MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 6988 : Three-step sage king consummation!

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Regardless of Ye Wuque's disregard, he already felt a great oppression, and it seemed that there were countless steel bars binding him all over his body, making his forward movement slower and slower!

"Still... not strong enough!"

A murmur sounded in Ye Wuque's heart.

There was a faint redness in his eyes.

Dou Zhan Shengqi has already boiled!

The combat power has already exploded to the extreme, protecting himself.

Ye Wuque abandoned all fears and kept yelling, as if his whole body had been sublimated to the utmost.

But from a distance, Ye Wuque at this time is like a flat boat in the raging sea, which will capsize at any time!

this moment.

Ye Wuque moved forward recklessly, and the crazy oppression from all directions made his body tremble continuously.

Inner desert!

The golden sea of ​​bitterness has already boiled!

There is still a small part of the ninety-second divine spring in the middle that has not been fully developed!

But under the oppression at this moment, under the terrifying oppression that he endured, under Ye Wuque's undivided attention and will to move forward with one heart!

Buzz buzz!

It was as if a radish had been pulled out of the hole, and following this opportunity, it was completely opened up in an instant!

On that ground, the golden spring water gushing out became surging and mighty!

It is no different from the ninetieth and ninety-first divine springs on the side!

The level of the three-step saint king is completely perfect at this moment!

Once every level of the Sage King is perfected, it is directly Dzogchen, and there is no small realm.

Ye Wuque, who was moving forward desperately, had a sudden look in his eyes!

He feels it!

His own strength has been enhanced again!

"You can carry... two breaths!"

And at this time!

The distance between him and brother Xiaosha has shrunk by one third.

What surprised Ye Wuque even more was that!

Brother Xiao Sa, who was struggling anxiously to interweave the reflection of the long river of time and space with the radiant silk thread, suddenly turned his head and looked in his direction!

A hint of excitement flashed in the bright little eyes.

Ye Wuque also stepped into the reflection of the long river of time and space, shortening the distance by one-third, but it is equivalent to shortening the distance of a long time!

It finally heard Ye Wuque's response!

Under the steadfast gaze of the God of Time and Space!

Seeing Brother Xiaosa again, Ye Wuque seemed to speak immediately and responded.


The original ten breaths.

At this point, half of it has been used!

Because of the consummation of the three-step saint king, his strength has gone one step further, and he has two more breaths of time.

In the remaining time, there are still seven breaths.

In theory, Ye Wuque should turn back at this time!

But without any hesitation, he continued to take a step forward!

The second step!

One breath.

third step!

the fourth step!

Two breaths passed.

The distance between Ye Wuque and Brother Xiaosa has almost shrunk again to almost half of the original distance!

At this time, Ye Wuque's body had already started to tremble, and bloodstains began to appear!

The chaotic and violent power reflected in the long river of time and space almost made Ye Wuque's self tear apart at any moment!

But he still has no expression on his face, his eyes are like knives, and the perspective of the God of Time and Space is staring at Brother Xiaosa!


Next moment!

Ye Wuque stared.

He finally heard Brother Xiao Sa's voice again!

On and off!


It seems that only these two words have been passed on.

But this moment!

After Ye Wuque glanced at Brother Xiaosa again, he began without hesitation...Turn back!

The time has come.

He had to turn back, otherwise, he would no longer be able to bear it, and would be caught in the reflection of the long river of time and space, which would be extremely troublesome.

But Ye Wuque could clearly see that Brother Xiaosa was still responding.


Brother Xiaosa is reminding him...

Susu Emperor Acacia, does he need his power of reincarnation?

But Ye Wuque had already thought of this!

And brother Xiaosha, although wretched and sometimes unreliable, is cunning and cunning, so he probably wouldn't have thought that he had examples of tombstones before and after, and wouldn't have thought that.

The reflection that pierced through the long river of time and space deliberately, just to remind this?


Ye Wuque understood that it must not be so simple.

But at this time, he was returning on the same road, and headed towards the inner white square again.

At this time, Ye Wuque looked extremely miserable!

The flesh all over his body has begun to crack, and the violent pressure from the reflection of the long river of time and space has begun to destroy him.

Desperate to die!

But Ye Wuque was still expressionless, and his speed was getting faster and faster.

But there is still a trace of anxiety in my heart!

Does brother Xiaosa only want to talk about reincarnation?

Blood, rendered from Ye Wuque's whole body, splashed into the reflection of the long river of time and space!

Three breaths, two breaths, one breath!

Like a blood man, Ye Wuque stepped out at the last moment, jumping out of the reflection of the long river of time and space!

But at this moment!


Ye Wuque stared.

He heard brother Xiaosa's voice!

Two words came again.

With a bang, Ye Wuque fell heavily back onto the white square, and slid forward, dripping with blood.

But he didn't care, instead he turned his head and continued to look into the reflection of the long river of time and space. Under the eyes of the God of time and space, Brother Xiao Sa's figure was still looming!

It doesn't seem to care about responding anymore.

Little hands wave faster!

The threads are boiling!

Brother Xiao Sa's expression became extremely solemn.

The reflection of the violent river of time and space began to shake, and the thirty-three beams of light slowly merged into one.

Brother Xiao Sa's small body seemed to be under unimaginable terrifying pressure, and began to tremble.

At this time, in the white square, the entire statue of Emperor Acacia has been completely submerged and wrapped by the original power of the Yongyetian Tomb!


Ye Wuque's thoughts were broken by a thunderous roar, and when he followed the sound, his heart was shocked.

I saw a...crack slowly appearing above the void!

The original power of the Yongyetian Tomb is shaken!

As if the statue of Emperor Acacia had been sublimated to the extreme, there was another abnormal movement.

The old nerves have rushed out at this time.

The tombstone of the emperor's lovesickness flew out at the same time, and fell towards the crack that appeared in the void.

As if to calm down.

But that pitch-black crack was extremely strange, as if it existed, and it was extremely upright, exuding a strong sense of death and horror.

From the dark crack, Ye Wuque actually vaguely saw countless terrifying visions!

Countless souls are falling!

The sky is falling apart!

A doomsday scene!

I also saw that time, space and time are rotating, boiling, and scattered, accompanied by infinite and terrifying taboo power.


In the deepest part of the crack, Ye Wuque vaguely saw a...


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