MTL - Release that Witch-Chapter 1417 not bad

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"Why are you here?" Cham picked up Poshan and limped to the train. "What about Xia?"

"She has joined other people... I have evacuated from the hidden forest," Poshan smiled reluctantly. "As for me... if I don't come to help, you probably have to die here, so... you are here. Blame me?"

"Oh, I am just"

"I don't think I'm suitable for appearing on the battlefield?" She sneered in a powerless manner. "Don't forget that I am a fighting witch, cough... When you are still playing mud, I am already fighting for survival."

I was hurt by this look, and I still don’t forget to criticize myself. It’s not cute at all.

However, Chamb suddenly felt a lot of peace of mind when he heard that Xia had left.

Maybe Hank has a good job of doing what he told.

At this time, the two people came back with a creeping sound.

Chalm looked back and saw that the worm that was full of blood was beginning to swell again.

"Hell, it’s all over..."

He slowly moved to the side of the carriage and placed Poshan on the ground.

"Yes, I still have time to escape, and I have to escape." Poshan took a long breath. "Your cowardly partners have escaped and there is no more left. Let me be here and feed," she suddenly turned a face. Change, "What do you want to do?"

Cham sat down and pressed the bullets in the bag into the empty magazine. "Isn't this obvious? It is impossible for you to run past the evil beast."

"Then you should leave me alone, run alone!"

"Have you done this before? But in the First Army, Your Majesty taught us to fight for ordinary people. I can't leave you as an ordinary person, let you delay the time, but you can escape alone. ”

Poshan couldn't help but hold it. It was probably not expected that he would be classified as an ordinary person.

Cham put all the magazines beside him and leaned over the rifle. "And... the longer I block the enemy, the safer it is, so don't complain."

He did not blame the militia. They were not official soldiers. Their main duty was to protect the yards and stations from being stolen and stolen. It was really difficult for them to deal with monsters such as Hell fear beasts. It is good to stick to them now. .

"You..." Poshan seemed to want to say something again, and finally closed her mouth.

"They are coming." Cham aimed at the newly ejected beast and pulled the trigger

The gunshots echoed crisply on the plains, much thinner than initially. The muzzle of the smoke is always aimed at the most threatening target, and the flexible and delicate evil beast is completely handed over to the people around you. There was no exchange between the two sides, but it formed a strange tacit understanding. This kind of trust gave him the illusion of fighting in the army.

He seems to have resisted for a long time, and it seems to be only a short moment. Due to the loss of blood, the field of vision gradually becomes blurred, and the hands and feet become more and more dull. On the contrary, Poshan, who is much heavier than him, still does not fall down. She wraps her clothes on one arm to act as a bait, and the other hand is a deadly weapon. A small evil beast like a wolf-like fox is only squatting. It is death without injury.

Unexpectedly, Cham did not find too much despair on her face. Her look was not like a seriously injured person. Her concentrated concentration, decisive action and **** eyebrows made Poshan and him. The impression in memory is quite different, which also makes him realize that this is what the fighting witch should look like.

She has lost everything she is good at, but at this moment, she has become her real again.

The new hybrid species was drilled from the worm, and the two knew it was the last moment.

"It’s a pity that the drama ticket..." Poshan moved back to his side, and the corner of his mouth was a little bit sly. "If you die here... I can rest assured, at least I don't have to worry about Xia being deceived by you... ”

Sure enough... this guy is not cute at all.

Cham snorted without a sigh. "Yeah, the most regrettable thing is you. You can only stay with me at the last minute."

"No..." she interrupted unexpectedly. "In fact, I think."


The sharp whistle covered her words, and then a group of flames exploded around the worm, and the smoke and gravel that was raised caused the evil beast to temporarily stop acting.

Chalm suddenly came to the spirit, he strongly propped up his body and looked in the direction of the flute.

I saw a black armored train appearing on the rear horizon, and the top of the turret was constantly shining.

It was in the Northern Expedition that it was in the fertile plains, connecting the Heihe of each site!

He shook Bossan with excitement. "See it! It’s the Heihe River, our reinforcements are here!"

The latter did not give him any reaction.

"Hey..." Cham jerked his head and saw that the other person had closed his eyes and slipped softly to the side of the carriage.

"Wake up, feed, wake up to me!" But no matter how he shakes, Poshan doesn't open his eyes again.


When I saw each other again, it was two days later.

"This is her room, do you need me to knock on the door for you?" asked the big housekeeper Camilla, who was sleeping.

"No, thank you, I will come by myself." Cham quickly bowed to the other side. This is the first time he went to the Witch's residence to visit. This does not allow outsiders to enter and exit at will. Only the invitees of the residents can enter. He is also holding a try mentality. He did not expect to get consent soon.

"Then please pay attention to the time." Camilla nodded and then turned and left.

Cham took a sigh of relief.

When he thought of the scene two days ago, he felt quite embarrassed. Until now, the training of medical staff is still in the ear.

She didn't break her breath, you can shake it like this, maybe you will shake her to death! Really, it is obviously a person who has been on the battlefield, but I don’t know if it is easy to cause dislocation and fainting after a strong breath. Isn’t the railway soldier not required to receive emergency training? I only know how to yell, is she not a very important person?

Cham quickly giggles and forcibly dispels these annoying memories.

In fact, after knowing that Poshan is still alive, he does not have to rush to see each other. After all, from the outside, it is difficult to tell at the moment who is visiting who is wearing bandages everywhere, and it is stinging when he moves. It’s a bit embarrassing. Hearing, he always felt that if he didn't take a look at himself, he couldn't let go of his heart.

Thinking of this, he reached out and knocked on the door.


The door opened in response, and it was Xia.

"Sure enough, you." She smiled happily. "When she received the notice from Master Kamila, she hadn't said her name yet, I guess it was you. Thank you for saving Poshan!"

"Hey, you made a mistake, obviously I saved him." The house heard a familiar voice.

Chalm walked into the room and saw Posanne sitting on the bed at a glance. The sun shone through the window, reflecting her half of her cheeks and brown short hair. What surprised him was that the other person’s injury was much heavier and the spirit seemed to be better than him.

Of course, she was also bandaged tightly, and even her head was no exception.

"Nothing unusual," as if he had stunned his doubts. Poshan shrugged. "The witch's body is stronger than ordinary people in all aspects. It is naturally much faster to recover. So..." "Don't think that you have the opportunity to be alone with Xia."

The comfort word of a stomach disappeared in an instant, and Chalmer turned his eyes, and he could see it. This guy didn’t need anyone to care.

"In this case, then I will leave."

"Hey, are you leaving?" Xia surprised.

"Of course, standing is not conducive to rehabilitating, especially in all aspects of her." Cham looked provocatively at Poshan. "I have to hurry up and then hurry up in front of her to meet you... about watching the drama." ”

"About me?" Xia’s eyes bent and smiled. "Okay."

Wait, so promised so soon?

"You can't think about it!" Poshan said coldly. "I will definitely be better than you!"

"Try it."

"Try it and try it!"

The two had big eyes and narrow eyes, and began a routine dispute. Xia stood with a smile and looked like a happy reunion for the two.

When he walked out of the door, Chalm suddenly remembered the words covered by the whistle and asked, "Yes, what did you say before you finally stunned?"

"Nothing," Poshan did not think. "I was confused when the train arrived, and your chances are wrong."

"Okay." Cham licked his head and closed the door.

"What the **** is he asking?" Xia curious.

"A gibberish." Poshan raised his lips and headed for the sun.

This is not bad either.

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