MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 6984 : suddenly realized

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"have no idea."

However, the old nerve gave this answer without looking back.

Ye Wuque frowned again!

"I only know that every time the recovery ceremony starts, when it reaches a certain level, the location of the thirty-third floor will be sensed!"

"The coffin where Emperor Acacia is located will also resonate!"

"At that moment, perhaps it was the closest moment to the thirty-third floor!"

"The forbidden land is full of unimaginable disasters and curses!"

"Unless Di Xiangsi recovers completely and walks out on her own, whoever goes there will die!"

The words of the old nerve made Ye Wuque's frown slightly relaxed.

"So, there is still a chance to find it?"

Hearing this, the old nerve looked at Ye Wuque again, and said indifferently, "You haven't given up yet?"

"Do you have to go in?"

"Yes, I have a reason to go in, and no one can stop it, and you told me this reason." Ye Wuque said calmly but firmly, and spread out his right hand at the same time.

"The guidance of the nine supreme divine texts?"

The eyes of the old nerve fell on Ye Wuque's palm, where half of the power of authority formed by the nine supreme divine scripts was still there.

"Unless you lied to me?"

Ye Wuque added another sentence, his gaze became alluring.

"I didn't lie to you about the meaning of the supreme divinity, it really means that."

"When I first met you, I was still not sure of your origin."

"Even if you brought the other half of the authority of Eternal Night, the fishing plan has already started at that time, and I can't reveal the slightest bit to let the ominous notice."

"So to be honest, they already knew about the existence of the thirty-third floor of the Yongyetian Tomb, which is the place they fear the most and dare not go. It doesn't matter if this place is exposed."

"Besides, in my eyes at the time, even if you knew, so what?"

"I can't get in anyway."

"Until later, I saw you take out the great dragon halberd!"

"Seeing you fight and kill the nine gods again, I know that your coming, and it, may be destined."

"So, with the help of the plan, I will appear again and come to see you."

The old nerve opened his mouth slowly, and Ye Wuque's eyes flickered.

No wonder in that thirtieth floor, the old nerves would suddenly appear later!

I thought it was because of Xi Chong, but actually it was for myself, to take the final exam and make sure.

"Since you didn't lie to me, the result won't change in any way." Ye Wuque stated again.

What is his ultimate goal of entering the Yongyetian Tomb?

It is because of the guidance of the ancient bronze mirror!

Everything else is secondary!

The old nerve looked at Ye Wuque's calm but unquestionable gaze, and said nothing.

"My mission is to revive Emperor Acacia, I don't care about the rest."

"If you're ready to die, so be it."

The old nerves did not stop Ye Wuque.

It's not necessary, but the tone is not optimistic.

Even if Ye Wuque is an evildoer with a dragon halberd!

Ye Wuque could hear the unfavorable tone in the old nerve's tone, but he didn't care.

The most confident thing is naturally... the ancient bronze mirror!


You asked me to come!

Thirty-third floor.

Now that I finally came here, I just missed the door. If I can't get in, or if I get in, there are creatures waiting for life and death, and I can't complete the task. If you don't make a move, big brother, where will I save my face? right?

After all, Ye Wuque remembered it very clearly. Although the ancient bronze mirror was mysterious and inscrutable for a long time, it was dead silent most of the time, but in the most critical few times, he helped.

Brother Ye still knew this point.


There is another reason.

That's brother chic!

"Brother Xiaosa, if it's not here, where can it go?"

"Could it be that it has reached the thirty-third floor?"

"In its eyes, the coffin where Emperor Acacia is located is the last crucial thing it must find."

Ye Wuque spoke again.


"The thirty-third floor, a forbidden place, no living beings can set foot on it, and there will be no mistakes!"


The old nerve immediately denied it, but when it came to Brother Xiaosa, he seemed unable to figure it out.

Immediately, the old man frowned, his indifferent eyes looked at the whole white square again, and then his eyes gradually became dazed!

"The memory is gone..."

"But this square, it seems, seems to instinctively make me feel that something is different!"

Ye Wuque, who was on the sidelines, heard this, and became more and more sure that Brother Xiaosa, who sneaked in first, must have done something!

Even changed something, this kind of change made the old nerves who lost these memories instinctively notice it.

Brother Xiao Sa is very anxious and needs to come in by himself, so there must be some reason?

What will it be?

Ye Wuque also began to think.

He remembered the process of finding the tombstone!

Suddenly, Ye Wuque had a flash of inspiration!

The power of reincarnation!

Brother Xiaosa, when salvaging tombstones, you need your own power of reincarnation.

What about the coffin?

Do you also need... the power of reincarnation?

Brother Xiao Sa is gone now!

not here.

"Brother Xiaosa's mission is also the lovesickness of the recovery emperor. It came first, and what has been accomplished, the square that has changed..."

Ye Wuque looked around again, and finally moved his heart to look at the old nerve and said: "Now, it should be the best time to recover the emperor's lovesickness!"

"Don't waste any more time!"

"Brother Xiaosa, you should have completed a certain step ahead of time!"

As soon as these words came out, the old nerves that were still in a trance suddenly woke up, like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning.

"That's right!"

"It is the last hope!"

"It's time to start!"

Ye Wuque is also a little curious at this moment, what is the specific ritual of recovery?

The old nerve looked serious, and slowly walked towards the statue of Emperor Xiangsi, but his voice echoed.

"You've always been curious, I left a lot of behind-the-scenes from the thirtieth to the thirty-second floors!"

"The endless source of lower servants!"

"The endless ninety-nine return to one soul!"

"Endless coffins!"

"These are the means of recovery, but do you know what is the power that can really revive Emperor Acacia?"

Before Ye Wuque could answer, the old man took the initiative to spit out two words.

"God... Tribulation!"

"Endless power of divine calamity!"

"Enough and strong enough outbreaks of divine catastrophe, this can be called a life-and-death calamity for countless ninety-nine returning souls, but it is the greatest nourishment for Emperor Acacia's recovery!"

Ye Wuque was taken aback when he heard this, and then his eyes brightened!

"That's why the chance of 'perfect becoming a god' will spread!"

"This news and opportunity were deliberately released by you!"

"You opened the Tomb of Eternal Night Heaven and attracted generations of creatures from the three wildernesses to enter, so that enough ninety-nine return to one will emerge, escape the temptation, choose to become gods, and then collect their power of divine calamity?"


"There is still a twenty-ninth floor!"

"The countless divine fluids...are you also prepared in advance?"

"Slaughtering those lower servants, collecting their **** essence and converting it into divine liquid, can make the local creatures on the twenty-ninth floor... become gods?"

"It's no wonder that the twenty-ninth floor is peaceful, like a paradise, and those countless native creatures are the seedlings you can pick out!"

"That's why the legend of the 'All Gods Conference' appeared!"

"Just to let all the local creatures on the twenty-ninth floor use the divine liquid to start the divine calamity together? So as to collect the power of the divine calamity?"

Ye Wuque finally realized it completely!

Why did the Eternal Night Will try its best to destroy and invade?

It is an ominous instruction, they want to prevent the old nerves from collecting the power of the gods, but it is this behavior that makes them ignore the old nerves' real fishing plan.

A plan that kills birds with one stone!

Can be called wonderful!


In front, the old nerve spit out a simple word and gave an affirmative answer. It seemed that the painstaking efforts of endless years were only condensed into this one word.

The next moment, he stopped.

At this time, the old nerve had already walked in front of the statue of Emperor Xiangsi, very close at hand.

While looking up again, the old nerve began to shine with a faint brilliance!

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