MTL - Release that Witch-Chapter 1460 Under the mask

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This is all because of Heckod's betrayal! Dear King, please let me kill it! "

In the holy seat, the **** roar is deafening. It can be seen from the blue veins that ignited from the top of the head and the hot air ejected from the mouth. It is a real anger.

The other Maharaja's face is also quite gloomy.

Only Nasopelle was expressionless and even wanted to laugh.

It’s really a bunch of idiots.

It has long warned them, but unfortunately, in addition to innocence, other monarchs will be suspicious of the collusion between the silent disaster and the Scorpio Lord, and take the initiative to do it. Even if it showed the memory to the king, these monarchs only suppressed the superficial doubts. I am afraid that my heart still wonders if it has angered the other side.

Just because it looks like a "monster" assembled.

In the end, they did not wait for the explanations of Heckzod and Cerroshhi, but they came to be the "God of God".

I’m blaming the traitor now, don’t you think it’s too late?

"The question is, can you find where it is?" The innocent did not care about the **** face. "Hekzod may now be hidden in any corner of the mainland spine, and the same family in Tianzhu City is likely to be forced to fall." It, in this case, without investing a lot of manpower, it is impossible to find a trace of a Maharaja. Say it..." It glanced at the other side coldly. "Even if you discover Heckzod, don't forget it. There is also Cerroshhi, who still knows who to kill at the time."

"You ---!" If this is not a holy seat, I am afraid that blood has already started.

"Respected King, I don't always understand..." Chaos squirmed with a fat body. "Does humans really find any evidence of divinity? Otherwise, how can it be with humans in the style of Scorpio? —"

"They have all done this. Are you still guessing the reason for the betrayal of the other party?" The mask sternly interrupted. "No matter what the reason, Heckzod has a lot of opportunities to report to the king. But actually? From leaving the West Line to the bottomless world to colluding with the silence, I have never contacted Wang Cheng from beginning to end! Obviously, this is a long-planned rebellion! If it is not my ability to get a new breakthrough, I am afraid that it will be long gone. Dead in the hands of Cerroshhi!"

The other monarchs were dumb.

This is a fragment that has been extracted by the king. It is impossible to make a fake, and Heckodd once wandered in the northern end of the twilight and was confirmed by the sentinel along the line. No matter from which point, it is not like making a rush. decision.

That's right, that's it... Nasopelle raised his mouth slightly, his memory couldn't be forged, but he could deliberately erase part of it when he transferred. And it chose to hide the clues about Wakiris, and reported to Wang. It’s also the body that has been hand-footed.

It turns out that this step is very wise. If other monarchs find that the two people’s rebellion may involve Wakiris, whose whereabouts are unknown, the situation will only be more complicated.

In that case, the date of obtaining the fragments of human inheritance may have to be extended backwards.

It never wants to waste a little more time.

"The masks are good, or focus on the floating islands of humans. They are obviously directed at the city." Innocently, please swear, "The enemy is suspended in midair, surrounded by firearms, and Not suitable for the **** and dead-minded monarchs. I only want to stop and think that I can stop them."

Innocent, like abomination and death, is promoted by the psychic warlock, but it is more biased towards close combat than the mentally controlled person who is confusing and controlling. This can be seen from its attire - basic The humanized appearance is wrapped in a black leather coat, and there is no armor under the body. It is like a sharp blade that gives up defense.

The two pairs of corners that protrude from the side of the forehead seem to be the only place that is different from humans, but Nasopelle knows that it is just its disguise. Innocent can actively reverse the feelings of the surrounding life body. This is a more powerful mimicry ability than the thousand shape. It has been experienced. When walking past the opposite side, consciousness autonomously treats each other as a stone without causing any alertness.

This is a seemingly viable candidate... or, in desperation, the choice - if there is no one, the fake face. The situation of a war can never be changed by the assassin, and the king will not agree with its request.

"No." Sure enough, the first sentence after the opening of the king is no, and I don't know if it is an illusion. Nasopelle always feels that the tone of the king is more indifferent than before. "The killing of the commander causes confusion at most, and replacing the commander is easy to expose itself. Human beings have witches who can detect magic, and at the same time do not rule out the existence of a large number of banned vectors. Your success rate is only 3%, and the escape rate is less than 100. One of the points can be said to be a meaningless adventure."

"Can other Maharaja -"

"The ethnic group is not only the Maharaja to fight, but the high-ranking promoters are also not to be underestimated. The human floating islands are equipped with the Western Stone Column. They cannot implement the No. 2 plan like the God of God. In the end, they still have to speak on their own strength. ."

"Wu Wang Yingming!" The mask opened his hands and said, "In fact, I have studied the way the worms are fighting. The iron birds seem to be difficult, but they are really fragile! As long as they dare to appear in the sky above Wangcheng, I will definitely give them a profound lesson!"

"Even the core instrument can be taken away by the worm, and your words are a bit credible?"

"If it is not a silent first move, how can I lose control of the **** of God?" The mask did not look at it. "The Western Battle has proved the potential of the symbiotic, and all I have to do is Further expand its range of applications. Even if it does not fly, they can pose a great threat to the iron bird."

"License. But not too much resources on the front line." Wang briefly returned.

"This is nature." The mask is hot and hot. "In addition, I have a new idea. If the magic is exported in an orderly manner, let it be released intact, we may be able to obtain some extremely powerful weapons of war. It’s just that the study needs to use the magic core. Can you give me a try?"

"There are extra cores in Wangcheng. You can try to verify the new idea, but you must not interfere with the core operation of the birth tower."

"Follow the Holy Spirit!" The mask lowered his head.

Dominating the Holy Ghost gradually fades away, and the magnificent body of the Wangcheng Stone Tower reappears in front of its eyes. Different from the past, there are a few more eyes above the black tower, as if you are watching the city below.

That is the king.

As far as magic is concerned, ten of them are far from being able to, and in the past, it will not even have the idea of ​​confrontation, but now...

The mask finished the mask and turned to the hatchery.

... Wang is only a part of the core.

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