MTL - Release that Witch-Chapter 4 flame

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"What happened in the mining area collapse, you can say it again."

Anna nodded and began to describe.

Roland felt a little surprised.

He thought that the other party would be silent, would complain, or would curse, but she just answered her own questions and asked what to say.

The story is not complicated. Anna’s father is a miner who works in the mine when he lands. Anna, who got the news, immediately entered the mine with other miners’ families. The northern **** mining area is said to have been the nest of underground monsters. There are many winding roads in it, extending in all directions. Since the rescuers did not have a unified command, they would scatter their search after entering the hole. When Anna found her father, there were only neighbors' Susan and Uncle Anker.

She found that her father was crushed by a cart full of ore and could not move, but a side of the miner was searching for the coins on his body. Seeing that his robbery was broken, the miner rushed up to knock Uncle Onker to the ground, and when he was ready to kill, Anna killed him first.

The neighboring couple vowed not to tell her about the matter, and the three rescued Anna’s father together. But the next day, before dawn, Anna’s father went out with a cane and reported the daughter’s witch to the patrol guard.

"Why?" Roland heard this and couldn't help but turn around and ask.

Barov sighed. "Probably for the bounty. Find and report the witch, you can get 25 gold dragons. For a person who broke his leg, these 25 golden dragons are equivalent to the protection of the next half of life."

Roland was silent for a moment. "The other is a strong and powerful adult man. How did you kill him?"

Just then, Anna smiled. Just like the waves on the lake, the flame tip of the torch swayed.

"It's the power of the devil you said."

"Shut up! Demon girl!" The prisoner screamed, but anyone could hear the vibrato in his throat.

"Yes? I want to see." The four princes were unmoved.

"His Highness, this is not a joke!" The chief knight turned his head and frowned.

Roland walked out from behind the knight and stepped forward to the cage. "If you are afraid, you can leave first. I have not asked you to stay here."

"Don't panic, she still has a lock of God's punishment on her neck!" Baro Gaofu comforted everyone, and it was like comforting himself. "The devil is no longer powerful and cannot break the blessing of God."

Roland and Anna, standing in front of the prison railing, were only one arm away, and he could clearly see the other person's cheeks covered with dust and scars. The tender five senses mean that she is not yet mature, but her expression does not capture a trace of childishness. Not only that, but even angry is hard to find - this uncoordinated feeling Roland has only seen on TV. It was the appearance of a wandering orphan who suffered from poverty, hunger, cold and other sufferings. But not exactly the same, stray orphans always lick their bodies and face down when facing the camera, but Anna does not.

Until now, she still tried to stand up straight, her eyes raised slightly, and she stared straight into the prince's eyes.

She is not afraid of death, and Roland realizes that she is waiting for death.

"Do you see the witch for the first time, adult? Your curiosity may kill you."

"If it's the power of the devil, you will suffer misfortune at a glance," Roland replied. "So you shouldn't be dead, but your father."

The fire in the cage suddenly changed. This time it was definitely not an illusion. The flame seemed to be suppressed, and soon there was only a small cluster left. He heard the rapid breathing and prayers behind him, and the muffled sound of people accidentally falling down when they panicked.

Roland's heartbeat gradually accelerated. He felt that he was at a wonderful demarcation point. On the other hand, he was a world of common sense. He followed the planned constants and laws and operated meticulously. On the other side is an incredible world filled with mystery and unknown. He is now standing in front of the door of this new world.

Is the lock of God's punishment hanging on her neck? What a simple chain, a red-clad iron chain hanging a crystal clear pendant, if not the witch's hands are firmly behind the back, this kind of thing can be destroyed?

Roland looked back at the crowd, and everyone was still panicking and praying. He quickly reached into the cage and grabbed the sinker and pulled it hard. The buckle of the pendant and the chain was broken. This act even Anna was stunned.

"Come on." He whispered. Are you a liar, a chemist, or a real witch?

If you pick up the bottle and can and start to configure strong acid, I will be disappointed. He thought to himself.

Then Roland heard the snoring, which was the sound of water vapor expansion - the ground was white and the surrounding temperature rose sharply.

He saw the flame rising from the other's feet, gently licking the girl's bare calf, and then the ground on which she stood was burning. The torch behind it blasted at the same time, as if it had obtained pure oxygen, it burst into a dazzling light. The whole cell was shaped like a white, and the screams of people were horrified.

The witch walked forward, the flame swam with her pace, and when she came to the prison, dozens of iron railings became fire pillars.

Roland had to step back, and the hot air bit the skin, making him unbearable. In just a few breaths, he returned to the midsummer from late autumn. No, unlike the heat of summer, this high temperature caused by flame alone cannot surround him in all directions. The heat wave on the side facing the flame is coming, and the side facing away is chilly. He even felt that he was sweating.

- She is not afraid of the flames.

Roland remembered the words of the assistant minister. It was not until now that he understood the meaning of this sentence deeply.

She is a flame herself, how can she fear herself?

Soon, the iron railing changed from deep red to bright yellow and began to melt and change. This means that they have been heated to more than 1,500 Baidu, and this step is done without any thermal insulation measures, which greatly exceeds Roland's imagination. Like other people, he is far from the cell and is attached to the stone wall farthest away.

If you don't do this, the high heat generated by the hot metal can make the clothes burn even if you don't touch it directly—such as Anna, her prison uniform has already turned into ashes, and the body is surrounded by raging fire.

I don't know how long it lasted, the flames all faded.

There was only a small section of the torch on the wall that burned quietly, as if nothing had happened. But the sweaty clothes, the hot air, and the prison bars that were burnt like the devil's minions, all told everyone that this was not a dream.

In addition to Roland and the Cavaliers still standing, everyone else has fallen to the ground, and the warden is even more scared of pants.

The naked Anna was standing outside the cage at the moment, and the shackles that trapped her arms were gone. She did not cover her body, her hands naturally hang on her side, and the blue eyes of the lake restored the peace before.

"I have satisfied your curiosity, adults," she said. "Can you kill me now?"

"No," Roland walked up and wrapped his coat around her, saying in the mildest tone, "Miss Anna, I want to hire you."

Read The Duke's Passion