MTL - Release that Witch-Chapter 1419 Two identities

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There was an extremely grand scene in the morning glow of the city.

Under the watchful eyes of thousands of people, the church parade held a series of flags and slowly passed through the gates. Walking in the forefront for them is the Knights of the Royal Family. This has been a serious treatment that has not been reproduced for a long time, and everyone’s eyes are placed on the woman in the middle of the team wearing a Chinese costume and a crown.

She is the new pope in the rumor, and the key figure in defeating the insurgents and leading Hermes back on track.

Although the church’s aggression against the wolf heart and the winter has once tarnished its image, it is undeniable that they still have a certain influence, and recently this parade team often walks through the front line of the battlefield, rescuing the victims and encouraging the world to fight against the demon. I have won a lot of gratitude and gratitude. The news was also transmitted back to the city through the various channels, which made the people curious about the new pope.

After all, in the past, the pope was a high-ranking one. Even if the king wanted to see them, he had to obtain permission in advance, and he was willing to go to the danger in person. Even the pope, who is caring for every civilian, is rare. Whenever the woman smiled at everyone and smiled, it always caused a burst of excitement in addition to the identity of the other party. The extremely outstanding appearance was also one of the factors that caused the sensation.

Eventually the team stopped in front of the inner castle.

The pope rolled over and stepped on the ladder, and stood at the door to greet her, it was the king of the Grey Fort, Roland Wimbledon.

The two reached out and simply clung together. Although most people saw this novelty for the first time, they could see the meaning of equality. This also disguised the rumor's rhetoric, the new pope's superior position was supported by the Grey Fort, and the relationship between the two sides has been reshaped.

In the warm applause of the crowd, the two walked side by side into the castle.

"Sorry, I am rude."

After the gate was closed, the woman leaned over and was pulled up by Roland when she was preparing to kneel on one knee. "No, I think it's quite good. Not to mention that you are not a pure person in the past. The Witch Alliance does not need such a cumbersome etiquette. Have you stayed in the Holy City for too long and forgot this?"

The other party was transferred to Hermes, taking over the Holy City as the Pope's agent, responsible for the placement of nuns and orphans, and Isabella, which prevented the madness of the pill.

"Of" Isabella suddenly stopped after she said it, and she raised her head in surprise. "Your Majesty, you just said..."

"You didn't get it wrong, Wendy had proposed to accept you as a member of the league, and I agreed with her proposal." Roland nodded. "Although the penalty is five years, you did a good job in Hermes. It is a reward."

Isabella stayed for a while before reacting. "But sire, I..."

“After joining the Witch Alliance, there is a fixed chaotic drink issued every month.”

"呃" The latter's "but" suddenly stuck in the throat.

"I know what you want to say, really..." Roland sighed. "You pure people always like to stick in the inexplicable places, or torment themselves. Besides, redemption does not require shackles and chains to achieve. I will always feel a headache when I prepare these things for you all the time. So at this time, thank you to Wendy like everyone else."

"Yes..." Isabella bit her lip and slowly lowered her head. "I understand."

"I know that you have been living in responsibility and command in the past, but it doesn't matter. One day you will get used to this new way of life." Roland changed the subject. "This meeting is a rare publicity opportunity. It should be held more grandly, but I don't want to waste time on the ceremony and banquet. You should know that no winter city has been attacked by evil beasts."

"Yes." When it comes to business, Isabella's look suddenly becomes serious. "You come to me, do you want to know about the evil beast?"

"Yes, after all, in the past 100 years, Hermes was the main force against the evil beast. I think the church must have accumulated a lot of relevant information."

Isabella did not hesitate to say, "I will tell you everything I know."

When she learned that the Winter City was suddenly attacked by the evil beast four days ago, Roland did not care too much at the beginning that he had experienced many evil moons in the West. Several years ago, people had been able to deal with them with wooden guns and firearms. What's more, today's army. Although there are a lot of evil beasts in the seasons other than the evil moon, the first army is fighting the devil in many areas, and he has no time to consider the reasons behind this.

I didn't expect the development of things to be beyond his expectations.

That night he received several telegrams from the North Hill Tower, and the situation became a sharp turn. A large number of evil beasts crossed the Takira line and launched an attack on the pioneering land. The garrison troops also resisted, but failed to stop the enemy's offensive. If the armored train was not put into support in time, the loss would be even more alarming.

Moreover, the report mentioned that several witnesses claimed to have seen ghosts like ghosts. They acted swiftly and quietly, and it was almost impossible to detect with the naked eye. Only when they were stained with blood, will they show their body shape.

This made Roland realize that he might seriously underestimate the ability of the evil beast.


When Isabella finished, Roland found that his guess was confirmed by the holy city of Hermes. The evil moon in the west of the Grey Fort is just a tributary in the sea. The type of evil beast is much more than the devil. Some hybrids have even been difficult to find prototypes in the beast.

For example, there is a very long body, a wild beast that can cross the surface, climb the wall, and a horned bird, a cold bird that threatens ordinary people, etc., are monsters that have never been seen in the West. At the same time, he also had a basic clue about the reason for this attack. A large group of evil beasts suddenly appeared in the back of the pioneering land, and in all likelihood, it was the wild animal.

But this still cannot explain why the winter situation will become so severe. Even if there is no huge wall like the Holy City in the rear, the First Army is also a newcomer with no experience, but the gap in the weapons is enough to make up for it. Perhaps people will fall into chaos at the beginning, but after the emergency plan is launched, the military should be able to stabilize the situation quickly.

In addition, he noticed that Isabella never mentioned the kind of ghost-like monster, which also caused him to wonder if it was a brand new enemy, or was the false report of the people in chaos?

At this time, a waiter walked into the room with a paper bag.

"Your Majesty, no winter city sent a new letter."

"Not a telegram?" Roland was surprised.

"Yes, this was delivered by an empty knight."

"Take it apart."

The paper bag contained a stack of pictures, and Roland spread it on the table, only to find that it was a true portrayal of the attacker. Obviously, these pictures are from the hands of Soroya compared to the text report, which is undoubtedly more accurate on the intelligence level.

It seems that even if they have no fighting ability, they are doing their best to protect their homeland.

Soon, the picture of one of the monster's bodies caught Roland's attention.

It seems to have been killed by a train, and most of the body is stuck to the iron plate, and its shape cannot be linked to any kind of evil beast described by Isabella.

"This hybrid, have you seen it in Hermes?" He pulled the drawing out and placed it in front of Isabella.

She looked at it carefully and then shook her head.

Instead, he stood at the nightingale behind Roland and suddenly uttered a whisper.

Read The Duke's Passion