, he saw many members of the Gods Cult coming. These members of the Gods Cult were all wearing robes and hoods. The few leaders were all bishop-level ruthless characters of the Bishop's College , Judging from this camp, the Gods Cult should have dispatched more than 80% of their combat power.

A group of members of the Gods Cult obviously refused to let Su Xiao go on. Under the negotiation of a one-eyed bishop, Su Xiao walked out of the city. When he arrived at the wasteland outside the city, the Gods Cult did not show the rumored Insolent and insane, even extraordinarily polite.

Half an hour later, a group of members of the Cult of the Gods left behind two five-meter-high sealed containers and a wooden box containing [Soul-devouring Gem], and hurried away.

It seems that what happened to the treasure house of the Soul Academy was a warning to the gods. Su Xiao smashed a hole in the metal sealed container with one hand. The container was made of cast iron. roar, and the devouring sound of the demon spirit.

After a while, Su Xiao broke away from the sealed container, and after breaking open another container, he rushed into it. This time, the roar in the container caused cracks in the surrounding air, but it stopped abruptly in the next second.

Su Xiao walked out of the pitch-black sealed container and clung to his right arm, causing the dark demon spirit on his right arm to gradually fade away. When his right arm recovered, the demon spirit returned to Zhanlongshan.

Seeing this scene, Delona hid behind her elder brother Luciwa. Delona, ​​who is not afraid of anything, is now a little afraid of Su Xiao. With the ability of abyss hotbed, she witnessed the immortality and abyss spawn being swallowed. After being eliminated, of course you will feel scared, because the abyss hotbed is one of the most powerful abyss breeds.

Lu Xiwa had other things to do when he came to Sacred Heart City, and the two sides parted again, but knowing that Su Xiao was going to Xiguang City, which is far east of Dusk City, Lu Xiwa summoned the lord train. The car set off with Su Xiao's team.

The scenery outside the car window flew by, Su Xiao admired it for a moment, and began to sit cross-legged to meditate. After more than two hours, Bubu next to him yelled, and opened his eyes. He could already see Xiguang City from a distance. slow down.

Xiguang City is the base camp of the friendly camp. Of course, Su Xiao is not allowed to enter here. Last time he was going to come here, out of courtesy, he used Lu Xiwa as an intermediary to greet the city lord of Xiguang City in advance.

At that time, Lu Xiwa's expression was basically, are you sure you want me to help you with this?

As a result, the conversation over there collapsed on the spot, and the city lord of Xiguang City almost fought against Lu Xiwa. As the city lord of this place, she certainly did not allow Lu Xiwa, the madman who slaughtered the entire "Corruption City", to stay here.

Su Xiao didn't know that Lu Xiwa was the top dangerous person Xiguang City was on guard against? Of course he knew, but looking around, Lu Xiwa had the lowest hatred value in Xiguang City among the high-ranking powerful forces he knew in this world.

It may be the relationship with the negative charm attribute. After Su Xiao entered this world, the relationship with Xiguang City is: -250000 points (initial enemy).

At this time, open the related list and look again. Very good, it is already -270000 points (initial enemy), which just corresponds to the charm attribute of -27 points.

Su Xiao is convinced that in Xiguang City, there are many opportunities for profit. This is the area notarized by Apocalypse Paradise. The city lord is considered to be half a neutral unit in the world. It is said that after negotiating with the city lord, a task list can be triggered. The many tasks displayed will be changed according to the level of the contractor.

With Su Xiao's contractor level of Lv.95, he will definitely be able to receive top-notch missions from the city lord. If he is looking for missions that only have one ring and corresponds to them, he will have to deal with powerful enemies in the future. This time, the income from Lieyang Star has increased by at least 30%.

Su Xiao has a lot of tasks now, but this is not a problem. "Abyss Mission" and "Dudu Gu Gu Gu Gu Special Mission" are long-term tasks and cannot be completed in this world. Mission", "Sub-quest Quest - Ancient Dragon Sacrifice (final link, "Chain Mission Dark Moon Ritual (final link.

There are ways to complete the latter two, but the time has not yet come. In this way, what Su Xiao needs to complete is only the main task. Do more difficult tasks corresponding to the follow-up powerful enemies, no doubt It is the best choice. In addition, the enemies he will deal with next are ridiculously stronger than each other. In contrast, the rewards of these tasks will also be extremely high.

The only problem right now is that Su Xiao can't enter Xiguang City. No, he can actually walk in. The prerequisite is that if he breaks in hard, causing most of Xiguang City to be bombarded by the aftermath of the battle, then he can't receive Xiguang The mission of the city is completed, and the city lord of Xiguang City will never die.

In this regard, Su Xiao has a solution. After entering the city, he can even negotiate with the city lord normally. He took out the "Silver Moon Blade", and after activating it many times, he successfully triggered the charm attribute bonus, and his charm attribute became 366/- 27 o'clock.

This is not enough, he took out the hunter title.


Place of Origin: Reincarnation Paradise

Quality: special

Title effect: After wearing this title, you will get the camouflage hunter and activate the corresponding Paradise brand.

Remaining camouflage time limit: 240 hours (this time limit can be supplemented by consuming soul coins).

Su Xiao activated the camouflage of [Hunter], and chose the previously edited Hunter Summoner. The overall attire was 90% similar to that of the Holy Flame Pharmacist. In addition, this identity corresponds to the Apocalypse Paradise·Contract Brand.

In the different space, Su Xiao, who had completed his disguise, got off the train, and the train turned around and drove away. As he got off the train, Boubo Wang, Amu, and Baha also got off together. Because of the camouflage effect of their titles, the three of them Its appearance and aura have also changed, and it looks like a permanent summoner of the summoning system.

Walking out of the different space, the sun is shining outside, and the breeze is blowing. Su Xiao is leading Boubo Wang, Amu, and Baja forward. If you look at this scene from a distance, at this moment, a friendly and easy-going man Apocalypse Paradise·Ordinary Summoner, walked towards Xiguang City.

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Read Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe
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DramaSlice Of LifeSupernatural

Chapter 458:

2 hours ago

Chapter 457:

12 hours ago
Read I'm the Mysterious Leader of the Salvation Organization