MTL - Release that Witch-Chapter 1425 "Close your eyes"

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"To be honest, I don't know." Wajilis's gaze did not make the slightest evasion. "This is not the same as I expected. This is exactly what you care about, right?"

Roland has tacitly quoted it. He has discovered that nightmares have an indescribable insight into the human heart. Even in the martial arts associations, it is now very popular. It can be said that it is a wind and water. In front of such people, pretending to be confused is not very useful, and straightforward is the most effective way to negotiate.

According to the judgment of the other party, the emergence of the **** of God means that the Lord of Heaven has already made up his mind. Since it opened its mouth to the king, it basically cut off the possibility of pulling. Unless it destroys this floating land, it will never return.

"According to the truth, Heckodd, who is suspicious, will always pay close attention to the situation on the front line. Before you show enough strength, it is impossible to take action." Wajilis is like talking to himself. It seems to be a suspicion in his heart. "Now it is uncharacteristic, and it has reached some kind of consensus with Cerroshhi. It is not surprising that you are vigilant. But..."

"but what?"

"If the situation has changed?" It is a hand-to-hand, "the world is impermanent, no matter how appropriate the decision is made, it will become meaningless to leave the corresponding conditions. I can only guess, maybe other factors, make Heckzod Changed my original intention."

"But you don't know what it is."

"Yes, even you have no way of knowing, I am even less likely to know." Wakiris took a sip of coffee again. "If you don't ask, you can't guess anything here."

"So you have to write again?"

"This is indeed a method, but from the suspicion to the contact, the time may be quite long. The conditions at this moment will also change, and these uncertain factors will bring uncertain risks."

Roland was silent for a moment, then looked at Wakiris with some playfulness. "Are you inducing me?"

"The decision is always in your hands." The latter's look was unexpectedly calm.

"..." Roland didn't answer immediately. He shrugged and changed a topic. "Right, why do you only talk about Heckzod and hardly mention the silence? Is it impossible?" Part of the factor'?"

"Because I understand it." There was a sigh in Vakiri's eyes, and it looked out of the window. "Convincing Heckzod needs a lot of reasons, but convincing it is not needed. As long as it knows that I am still alive, I will not stand by."


God of God, the bottom of the Dianchi Lake.

“Is this really useful?” Silently stared at the owner of the Scorpio who closed his eyes in the pool.

"Maybe, maybe not." After a few days of rest, Heikezod has recovered a lot more than before. "But since you can't think of a better way, you can only try your luck first."

It knows that if you want to let the other side stand firm on your side, you must first resolve the two reasons for the silence. The king ordered the implementation of the second plan. It could not reverse it, nor dared to stand up and question the king’s strategy. Then the only breakthrough is in the "letter" of Wakiris.

A note and a few words are too sloppy, so more words and information? If you succeed in connecting with the Nightmare Monarch, the silence will surely become the most powerful card in its hands.

For this plan, Heckzod not only let his own capable cadres to personally monitor the signaling points in the north of the morning, but also sent two nobles to the foot of Hermes and the winter border, which they did not want to miss. Any possible response.

This unpredictable approach to fishing in the sea adds more uncertainty to the plan that requires luck, but Hecksod has no choice. It can neither expose the existence of the witch, so that Wajilis loses its attachment, completely lost in the conscious world, and cannot agree in advance to wait for the place to reply, giving the humans an opportunity to ambush.

But what the end result is, it has nothing at all.

After all, the news takes time, and the second **** of God driving the king is driving around the fertile plains around the clock. Once the second program is launched, there is no room for recovery.

"In addition... you should pay more attention to the mask than to care about this."

"What's wrong with the mask?" Silent frown.

"I don't know... I just think it's a bit strange." Heikezod shook his head. Since it returned here, it couldn't have been holding each other, but the mask that took over the West Line seemed to be long on it. The disappearance of time did not care, nor did it suggest that it take the initiative to report to the king in the past, this opportunity to press it over the face, the other party should not let go.

"The Lord of the Scorpio!" At this moment, Iasis suddenly walked into the grotto. "The human side has a movement!"

“So fast?” Heckzod could not help but be a little surprised. “What have you observed?”

It did not disclose its thoughts to a third party other than silence, even if it was West Asia. Therefore, the order given to the commander is that any abnormal movement must be reported to it.

“A male has erected a flag on the hillside where you want to focus on monitoring, and there is nothing in his side.”

The vertical flag does not occupy, which is extremely abnormal in itself!

Heckzod couldn’t help but look at the silence.

It’s only five or six days from the time the message was sent, and it’s too much worse than the half-month it’s expected. This can only prove one thing. The witch is not only in the high position, but also close to the top of the power, otherwise there will be no such efficient response.

"What did the eyebrows find?"

Although the witch in the area can't get involved, but in order to prevent it, it still has a symbiotic eye for the West Asians. The last long shot after the sudden appearance of the blond witch has still left the heart of the Scorpio.

"The basic sense is that there is no magic male. It should be a routine investigation of human beings. The existence of magic observers has not been discovered yet." Siassis hesitated. "Adult, what are you looking for?"

"When all this has a result, I will tell you." After Isiass left, Hecksod looked at the silence. "Are you going?"

"Do you still ask?" The latter had already put the helmet on his head.


Passing through the twisted door, silently walked towards the soldier under the banner.

This time, it did not deliberately hide the figure, and the other party quickly noticed the movement behind him and turned around.

Shen defaulted out of this male.

He was the last person to be delivered a letter.

This is undoubtedly a very unusual meeting. Humans do not scream, escape, or fight back, but wait quietly for it to approach. Although his breathing was obviously confusing, he did not step back in one step.

Until the two face to face, the other party opened the door.

"I believe that I have been sent, my companion?"

"They are still alive. Go back and I will release them."

The other party nodded and took a new note from his arms and handed it to it.

The pupil of the silence suddenly tightened up.

The above is still the text of the ethnic group, and has a distinct nightmare style.

However, the content is exceptionally short, with only one sentence.

"Concentrate, then close your eyes."