MTL - Remarry, No Way!-Chapter 542 She is likely to go see my parents (2)

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Chapter 542, she may go to see my parents (2)

Xihe looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It is now seven o'clock in the evening. Is it not nearly eleven o'clock for Xihang to arrive in Nancheng? It’s too dangerous for a girl to be alone.

Xihang and Xihe are not the same.

Xi Hang is not good from a small body. If something happens, she will have no resistance.

Xi and the moment grabbed the hand of Mu Chucheng: "Would you accompany me to visit Nancheng?"

"Good." Without her saying, Mu Chucheng decided to do so.

Xi He looked at Chen Xiaolin again: "Xiao Lin, please help me take care of the warmth, let's go to Nancheng to find Xiaohang."

"You can rest assured, I will drive back to my house with a warm time. You should go quickly. Go to Nancheng to find Xiaohang earlier. What can I call me?" Chen Xiaolin immediately said.

"Thank you." Xihe hurriedly thanked him, took the coat and put on it, put on his shoes, and went out with Mu Chucheng.

On the way to the airport, Xihe said: "I am worried that Xiaohang will have an accident, so I want to wait for her at the high-speed rail station before she arrives in Nancheng."

"Do not worry, since I know that she is in Nancheng, I will let people go to the high-speed rail station to wait for her."

"it is good."

Mu Chucheng made the fastest flight to Nancheng, although the plane will soon arrive in Nancheng, but because they are now on the way to the airport, it took a little time to go to the high-speed rail station at the airport in Nancheng. So I am not sure if I can wait for her at the high-speed rail station before arriving at the South City in Xihang.

But Mu Chucheng will let people go there waiting for her, which also makes her feel at ease.

Someone was waiting for the Hehe and Muchucheng at Nancheng Airport. When they arrived, they got out of the airport and got on the bus. They went directly to the high-speed railway station, and Xihang was coming soon.

Xi He sat in the back seat of the car and looked out through the window. The South City in the night was still so beautiful, but she felt that there was a strange feeling.

This place where she lived for so many years, and later became a nightmare for her, she did not expect to step into this land again, it is under such circumstances.

She returned to the South City, and the changes in the South City were also great, but she did not have a slight mood at the moment to appreciate the beauty of the window, she only thought about Xi Hang.

On the way to the airport, Muchu’s cell phone rang and Xihe immediately stared at him.

"How? Did you find it?"

"Mu Shao, we sent a lot of people to stare at the high-speed rail station, and checked the shuttle bus of Miss Xi, but they did not find her figure."

Mu Xicheng opened the hands-free, so Xihe also heard what the other party said.

"She may not have been on the high-speed rail, leaving two people waiting there, other people scattered in the South City to find, Ancheng and other cities have to look for." Mu Chucheng was dull and commanded.

Xihe calmed down his mind and thought about it in silence. He held the hand of Mu Chucheng: "I think Xiaohang is coming to Nancheng, but it may not be a high-speed train. It is not this time."

Mu Chucheng took a look at her eyebrows: "Is the girl deliberately buying a ticket to confuse us?"

"She shouldn't have thought about it, just don't know why it changed time."

Mu Chucheng looked at her: "Where do you think she will go?"

Xihe frowned and thought about it, suddenly thought of a place: "She may go to see my parents."

"It is possible." Mu Chucheng said that he told the English driver in front of him: "Go to Xi and his parents' graveyard to see."

"I am not sure when she will arrive. I don't know if she is still so late, but no matter what, in the past, she can't come back to Nancheng for no reason. I definitely want to see my parents. "It is estimated that the child will ask her mother why she is so."

"Okay, admire, I will go there."

Mu Chucheng pulled through Xi and some cold hands on the palm of his hand and said: "When the accident happened, Xi Hang did not doubt why his parents would die?"

Xihe looked at her: "She was young, I just told her that my parents died unexpectedly, because this incident is also a scandal for you, so your grandparents are very strict. Later, Xiao Hang was sick. After she was ill, I took her to Ancheng. After living in Ancheng for so many years, I was safe and sound, knowing that you appeared..."

Mu Chucheng pinched her face: "So what do you mean by blaming me for appearing in front of you? If I didn't show up, can you warm up with Xihang and Xi's life for a lifetime?"

Xihe took his hand: "Mu Chucheng, I am not in the mood to make fun of you."

"Do not worry, most tomorrow, I will bring He Hangping safely to your face." Mu Chucheng dumb.

Xihe nodded and didn't talk any more. The closer he was to the cemetery, the quieter the road. At the end, basically no car except their vehicle passed.

Xihe has not come back for so long, and he has never seen his parents again. She sometimes dreams when she dreams. I don’t know if my parents blame her.

"Mu Shao, it is here."

Just as Xihe’s brain was in chaos, the voice of Ying Tong came, he stopped the car, and then opened the door.

"Go, go see."

Yingtong used a mobile phone to turn on the flashlight function, first in front.

In fact, for so many years, Xihe did not remember where his parents' graveyards were. Fortunately, there were also guardians in the cemetery, so they asked about it and went there.

Xihe felt that the light on the mobile phone of Yingying could not be done at all. He simply took out the mobile phone and turned on the flashlight function. Before going to her mother’s graveyard, she saw a small figure sitting on the ground. .

"That is Xiao Hang!" Xihe pointed not far away, shouted, and then ran quickly.

Xi Hang sat on the cold and damp ground, one hand on the ground, one hand on the tombstone of Xi and his mother, the upper body had already bent down, his face leaning against the tombstone, I don’t know if it was asleep or not.

Xi He walked over and patted her shoulder with her hand, she did not respond.

"Xiao Hang, how are you?"

I don't know how long she stayed in the cold outdoor. Xihe took her hand and only felt that her palm was hot and hot. Her eyebrows jumped and she put her hand on her forehead. The temperature, Hot and scary.

"Xiao Hang!"

No matter how Xihe called her, she did not respond.

Mu Chucheng also came over and touched her forehead with her hand. Shen Sheng said: "She has a fever." He glanced behind him: "British."

"Yes, Mu Shao." Ying Tong quickly came over and took off the coat and put it on her. She had already stunned her from the ground.

Read The Duke's Passion